Year 2016 IVF Mummy To-Be

Earlier went downstairs, she eat Délifrance. Bo bian hungry. Per set: sandwich, soup , can drink. 12$. Jin exp. Let her and bb eat. I take cold drink only. Now jin hungry. Came in since 12pm
Can go opp coffee shop grab quick lunch. I'm sure the wait won't be over yet even when you finish and return de.

Earlier went downstairs, she eat Délifrance. Bo bian hungry. Per set: sandwich, soup , can drink. 12$. Jin exp. Let her and bb eat. I take cold drink only. Now jin hungry. Came in since 12pm

I find TMC cafeteria not bad leh the food. I ate their breakfast bee hoon and was quite surprised it's delicious
Dawn n phantom later stage of preg if dr Loh not so busy U can ask him to show U 3D of your bb but bb must be in good position then can see.
Yo! We saw on notice board at level 4. Got photos 3d. Is it payable? ?
No need to do the 3D scans by hospital de. Dr Loh can do at his clinic. It will be at later stage and he will usually do when he feels the bb is ready. The nurse was telling me that usually no extra charge on top the usual consultation & scan charges.
No need to do the 3D scans by hospital de. Dr Loh can do at his clinic. It will be at later stage and he will usually do when he feels the bb is ready. The nurse was telling me that usually no extra charge on top the usual consultation & scan charges.
How much today fee? Am still here. 4 more to go. Last service shuttle bus to novena ends at 4.20. Veh didn't park here. Valet bohua
How much today fee? Am still here. 4 more to go. Last service shuttle bus to novena ends at 4.20. Veh didn't park here. Valet bohua
Today no need scan le. If no additional supplements or meds, it's $107 after gst
Hubby always try to park at hdb parking opp. The valet here very troublesome and Long wait for the car.
Ladies here how to decide what to buy? Any experienced mummy can share tips on what are the essential things to buy and the brand which is good? Eg stroller, breast pump, cot etc? Still abit early for me buy I just can't help looking at all these cute stuff ;p
Ladies here how to decide what to buy? Any experienced mummy can share tips on what are the essential things to buy and the brand which is good? Eg stroller, breast pump, cot etc? Still abit early for me buy I just can't help looking at all these cute stuff ;p
April got baby fair. Stroller, infant seat we get from others
Don't take leave take time off. Her co very bad why only recognize kk n raffles mc.
I didn't know got such rule... Sounds not v fair.

:( asked time off.not possible too....
Btw, when to think of name??? Nearer to date??
Anytime u can think of name... Esp if u know gender. Mb u can come up with a few names, then some of my friends wait til the bb born then pick the name they feel suits him/her personality.

Ladies here how to decide what to buy? Any experienced mummy can share tips on what are the essential things to buy and the brand which is good? Eg stroller, breast pump, cot etc? Still abit early for me buy I just can't help looking at all these cute stuff ;p
Personally, feel these are impt:
1. Breast pump (if u wanna bf). Spectra and medela are gd. U can join breastfeeding moms facebook to find out more abt pumps and general bf qns.
2. Cot (but if u co-sleep then no need to get this)
3. Baby carrier
4. Stroller
5. Bath tub
6. Car seat

Things like jumperoo, rocker, baby chair, u can easily get from friends (unless u want brand new).
I didn't know got such rule... Sounds not v fair.

Anytime u can think of name... Esp if u know gender. Mb u can come up with a few names, then some of my friends wait til the bb born then pick the name they feel suits him/her personality.

Personally, feel these are impt:
1. Breast pump (if u wanna bf). Spectra and medela are gd. U can join breastfeeding moms facebook to find out more abt pumps and general bf qns.
2. Cot (but if u co-sleep then no need to get this)
3. Baby carrier
4. Stroller
5. Bath tub
6. Car seat

Things like jumperoo, rocker, baby chair, u can easily get from friends (unless u want brand new).
If no car still need car seat? Take cab need to use car seat?
Somemore is reputable organisation in town. LL

If diabetics results no good. Then how huh??? Is it very serious problem? Her friend tested few weeks, quite high. But I didn't ask much either. scheduled end of next month

I didn't know got such rule... Sounds not v fair.

