Zhu Sheng Niang Niang (注生娘娘)

Hi Toblerone,
I saw this forum that you have help a lot of ladies who are ttcing.I also hope that you can me too.we are married for 6 yrs with no kids.i had gone through 6 cycle of ivf and out of 6 ,1 end in chemical pregnancy(early misscarriage).due to all these,we are have been quarrelling and almost divorce.this yr im 41 yrs old.do I need to do Chao Du for the lost?what should I do?thank you for your time to
answer my query.

Lao shi, is there any website we can find simple 经 to download or chant? Like to chant to atone for past. if have 人工流产 and also failed 人工受孕, what is suitable to chant? Thank you very much.
我有个query and hope u can spare the time to help me. 我在我家翁家找到了一幅好旧的送子观音的画(it is framed up in wooden frame) 它完好无损。好像是我已故家婆以前用来求子的。(who is my husband,she has many daughters before him.) If i don't wish to hang up on the wall, can i put it standing on the table behind 弥勒托佛?thank you for answering my query.

I have consulted a psychic on fertility last year also and
not sure if her prediction will come true on not.
I went down to see her personally.
Still waiting anxiously .....
Can you share with us on 通灵算命(Psychic)
通灵者(psychic)有好几种,level也不一样。If you've watched the movie "The Sixth Sense"[(Trailer YouTube; clip 0:59-1:21) & (Full Movie
YouTube)], 像这种真实例子的话,能看得到也能沟通,并非等闲之辈。



If the psychic break this piece of good news to you,那就等消息吧!
Lao shi, is there any website we can find simple 经 to download or chant? Like to chant to atone for past. if have 人工流产 and also failed 人工受孕, what is suitable to chant? Thank you very much.

Hi Toblerone,
I saw this forum that you have help a lot of ladies who are ttcing.I also hope that you can me too.we are married for 6 yrs with no kids.i had gone through 6 cycle of ivf and out of 6 ,1 end in chemical pregnancy(early misscarriage).due to all these,we are have been quarrelling and almost divorce.this yr im 41 yrs old.do I need to do Chao Du for the lost?what should I do?thank you for your time to answer my query.

不怕苦, 怕是还没有试就放弃或念错招到不好东西. 也愿意慢慢学, 请老师多多指教. :)

1. 可以。就吃菜。
2. 嘴巴不能乱说话,讲是非。

有关不同的宗教, 不在世后, 将会在一起吗?

向观音菩萨求子, 有没有 special steps to undertake?
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Where can we calcuate 子女星盘? For chemical 流产 which happened between the 1st - 3rd months. No sign of fetus at all. How to do 超度 for them? Can it be done any time of the year or only 7th Month?
每晚诵经(before 12am)念很好!



Option 1 每晚念一遍《陀罗尼经》,(初学者)大约超过一个半小时。念完立即回向,不可偷懒。若念到不一年,有怀孕就让我知道。这本经书大多数的佛寺可以找得到(免费),或者,我免费邮寄给你。

Option 2 一套经文组合,念不完可以休息改日再继续。一个月内念完四张,立即回向,不可怠慢。两个星期以内念完四张更好,到时再加重。若念到不一年,有怀孕才通知我。经文我可以免费邮寄给你。


老师,您可否PM 或邮寄给我Option 2的经文组合? 感谢您!
Lao Shi,

My hubby(18/6/81) and I (29/12/81) married on March 2012 and have been try to conceive since then. After trying for maybe 6 months, I decided to see TMC. I also got my Hubby along too. The Sinseh said that I have cold womb and also cos my menses is irregular. She mentioned that my hubby is perfectly ok. So I ate the medicines that she prescribed. Menses don't seems to get any better thou. and so i stopped going back and see her after visited her for 3 to 5 months. We also went to pray for zhu sheng niang niang but no luck.

Early last year, i finally decided to seek help from KKH, did bloodtests, sperm tests, ultra sound, hsg and results was hubby have very low count while my tubes are ok, no blockage. Doc suspect I'm not ovulating well and thus he gave me 3 cycle of clomids, i ate 2 cycle and stopped as it was quite stressful and they all failed.

Hubby initially refused to let me go for ivf cos of the injections etc. But after talking to him, he finally give in. I will be going for my 1st ivf next month once my menses come.

We really hope to have a child of our own. Seeing others getting pregnant so easily really make us envy at times. I wonder what can we do...

