(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Im week 32 day 3 today.
In kkh since wed night 11pm.
At first i was experiencing hardening since wed 830pm. Then i was thinking why it didnt stop after 2 hours. So i checked in thinking it was false alarm. End up admitted.
Throughout these few days i experienced the worse contractions.
Now im 1.5cm dilated :(

Hope i can be discharged soon man.

Take care and rest well...
Since you already 1.5cm dilated still can go home??
@mommymich u still havent discharge? Any updates or suggestion by doc if they dont discharge or even discharge u? Hope u r feeling better, talk more to bb.... *hugs*

Nope. Went down ytd to delivery suite again due to severe cramps.
End up this morning doc told me "maybe u are having constipation and not contraction"
I told them its normal for me not to pass motion for days even before pregnancy.
And i clearly know the difference between constipation and contraction pain -.-
And they insisted i take the medication to clear my bowels.

so disappointed with kkh.
Thanks girl ! BTW Do i have to preorder , or she will always have some stock ? Need minimum orders for delivery ?
I only need around 3 bottles early May.
How do I contact her ?
she is doing it for restaurants but let me check on the availability. no minimum order for delivery. u can drop me an PM. i link u up with her. =P
hello mummies... I'm due in May too but now maybe either early May or late April.....

Ask u all... have u prepare a present for your #1?
and what will be good?

hi Newbiemum80, I'm Hakka too! but I nvr hear of yellow wine... lol... *shame*....
hello mummies... I'm due in May too but now maybe either early May or late April.....

Ask u all... have u prepare a present for your #1?
and what will be good?

hi Newbiemum80, I'm Hakka too! but I nvr hear of yellow wine... lol... *shame*....
lol. the famous hakka food is the yellow wine chicken...that what i know..and mei cai kou rou. lol. rest i also dont know
Mummies, I am into my 34 weeks went for check up just now. Bb head still haven't turn down, getting a bit worried as I don't want go for csect le...is there anything I can do to to make his head turn? Doc asked me drink more water....
Momocrv, talk to baby. Get him to turn. That was what I did for my #2 four years ago. Cannot recall at which week she was in a breech position. Then gynae told me to "coax" the baby. She turned,in the end!
Mummies, I am into my 34 weeks went for check up just now. Bb head still haven't turn down, getting a bit worried as I don't want go for csect le...is there anything I can do to to make his head turn? Doc asked me drink more water....
can try the following
1. talk to the bb.
2. i recall some exercise perform by mdm wong during her class that helps the bb to turn. something to lift up your legs or something like that. some one who also attend her class can recall?
3. do some slow walk

Mummies, I am into my 34 weeks went for check up just now. Bb head still haven't turn down, getting a bit worried as I don't want go for csect le...is there anything I can do to to make his head turn? Doc asked me drink more water....

My gynae asked me to lie down on bed with a pillow under my back for 10 mins everyday for 1 mth before bedtime. Did on and off den suddenly turned. Other mummies also taught me some simple yoga to try. Haha. Just tried everything n hope baby turns. Now i also 34weeks, doc say must turn by 37weeks if not no space. Jiayou!! Talk more and scold bb, ask bb faster turn....guai x2 listen to mummy
My mum is going to cook
lol. the famous hakka food is the yellow wine chicken...that what i know..and mei cai kou rou. lol. rest i also dont know

