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  1. C

    Support Group - Mid Term Termination Of Pregnancy

    Hi Furlin, Your account touched my heart becos we went through something. We had 3 MCs / termination of pregnancy before my wife gave birth to a baby girl. The 3rd pregnancy was something like a mid-term termination becos wifey suffered from incompetent cervix, the baby was coming out...
  2. C

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Dear ladies, Just would like to share our story (i am writing on behalf of my wife). We had 3 MCs / D&C before my wife gave birth to a bb girl. The pain, anguish, desperation we went through and till today remain a scar in our hearts. Would just like to encourage not to give up and...
  3. C

    (2010/09) September 2010 MTB

    dear folks... been lurking here for a while. just wanna ask for advise... my bb daughter need to go under phototherapy for jaundice...we rented a lamp and she cried throughout the night when under it...really pained us to see her like this & cannot do anything about her crying...
  4. C

    (2008/06) June 2008

    Hi ppl, I need some advise. Went for appointment yesterday and discovered that wifey has less than ideal amoetic fluid and after gynae made some measurements commented that the baby is not growing as fast as it should be. And he cannot find anything wrong with the baby - eg: bladder...
  5. C

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi ladies, Many thanks for the support. Wifey used to surf motherhood but she is staying away for time being until she can bring herself to do so again. I've got another query - there was one or two days that she experienced moderate flow - and she was wondering if that was her period...
  6. C

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi, i actually posting here to seek some advise from you ladies. During wifey's checkup last Thurs, doc discovered that there was no heartbeat in the foetus and there was apparent halt in development. We were nearing end of the first trimester (3 months) and thus was really shocked by this...
