(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Hi mummies. ..wanted to know how to prepare for baby's first solids. LO is 20 weeks old and I'm thinking of trying baby led weaning. Are there any tips or schedules to follow and share? Not sure if I need to buy a blender cos worried it might be a white elephant after a couple of months (just like the bumbo seat I bought few weeks ago and LO refused to sit). Thanks in advance!
If you want to try baby led weaning then you might not need to buy a blender. Coz baby led weaning is you give ur LO food then LO will feed themself. You only steam the veggie / fruits and then cut into a stick or small pieces so LO will put it on their own mouth. You just monitor. But frankly speaking, I don't dare to follow baby led weaning method. I am still following the traditional methods by preparing purees -- this called parent led weaning. There are pro and cons on these two methods and it is only you mum know which method is best for ur LO. For example for BLW -- you do not need to spend too much time on preparing the puree, but I think there is possibility of baby get choked.

Btw, my LO first puree is rice cereal, then I will tried carrot puree for 3-4 days, then I will change to other vegetables like spinach, brocolli, etc . I only give LO once a day. still giving the same amount of milk.

Any bbs starting watching TV? Nanny always on TV for him to watch. I can't comment much as the TV is at living room. Haiz! I don't let him watch while at home.
Mine! Loves watching tv though we try not to let her watch. Any program also can - ch 8 or Ch u or AFC. Actually usually is her caregiver watching lah. Let her lie on her playmat and play but she will twist and turn towards the tv and watch. In fact I think TV was the motivation for her to flip herself coz she was used to flipping herself to her side and suck hands and watch tv for a few mins. Guess the changing patterns on screen interest her.

Some scientific research says it doesn't benefit babies to watch tv so early. But I don't really care, I don't purposely let her watch anyway. Her attention span also not so long to watch for more than 10 or 20 mins.
Eh I saw you all mention about the air purifier cum humidifier - biocaire isit? Sold out at so many places!

I am also very keen on this one coz my little one has dry and sensitive eczema skin! Have to sleep in aircon yet aircon is very drying. Hoping to get this purifier at baby fair also but I never preorder...don't know will be good deal or not.
How is your LO poo? Is her poo hard or loose one? If her stool not that hard, you could just add probiotics to improve her intestine movement. If the stools hard, then you can change her fm into H.A milk from the market, for example NAN H.A or Mamil H.A.
My bb is taking similac total comfort too. He will poo every 1 to 2 days. Highest record is 3 days. His poo no longer watery n running like when he was 1-2 mths old. Now solid with shape (more like adult). Everytime he poo u can see him using lots of strength to push. But the poo not very dry so still ok. Pd has suggested total comfort as it suppose to be easily digestible.
Hi gleaflim and mylilsheep

Ya. Previously she took the total comfort without any problem. Very smooth. Now her poo very very hard.. and use a lot strength to push out... at the end she cry out and throw her temper... maybe is time to change the milk powder.
If you want to try baby led weaning then you might not need to buy a blender. Coz baby led weaning is you give ur LO food then LO will feed themself. You only steam the veggie / fruits and then cut into a stick or small pieces so LO will put it on their own mouth. You just monitor. But frankly speaking, I don't dare to follow baby led weaning method. I am still following the traditional methods by preparing purees -- this called parent led weaning. There are pro and cons on these two methods and it is only you mum know which method is best for ur LO. For example for BLW -- you do not need to spend too much time on preparing the puree, but I think there is possibility of baby get choked.

Btw, my LO first puree is rice cereal, then I will tried carrot puree for 3-4 days, then I will change to other vegetables like spinach, brocolli, etc . I only give LO once a day. still giving the same amount of milk.
Thanks for the explanation! Understand about parent led weaning. For baby led weaning to steam veggies and all and cut into small pieces, don't we need to help mash them up cos baby doesn't have any teeth to bite yet? A little confusing...
Eh I saw you all mention about the air purifier cum humidifier - biocaire isit? Sold out at so many places!

I am also very keen on this one coz my little one has dry and sensitive eczema skin! Have to sleep in aircon yet aircon is very drying. Hoping to get this purifier at baby fair also but I never preorder...don't know will be good deal or not.

