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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi Kris, Winniebear, My helper from Myanmar just arrived and she's a great help!! Still making adjustments to our timetable but hey, some help is better than no help!! And she gets on great with my lil boy... Thank God! Winniebear, I've an almost brand new Fisher Price Jumperoo that...
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi Kris, Wow.. you must be anxiously waiting to meet baby girl! That's wonderful, a boy n a girl! I hope I'll have a girl next too... even though it's hard to imagine having a 2nd one when my hands are full with my boisterous 9mo! Winnibear, haha, my younger sis who's already turning 31...
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    BEDOK mommies club

    Hi there.... Decide to pop in here since I'm quite an Easterner. Grew up n attended schools in Bedok, now staying in MP, moving to Bedok Reservoir next year! I'm a SAHM in late 30s with a 9mo boy. Would like to know fellow mummies with young bubs! Any good nurseries in Bedok?
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    BEDOK mommies club

    hi Winniebear.. I attend Wesley Methodist.
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi ILoh, Sounds like you've lotsa grievances with the CL!!! Poor thing, no contract right? Can you discuss with her on early release without further compensation? Vni, Search for my profile in fb n msn using [email protected]
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi folks, Sorry I've been MIA. Now into my 32nd week.. belly is really bulging, every few steps I take, I need the loo, baby's engaged since 2 weeks ago, dunno if he'll turn again! I do hope junior will pop out like 2 weeks earlier (edd 25th Nov), can't wait to rid of this weight and...
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi BB, I'm still ok for fri lunch. cya at Secret Recipe V_Ni, We can still arrange for next week
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    hi BB, Since you've cravings.. you pick the plc! See you all!
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    hi there!! Me Boy's mum too! There's also United Square where there're lotsa shops selling bb related stuff like bumwear. There's Soup restaurant, Bakerzin etc... Novena, other choices include Fish & Co, Lao Beijing n Ichiban Boshi. Square 2: there's Pasta de Waraku too
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    I'm in!
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Let's do Fri?! Novena or TPY? I'm more familiar with Novena.
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Yes, we'd a wonderful time at Cedele y/day! Nice leisurely lunch while it rained outside! Definitely opting in for lunch again next week Have a good weekend everyone!
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi Elaine, I've a gf who's using bumwear and she says it's very eco-friendly n convenient. Incidentally, I've just taken a brochure from their shop at United Sq today. Retailing at $27 per pc and the lowest package is 4 bumwear with 10 inserts for abt $168... you can choose to combine...
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi Ashley, I hope you're sleeping better now! Try not to take long naps in the afternoon if it affects your normal sleeping pattern ;) BB, You must make it on Fri... tell your office you've urgent pregger cravings to attend to! haha Elaine, Hope to see you too if you're feeling ok!
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    I've edited my profile to enable function to receive Private Messages
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi Ashley,BB I've emailed you my tel. We're meeting Fri for lunch in Orchard. Place not decided yet. Ashley, why aren't you in bed at 3.31am in the wee hours?? BB, good luck in your driving test! Be confident and relaxed, don't let your nerves get to you!
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi BB, how many weeks are you along now? Take it easy, relax as much as you can now before the baby arrives!! That's what every mother advised .. lol My session with <rs Wong only starts 1st week Sept and these 2 weeks, my yoga instructor's away, so I've been lazy too! ILoh and I have...
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Ashley, your blog is really interesting! Kudos to you for being so religious in updating it! I'm seriously too lazy to blog. You write well so do continue to inject your humour and anecdotes! Hehe, realise we share some similarities. My baby boy is due in Nov too (25th) and if I was...
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi Elaine, Which hospital is your gynae based at? My gal fren had some fibroid problems and she goes to Doc Chris Chen in Gleneagles. She'd minor op to remove the fibroids but she wasn't pregnant then.
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    First time mum-to-be in their 30s

    Hi Ashley, I'd just rtnd from the meet-up with ILoh n the other expat preggers... always look forward cos there's always good food! I'm glad you're SAHM too. I've quit in Feb to make bb n conceive one mth thereafter!! Let's arrange for a tete-a-tete one of these days! Do you practise...
