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  1. D

    (2011/01) Jan 2011

    Hi hi to all! I'm new here on this thread. Glad to see so many Jan '11 mummies! [IMG=] My EDD is on the 13th Jan, currently with Dr Oei Pau Ling from Gleneagles. Gender: Boy. This is my number two. First one is a boy too, just...
  2. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    Dear leooh, you're in my thoughts and prayers... I understand for I've been there before too. Have a speedy recovery my dear...
  3. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    sauasagemuffin, each baby has his own timetable but here's mine. Sleeps around 8pm at night till 7am (wakes twice for night feedings) Two day naps around 10am and 2pm. Actually this varies greatly! All in all he sleeps about 2.5 hours in the day. Lunch at 1:30pm and dinner at 6pm. 5...
  4. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    cin, I don't use bjorn. Mine is a combi carrier. But I guess they are the same... yep, my shoulders and back gets tired real fast, like after an hour of carrying my 9kg boy. Phew! As for the compression of the thigh area, is there adjustable part for that? Jed will have some faint marks on his...
  5. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    thanks asf!
  6. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    sigh... almost wanted to go to the tampines sales but was afraid of the crowd... now a bit regret.... since you all say many boys' clothings. is today really the last day? ;P does anybody know?
  7. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    zhuzhu, haha! I would only dare to throw heavy magazine/newspapers on it if it's half dead (like yours!), but I wouldn't dare step on the mag!!! Nothing worse than a roach with its juice all out. woof, I had that experience too! The boys are always so enthu... there was this boy who used the...
  8. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    inu, same... no time to buy new clothes for myself... and almost all my clothes are black! siao liao...
  9. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    pooh, so what do you prefer? working or staying at home? ;)
  10. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    ewwww....... zhuzhu! so scary!!! I'm TERRIFIED of cockroaches! I will take an umbrella, open it, guard myself with it and spray half a can of shieldtox just for one roach. In case roach flies, I can deflect it with my big umbrella. ;D ;D
  11. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    alsie, anymore infor? like opening hours? is it worth making the trip there still? thanks!
  12. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    jete, poor paige and poor you! *sayang sayang* hmm... Jed's diapers are always bursting in the morning... does paige feed in the night/middle of the night? i think it's just me lah... a little of a clean freak.. :P I must dust mop every other day, laundry everyday, etc etc... keehee...
  13. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    loh, once the puree freezes in the tray, pop them all out at once and put them in a ziploc bag or tupperware and then label it. So much easier to just take out a cube from the bag when you need it! jete, how do you find the time to come online in the afternoon? I can only peel myself away...
  14. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    cin, it's normal that bm makes the rice more watery than other liquids... don't know why also. First few attempts should be runny and watery, then increase consistency if Titus is able to swallow well. pst, I bought those ice-cube trays from those shops that sell all kinds of containers...
  15. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    hi choco, I remembered reading somewhere that green poo indicates poor digestion. It also looks whitish to me, another indication of bad poo.... Don't mean to scare you but better consult a pd.
  16. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    zhuzhu, hope you're feelin better now... My hubby is like that too. He's supposed to decide on Jed's insurance policies after going through with our advisor... it's 5 months and he still has not gotten off his ass to look through the files. I wanted to kill him 2 months ago but now I'm just...
  17. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    leooh, how's that Globetrotter's Restaurant like? Is the room big enough for us to move around freely to mingle? Sorry.. cos me a bit claustrophobic... esp when there are many people squeezed into a small room. ;P
  18. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    choco, same same... mine started in December and I'm still tbf! Very regular some more... Came on the 6th for both months. ;D
  19. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    an_gal, thanks! You can try your hand at making them too! I included the instructions for some of them... now I just need to find time to tidy up my categories so you guys can search for them... I've always wanted to try working in a Japanese environment... I took my Japanese Language...
  20. D

    (2007/08) August 2007 MTBs

    nining, you got it right there about the poo poo! Really hilarious when we stop and think about it huh? ;D
