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  1. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Had a shopping day out in town in high waist pants.. felt giddy n discomfort at times.. den i had slight bleeding/spotting.. so worried.. Do u all stop gg out during first trimester?
  2. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Leng, i oso find her friendly and approachable. Waiting time is also short. How many weeks are u in?
  3. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hello serene, same here! i dono how many weeks i am in.. cuz the last scan din show anything.. i might haf ovulated late too cuz my cycle is long. I don haf ms.. feel q normal except for the daily slight cramps.. so everything is still a question mark. Wad other symptoms do u haf?
  4. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Mag..thats gd! take care n i wish u a smooth preg thru out!! I oso scared my hcg is low.. will wait n observe. I opt not to take d hormone test. Did your dr prescribe anything to haf this 'miracle'?
  5. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hi mag.. congrats! may i ask wad happen to u previously?
  6. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Congratz serene! Your #1?
  7. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hi catherine, hows r adrian woodworth? Heard he doesnt performance basic checks like measuring weight, blood pressure etc? Hmm im a first timer, not sure if the basic check is common.
  8. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hi TTC, im abt the same wk as you and havin been cramping onoff. See babyS's comments BabyS, im oso getting pimples.. haha. :p i have giantic appetite now.. but morning usually don feel lk eating.
  9. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Augustbee, no ms is gd!! Share with us your gynae visit ya. Leng, hope you feel better soon. How many weeks r you in? your #1? If so, mayb CL is better? Hows dr kang? Review of her is nt bad. I've been cramping a few times daily. Is it normal? My fren said she started cramping only after...
  10. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Thanks for guiding, babyS! Hi pink ribbon, congrats too! I heard its better to find gynae soon to get supplement pills? Im still researching.. for nearby my area, im considering dr chen chern yi n dr adrian. My fren reco kkh for the subsidy. Beginning to feel more tired den before...
  11. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hi babyS, i wil prefer a female gynae, nt necessarily based at ma.. im at north east. Any one can share which gynae u r using/ intend to use?
  12. D

    (2013/08) August 2013

    Hello all MTB here, i've just tested w bfp altho i suspected for one wk! Abit lost here cuz its my #1. Any gynae to intro? Im shortlisting mt a. :D