Yupe my mum is going to cook me these dishes BUT provided i know when to get the yellow confinement wine. haha.....
I was kinda disappointed at the red confinement wine during my last maternity.
It was diluted and my mum say it did not fermented long enough, and i got it per bottle at $18! Feel cheated.
@momocrv, you can try do some position at home and hold for 5 min and do it as often as you can. For example:
1. knee chest position
2. half bridge position
3. downward dog position
You can google how the position looks like. The principle is we are using gravity to make the baby head turn down.
Hope it works for you!
Mummies, I am into my 34 weeks went for check up just now. Bb head still haven't turn down, getting a bit worried as I don't want go for csect le...is there anything I can do to to make his head turn? Doc asked me drink more water....
me too!! still breech at week 35... also want to go au natural but not sure if bb doesn't want it or just being a last minute procrastinator :X hopefully he's the latter and will turn before the space runs out!
I've also tried those exercises... gynae says doing those will make bb uncomfortable and start moving and turning, but my bb seems to be liking those positions, coz whenever he's active and i do it, he stops moving!! :S
Thanks mummies for all the advice! I have been going for my pre natal once a week le..I guess not enuff. I better start doing more at home and talk to bb to be guai guai.
Hi Mummies-to-be,
I am new here and I certainly hope I can really be a May 2015 mummy. My Edd is 28 May buy gynae told me high chance I would be preterm. Like mommymich, I had real contractions and was warded at W28. Now W31 & 5 days and resting at home and taking medications to control contractions.
My mum is going to cook

Yupe my mum is going to cook me these dishes BUT provided i know when to get the yellow confinement wine. haha.....
I was kinda disappointed at the red confinement wine during my last maternity.
It was diluted and my mum say it did not fermented long enough, and i got it per bottle at $18! Feel cheated.
oh mine is the hakka one cos my mil is hakka. hub also hakka. i also hakka but half cos my mum is a hokkien lol.
Hi, @Skivewalker .. Glad to know ur doc trying to delay the deliver. Jia you. Hope ur bb n @mommymich bb can tahan few more weeks in the comfy belly..
Thanks @furbee. Ya crossing my fingers. Besides managing my contractions, I am also managing a GDM diet. Sigh... lotsa complications but I will persevere for BB. Anyways I am ready with hopsital bag packed and everything bought and washed!
Hi Mummies-to-be,
I am new here and I certainly hope I can really be a May 2015 mummy. My Edd is 28 May buy gynae told me high chance I would be preterm. Like mommymich, I had real contractions and was warded at W28. Now W31 & 5 days and resting at home and taking medications to control contractions.

Take care n rest well..
How does contraction feels? Stomach will harden but not necessary painful? My colleague was sharing with me that when the gynae told her that she is experiencing contraction when she dun feel a thing at all:eek:

Currently am at 34 weeks and ytd night was the most torturing experience.. i tossed and turned for 3hrs with infinity sleeping positions... ended up only managed to fall sleep due to over tiredness but I guess I still did not managed to find a good position to sleep.. 3.5hours of sleep and have to prepare for work already.. shagged :confused:
How does contraction feels? Stomach will harden but not necessary painful? My colleague was sharing with me that when the gynae told her that she is experiencing contraction when she dun feel a thing at all:eek:

Currently am at 34 weeks and ytd night was the most torturing experience.. i tossed and turned for 3hrs with infinity sleeping positions... ended up only managed to fall sleep due to over tiredness but I guess I still did not managed to find a good position to sleep.. 3.5hours of sleep and have to prepare for work already.. shagged :confused:

Wah 3.5hrs how to last whole day at work?
Everyone tolerance level different, therefore body feels the contraction differently. When i was induced, i already had contractions cos dilate 3cm but i didnt know, still slp thru the night till morning took 2nd pill den felt the ultimate cramps. I tot my threshold very high, end up 5cm dilate i buey tahan get epidural....haha.
Some ppl say can feel the tummy hardening, while some is the whole tummy n back aching like crazy. As long anything not right better check urself in hosp and get diagnose...never know when bb is ready to meet the world. :)
How does contraction feels? Stomach will harden but not necessary painful? My colleague was sharing with me that when the gynae told her that she is experiencing contraction when she dun feel a thing at all:eek:

Currently am at 34 weeks and ytd night was the most torturing experience.. i tossed and turned for 3hrs with infinity sleeping positions... ended up only managed to fall sleep due to over tiredness but I guess I still did not managed to find a good position to sleep.. 3.5hours of sleep and have to prepare for work already.. shagged :confused:
same as me! i toss n toss but cannot sleep. i woke up at 1am then toss until 3 am plus..finally can sleep then alarm rings. wonder if this is normal
Mummies, which side do u normally sleep on left, right, or lie on back(most nt recommended)...?