I remembered last year before we go kkh to seek help, we were at Taiwan for holiday, the tour guide brought us to a fengshui shop. One of the lady attended to us counted our chinese names and said that my name is not good, too cold or what, very hard to conceive. And asked us to get one of their tian lu. But we didn't get it.

Please enlighten us on what we should do now while preparing for my ivf...

Can you also help me to count if we will have any child?

Although I keep telling myself to take it easy and relax, i admit i get stress up easily. Anyway to keep myself relax especially since im going for my ivf soon.

Thank you Lao Shi!
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Something to share :





toblerone 老师 giving free advice to all, 功德无量!;)

May I also contribute a little bit? Hope it doesn't offend 老师 or anybody here.. :oops:

Like what 老师 said, we must be sincere in our prayers. Best if can eat vegetarian or meatless, 培养慈悲心。 Children are a blessings, not only ask from above, must also seek blessings from your 祖先。Pray sincerely to your 祖先 for they are blood-linked with you, so 感应 比较快。百善孝为先。。。Be filial to your parents and you cannot forget about your ancestors too. 没有他们,就没有我们。 祖先好,后代才会好。You can 抄经 and 回响 to your ancestors too.

Once again, sorry if I offended anybody here... Just my 0.00000001 cent worth. :oops:
toblerone 老师 giving free advice to all, 功德无量!;)

May I also contribute a little bit? Hope it doesn't offend 老师 or anybody here.. :oops:

Like what 老师 said, we must be sincere in our prayers. Best if can eat vegetarian or meatless, 培养慈悲心。 Children are a blessings, not only ask from above, must also seek blessings from your 祖先。Pray sincerely to your 祖先 for they are blood-linked with you, so 感应 比较快。百善孝为先。。。Be filial to your parents and you cannot forget about your ancestors too. 没有他们,就没有我们。 祖先好,后代才会好。You can 抄经 and 回响 to your ancestors too.

Once again, sorry if I offended anybody here... Just my 0.00000001 cent worth. :oops:

This is a very good reminder! My hubby's 祖先 tablet is placed in my house but I have never offered any incense. Probably like once a year during CNY. My in-laws take care of the offering and cleaning. I will consider going meatless.
joanne23 said:
Hi Toblerone,
I saw this forum that you have help a lot of ladies who are ttcing.I also hope that you can me too.we are married for 6 yrs with no kids.i had gone through 6 cycle of ivf and out of 6 ,1 end in chemical pregnancy(early misscarriage).due to all these,we are have been quarrelling and almost divorce.this yr im 41 yrs old.do I need to do Chao Du for the lost?what should I do?thank you for your time to answer my query.
Click to expand...

hi @toblerone 老师,
我母亲以前年轻时有堕过台,我们子女可以代帮忙超渡幽灵吗? 希望你能指点 ,
公德无量,感恩!  谢谢 !..





家宅 不安。
自身 還願。
求財 合。
交易 合。
婚姻 合。
六甲 男。
行人 見。
田蠶 秋利。

六畜 損。
尋人 阻。
公訟 宜和。
移徙 吉。
失物 東南。
疾病 設送。
山墳 吉。

Hello toblerone, my hubby and I are planning to have a baby. Was wondering if you can help to see if we are destined to have kids. If yes, roughly when? Seems that u have been busy, do let me know when it is ok for me to PM u the details. Thanks and have a prosperous new yr!
Can u help me see for me and husband bazi ?
Been trying for 5 years prayed to zsnn 2 years, tried twice ivf and tried tcm
I remembered I read somewhere online before that there's this temple in Singapore that does prayers for couples who are hoping to have baby once a year (sometime during the first 15th days of the lunar new year). I have been trying to look for the name of the temple but cannot seems to find the article anywhere. I remembered it mentioned that blue and pink ribbons will be distributed to the couples... blue means boy and pink means girl. Any ladies here know about this temple?
Toblerone 老师您好。我看了您与大家分享的心得,想借此机会请教您我和先生是否有孩子缘。 我俩年龄都不小了,已婚好几年了,但一无所出。我可以把我们两个的八字电邮给您吗?谢谢。
Hi Toblerone

I would like to seek your advice regarding me and my hubby ba zi if we are destined to have a baby.
We have been married for 10 years but still haven't had any babies. We have been going to TCM and have been brewing herbs to "tiao" our body.

I would like to pm you, but I am not sure how to go about doing it, could you please guide me on this?

