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  1. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi yippy, Ian is also drinking abt 240ml or more 3 x a day.....exactly like Z'en...depending on what he eat during lunch & dinner too...
  2. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    hi yippy, will it be a boy or girl? How do you feel having a number 2?? Will Dawn get jealous? I cannot imagine having a 2nd baby...... i heard from many friends that TMC is A shd be ok too if u have tried b4. I was at Mt E when having Ian.
  3. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    WOw YIPPY! Congrats!! When is ur EDD?
  4. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi mommies, Sleepymom, there cld be many reasons why your bb is crying...maybe u can try letting him sleeps in a sarong like what Cclyn did. My nephew used to cry every nite too...after my sister let him sleep in is so much better As for me i will preferred to let him sleep...
  5. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi mummies! Yeah, i do agreed with u tora, that maybe too much of those multi Vitamins may not be good. Ccyln, maybe u shd consider try harder letting Z'en have more natural fruits or veggies. Ian ate all kinds of veggies...even bitter gourd but he only eats apples & bananas...
  6. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Cclyn, Ian is still sick! Is cod liver oil good? I am not sure will Ian like the taste of it cos i cannot stand the smell leh. I haven't let Ian tries any Multi V yet, is it necessary? I thought that their normal diet should be good enough?
  7. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Yippy, HELLO! We are both doing well...accept Ian kept getting all the virus from school...the whole of january is down with flu...& he caught it again last week & is down again. Spent so much on his medical bill sian! How is Dawn? Have u sign her up for any...
  8. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hello Sleepymom, Welcome! This thread is a little quiet now, but if u do have any questions, pls do let us know...we may be able to help. I know exactly how u feel cos i am taking care of my son by myself too....don't be stressed, u will get used to it & being to enjoy your bb as he...
  9. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi yippy, Yes, ian will starts class next year January. It is a 2 hrs session...@ Forum. Interested to send Dawn there?
  10. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi cclyn, Ian is attending the playclub 1 (for 18mths - 42 mths) is a 2 hrs session..twice weekly. Today just went to make payment... Deposit : $200 Term Fee :$882 (for 10 weeks) Library Fee : $9+ The waiting list is so long, i have registered him since March this yr & he can...
  11. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Mommies..... Wow...i guess serparation anxiety for kids are unavoidable. Tora, good for you that your gal finally settled down at school. Anyway, Ian waiting queue @ Julia Gabriel finally end...they called me yesterday to confirm his placement for next year January. Ccyln, no...
  12. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi cclyn, No, i didn't sign up for the next term too...cos i can see that Ian is getting bored ...anyway..i am thinking of signing up the pilates program for myself at amore fitness centre..hehehe
  13. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Cclyn, Ya, i was so surprised to see that they actually give away certificate....very impressed! So far i didn't come across any others that give a cert at the end of the term & i guess it is gd so that when the little ones grow up they have something to look back . And yes! I signed...
  14. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi cclyn, Yes, i already signed up for next term. So, Z'en is at the terrific Tot class he already 2.5yrs?? Sure, will see u during freeplay Yippy, sound like fun leh the class at did u sign her up?
  15. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Mommies, i went to whitelodge @ linden Dr (Bt timah), very nice school & they told me that they have more than 20 diff nationality there...hehehe, tt's why they celebrate UN day leh. The teachers there seems so friendly & cheerful & all the kids there so cute...they have a...
  16. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi all mommies.... WOw! That's so nice of your company Tora, gd for u, so u can now have 1 more mth eh ccyln & yippy, today i just went to see another school at bt timah, very nice school but the distant is a problem....traffic very bad in the still deciding whether or...
  17. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi all mommies I also agreed with u gals...only these few places for shopping...but recently i started to bring him to sembawang shopping centre, not too bad lah, not too crowded. cclyn, i have changed Ian's MYGYM class to sat now cos he will be going for classes on tues too so i will...
  18. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    ccyln, hahaha, ya matter what...Z'en is only 2 yrs old leh...thou he looks & behaves more mature than other 2 yrs old children ...but seriously i am very impressed by him.
  19. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Welcome Moon! Yeah, angelia....good planning ccyln, i guess when children are so call "kepo" we shd encourage them more cos this will teach them so that they will be helpful rite...i saw some kids very helpful like waiting for me to get out the gate while holding for me ( i dun even know...
  20. R

    Any SAHM or MTB staying around Woodlands

    Hi Winnie, Although ur BB in afternoon class but still can bring him for freeplay on sunday leh Aiyoh ccyln, Z'en really smart leh..he is so helpful & cute.
