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  1. J

    Any Porridge Recipies to Share??

    Hi Thumbprint, Could U PM me the link too? Thanks thanks! ~
  2. J

    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    hi fairymoss, pinny, happygal & kwan... tks!! good to know that my DS is kind of on the right track =) pinny yes, like yours, my DS is also showing an increasing desire to walk (altho very slooooow). happygal dun worri, like fairymoss said, our kids' juz nid our cheers and praises to...
  3. J

    (2005/12) Dec 05 mums-to-be

    hi dec mummies, blessed CNY to you & yours juz curious if most of your kids are already walking... cos my DS is coming to 15 mths and he's only able to stand steadily for a few secs on his own. not that i'm worried but juz wondering how do you encourage your DD/DS to take that 1st step on...