Last sun I went to amk hub ntuc and saw them selling at 98 without the solution. Not sure still have now. If I m not wrong, baby fair sell at 120. Not sure got include solution or not. U can check that out!
Hi gleaflim and mylilsheep

Ya. Previously she took the total comfort without any problem. Very smooth. Now her poo very very hard.. and use a lot strength to push out... at the end she cry out and throw her temper... maybe is time to change the milk powder.

Oh dear.. must be very heart pain to see her like that. My nanny ask me to feed bb gripe water if no poo for the day. Best to take in the morning before milk. It always work for my bb. U can try or consider to change the milk powder.
Mummies... I went to see Mdm Rokiah today. They managed to squeeze my breasts till milk flying out like fireworks. Apparently, the side dat had mastitis 5 mths ago, still had the lump deep within. And Mdm Rokiah check and say I got nipple blister. Told me to go back next mon.
But some lumps r still around, can't clear. And the yield is not better after the massage too.
I will still go back next week. Hopefully can clear better.
Any bbs starting watching TV? Nanny always on TV for him to watch. I can't comment much as the TV is at living room. Haiz! I don't let him watch while at home.
My son loves watching tv. I think probably coz i was watching tv whole day when i had him. I tried not to let him watch by turning his pillow or him away from tv but he will try ways n means to turn his head to watch. Nowadays he will just sit on mum's lap, lean back n chill with her while watching tv.
@highness, hope you clear the lumps! I'm also dropping alot of hair now. Sometimes my lo has my hair sticking out of her mouth after I hug her against the crook of my shoulder. Super fail.

The other day I was telling my mom that my ss drop. So was thinking this is my chance to wean. My mom said, aiya, don't have then don't need to feed liao. But I think she heard the panic in my voice. Cos for the past few nights, she served salmon fish, and papaya and fish soup. Gotta love my mom. At this grand old age, I realise I still call my mom for every damn thing I panic about. I hope I'll be such a mom to my children. Someone they can rely on. Albeit a bit naggy. Heh.
My bb sweat a lot while breastfeeding or drinking from bottle. His head can be complete soak with sweat. Hands also a bit sticky. Is this normal?
Oh dear.. must be very heart pain to see her like that. My nanny ask me to feed bb gripe water if no poo for the day. Best to take in the morning before milk. It always work for my bb. U can try or consider to change the milk powder.
Hi gleaflim
Yes, we also gave her gripe water also not use. Today again 3rd days liao... still no feeling to pass motion... aiya... stressful... when she poo out seen like i strike toto, feel happy. Last night had change milk powder.. hope ilt work on her. Btw, can check where can i buy the probiotic medicine for bb? Need any doctor prescribtion? What brand normally take? Thkq
Hi gleaflim
Yes, we also gave her gripe water also not use. Today again 3rd days liao... still no feeling to pass motion... aiya... stressful... when she poo out seen like i strike toto, feel happy. Last night had change milk powder.. hope ilt work on her. Btw, can check where can i buy the probiotic medicine for bb? Need any doctor prescribtion? What brand normally take? Thkq
Biogaia probiotic from pharmacy. Don't need prescription. :)
Any bbs starting watching TV? Nanny always on TV for him to watch. I can't comment much as the TV is at living room. Haiz! I don't let him watch while at home.

My lo also watches tv, and u can never imagine tat he can fight with my dad for the Tv lor...
My dad watches chinese movie, while Lo loves BabyTV, so when switched to my dad movie, my lo will scream untill back to his babytv screen..... My dad spoilt him lor........ So young choose his program :(

But honestly, Tv is better than ipad... :p i used to give my elder kids ipad at this age...now i avoid using when tk care of lo.

My bb sweat a lot while breastfeeding or drinking from bottle. His head can be complete soak with sweat. Hands also a bit sticky. Is this normal?

My lo also sweats during bf, so i on the far directly to blow us. But bed still damp when i carry him, maybe cos they emit more heat... And some kids tend to perspire more den others.. Is normal de.. Some bb wear long sleeve n pants also wont get sweaty. Mine always is singlet thou.. But when in law arrives den sure nag -.-
My lo also watches tv, and u can never imagine tat he can fight with my dad for the Tv lor...
My dad watches chinese movie, while Lo loves BabyTV, so when switched to my dad movie, my lo will scream untill back to his babytv screen..... My dad spoilt him lor........ So young choose his program :(

But honestly, Tv is better than ipad... :p i used to give my elder kids ipad at this age...now i avoid using when tk care of lo.

