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    WTB: Upright Freezer

    Anyone has an upright freezer to sell? :)
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    WTB: Upright Freezer

    Looking for an upright freezer for EBM. If anyone has one to let go, please do let me know the model number and condition too. Thank you so much! :)
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    WTB: Upright Freezer

    Looking for an upright freezer for EBM. If anyone has one to let go, please do let me know the model number and condition too. Thank you so much! :)
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    @syann: You can make burdock soup for her. It helps to clear the toxins and stuff from her body. You can get burdock from NTUC.. [IMG=]
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    @loca: If your baby is latching on fine, then there's no need to get the freunulum cut.. [IMG=]
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    @Smiley74, I'm looking for information about the Baby Expo too! Wondering if it's worth it for me to go all the way down from Boon Lay...
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    (2010/10) October 2010 MTB

    Anyone has recommendations for a part time maid? My lil baby girl is due on 5 Oct and I'm looking for a part time maid to help out with all the chores and stuff for a couple of months before we can settle down into a proper routine...