Anytime u can think of name... Esp if u know gender. Mb u can come up with a few names, then some of my friends wait til the bb born then pick the name they feel suits him/her personality.
If have gestational diabetic have to control diet and buy a glucometer prick on finger to test after meal. If after diet control level still high dr will access and prescribe med or insulin jab.
Ladies here how to decide what to buy? Any experienced mummy can share tips on what are the essential things to buy and the brand which is good? Eg stroller, breast pump, cot etc? Still abit early for me buy I just can't help looking at all these cute stuff ;p
Usually can get the essential things like middle of 2nd tri to early of 3rd tri. List out the things u need first. Personally stroller can get at after baby is born. Sometime other like to give as gift. For baby things: cot, clothes, diapers, diaper cream, tub, towel, cotton buds or wool. Baby shower foam. For mummy, tummy binding, breast pump, shower herbal, LRD drink, home slipper.
Somemore is reputable organisation in town. LL

If diabetics results no good. Then how huh??? Is it very serious problem? Her friend tested few weeks, quite high. But I didn't ask much either. scheduled end of next month
Today dr asked if we have family history of diabetes. I understand that if yes, glucose tolerance test will be scheduled earlier than normal. Also it will be prudent to start early in watching diet to mitigate the risk of gestational diabetes. If the pregnant woman is diagnosed with gestational diabetes, it will follow what Bunny33 mentioned in the above post.
@Phantom yup like what DawnBB said, if ur family has diabetes, doctor will consider u high risk for GD and will schedule the glucose tolerance test. I had to take it even though my urine test is clear. But cos of my family history, i was super careful abt diet and did not get GD... So as long as u are careful, it is possible to avoid.
@Phantom yup like what DawnBB said, if ur family has diabetes, doctor will consider u high risk for GD and will schedule the glucose tolerance test. I had to take it even though my urine test is clear. But cos of my family history, i was super careful abt diet and did not get GD... So as long as u are careful, it is possible to avoid.
I also have family history of DM, when will doc schedule for GD test?
Dr will based on family history, age, baby size, carrying multiples, urine test strip to decide if U need to go for test.

OGTT usually schedule from week 24 to week 28 depending.
@Phantom yup like what DawnBB said, if ur family has diabetes, doctor will consider u high risk for GD and will schedule the glucose tolerance test. I had to take it even though my urine test is clear. But cos of my family history, i was super careful abt diet and did not get GD... So as long as u are careful, it is possible to avoid.
Mei, 1st tri no appetite. Now 20 week, eating a lot more. Her sis say weight cannot more than 20kg additional. I also keep push her eat small bites, as I think got two mouth
Gd is not scary just have to control ur diet..y dr is particular tat gd may cause bb grows too big or affect some of the organs a mummy , for the sake of bb growth inside u, just Ren n control ur diet till birth.
Tats wat I did for my first pregnancy n I put on 12-13kg n my gal was born 3kg.
Yup actually GD is common and all those i know with GD, their babies born healthy. But of cos they needed to make effort to control diet :)
I think can eat and drink what you want, but in moderation. Light exercise (maybe shopping?) is also quite useful. I couldn't eat much for my previous 1st trimester, ate normal in my 2nd & 3rd trimester. I put on about 14kg and a few days before giving birth, my doc said my kid weighed about 3kg. He turned out to be 3.6kg. Wonder where the 600g came from :p

Actually to have easier natural birth, maybe the last 2 weeks can start to increase the frequency of walking. It helps.
I think it's very common to have parents and parent-in-laws to have diabetes in this modern era. This is something we cannot avoid...PLUS, during morning sickness, we tide through with sweet drinks, so it's a good 2-3 months of sugary drinks..
Now if possible everything in moderation lo.
Besides control my diet , I wasn't able to eat much during pregnancy
Especially last trimester, I can only eat in morning , right after lunch I will starts to feel bloated then by night I feel so bloated that I cannot stand or sit , I have to lie down to ease it. I still try to eat for the sake of bb but really so little tat my hub frowned at me. So I made it a point to have good bfast n nice lunch before I start to feel bloated.
I try to break into smaller meals so that my body has time to break down the sugar.
Hahaha, I still cannot adapt to small meals...maybe it's an asian thing.