My lo also sweats during bf, so i on the far directly to blow us. But bed still damp when i carry him, maybe cos they emit more heat... And some kids tend to perspire more den others.. Is normal de.. Some bb wear long sleeve n pants also wont get sweaty. Mine always is singlet thou.. But when in law arrives den sure nag -.-

Haha. . Ur LO so funny. . He already know what he wants at such an early age.. I have not been watching TV after my confinement. After work go home dinner + play with baby and sleep. But is fun to see him growing up everyday..

My boy even sweat in the aircon room. I keep wiping his head everytime he drinks milk. I never know baby can sweat so much.thanks for ur advice. .
Hi gleaflim
Yes, we also gave her gripe water also not use. Today again 3rd days liao... still no feeling to pass motion... aiya... stressful... when she poo out seen like i strike toto, feel happy. Last night had change milk powder.. hope ilt work on her. Btw, can check where can i buy the probiotic medicine for bb? Need any doctor prescribtion? What brand normally take? Thkq

If my bb no poo, I always massage his tummy n let him roll on the mattress. PD also suggest me to massage his tummy if no poo. I think milk powder is the main cause. What brand u change to?
Hi mummies. ..wanted to know how to prepare for baby's first solids. LO is 20 weeks old and I'm thinking of trying baby led weaning. Are there any tips or schedules to follow and share? Not sure if I need to buy a blender cos worried it might be a white elephant after a couple of months (just like the bumbo seat I bought few weeks ago and LO refused to sit). Thanks in advance!

Wow now then i know wat is baby led weaning and parent led weaning. Brought bb fo vaccination on Mon, and pd asked if bb seems interested in our food yet. If yes, can let him start off with abit of fruit and vege puree now to taste. But I still think dat at 4 mths is too early, so will only give when around 5mths+.

I have a separate steamer and blender at home, so will use dat to prepare bb purees. Quite tedious to physically mash food all the time ley. Many of my frens are using the Avent steamer + blender, and they find it very convenient, so you can consider dat.
I try to delay TV time as much as possible now for bb. But hor.... inevitable de. I agree with @furbee, TV is better than iPad. Cos TV i can switch off after the program ends. iPad cannot... youtube is a very addictive thing! I had to resort to deleting my youtube app cos my girl can keep watching videos after videos until kee siao.
Thanks for the explanation! Understand about parent led weaning. For baby led weaning to steam veggies and all and cut into small pieces, don't we need to help mash them up cos baby doesn't have any teeth to bite yet? A little confusing...
For baby led weaning, we did not give baby puree at all. So it some kinds of skipping the puree stages and give LO small cuts of veggie / fruits if you do baby led weaning. Of course baby led weaning would also means introducing solid food some time later than parent led weaning. Actually if you mashed the food it would be similar like giving LO puree. The difference its just give more coarse and different texture. But normally baby can start eating in small cuts from around 7-9 months. So actually the purees stages only last for about 2-3 months at most -- start from a very runny puree to coarse puree. After that we should preparing them to transition into table foods. In addition, baby normally will grow two front teeth at below at 6-7 months old. I can see my boi front teeth just below the gum and start to grow out le. But baby actually chew food by their gum rather than by their teeth at current age.
I try to delay TV time as much as possible now for bb. But hor.... inevitable de. I agree with @furbee, TV is better than iPad. Cos TV i can switch off after the program ends. iPad cannot... youtube is a very addictive thing! I had to resort to deleting my youtube app cos my girl can keep watching videos after videos until kee siao.
hahaha.... lucky I dont have iPad, so LO would not know what is iPad is. But so far I did not even show TV, mobile phone, or any other gadget to LO when I am around. But my mom always bring him to watch TV with her, so bo bian le...... Now I am trying to memorize some nursery songs and then sing it to my LO continously, like radio. But I learned it from youtube. hahaha.... at least if I am the one who sing, no need battery and no need to think about low batt whatsoever. haha.... just sing along until I tired.
If my bb no poo, I always massage his tummy n let him roll on the mattress. PD also suggest me to massage his tummy if no poo. I think milk powder is the main cause. What brand u change to?
Now i given her nan h.a., hope it works on her. And might will getting probiotic for her... aiikz...
@yew_yew put throw whole apple in den boil or u can choose to cut ur portion den boil also.. Either way works... Cos as long its soft... Soon my lo turn to eat... So excited to c the reaction
Hi mummies, wondering if your bb can crawl already? My girl is able to move her butts while on tummy and able to spin circle.. shouldn't be so soon right? I haven't child proof my house..
If my bb no poo, I always massage his tummy n let him roll on the mattress. PD also suggest me to massage his tummy if no poo. I think milk powder is the main cause. What brand u change to?
I also massage baby's tummy if she no poop for 3 days. Usually she poop everyday,max stretch is 4days. Last week she start to poop only after 4days. Don't know why.
Hi mummies, wondering if your bb can crawl already? My girl is able to move her butts while on tummy and able to spin circle.. shouldn't be so soon right? I haven't child proof my house..
I am not sure if thats the sign of crawling coz my bb also like to lift up her butt while on tummy and moving 90deg to her left side. I dun think at this early our bb can crawl so fast though, usually 7-8mths.
My lo already move one end to another... :( he use his butt, hands, neck, head whatever part of his body jus to move to take tv controller, ipad or certain toys...
I didnt buy floor mat, so only use a thin mat end up he knock his forehead n scream for help. Guess u all better start to scout for proper baby safe guards to protect lo soon ...somemore tmr is bb fair just nice!
For me, i jus let him hit couple more times hope he know when pain den dun use head hit floor :(
Kids progress alot faster now...unknowingly.....
Yeahh my boy also can move his butt high and with feet (not knee anymore) and hand supporting--- like doing yoga pose downward facing dog. Or do crawling position with one leg up. But unfortunately he still cannot manage to move too far yet, coz his hand never leave the floor. He also can rotate his body on his tummy 360• direction. I have put some of my reading books nearby on the floor and yesterday night I found my books become noodle, my mom said my boi reach the book and bite it all over with his saliva. Faint....so i think during the weekend I need to clean up the floor free from other stuff except his toys.

