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  1. H

    Any1 knows where to buy Rice wine?

    Confinement red wine hong zao jiu for sale, pm if interested. Thanks.
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Returning eggs at TPY 双林寺 on 5 June at around noon. Baby dust to all!
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    If baby cannot sleep well, must 拜床母.
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Quiz for Everybody For each picture (namely A, B and C) (1) What is the festive occasion? (2) What are these people doing? (3) Do you think food offered can be consumed by human? Give reason/s. Picture A : 七月,拜孤魂,不可以 Picture B:七月,拜祖先,可以 Picture C :清明,拜祖先,可以
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    请神容易送神难咯。送神是有步骤的。 老师知道也看过不少人突然去jiaa-gkao (‘吃教’的福建/潮州话))(consult your Hokkien/Teochew dialect speaking friend the meaning of 'jiaa-gkao')。请走神像时,找人把神像丢进plastic bag,然后扔进rubbish chute. 屋主整家人和那个丢神像的人,最后都kenna. 不是什么好事。老师不说了。 老师,我有去庙看日子,然后去双林寺通知将把关公请去。请去双林寺前一天,我们有烧香向关公禀报。...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    一. 就是当着若无其事. 如果不去理他,他会自动走吗? 如果有spirit在家会不会对屋里的人不好? 二. 自己请走 - 有两种(1. 请附近神明(不是跳童的)去你家. and/or, 2. 吃斋念经(老师免费教你,no short cut, 不过要拖上长时间) )如果吃斋念经可以把阿飘请走,请老师指点。 三. 找人送走 - 这个要花钱。装神弄鬼的人很多,不要上当了。新加坡很少有这类本事的师父。神通眼/鬼眼的人,即使看到不太要讲出来。其一的原因是,会吓到屋子里的人。...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师, I have a problem. Have been thinking if I shld post here and seek your advice cos it's not related to zsnn. I suspect there is a spirit in my house. I can sense it. It has been there for weeks already. I can feel that it is harmless, but sometimes I feel uncomfortable. Eg. a few days...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Goddmummy I read somewhere that both husband and wife must be present to grab the petals wor. No worries, this year can't go, next year go :)
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    I'm unable to go, as my hubby will be working late :( Nonetheless, I wish everyone who's going will get the petals :) And 将心比心, if you have got your petals, please move aside and let those who have not got it have a chance. Hope the situation will not be chaotic. Good luck and Happy...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    Hi Acala you can refer to this: Call before you go, to check whether are there anymore slots. Thanks Teacher for your previous reply to me. :)
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    4)突然想到还有一种人- 人家欠他钱,他去追。可是欠债人说没有钱还他。债主没办法,很不甘愿说算了不用还。心里却放不下,耿耿于怀,有憎恨。来世还会向欠债人讨债吗? 对不起老师及个位网友,我这么多问题 :oops:
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师,谢谢您的指点。 1)回答您的问题 - 如果aunty 一直找不到人还债,可以以债主的名义把钱捐给慈善机构吧。 2)但是您的option 1 启发了我的想法。若起憎恨,因果没完没了 - imagine this scenario: 有一个(小)人,backstab 别人,害别人。这人因而起憎恨,死时一股怨气还在。但他不知道是谁害他。来世也会向这小人讨债吗? 3)回到aunty 的example, 如果债主没收到钱而憎恨aunty, 来世看见aunty, 会向aunty 讨债吗?Even though aunty had donated her debts in the...
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    Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

    老师您好,我读了您所解示的,开始对佛,吃斋,念经有一点兴趣。希望有缘的孩子可以快点来报到。 今天想到一样事,希望老师可以指点。如果今天有朋友帮我买东西,eg. $9.90. 我给她$10. 她没有零钱,说欠我一毛,我说没关系算了。事情过了大家也忘了这件事。如果我死时,这一毛还欠着。请问老师,这朋友算这辈子欠我(因),下辈子要还我吗(果)? 谢谢老师的enlightenment。:)
