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  1. E

    (2006/01) Jan 2006 MTBs

    hi gals Confused wanna share with you gals that she has delivered yesterday at Mt E. Her baby gal gal weighs 3.5kg.
  2. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    mummies, how's everyone doing? phew, i'm so loaded with work and work and baby and baby. Today came in especially to share a good news.. Our dear gal, Confused has delivered at Mt E yesterday. Her baby gal weights abt 3.5kg and both mummy and gal gal are fine. Congrats to...
  3. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    help! mummies me very stress now... my baby gal xuan xuan has been refusing milk...arghh!! once her mouth touch the teat, she will scream and scream til like her whole body wanna stand up. It has been like this since yesterday....she will only drink during her sleep. When we brought her...
  4. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    gosh christina!! we are a good pair of angry mama today!!! my IL also very dirty!! can u believe last time my MIL let my BIL daughter play with old newspaper????!!!! This 5 mth old baby almost put it in her mouth, i immediately took it away from her!! my MIL can still ask me why i took it...
  5. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    re; bumper playmat. Temple, tks for the info! i have contacted the lady and i want one that has alphabets or numbers behind instead of a plain back design. I saw one before but she no more printing liao, but there maybe some in the future. So she will contact me once got new designs. I...
  6. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Re: in laws my FIL also like yrs, dun dare to carry soft soft babies.. even when she cry, he will just sit there and watch my gal wailing away even though we are busy. For yr FIL case, is yr FIL a sensitive person? cos mine is very very lor. So if u guys really decide to gently share the...
  7. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    Been feeling very pek chek last weekend... my MIL been grumpling about how my gal will not get close to her. MIL said now my gal gal is not taken care by her, we must try to bring her more often to her house. If not she will get too close to my mother. Wah Lao, hello, i try my best to bring...
  8. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    good morning ladies Temple, I am also keen in the bumper playmat. Roughly how much will it be? LG Prime Bumper Playmat 1)temple 2)raisintan 3)tingting 4)vone 5) Erowen
  9. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    reenie can underst how u feel. Me now at work really miss xuan xuan terribly. I will stare and stare at her photo. sigh My gal also need a lot of attention. Now my mum is looking after her also, but my dad has taken 2 mths unpaid leave to assist my mum. My gal dun wan to sleep in the...
  10. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    christina, it's good that you can bfg as long as you can. Dun worry, the skin is just a passing phase. Next time yr healthy baby will appreciate you very much one. =)) It was like my bad pregnancy rashes, got to endure. After delivery, it faded away. ixwong, how old is yr baby now? my gal...
  11. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    morning gals! wow, the pixs looks great! all mummies look so radiant leh. =)) Christina u where got fat! U look okie mah! And your skin looks very clear also. Cheer up, u are a pretty mummy. =)) Lib, ya my gal gal got the tan skin look, like my hubby, or or one lor. kekeke. How's...
  12. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hmmm, passing guest, think not very nice to post all the mobile no out cos very sensitive. Somemore got the baby name and dob. perhaps take out the mobile no wendyg, kekeke, ya cannot imagine jogging with 2 heavy watermelons. Me gonna stop bfg soon liao. sigh. my work is too busy...
  13. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hmmm, passing guest, think not very nice to post all the mobile no out cos very sensitive. Somemore got the baby name and dob. perhaps take out the mobile no wendyg, kekeke, ya cannot imagine jogging with 2 heavy watermelons. Me gonna stop bfg soon liao. sigh. my work is too busy...
  14. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    oh ya, btw for mummies who went thru c section, how long u wait to exercise? my gynae advised 3 mths but some of my colleagues said 6 mths...i miss swimming and jogging and i seriously need to burn off all the fats!!! adelyee, i used neo garden, i find not bad lor, portion very generous!!
  15. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hello gals!!! so long never login liao. how's everyone doing? wow this thread still very active! So good, u gals got gathering, me start work liao, miss my baby gal terribly.. Mummies at work, how do you cope with such feelings?? I feel rather sad at times. sigh Confused, how are u...
  16. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi gals Cakey i know what u mean abt the c section inner pain, i do experience that as well, and when i wake up, i have to wait for a few min to get up slowly. ya, the tummy wobbling is very disturbing but what to do.... btw are you seeing yr gynae for pap smear, i saw my gynae for the...
  17. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    mummytobe and cat tail, ya..really not easy to adjust to the notion that our MIL are going to take care of our babies. sigh. I have argue a few times with my hubby, i think he kena stress out by me liao. but what to do, i cannot just let my in laws do what they like to my gal. miso, i...
  18. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    morning ladies congrats christina! looking fwd to see yr gal gal's pix. =)) valerie, for my case, it was c section with epidural, thus hubby was allowed in. If you opt for GA, then hubby can't come in. Also no point, cos you will be put to sleep. Depends on what you are comfortable with...
  19. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    cakey, ya i was very anxious when i couldn't see him in the OT. like u, i also feel some sensation when i walked too fast, esp when i wake up every morning, i have to be careful how i wake up. I also dun know how's the internal healing. I visited my gynae yesterday and he saw things are...
  20. E

    (2005/08) Aug/Sept 05' MTBs

    hi confused, me also looking fwd to see your birth story, if i free, i will sure pop by mt e to visit u when u deliver. =)) seabreeze, give yrself the chance to try natural first, but of course most importantly you must be comfortable with your decision. For c section will be up to you...
