(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Congrats ladies!! So happy for u to see u all popping one by one and sharing ur cute baby photos! Can't believe so many have popped before 1 May!
Finished my gynae appt, wk37 and bb weighs abt 2.5kg. Opps, guess e past 2wks weight gain is on myself! Better drink more avocado to fatten him up.

Asked my gynae if I shld quickly rush to labour ward if experience contractions cos this is e second one, he says even if contractions comes intensely abt 7-8min apart, likely reach hospital only 4cm or so dilated so no need to rush. Lol, why my gynae so not gan jiong wan.

Good leh, baby weight is perfect! at least u have some 3 weeks to go and got buffer for baby to put on weight! I a bit worry coz my last check up 35W 2.6kg. Though my gynae nv say baby too big but then I worry not enough "buffer" when I reach 39 weeks.

Actually I am eating really little carbs and putting on only 5kg to date. Don't know how else I can try "slow" her weight a wee bit. LOL
jjmom u haven't popped right? was asking those mommies who have as I wanted to know how close or true the bb weight ultrasound scans are
Hey Pixie...no Leh.. not popped yet. But rmbr last time my first one midwife say 2.8kg, but out is abt 3.1kg..so will variance abit. Sigh
.no movement from inside tummy... so just laze at home..so bored. Sneaked out to mall earlier but when back home
Kena trapped in lift for 5 mins.. scare the shit outta me but still very calm...Luckily not otw to deliver... else really drama. Wahaha


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Haha... you so cute. had bloody discharge last night after the membrane sweep. And still have bits of spotting. Not sure if it was mucus plug. So now wait for contraction.
@jjmom, why ur gynae do membrane sweep? At which week r u now? Strange, even last time my gynae still ask me if I want him to do VE to see if I am start to dilate. But he said if I do not want to induce, he will not check at all. But then I ask him to check, coz I also curious whether I am start to dilate or not.

Got mucus plug this morning but no blood, I do not feel any pain or contraction yet. Think just wait for 1-2 days, hopefully can see my LO soon!
Good leh, baby weight is perfect! at least u have some 3 weeks to go and got buffer for baby to put on weight! I a bit worry coz my last check up 35W 2.6kg. Though my gynae nv say baby too big but then I worry not enough "buffer" when I reach 39 weeks.

Actually I am eating really little carbs and putting on only 5kg to date. Don't know how else I can try "slow" her weight a wee bit. LOL

Actually i thot 2.5kg was abit small for wk37, but gynae seems ok so ok lor. I tink he is fairly confident i wont pop till 40wks so got time to grow.

I've been eating lots of sweet stuff recently! So weight went up. Weight gain so far abt 8+kg, pls dun let me gain more than 10kg :( :( :(
@jjmom, why ur gynae do membrane sweep? At which week r u now? Strange, even last time my gynae still ask me if I want him to do VE to see if I am start to dilate. But he said if I do not want to induce, he will not check at all. But then I ask him to check, coz I also curious whether I am start to dilate or not.

Got mucus plug this morning but no blood, I do not feel any pain or contraction yet. Think just wait for 1-2 days, hopefully can see my LO soon!
@mylilsheep.. dunno Leh.. maybe she doesn't want me to be overdue.. cos I'm 38weeks + 6 now. She didn't insist.. and she say I won't go into labour right away.. just probably will hasten labour earlier.. probably one or two days earlier... but when she did it.. I'm already 3 to 4cm dilated.. LOL...so now what I can do is to wait.
Btw, just now I saw this mama butter..$30+, right? Never see review on this so I never consider.
@momocrv congratz on ur beautiful boy!

