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  1. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Ju, can you pls update the popped chart. Delivery date 2 July and my princess name is JENNABEL. Xie xie... =P Here to share 1 of my princess pic with u mummies! Cheers! Will try come in again...
  2. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hello ladies.. thanks for all the well wishes. I'm going to discharge soon... =)
  3. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Elaine congrats!
  4. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Thanks Syl! Your hb still don't wanna ah? hee..
  5. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Thanks chien! I didnt see u online in msn leh?
  6. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    <center><table border=1><tr><td> angry.bmp (4.0 k)</td></tr></table></center> Judy u beware when i see you!
  7. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Judy har! U said i look like rabbit isit??? Meaning Pai-pai and neng-neng... LOL! Thanks elaine. Hope you get a baby girl as well.
  8. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

  9. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Thanks Karen! We can closed shop oredi... wahahahaha!
  10. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Ju, please update the gender of my baby.......................... is a "PRINCESS"! Ho ho ho... I've strike the biggest lottery in my life! Due date changed to 15th July'2007 =) Thanks thanks!
  11. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Ju, i see the chart abit scared leh. Cos may & june all girls, then jul & aug seems like all boy! Anyway, keep calm... will announce the result to you gals tmr! Ciao..
  12. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    OK gals, leaving for my detail scan soon. Wish me luck luck luck! Cheers!
  13. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Just to say "HI" to all mummies here
  14. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hehe.. this year valentine's day we've decided to bring our little rascal along cos he is our VALENTINE after all! Dinner for 4 persons - 3 having candle light dinner and one more eating in the dark... LOL!!! (Get my joke)
  15. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Judy, u beri beri cute leh! How come u don't ask me about my EDD when im chatting with you in msn ah??? *Box Box* faint oredi??? Anyway, my EDD is on 12 Jul'07. Thanks for updating.
  16. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Sure mummies, you can add jayden's blog into urs! But I won't be updating my blog so frequently like u gals leh cos can't seems to find much time to do it! It take me quite awhile to upload and update all these past events. Will try la... Paiseh hor Judy, spell wrongly MALCOLM's name =P
  17. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hello mummies I've just created a blog for jayden... finally! Here it is: Enjoy viewing! Hehehe...
  18. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    I cant on 25th cos is my Jayden 1st birthday that day! And I've chalet from 24-26th... aiyo!
  19. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Hi gals, Getting more &amp; more excited after seeing how you gals celebrated your baby 1st birthday! hehehe... I must start working on it soon! =P
  20. babestaurus

    (2005/11) November 2005 MTBs

    Elaine, saw your blog... wahhaha Javier look so KAWAII-NE with the towel hairstyle! =P Calbee, your baby can Zzz from 7pm (that early) to 630am? Wow... Shoe So far Ive bot both shoo shoo and bobux shoe for Jayden, to me both looks comfortable and alright le! Maybe my Jayden not that 'ba...