I used to be able to slp both sides, den suddenly these 2 weeks only can slp on back and right..if turn to left will have sharp pain in tummy... den when turn back right side no more pain. Wonder if due to bb position or wat..
I have yet to feel anything so far..went to see gynae and scan today, bb head down already at week32. did a growth scan and was told everything is allright. bb's weight is 1.8-1.9kg. the only problem i have is my diabetes. It seems my current diet cant bring down to below 6.6 still. My weight is not going up though bb growing well. Dietitian said i need to gain weight with proper carbo intakes. spread the food across the day but for some of us, where do we have such luxury at work?

Jia you for all mothers here!
Mummies, which side do u normally sleep on left, right, or lie on back(most nt recommended)...?

I used to be able to slp both sides, den suddenly these 2 weeks only can slp on back and right..if turn to left will have sharp pain in tummy... den when turn back right side no more pain. Wonder if due to bb position or wat..
I read online shd be sleep on left best. But all the while during pregnancy I sleep on back (not recomended cos will cos backache or spinal pain)... cos will experience kicks if sides (however, there are still some lucky days I can sleep on sides )..

But ytd was worst... no single good position. Sometimes I lie flat on stomach but felt comforting..(I guess that's the most not recommended) or I may toss and turn and ends up sleeping face flat and my hubby who sleeps very late will be very shocked and attempt to turn me back to correct position (i heard from my colleague today as I din know that happened).

I finally realised I do "squash" my tummy when there was one instance I woke up having "sleeping lines" on tummy, breasts and arms. I'm a goner when asleep. I wonder is it dangerous..o_O but no idea on how to prevent..
I have yet to feel anything so far..went to see gynae and scan today, bb head down already at week32. did a growth scan and was told everything is allright. bb's weight is 1.8-1.9kg. the only problem i have is my diabetes. It seems my current diet cant bring down to below 6.6 still. My weight is not going up though bb growing well. Dietitian said i need to gain weight with proper carbo intakes. spread the food across the day but for some of us, where do we have such luxury at work?

Jia you for all mothers here!

@isenggirl , mayb u can prepack some food n snacks to work.. Have light main meals but more carbo, take brown rice or bran... Actually quite hard to get below 6.6, but i believe u can! Have to monitor further lor..jiayou too!

@AngelDustV , wah u can even fall asleep on tummy, best lah! I turn on tummy to get out of bed aso kenna kick by baby! Lol. Miss slping heads down too. Lol. Ya i read tat slping on left is better, but my hubby say heart shld be top so shld b right side so more blood flow =.='" lol.
Mummies, which side do u normally sleep on left, right, or lie on back(most nt recommended)...?

I used to be able to slp both sides, den suddenly these 2 weeks only can slp on back and right..if turn to left will have sharp pain in tummy... den when turn back right side no more pain. Wonder if due to bb position or wat..

For me i just sleep which side is comfortable. Before that i find that sleep at left side is comfortable but now right side feel better. I can't sleep lie on back too long as it will make me difficult to breath.
@furbee yeah i think its hard. My colleague had it too end last year, and she was asked to maintain below 7.0 lor.. how come different standard...
bb is kicking me very hard too at times. Couldnt sleep well daily. My work's quality is affected too. Quite terrible feeling indeed.. must tahan 2 more months!
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I have yet to feel anything so far..went to see gynae and scan today, bb head down already at week32. did a growth scan and was told everything is allright. bb's weight is 1.8-1.9kg. the only problem i have is my diabetes. It seems my current diet cant bring down to below 6.6 still. My weight is not going up though bb growing well. Dietitian said i need to gain weight with proper carbo intakes. spread the food across the day but for some of us, where do we have such luxury at work?

