Search results

  1. oreomummy

    Wtg-babycot. Wte-sachets,bathtubs,stroller,Faceshop

    Hi mummies Thanks for interest, cot is taken. Hi Diana Yes it's available. I will pm u.
  2. oreomummy

    WTB: baby boy clothes bundle!! Jurong to Cck .
  3. oreomummy

    Wtg-babycot. Wte-sachets,bathtubs,stroller,Faceshop

    Thanks for your interest in baby cot. Shieryl mummy has reserved, with two mummies in queue.
  4. oreomummy

    Baby Cot Bumper

    Hi I just posted, to giveaway. At cck let me know if keen, via email... Thanks :)
  5. oreomummy

    Wtg-babycot. Wte-sachets,bathtubs,stroller,Faceshop

    Link to view
  6. oreomummy

    Wtg-babycot. Wte-sachets,bathtubs,stroller,Faceshop

    I have the following to giveaway, to clear space. cot 2. Cot Mattress n cover 3. Large bolster & 3 b.cases. Note a small tear on bolster which can be sewn closed. 4. Large pillow & 2 p.cases. I have the following to exchange for diapers/wipes. 1. Grow sachets 3-6yo 2. S26 sachets 1-3yo...
  7. oreomummy

    WTE skII skin signature to MP XL diapers boy

    Received items as gifts in July but I don't use the brand. Would like to exchange for MamyPoko XL diapers (pull-up only) for boys, local source. Pm if keen, thanks. SkII skin signature cream 80g SkII whitening source derm revival masks a few pcs. Have put them in fridge since received.
  8. oreomummy

    WTB: Grow Voucher

    I have Grow vanilla 3-6 sachets to let go. Are you keen?
  9. oreomummy

    WTB Sock and Shoes for 12 mth old boy

    Pm sent!
  10. oreomummy

    WTB Toys for 1year old

    Hi Clearing some toys that's are suitable for 1yo. Drop me a pm if keen!
  11. oreomummy

    WTE: STRIP Brazilian wax Peace liquid gel

    Want to exchange for a small pack of XL diapers or 4 packets of wet wipes (Huggies / pigeon) Original package comes with 10 ampoules. Left 7. Link to view
  12. oreomummy

    WTB: BN big square photo album

    Hi I have one BN square photo album. Bought but never used. From popular $25.70. Letting go at $15. Pm if keen. <table><tr><td><img></td></tr><tr><td>From Baby clothes and Toys</td></tr></table>
  13. oreomummy

    WTE: Crystal Jade $8 voucher for $2 P&H}

    Hi Have pm u.
  14. oreomummy

    Anyone give away baby clothes (0-6mths old)?

    I have only a few rompers, as have given away most of them. Also a few tubes of diaper cream - pureen, blue desitin opened 50% left. Baby powder lotion n such. Pm if keen.
  15. oreomummy

    Baby items - FOC & to exchange

    Ups! There's a maternity office wear album too.
  16. oreomummy

    WTE/S Kate spade roomy/diaper bag

    Looking for a nice mummy for this bag which is still useful. Drop me a pm of your price if keen.
  17. oreomummy

    Wte: boys Sandals/slippers & Thomas DVD BNIP

    To exchange for shopping vouchers/XL diapers to value of equivalent Pooh slippers 17cm $3 Sandals 16cm $5 BNIP DVD , bought from Kiddy palace. $7 Pm if keen
