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  1. M

    Any good pediatrician to recommend in AMK/TPY/Bishan/Thomson?

    we go to SBCC too but to Dr Ong Eng Keow at TMC
  2. M

    Urinary tract infection + MCU

    Hi, was suggested DMSA by Dr William Yip but her usual pd/Dr YYYip said it's not necessary since her annual kidney ultrascan showed that both kidneys are of normal size and she did not have any recurrent UTI. how to insert the tube when the baby is screaming and pulling away? it definitely...
  3. M

    Urinary tract infection + MCU

    Nonsense! my elder dd went through 2 or 3 MCUs all with sedation! my girl in her sleepy state was still able to tell us that she wanted to pee and we assured her that it was ok to pee and that's how the x-ray was done! dd had hers at Gleneagles Hospital..pretty fast, about 20 mins and she was...
  4. M

    Any Good Pediatrician to recommend?

    my 2 gals are with Dr Ek Ong too. We are up in the west but still travel all the way to TMC to see him.
  5. M

    Urinary tract infection + MCU see whether there's any improvement over the years. reflux is graded...1 to 4, the higher the grade, the worse it is. the procedure is pretty fast...hmm..about 20 mins?...can't really recall as it was done 4 yrs ago. i did mine at gleneagles. yes, a parent is allowed to be inside...
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    Urinary tract infection + MCU

    hiyee... my second dd sees Dr Ek Ong too! anyway, when elder dd did her first MCU, she was given the medicine for her to de sedated but she vomitted out the medicine and Dr Yip said to go ahead with the MCU...yes, she screamed and struggled throughout the ordeal (she was 9 mths old then)...
  7. M

    Urinary tract infection + MCU

    maybe i can offer some help on this. my elder dd had diarrhoea and fever which just refused to subside when she was ard 9 mths old. pd immediately did urine test and urine culture was done and was diagonsed as UTI. MCU was followed later and we discovered she got reflux which causes the backflow...
  8. M

    PCOS patient and trying to conceive, pls share experience here.

    me! i got PCOS and got preggy later through IUI
