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  1. A

    2016/08 August babies

    For those who had very bad ms, are you all having boys? I have no such problem in my first pregnancy and this 2nd pregnancy. I suspecting i am having gals. I see my friends who have very bad MS are all boys.
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    2016/08 August babies

    I just added you as friend.
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    2016/08 August babies

    I think Arissa is having problem with the FB set up. Arissa if you dont mind, let me do it. Is quite easy.
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    2016/08 August babies

    I was very ill last month having stomach flu, fever, cough and popping a lot of pills. I have also seen a few doctors and a Chinese physician. Just happen I missed my mense due date which made me even more stress bcoz I have take like more than 15 days of different antibiotics and all kinds of...
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    2016/08 August babies

    Dear all, stay positive and relax. My first pregnancy I was freaky panic... Keep running to gynae. This time round I feel super relax not feeling anything or morning sickness. Just like normal. Only thing my tummy bulging out quite obvious because after give birth tummy muscle has loosen up. My...
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    2016/08 August babies

    I think you need to add us as your friend first before u can add into the group.
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    2016/08 August babies

    Yes I am doing the paranoma comphrensive test with microdeletion. Is 99% accurate for NEGATIVE. But according to gynae if positive it doesn't mean is confirm 99% has Down syndrome. Same like using pregnancy kit the other way round if it is positive then is confirm 99% pregnant but negative is...
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    2016/08 August babies

    Yes very expensive. You see most of the time from head to toe she is wearing Chanel Prada. How can her fee be not expensive. LoL... But she is very nice and patient. The reason i change gynae is because i prefer gynae nearer to my place. Paragon very inconvenient for me as i stay in serangoon...
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    2016/08 August babies

    I am 7 weeks 5 days today. I just had first appt with gynae today. Everything is fine. Anyway this is my 2nd child so i calm this time. Next appointment in 4 weeks time and i will doing the NIPT which is called Paranoma. Anyone doing NIPT? The test cost close to $2K :(
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    2016/08 August babies

    My first pregnant I went to Dr Chee for 1st trimester only because her fee very high. Just 3mth I spent $3k
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    Need a good Indo or Filipino transfer maid. No agent please

    I already have one maid however she is currently overload with house work and i need another maid to share her workload. Most importantly she must not mind working in a big house and with dogs.
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    P.Feather Three Panel Surgical Abdominal Binder (Hospital Grade)

    Hi I have a BN P.Feather Abdominal Binder size S (30-45inch) which I want to sell at $40 or exchange with NTUC voucher $40. All mummies who going thru C-sec will need this. Interest pls PM me.
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Wow looks like three quarter mummies have delivered. I am still waiting for my turn. So anxious to see my LO. Celia, I think FTM is usually to have longer delivery and I already mentally prepare I just hope can be shorter and easier. I hope you have a CL to help u thru. After all taking care of...
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Wow I didn't log in for a few days to the forum didn't know so many mummies have delivered their babies. Congrat to all... I am excited yet nervous as day by day get close to EDD. Chu Yi, you are FTM right? I like your birth story leh so fast. I hope I also have a easy birth. Keke...
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Pocketpig Jia you on bf! Actually first few days very little BM or none only colostrum. You just let bb suck for comfort anyway they have buffer in their body and they don't drink alot. My friend also FTM and only feel letdown after 7 days. She said she feed baby none other than BM. If problem...
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Pocketpig and Valerie, congrats!
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Yes tampines is nice place. I grow up there and my parent are staying there. I only move out of tampines after I gotten married and stay with my in law. I also go back to parent place every weekend. If got gathering at tampines call me! Keke
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Merry Xmas to all!
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    Joey, Congrat on your baby arrival! Good that you and baby are well. Dolphin, drink abit can la. I don't think coconut induce birth. I know cannot drink too much else baby will get asthma.
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    (2013/01) Jan 2013

    This afternoon i walk in to see gynae for the pimple/boil. He give me some medication for inflammation, antibotics and ointment to apply. within an hour the pimple did burst and instant relieve for me. Now finally can walk and sit properly. Phew....since my review appointment is just another few...