@PixiePosh , mine during scan 2.8kg, 6 days later delivered 3kg, so quite accurate. My #1 was far off, scan 3.5, but end up same day delivered 3.1kg.. Hehe. 400g alot difference during labour.
Ladies.. wanna share this great thing with u. I got this fantastic fan and love it so much and bringing everywhere I go. Actually wanna get for my new baby but I use it instead. Really worth the money as its 3 different speed and handy to keep. I swear the wind power is very much better than those other handheld fan

How much the fan? I duno if my bro wants for his workplace.. Seems sturdy..
@ furbee.. selling $20 exclude postage.. include rechargeable battery and USB cable. and very very worth it. I'm a careful user and kinda niao when buy stuffs.. but this is one thing I feel very worth it. Imagine everybody look at me with envy when they see me using under the big hot sun. Lol. and win those handheld fan or stroller fan. Usually baby stroller fan not strong and baby still perspire.
I had it everywhere I go and even packed it in my maternity bag.
Actually i thot 2.5kg was abit small for wk37, but gynae seems ok so ok lor. I tink he is fairly confident i wont pop till 40wks so got time to grow.

I've been eating lots of sweet stuff recently! So weight went up. Weight gain so far abt 8+kg, pls dun let me gain more than 10kg :( :( :(

If 2.5kg is accurate, think baby not too small considering baby has 3 more weeks to fatten up if you have until 40 weeks! :)
8-10kg weight gain is very little alrdy. Think u will easily lose it all off during confinement.

I a bit worried with 2.6kg at 35 weeks....i am hoping 2.6kg is not accurate so there is some way to go to hit 3kg. My own worry that I dont wanna tear too badly if baby is over 3kg. LOL
My SIL has just gave birth too.. 3kg estimated week37, bb was delivered 2.7kg the day after.. 300gr difference..

Is week36-37 delivery considered preterm?
Morning mummies! My EDD was 18th May. But induced 3days ago due to GDM. Put first induction tablet 3days ago, waited in ward 24hours then put 2nd tablet, still no contraction. Waited another 24 hours got contractions, but delivery suites full house, no room for me :( so I have to wait another 24hours. Then finally got delivery room, doc broke my water bag, only 1.5cm dilation, waited another 13hours to fully dilated, this morning gave birth liao.

Before induction, KKH's scan was 2.4kg. Bb born at 2.9kg.
Got a scare ytd. Went for my gynae appt ytd evening n told my gynae I felt lesser fetal movement lately n he sent me immediately to labour ward for ctg trace. Previously at w34 Bb was transverse so now at w36 I thought he was still tranverse. Ended up in labour ward for a few hours with no dinner n starving. Luckily they did the ctg n found Bb was OK n a scan that showed his head was down though not engaged. Thought I'm Gg to give birth soon when I didn't even bring my bags n stuff. What a false alarm. I find it really hard to count Bb kicks between 9am~9pm coz my boy seems only active v late at night. Hopefully he will stay head down till I pop.
Morning mummies! My EDD was 18th May. But induced 3days ago due to GDM. Put first induction tablet 3days ago, waited in ward 24hours then put 2nd tablet, still no contraction. Waited another 24 hours got contractions, but delivery suites full house, no room for me :( so I have to wait another 24hours. Then finally got delivery room, doc broke my water bag, only 1.5cm dilation, waited another 13hours to fully dilated, this morning gave birth liao.

Before induction, KKH's scan was 2.4kg. Bb born at 2.9kg. View attachment 523698
Congratulations MTB! Beautiful baby
Sorry to hijack this thread. But if there r any mommies still looking for confinement nanny let me know. My boy is 6 mths now but because my helper had to return back to her home to settle some family matters last wk, I hired my ex confinement nanny to help me babysit him till 10may. She's v experience & pro breastfeeding & I Learnt a lot from her. Im thankful to Hv her around during the 1st 2 mths of my baby's life. If u need further info, let me know.
@MTB-2015 congratz on the arrival of ur sweet princess!
U had a long labour.... U nv use epi n stuff while bearing the 24hr pain waiting for labour rm?
Wow din expect for this hot month to be raining!! Long wkend for those still working, so shiok!! I alr start miss working...
Normal delivery... push till I wanna faint and think all my milk strength all out...but running a fever now.. and low blood.
Wow thats a gd weight for ur bb @jjmom ! So fast ur bb eyes are wide opened! Mine on & off stick together. Lol.
Congratz!! Rest well n speedy recovery.

Hi jjmom, hi 5 there! I also got fever after the delivery... no idea why too.. but got better after 1 day. Hope u get well soon too!
Today supposed to be discharged but pd said baby is jaundiced so have to stay for the light therapy. .hopefully we can go home tmrw..