He is so talkative recently, always babling every morning. Until one day we heard he said "daddy". Lols.... But No mummy yet!

Looking back at his first day picture really think he grew up so fast. Now can do a lot of things and look forward to found out his new talent.
babies really progress very fast nowadays.. remember my mum told me babies should be able to sit about 7 month and crawl about 8 months.. but my girl is only 4.5month!

I was bored and looking out for possible classes to take my girl to.. thinking of swimming and gym class.. but think I'm too kiasu to start so early lar! haha..
babies really progress very fast nowadays.. remember my mum told me babies should be able to sit about 7 month and crawl about 8 months.. but my girl is only 4.5month!

I was bored and looking out for possible classes to take my girl to.. thinking of swimming and gym class.. but think I'm too kiasu to start so early lar! haha..

Ehhh, not kiasu, is good to consider..
If u haf the extra cash for more activities its good! Swimming i know sum parents already started..but for me i got budget so only 1 kid 1 activity.. So far #1 piano. #2 havent decide what she has interest in..... #3 i saving up first! Lol.

Now u can find for those classes u keen, location, pricing, n wat is being taught...the methods etc.. Can aso request to go trial class before u sign up.. :)
My bb pee very little when sleeping at nite nowadays. He will sleep ard 10pm till next day ard 5am. When I change diaper for him, it is very light n almost no pee at all. Is it okay?
My bb pee very little when sleeping at nite nowadays. He will sleep ard 10pm till next day ard 5am. When I change diaper for him, it is very light n almost no pee at all. Is it okay?

Does he wake up for night feeds? If overall 24hr still has ard same number of diaper change is okie...
As long he pees and the colour is not yellow or pungent smell is ok..
My #1 totally dun pee at night since she was 6mo.. Went for assessment n checked, doc mentioned is fine cos she slept thru so didnt pee.
Hi mummies, when u say ur LO slept through means they really totally k.o and never wake up/move/fuss/kick etc. at all? Or simply means never wake up for night feeds but still need some pacifying on and off?
Yawnzzz.. hello mummies! It's been so tiring ever since I started work.. and it's not helping that my gal suddenly decides she doesn't want to sleep thru the nite for the past consecutive 3 nites. . I hope things will revert to her usual from tonite on.. she woke up to make 'brrrrr brrrrrr' sounds at 3+am.. I latch her and she sleeps.. and then 5-ish she will wake up to play (doesn't wan latch).. then will only latch & go back sleep abt 7am.. I so tired.. plus work is building up.. I'm starting to lug my laptop home to work & started working at 7am this morning.. so stressed. . Hope all this will soon pass & Christmas comes sooner!!!
Does he wake up for night feeds? If overall 24hr still has ard same number of diaper change is okie...
As long he pees and the colour is not yellow or pungent smell is ok..
My #1 totally dun pee at night since she was 6mo.. Went for assessment n checked, doc mentioned is fine cos she slept thru so didnt pee.