I remembered I read somewhere online before that there's this temple in Singapore that does prayers for couples who are hoping to have baby once a year (sometime during the first 15th days of the lunar new year). I have been trying to look for the name of the temple but cannot seems to find the article anywhere. I remembered it mentioned that blue and pink ribbons will be distributed to the couples... blue means boy and pink means girl. Any ladies here know about this temple?

I found this in the internet, not sure if are you referring to this one?

Kai’s parents, Mr and Mrs Lim had come a long way in their journey to conceive their child.
Married for twelve years now, the newlyweds had agreed it was more pressing to see the world than changing diapers. Jet-set they did,
up till Year 2008 when a baby was accidentally conceived. Two miscarriages later, the sudden longing for a baby ballooned into desperate
measures of traveling to far flung places to seek spiritual help. Every country they visited, they knelt at the temple before God and prayed
for a miracle to happen.
In Singapore, Western and Chinese doctors saw no reason why the couple could not conceived. Maybe it was age, maybe stress, maybe
she had han (cold) ovaries they speculated.Months became years.
Until.A relative suddenly recalled she went to a tiny temple somewhere along Race Course Road here in Singapore to pray
for a baby after years of trying. Word has it that this nondescript temple is famed for helping couples conceive.
But it only happens once a year at the temple’s Flower Cutting Ritual on the 15th day of the Lunar New Year – last day
of Chinese New Year according to the Chinese calendar.
So they went.
At 6.30pm, they brought their anguish and hopes to the temple, knelt before Goddess of Mercy and prayed.
7.45pm, couples wearing nervous smiles started gathering at the front of the temple and waited.
When the clock strike 8pm, an old man carrying a pair of scissors started climbing a ladder. All the couples inched closer.
Then the flower cutting ritual began. Snip, snip went his scissors as petals of flowers in red and white fell.
Everyone stretched their hands to the sky and started grabbing the falling petals excitedly.
Mr and Mrs Lim managed to grab a red colour petal each which must be brought home and
secured tightly on the side of their marital bed. They also had to buy a tortoise-shaped bun from the
temple altar and consumed for breakfast the next day.

The miraculous Temple
Three months later, in the midst of what must be the most stressful period of their life, Mrs Lim, 41, miraculously conceived.
My mum who accompanied them, later revealed she had skeptically asked an auntie working at the temple
if the flower cutting ritual can really help couples conceived?
Auntie had replied, “Yes, 99.9%”.
And the different colours of the flower petals? Red symbolizes boys and white petals, girls.
Kai, the miracle baby is indeed a boy.
The annual Flower Cutting Ritual this year is on next Monday, 6 February at 8pm sharp.
Arrive early to pray first. For ladies, you need to be “clean” (not menstruating) to enter the temple.
Couples must go together. During the ceremony, you must only pick flowers falling from the “sky” and
not the ones that landed on the ground. Couples must first check with your doctor that there is nothing medically
challenging in your reproductive system. Miracles aside, you need to do your part in the bedroom too.
Temple’s address:
I remembered I read somewhere online before that there's this temple in Singapore that does prayers for couples who are hoping to have baby once a year (sometime during the first 15th days of the lunar new year). I have been trying to look for the name of the temple but cannot seems to find the article anywhere. I remembered it mentioned that blue and pink ribbons will be distributed to the couples... blue means boy and pink means girl. Any ladies here know about this temple?

Will you be going down?
Last year it was too late for me to go there cos
I read the article somewhere in April.

This year my psychic has just give me some
directions which I hope I don't have to wait
too long to have my No 2.

We are really old to catch the petals with
the younger ones. But I may just enquire if
we can just pray etc .

Have you call the temple?
Last year it was too late for me to go there cos
I read the article somewhere in April.

This year my psychic has just give me some
directions which I hope I don't have to wait
too long to have my No 2.

We are really old to catch the petals with
the younger ones. But I may just enquire if
we can just pray etc .