Jia you for all mothers here!

I'm not sure I understand.. your weight is not going up and baby's weight is ok, but you need to keep levels below 6.6?

My situation is opposite.. Mine and baby's weight keep going up that's why I need to keep levels below 7.2. So far, I'm keeping my weight down, but baby's still bigger than average haha.

Jia you! Perhaps can try snacking on nuts in between meals.
I'm not sure I understand.. your weight is not going up and baby's weight is ok, but you need to keep levels below 6.6?

My situation is opposite.. Mine and baby's weight keep going up that's why I need to keep levels below 7.2. So far, I'm keeping my weight down, but baby's still bigger than average haha.

Jia you! Perhaps can try snacking on nuts in between meals.
You got it right.. my weight maintained the same as a mth ago but bb's increased by 600-700gr at healthy range. my glucose reading post 2hrs is hovering ard 7.0-8.x, still higher than upper limit of 6.6. Soo confused... So i just try my best now..
Check with u all, cracked nipples / bleed due to latching ... Is it cos din latch properly or is nipple too dry

Do we need to apply nipple cream as in now when we still pregnant to have it moisturies to prepare bfeeding when bb born?
How does contraction feels? Stomach will harden but not necessary painful? My colleague was sharing with me that when the gynae told her that she is experiencing contraction when she dun feel a thing at all:eek:

Currently am at 34 weeks and ytd night was the most torturing experience.. i tossed and turned for 3hrs with infinity sleeping positions... ended up only managed to fall sleep due to over tiredness but I guess I still did not managed to find a good position to sleep.. 3.5hours of sleep and have to prepare for work already.. shagged :confused:

Contractions will be painful, like menstrual cramps at its worst. And if its the real deal, you can actually feel the pain building up… peak…then an interval of no pain, then starts all over again. I didnt know dat for my first one, bore the pain for an entire nite n couldnt sleep and was worried it was just a false alarm. (cos waterbag nvr broke, and no bloody discharge) Until i timed the intervals, turned out quite regular, called my gynae and realised really in labour. By the time I reached hospital 3.5cm - 4cm dilated.

But pain was bearable as in I could still take a shower at home, n walk down to grab a cab. Opted for epidural immediately when in delivery ward lol.
Check with u all, cracked nipples / bleed due to latching ... Is it cos din latch properly or is nipple too dry

Do we need to apply nipple cream as in now when we still pregnant to have it moisturies to prepare bfeeding when bb born?

I think cracked nipples could be due to improper latching, but mostly cos not used to the kind of 'abuse' they are being subjected to. I use pumping as example. The process of pumping is thru suction of the breasts and nipples, so your nipples is being 'pulled out' to express the milk. Process keep repeating 20min per pump, 4 times a day, sure have abrasions. Latching, sometimes bb gums will hurt you too.

But good news is after awhile, nipples seasoned already then wont feel the pain so much lor.
Mummies, which side do u normally sleep on left, right, or lie on back(most nt recommended)...?

I used to be able to slp both sides, den suddenly these 2 weeks only can slp on back and right..if turn to left will have sharp pain in tummy... den when turn back right side no more pain. Wonder if due to bb position or wat..
Me too. Im most comfortable lying on my back and on my right side...
Hello everyone!

Delivered at 1436hrs to a healthy princess! She weighs 2.7kg at birth.

Will update the delivery process once I am fully aware what's happening. Hehhe..


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Mummies, which side do u normally sleep on left, right, or lie on back(most nt recommended)...?

I used to be able to slp both sides, den suddenly these 2 weeks only can slp on back and right..if turn to left will have sharp pain in tummy... den when turn back right side no more pain. Wonder if due to bb position or wat..
I was told to sleep on left but usually sleep on the right. They say sleeping on the left gives more oxygen to the baby and so he will b more active. Probably is the baby movement.
