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  1. M

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    Ming What is your hospital bill as I will be delvering at MAH as well. By the way, for those items that they provide, such as pamper, do they charge?
  2. M

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    Thanks All. Will see how it goes as I am not sure what is the mill flow. By the way, for those mothers who have given birth, how do you warm up the milk. Considering to buy the warmer, but advise was no need.
  3. M

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    Hi Ladies Been reading your discussion for a while. My EDD is 15 Jun 05. Have you gals gotten the breastpump yet? If so, which brand/type would u recommend?
  4. M

    Any breastpump to recommend

    Thanks Ladies for your feedback. Hi Lai Yee, is the motor for Medela noisy? Does Metro carry such brand as there is Infant sale at Metro this week.
  5. M

    Any breastpump to recommend

    I am due on Jun 05, and still decide which type of breastpump to use. Feedback given is Medela Electric Breast Pump is very good, but it costs $669. As I am not sure how long will I use it, so like to ask around? Any suggestion?
  6. M

    (2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

    Hi Everyone My Edd is 15 Jun 05, is a boy. Would like to check any breast pump to recommend?
