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  1. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    hi carol, glad to hear that hb flew over.. hope it has brighten ur days and found comfort in his arms ^-^ nothing is more impt than care from loved ones ...
  2. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi yoko, I also bathe after D&C, but usually do so in afternoon, not at night. Hi m&m, how are you ? long time no hear from u ....
  3. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi everyone, thanks for your encouragement past one week. Went for my checkup on Fri, I'm recovering well. Zhou-gong is calling me ... zzz Have a good week ahead !
  4. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi m&m I'm taking a step each day. Yesterday, I saw a maternity shop, instead of avoiding it, I took up the courage to go near. I tell myself, must be positive, it could be a good place to shop next time Maybe these comments came from loved ones, the punch is harder. If they can't...
  5. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello frens Thanks for TLCs ... Like Orange03, I also wonder how long do we ned to 'bu'. As I always work late, I can't go back to mum's place for tonic soup. I think I will drink chicken essence and take folic acid. I will check with my gynae this Fri, to see if I need to go back for check...
  6. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hi all I sneaked out to have a breather. I can't stay alone at home too long, if not, I will start talking to my 4 walls Looking out of window .. it's a sunny day, more imptly, you guys made my day. I'm happy to see your reply. Wah, my D&C bill is very expensive. Choo, I had my...
  7. K

    Support group - Miscarriages

    Hello all Last week, we found out that bb was not growing and there was no heartbeat. I had D&C after seeking 2nd opinion, now resting at home, doing mini confinement. As it's our first bb, I'm gradually settling down... lots to learn and let go at the same time We spent about $2,500...
  8. K

    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Nana, u been to Wong Kay's? Famous in Ldn for their service... or should i say, infamous!
  9. K

    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Nana, please check check exact location or call them to confirm, don't want you to waste your trip there. Now, I feel like eating Lor Mee, my hubby is staring at me *grin* .. .haha!
  10. K

    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Hi Little Nana I went there to join my hubby last year. It's a short trip, rest & relax, got a chance to spend whole day at British Museum. It's 2nd time to London, most of tourist attractions were covered during our honeymoon. My hubby said that there is an authentic SG restaurant...
  11. K

    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Hi Little Nana Good afternoon ! Yah, can imagine hunting for chinese food in London. I was there last May, one pack of fried noodle is hard to get. I grabbed one at Oxford Street (I think) cost 4pound (about S$12). Alternatively, you can ask your family to send some PrimaDeli premix (eg. Mee...
  12. K

    (2006/05) May 2006 MTB

    Hi everyone, I would like to join this new family. I'm a new MTB, 6 wk preggie. However based on LMP, I should be in 7 wk, so now can't determine my EDD. My gynae advised it's more accurate to determine in wk 8. Now, I feel tired very easily, on average, I need 9hrs of sleep Hope to catch...
