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  1. A

    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hey mummies, Will you allow your baby to use a walker? Read that it will hinder development of babies' balancing capability... but thought that it can be an interesting activity for baby if used wisely and not abused. Any comments?
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    ecookie, Similar to your son, mine sleeps at 9-10pm at night, stirs at 2-3am for a feed, sleep again and stirs at 5-6am dunno for what, then wakes up at ~7am. Whenever he stirs for no apparent reason, I'll just flip him from one side to another (coz he sleeps on his sides), pat his back for a...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hey mummies, Speaking of holidays, I just came back from a 3D2N trip to battam last week. Stayed at the Villas at Battam View Beach Resort for 1N at S$200+ ( and holiday inn batam for another (hubby can redeem free stay). The Villa's built just next to the sea and you...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi gingerleaf, My son seems to have a needle stuck to his butt. He doesn't like to sit but he loves to stand up (with us supporting his underarm) and wobbles to and fro
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Sigh... Can feel for Lance's mummy... Salute you for being such a strong mummy... Hope your son will recover well soon.
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi Deedy, Thanks for sharing the knowledge gained during the seminar you attended Hopefully my son will wean himself soon... Actually, my PD also said that it is not necessary to introduce solids now coz my son has sensitive skin, but if I want to introduce, I can try rice cereal or apple...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi unice, My son's neck doesn't show much too and used to develop painful looking red lines. My PD asked us to used nappy rash cream on the neck too and it helped
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi aidan9978, Sometimes I also run out of stuff to do to entertain my son. Like you, I showed him books and he'll try to bite it. He gets bored with hanging toys quickly thus I keep changing the toys that were being hung there. You might want to try sewing a strap on small soft toys so as to...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi strawberrymum and gingerleaf, My son's birthday's on 2nd Oct Hoped that his birthday can coincide wth children's day and started pushing on 1st Oct before midnight, but he decided to come out later :p My son's rather big size for his age thus has yet cleared the milestone of crawling. He...
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    (2007/10) October 2007 MTB

    Hi mummies, I'm new to this thread and would like to share my humble experience as well as hear from yours My son's currently 5 months old, 9kg (quite a huge baby :p) and has been having rice cereal for 1+ month now (1 feed of 2 spoonful per day). He is taking 150ml FM and still wakes up...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Jazzyjas & YB, Hiccups r like bb movement at regular interval and feel like the whole bb "jumping" like that. Not the usual irregular bumping or poking around. I didn't know bb can hiccup too. Learnt from a friend whose bb hiccupped during her ultrasound scan
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Japepearl, I'm currently a happy punching bag for bb. Oh by the way, I'm expecting a boy. Please help me update the list when you are free ok Thanks in advance Hehe, maybe not going to see dentist unless I pass by the clinic coz the tooth feels better now :p I see my gynae once a month. Even...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    kite, brown ah? better call to check
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    kite, My gynae said 1st trimester cannot have intercourse... 3rd trimester also cannot ah? 2nd trimester leh? If throughout whole pregnancy cannot, then our hubbies r so poor thing! Haha!
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    missmoon, Thanks for the info I'm still considering whether to go see dentist... coz never liked to see dentist and dunno how big a deal is a chip in a tooth. kite, I do drink milk leh. Average 1 1/2 cups (~600ml) per day. I also take cheese or soya bean milk frequently. Sigh... dunno...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Angeline, Haha, once I start on chocolates, I can't stop too! Ooo.. especially dark ones... ooo... aiyah, better dun think too much :p Oh, my hubby and I also dun have honeymoon too :p But he accompanied me to Chicago for a conference where we made our pleasant "accident", so just take it as...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    jurong gal, I've craving for sweet stuff... especially coke! So unhealthy! Love chocolate too, but no strong craving... err... yet I read an article before stating that chocolates r good for BB due to the "feel good" hormones I think But cannot eat too much until u put on too much weight or...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    missmoon, I agree about the hormone thing... just goto keep changing our lifestyle or products that we use to suit our body as we continue to change.
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    Jazzyjas & missmoon, Can try changing your facial wash to a less harsh one? I used to use my hubby's Shokubutsu facial wash for oily skin during 1st trimester... at first it was fine coz skin was oily and pimply then. Then during 2nd trimester, my whole nose and forehead started to flake...
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    (2006/07) JULY 2006 MTB

    YB, $12 for maternity pants still can bargain ah? So shiok! Sigh, my cousin gave me some obiang maternity wear. At first I was sure that I won't wear them. But after going to maternity shops in Singapore, I've "resigned to my fate". No choice, no matter how obiang also must wear, save $ mah...