No.. he doesn't wake up for nite feed. So when I change his diaper ard 6am in the morning, the diaper is still dry. After that in day time he will pee n has wet diaper.
Any of your LO are making grunting noises? MyLo who is 4.5 months kept making the noises for the past 2 days. I wonder why she learnt it from and I Googled baby centre they said it's a phase as babies are exploring the sounds they make. Definitely not a nice sound we like cos she sounds like she is irritated! !
Went today couldnt find this. was told oos ytd. I doubt it was available ytd either.. Haha.

I went there today and they said no more stock. I m quite disappointed. Dun really find good deal in the baby fair this time. The only thing I find worth buying is the play mat at 8.50


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Hi mummies, when u say ur LO slept through means they really totally k.o and never wake up/move/fuss/kick etc. at all? Or simply means never wake up for night feeds but still need some pacifying on and off?

For me, sleep thru meaning bb doesn't wake up and crying for milk. He will still make noises n turn around but will doze off after a while. When I hear him cry I will pick him up and latch him on. He usually doze off again.
Hi mummies, when u say ur LO slept through means they really totally k.o and never wake up/move/fuss/kick etc. at all? Or simply means never wake up for night feeds but still need some pacifying on and off?

For my #1, slept thru no milk no fuss no sounds... Some bb will need still drink in motn n thats when sleep is disrupted.. Really depends on bb when they auto sleep thru. Some 2-3yo or older.. Imagine every night need make milk for 2yrs :( sobsob
For my #1, slept thru no milk no fuss no sounds... Some bb will need still drink in motn n thats when sleep is disrupted.. Really depends on bb when they auto sleep thru. Some 2-3yo or older.. Imagine every night need make milk for 2yrs :( sobsob
I'm trying to train her to sleep through by not giving her milk. She will wake up to cry but pacifier and patting can make her fall back asleep. But soon after she will wake up and cry again. So I put her co sleep (which I don't like) with us till morning when she cry at about 3am. Cos patting and giving pacifier is easier than keep going to her cot. Almost 2weeks and seems no sign of sleeping through.
Went to the fair & bought stage 2 milk powder. Checked out avent steamer & blender bundle but decided to get from kiddy palace instead even though I don't need the pillow n bolster. Original price $219. It's $199 at the fair with avent plate and cutlery set,thermal flask,drinking bottle with handle,2x storage containers,pillow. Kiddy palace $159 + pillow & bolster. Robinsons $169 + plate,cutlery set + towel.
I'm trying to train her to sleep through by not giving her milk. She will wake up to cry but pacifier and patting can make her fall back asleep. But soon after she will wake up and cry again. So I put her co sleep (which I don't like) with us till morning when she cry at about 3am. Cos patting and giving pacifier is easier than keep going to her cot. Almost 2weeks and seems no sign of sleeping through.

Sometimes I will also put baby co sleep with me. Why u dun like co sleep? Will bb very dependant later on?
For me is I moved my bb cot into my room and placed it beside my bed two months ago. Cos I want to train him to sleep on his own bed. Easier for me to pat and pacify him too.
For me is I moved my bb cot into my room and placed it beside my bed two months ago. Cos I want to train him to sleep on his own bed. Easier for me to pat and pacify him too.
The cot has been beside us since birth cos our bto not ready yet. But keep up and down the bed very shag leh. Cos if drag her feed,she wake up every half hour to cry.
Sometimes I will also put baby co sleep with me. Why u dun like co sleep? Will bb very dependant later on?

My #2 co-slept with me since birth. Coz she was on breast milk and I latched her lying down every night. She's 4yo now but still wants to sleep with me. Very "sticky". Cannot tahan. So I don't let #3 co-sleep with me anymore. Don't want another sticky child.

My #1 & #2 sleeps in same room but on the floor with mattress n sofa bed, lo co sleep with me to latch at night too... I miss slping with my elder kids!!! Cos they no longer need milk at night..... Sometimes feel sad tat they prefer to slp with my mom instead!!

I only bought diapers pat bb fair, looks same as the previous one...