My breakfast consists of 2 slices of bread with butter, 1 cup of fresh milk or 1 cup of fresh milk and 4 tablespoons of oats
My lunch consists of the typical rice with fully cooked egg, veggie, 1 chicken drumstick / noodles etc
My dinner consists of fish soup with rice or mixed veggie rice (2 veggie, 1 meat)
At home eat either 1/2 avocado or 2 handful of grapes or handful of strawberries or 2 bananas
Supper sometimes hungry drink Milo

Healthy bo? :p
Hahaha, I still cannot adapt to small meals...maybe it's an asian thing.

My breakfast consists of 2 slices of bread with butter, 1 cup of fresh milk or 1 cup of fresh milk and 4 tablespoons of oats
My lunch consists of the typical rice with fully cooked egg, veggie, 1 chicken drumstick / noodles etc
My dinner consists of fish soup with rice or mixed veggie rice (2 veggie, 1 meat)
At home eat either 1/2 avocado or 2 handful of grapes or handful of strawberries or 2 bananas
Supper sometimes hungry drink Milo

Healthy bo? :p

Ok mah so healthy
Hahaha, I still cannot adapt to small meals...maybe it's an asian thing.

My breakfast consists of 2 slices of bread with butter, 1 cup of fresh milk or 1 cup of fresh milk and 4 tablespoons of oats
My lunch consists of the typical rice with fully cooked egg, veggie, 1 chicken drumstick / noodles etc
My dinner consists of fish soup with rice or mixed veggie rice (2 veggie, 1 meat)
At home eat either 1/2 avocado or 2 handful of grapes or handful of strawberries or 2 bananas
Supper sometimes hungry drink Milo

Healthy bo? :p
Wah seh so healthy!
Til now i still don't have morn sickness, dunno whether to laugh or cry cos worried abt the baby inside. Even after eating duphaston, hardly any nausea feeling. Really v different from my first pregnancy.
Wah seh so healthy!
Til now i still don't have morn sickness, dunno whether to laugh or cry cos worried abt the baby inside. Even after eating duphaston, hardly any nausea feeling. Really v different from my first pregnancy.

It's too early bah ms kick in by week 8. Don't worry I don't have much ms as well just appetite not so good.
Dr will based on family history, age, baby size, carrying multiples, urine test strip to decide if U need to go for test.

OGTT usually schedule from week 24 to week 28 depending.
Hmm My Dr haven't schedule for my OGTT I into 24wks already. He did mentioned earlier at my previous visit
Hahaha, I still cannot adapt to small meals...maybe it's an asian thing.

My breakfast consists of 2 slices of bread with butter, 1 cup of fresh milk or 1 cup of fresh milk and 4 tablespoons of oats
My lunch consists of the typical rice with fully cooked egg, veggie, 1 chicken drumstick / noodles etc
My dinner consists of fish soup with rice or mixed veggie rice (2 veggie, 1 meat)
At home eat either 1/2 avocado or 2 handful of grapes or handful of strawberries or 2 bananas
Supper sometimes hungry drink Milo

Healthy bo? :p
U r so healthy. I craving for prata, bread n Mac lo. Lately duck rice which I don't eat one
Wah seh so healthy!
Til now i still don't have morn sickness, dunno whether to laugh or cry cos worried abt the baby inside. Even after eating duphaston, hardly any nausea feeling. Really v different from my first pregnancy.
Wa lau, isn't that a blessing? It's not a good feeling to have MS lor..

Every pregnancy is different
U r so healthy. I craving for prata, bread n Mac lo. Lately duck rice which I don't eat one
Occasionally I have my Mac breakfast one a few days back, I had Big Breakfast with 2 hot cakes and iced Milo :p

Prata, me not really cos me scared of the curry ley...then prata without curry is like BLEH
duck rice ah? braised or roasted?

Well it's good tat u can eat. Do enjoy ur pregnancy while u can. Once bb out, u will miss the kicking n moving of them inside. Now I see my gal I m still amazed how she grew from tat 1cm to 48cm inside me n when she makes me pissed how I wish I can squeeze her back inside me so I Can control
Mei, don't say too early on ms...hope u have a smooth one ahead
