Search results

  1. M

    Any good maid for transfer

    Hi Bijin, I have PM u my contact aredi.. Pls check ur inbox. Thks!
  2. M

    Any good maid for transfer

    Hi Mummies, I haf an Indonesian maid for transfer. She has only work for me for less than a mth. Reason for transfer : my DD just doesn't like her coz misses the old maid.. So rite now, I am getting back my old maid and nid to transfer my present maid out. Maid's name : Lasini 28 yrs old...
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    Any good maid for transfer

    Hi Mummies, I haf an Indonesian maid for transfer. She has only work for me for less than a mth. Reason for transfer : my DD just doesn't like her coz misses the old maid.. So rite now, I am getting back my old maid and nid to transfer my present maid out. Maid's name : Lasini 28 yrs old...
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    Advise on Baby & Maid Exps

    Hey Kim, sorry to interrupt, but where do u get ur CCTV?? Am tinking of getting one for my hse to monitor on my maid.. And another question, have u send any maid back home b4?? Wats the procedure like?? Coz I am sending my Indo maid home asap as I found out recently tat she has a bf..Den for the...
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    Anyone has good maids for transfer

    Hi Chloe, Wonder if ur maid stil available? I need a good transfer maid tat can look after my one yr old daughter and 6 dogs.. My present maid need to be sent back asap as I recently found out she has a bf.. Sigh... So if anyone has a gd transfer maid, do sms me at 92706580. (PS : I prefer maid...
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    Birthday Cake pics to share

    Hi 2galswithlove, I happen to have the contacts of Vivian. You can call her at 96539808 or email [email protected].
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    Anyone Staying at Bukit Panjang or nearby?

    Hi sunnysun, my bb name is Sheyenne Chan, Girl, , BB's DOB 21-07-2006 Senja Blk 629, Remarks :FTWM msn add : [email protected]
