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  1. MXLO

    Recurrent Miscarriages

    hello I have pm you my contact details. Pls add me to watsapp group! Thanks!
  2. MXLO

    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    I am returning 100 red eggs at tpy 双林寺 today. Can come after 2pm. Baby dust to all!
  3. MXLO

    Mdm Valencia Tan - Reiki Healing

    You can google about Reiki healing online. Re her charges, best you ask her. My total per session including Reiki is about 2 hours. The reiki itself is 1 hour. The rest is chatting. :)
  4. MXLO

    Mdm Valencia Tan - Reiki Healing

    1st of all I am NOT advertising for Mdm Tan nor do I get any monetary gains for writing this. I just wanna to share with you on my trying-to-conceive journey. Its gonna be a long story so have some patience. I got married last year and was trying for a baby when I discovered i got pregnant in...
  5. MXLO

    2WW - for those TTC-ing

    Dear all I am here to sprinkle baby dust to you! Finally expecting after a miscarriage in March this year. So here it is, my rainbow baby! :) Just to share what i did:- Practical wise 1) BBT using fertility friend 2) OPKs using cheapies and Clearblue 3) Saw TCM, Dr Tan in Clementi (2 and...
  6. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    wah alot of new mummies joining! Yippie!! @mommymich - yes you will be able to see at least sac and fetal pole at 7w3ds and of cos heartbeat
  7. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    Smooth and healthy pregnancy to all!!
  8. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    @jubileebaby - sorry to hear what you have to go thru. Words cannot express how much i feel for you right now. All the best and please nurse your health back properly. Avoid cold and refrigerated stuff ok?? BIG HUGZZZ Something for you:- I would like to convey tonight is that after surviving...
  9. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    @Eeznyl Jia you!
  10. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    Babygaga! Congrats! ! Do rest well! ;)
  11. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    Big hugs Eeznyl........all not lost positive ok.......
  12. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    All the best eeznyl! !
  13. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    i intend to look for 1 after i hit 12 weeks.
  14. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    @starrymommy - u stayed in the single or double?
  15. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    what are the charges like in Mount A? Must come out cash alot or not?
  16. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    Boy or gal does not matter to me. So long as healthy can already. ;)
  17. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    mylilsheep, mine he did not say yet, i believe he will brief me once the 1st tri is over. Consider stable already then tell me.
  18. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    i am always feeling so sleepy after lunch. I had soup spoon for lunch. Chicken and mushroom ragout, half a wrap and small pkt of chips.....BURPSSSSSSS :oops:
  19. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    hello kkstar123! Congrats! Whoa we have quite a number of 2nd and 3rd time mummy-to-be!!
  20. MXLO

    (2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

    i will most probably get a confinement lady. ;)
