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  1. S

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    I have a few questions such as what would be done on the first appt with our gynae...will we be started on Medication and Jab from the first appt? Any side effects when we start the Med and Jabs?? Hope someone can help me with these questions Thanks alot sisters
  2. S

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi thank u very much for all ur sweet welcome posts. Really need all the info n support i can get. I will be meeting with a Gynae from KKH on the 9th of may... Will definitely keep u sisters updates on my journey Have a great day y'all!!
  3. S

    IVF/ICSI Support Group

    Hi Ladies, This is my first post as i am going to see a gynae for my IVF soon. all these posts have really helped me prepare myself mentally for all the jabs and meds i will need to go thru. I am all alone in tis journey with my hubby is my only support as my family do not support me in this...
