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  1. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi Joan, I'm still bf my boy who's 10.5 months. I find that my ss is also dropping over time. I used to have excess milk every day. Now it's just nice for his two feeds during the day when I'm at work. I tandem pump before work, express at lunch, after work, and tandem pump again in the...
  2. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi SSL, I'm just passing by and responding to your question on Yan Ping, the LC at KKH. I went to her for consultation twice - once for my mastitis when she helped me massaged my breasts to get rid of the plugged ducts (OUCH!) and second time to get her to see if my baby is latching on...
  3. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    I latch him on for the feed before he sleeps at around 10pm, but because he eats quite a lot of porridge plus fruit at around 8pm, he usually doesn't drink a lot before he sleeps. But somehow, he gets hungry at around 11plus - 12am and he wakes up for milk and I latch him on again. He usually...
  4. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi ladies, I'm currently still total breastfeeding my close-to 9 month old baby (he eats two meals of solids currently, going to introduce three meals of solids soon). I latch him on in the mrng and at night, and I pump every 6 hourly. My period has yet to return. Is that normal? When will...
  5. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Hi Lachesiz, are you still feeding Potato with Earth's Best Brown Rice Cereal? I went to Brown Rice Paradise just last Sunday and the lady said it's out of stock and new stock won't be coming in till 2 months later. Hence I bought this only other brand that was on sale (can't remember the...
  6. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi pageup, don't give up. Pumping regularly at 3 hour intervals is good. Milk supply takes about 4-6 weeks to be established, so just persevere. Get more rest, relax, drink lotsa water. Did U check if your pump is working properly? Perhaps on that day, your pump is not working well, and...
  7. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Thanks Lachesiz. Will go check out Brown Rice Paradise this weekend. Hope it's not very much more expensive than ordinary rice cereal. Just curious, why are you mixing both plain rice and brown rice cereal together then go to full brown rice later? Is it because the latter is harder to...
  8. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    LL, why should we avoid giving our babies citrus fruits? Sorry, me quite sotong. Jen, you are lucky. I'm using my second valve for the Avent manual pump for about 1.5 months and today, it kept "jumping out" when I'm pumping which is super irritating. Think I will either get a new pump or...
  9. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Hi lachesiz, where did you get the organic rice cereal? Also, how many times a day do you feed your girl with the cereal? My boy latches on, so I don't know how much he drinks in a day, and I don't want him to be so full on milk such that he doesn't take solids. Like you, I would like to bf...
  10. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Hi Duffy, you posted the website for the wrong mummy. Think it could be LL, instead of LH?
  11. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi Liz, I try to talk and sing to my baby when I'm bf him. Initially, I didn't do so, and one of my gf commented that bf is not just bringing the baby to the breast but must be more interactive. To all bf mommies, when do your babies grow out of the biting phase? My baby now is biting and...
  12. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Hi all mommies, any of you still giving your baby breastmilk? I'm thinking of continuing to give my boy bm after six months when he starts on cereals, but I don't know which brand of cereals are without milk. Heard that Heinz and Nestle have plain rice cereal without milk and you add in the...
  13. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    miao2, re: your flat nipple. I have an inverted nipple, so breastfeeding initially was very tough and almost impossible. I tried using the Avent Nipplette to pull out my nipple while I was still pregnant but not very helpful. Can still try though, but not when you are about 36 weeks onwards...
  14. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    boo, my boy also vomited milk from his mouth and nose once. It was scary and was like the merlion. We suspected it could be due to us having tummy time with him soon after his feed, and me overfeeding him and he guai guai drink. So the excess milk just came out quite violently. My lactation...
  15. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi kejo, are the breast pads still for sale? If so, you can email at [email protected] coco, could it be a nursing strike that your baby is going through? I've read about it and it usually happens when the baby is about 4-5months old. My lactation consultant also told me about it. It...
  16. N

    (2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

    Hi all, sorry, been MIA, but I do come in occasionally to read the postings. I'm a FTWM. Me can't be SAHM, cos I will miss the working life (being able to dress nicely, meeting pple etc). But I also regret not being able to spend time with Joseph. Re: burping. I also don't burp my boy...
  17. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Giggler, wow, how do you find time to sleep? I latch my boy on for his last feed (around 9plus or 10pm), at 2am and again at 6am, so that's only three times, and I want to konk out at work the next day already. But I do tandem pumping while my baby is feeding, so it helps me store milk for his...
  18. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi giggler, you mean 6 times in total during weekdays right? And not 6 times each day? I'm just counting and wondering how it is possible to latch on 6 times each day when you work in the day. I try to latch my boy on when I reach home but most of the time, he would have either just...
  19. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Tks aimee. Can I ask working mothers here who express during working hours, whether you latch your babies on when you go home? How many times do you latch your babies on at nights and whether you still express also? How about weekends? Do you let your babies latch on completely or...
  20. N

    Breastfeeding Support Group

    Hi, I have been total breastfeeding my baby for three months already,and I just went back to work this week. Just realised I have to visit a client's office and be based there for the next four weeks. Not sure if they would have a place/room for me to express breastmilk, and I'm not keen to do...
