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  1. J

    Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

    Hi Venus, I can't help to feel guilty when I turn on the TV for them. Heard of so many negative impact from watching TV since young. Also I need to use TV to feed them. Bopian coz otherwise they will run about. But eversince I moved here I always turn on TV.. baby einstein all the time...
  2. J

    Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

    Venus, thx, i will check with them. I am desperate to get them into playgroup or something coz i dun know how to entertain them as they are getting bigger and smarter hehehehe. So most of mummies here are working? What line are you all in? I used to work in IT line for 4 years.. Now give up liao...
  3. J

    Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

    Hi Venus, will try to upload pic of my gals later to let u see not really similar just like sisters, unlike identical twin.BTW, your boy is going to apple tree? there is one apple tree near my block and was thinking to let my twins go there too. May I know which class he is in? can they take...
  4. J

    Mummies/SAHM staying at Jurong

    Hello everyone, was directed by poshies to this thread. Thank's Poshies I am a SAHM wth 1.5 yo twin girls. Just moved to JW and hopefully can meet new friends here. Can I join your gathering as well?
  5. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi blessedmommy, thx for the tips. training centernya di JKT? bisa tau nama agentnya? anyone here ever brought their own maid from Indo? Is it difficult to process without agent? I am really thinking of bringing my current one as she is going to be 23 this year. But worried that she might...
  6. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Halo all, Would like to join the group.. Also a twin mommy to 14 mo old girls. Used to work in SG but went back to indo because can't handle the babies all by myself in SG. But planning to be back in SG soon when the girls are more settled. For twinmoms; bisa minta tipsnya utk hire indonesian...
  7. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi All, I am back now.. Thank's a lot for your concerns and prayers and I really do hope I got another chance next time. Hi Oleander, Take care and don't tire yourself.. I really think my m/c is because of that. I walk and travel a lot and I carry laptop sometimes. Btw I just...
  8. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi All, My gynae told me I had miscarriage. Went to another one to confirm, and he gave the same answer. Will go for dnc procedure this week.. sigh..I guess the baby is not meant to be mine.
  9. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Oleander, congratz ya.. happy for you too. Now your wish for small age gap come true Hi Mum2B, If you have any info abt prenatal yoga, let me know. I am interested to join too. Hi Star, Manage to peek into your blog and agree with the rest that your blog is interesting.. nice photos...
  10. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Mum2B, Thank's, I also did trans-v, twice already now coz the sac is too small to see for the first time and for the second time it is also quite blur from abdominal. I think I will just go two weeks from now as not to waste so much money on the scan:p. Btw did you do any exercise now? I...
  11. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi All, I haven't checked this thread for a few days and suddenly can see more people.. great I guess all of us really have to stop our full time job after giving birth. I'm also thinking of doing that when time comes. I went to gynae last week, supposed to be my 6th/7th week but from the...
  12. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Mum2B, I also like ayam penyet in lucky plz.. heard that there is an indo restaurant selling ayam goreng etc in lucky plz which is quite nice, but haven't got the time to try. I will think about the maternity top you are selling, will PM you if I am interested, thank's. About the...
  13. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Oleander, I am sure taking bb alone will be very tiring..but glad to know that you are enjoying it find it fulfiling too No cravings for any food now. I get full easily and don't eat much, but other than that, no morning sickness or any food to avoid. My favourite place for indo food here...
  14. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Oleander, Thank's a lot for the advise. I do feel that I would not be able to cope alone. I don't want to end up getting baby blues and depressed hehe.. Are you taking care of your baby girl by yourself now? Btw anybody knows where to get cheap and nice maternity clothes? do share...
  15. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi Mum2b, Thank's, My EDD is 4 oct 05, still a long way to go, but it doesn't hurt to prepare earlier:P. Are you currently working? It's nice that your mum will be coming during your confinement. I can't expect the same though. I am not sure I can cope alone so am thinking of hiring CL to...
  16. J

    Indonesian Mommies?

    Hi All, May I join you all. I am also indonesian. Just found out that i am expecting. I am staying in jurong west. Hv anyone here got the help of confinement lady after giving birth? Please share your experience and cost, thank you.