Have you call the temple?
Yes I have called, lunar day 15th 7.00pm this year
Where can we calcuate 子女星盘? F
Hello toblerone, my hubby and I are planning to have a baby. Was wondering if you can help to see if we are destined to have kids. If yes, roughly when? Seems that u have been busy, do let me know when it is ok for me to PM u the details.
Toblerone 老师您好。我看了您与大家分享的心得,想借此机会请教您我和先生是否有孩子缘。 我俩年龄都不小了,已婚好几年了,但一无所出。我可以把我们两个的八字电邮给您吗?
have been try to conceive since then. After trying for maybe 6 months, I decided to see TMC. I also got my Hubby along too. The Sinseh said that I have cold womb and also cos my menses is irregular. She mentioned that my hubby is perfectly ok. So I ate the medicines that she prescribed. Menses don't seems to get any better thou. and so i stopped going back and see her after visited her for 3 to 5 months. We also went to pray for zhu sheng niang niang but no luck.
We really hope to have a child of our own. Seeing others getting pregnant so easily really make us envy at times. I wonder what can we do...
I would like to seek your advice regarding me and my hubby ba zi if we are destined to have a baby.
We have been married for 10 years but still haven't had any babies. We have been going to TCM and have been brewing herbs to "tiao" our body.

1. 就算知道您以后有没有孩子,说出来能怎么样呢?能生的话,得等时间。不能生的话,给自己痛苦。
2. 老师虽不收费,不想给人利用。
3. 老师没有得到好处,还得要给你背业。
4. 老师忙。

Please read from page 1 onwards.





而且收费不便宜,at least 4 figures ($X,XXX). No need medication, no pain.

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Hello toblerone,新年快乐! 想了一会儿, 觉得命里有时终须有, 命里无时莫强求。一切随缘吧!
Toblerone, also want to ask what's the difference between 药师琉璃光如来心咒 and 药师佛心咒? 我是挺喜欢药师佛心咒的。 也挺喜欢mantra of avalokiteshvara(应该是大悲咒吧?) 和 om mani padme hum .. These are not a problem right .. Cos I saw that there are some u don't recommend

They still doing the flower cutting ceremony?

Anyone over here going?

yes, this ceremony only held once a year
and this year happen to be on Valentine's
Day 14 Feb 14.
Auntie said go there at 7pm+ and pray
the ceremony starts at 8pm (so don't be
late) If you manage to get the petal then you
just need to pay $20+ for something.

Those who are going must try your best
to catch the petals.

Fann Wong is 43 and is conceiving.
Don't loose hope.

Good luck everyone !

It is only for couples who have no medical problem right?

My hubby got low sperm count while i have cold womb so wonder if it will help if we go...
I tried tcm before i went to seek help from kkh. Kkh gave me clomids. I also tried praying to zhu sheng niang niang, putting pillow on my butt after bed. But seems not much help. So now going for ivf. Thinking that maybe it will be higher chances since sperm directly inject to the egg... Maybe hubby's swimmer not strong enough to dive on it own.

How about u?
I tried tcm before i went to seek help from kkh. Kkh gave me clomids. I also tried praying to zhu sheng niang niang, putting pillow on my butt after bed. But seems not much help. So now going for ivf. Thinking that maybe it will be higher chances since sperm directly inject to the egg... Maybe hubby's swimmer not strong enough to dive on it own.

How about u?
Mi tried Tcm, went lap remove fibroid. Tried 2 iuis tried ivf one fresh one frozen all failed!! Now going for 2nd fresh ivf

Be strong, i know the feelings sucks. I believes God can see ur sincerity and determination. He will grant u a child soon.

Maybe thats fate. God lets us go thru not a smooth process before having a bb.

I think i wont be so strong as u. I think i will only go thru ivf 3 times and if still unsuccessful. I guess i will not think about it anymore. Its hard to say i wont think but then when age getter older, i don't know if i will still have the stamina to take care of a child...

Maybe thats fate. God lets us go thru not a smooth process before having a bb.

I think i wont be so strong as u. I think i will only go thru ivf 3 times and if still unsuccessful. I guess i will not think about it anymore. Its hard to say i wont think but then when age getter older, i don't know if i will still have the stamina to take care of a child...
How old r u may I ask?
Just go next Friday la..
I'm turning 33 this yr...
I know 33 not that old but i dun like the disappointment feelings.

I yet to tell hubby about it. I think i should be going since no harm trying.
I'm turning 33 this yr...
I know 33 not that old but i dun like the disappointment feelings.

I yet to tell hubby about it. I think i should be going since no harm trying.
That's still young.. I'm turning 34 alrdy this year
Still have alot of chances .. We shld not give up

That's still young.. I'm turning 34 alrdy this year
Still have alot of chances .. We shld not give up

Let jiayou tgt! Hopefully our wishes will comes true soon.

Does ur parents or inlaws pushing you? I told my mum im going for ivf, she worried i will be having a painful process. Still say if no child is ok. I told her i wanna give a try. If really sucess, all the efforts and pain throughout the ttc is all worthwhile.
