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  1. H

    IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

    CONGRATULATION MICKY....i told you you will make happy for are really the lucky one!!!! Happy and smooth pregnancy...............
  2. H

    IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

    Micky, I will definately jia you....I also regret like koala....should go earlier cos age really plays a part......sighs........I think since you had succeed will stand very high chance.....good luck!!!
  3. H

    IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

    micky, by the way, I have some symptoms but failed.
  4. H

    IVF/ICSI - cycle buddies

    Hi micky, may I know which doc you seeing??? How much you spend per cycle?
  5. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    thanks blur blur and hui.....thanks...
  6. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks yvonne, blurblur....and all sisters who help...I really appreciated...thank you so much......
  7. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Renee, sorry for being so lor soh....are you taking any medicine by the sinseh at meiling street or you just do the accu only?
  8. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks bba...I will definately take a break 1st but i will not give up any ways to achieve my dream..... renee...thanks for sharing....I don't mind the pain too but just find that the distance a bit far....I am staying at ang mo my hubby actually suggest to go Dr Zou at ang mo kio...
  9. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Thanks renee and nanz....thank you so much...Renee, I heard the meiling street accu very painful leh...isn't true??? So it does help u to conceive????
  10. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Hui, can you tell me who's you sinseh??? Please pm me. Thank you!!!
  11. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Thanks jo, dodo and blurblur..... Dodo, I also plan to do tcm 1st....have been through 2 cycles...very xiong and tiring....better tiao my body 1st.....
  12. H

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Dear sisters, I know I am not suppose to be here but I just want some advise from you all....I just failed my 2nd cycle and I plan to do accu...can advise which doc is good? Is Dr tan from clementi or Dr Zou at Ang Mo Kio? I really in a loss now and hope you all can help me....Please...and...
  13. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Hi, all sister, as i expected....I failed again. My AF show face today...I had wrote a letter to my doc and said that I will not go for the blood test...I am so sad. Thanks for all your encouragement during 2ww. There's no miricle for me....My hope crashed!!!! By the way, I am planning to...
  14. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Blurblur...thanks for sharing. koala, i will check my mail. thanks. All sister...i try to tell myself don't worry...anyway I stand very slim chance but i just can't control tummy not so bloated liao and seem like the cramp also gone...don't have it last night...i think it's...
  15. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    oh....ok. so did you went for your acc during this 2nd cycle?
  16. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    thanks koala.....
  17. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Blurblur...your this time is another fresh cycle or FET????
  18. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Koala..i had pm you.
  19. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    Dodo..i also cried few days when i failed my 1st ivf...think least you still have embryos but for my case...i don't have you still stand a chance. If i fail again, i don't even have chance to go for FET...i believe you can get over it....jia you!!! Hui....thanks...
  20. H

    IVF/ICSI/IUI - 2ww

    so hui, that is consider cramp feeling?? but why only happen at time nothing at all....but i don't have bloated breast or sensitive nipple leh.... enhui...i don't think so...i read some sister here also have this feeling but not i don't think so....i will be doing...
