Will there be Menstruation flow when still BF?

1st time mummy here. TBF, 4mth now. menstruation not back yet.

Heard of some mommies here that theirs comes back 2-3mths after delivery, i think different people has different cycle. My friend totally pumping came back when bb was 7th mth.
hi pris, mine came straight after the "post-delivery menses" (forgot what's that called) ended. even though i was still TBF my boy. It's also quite regular.
My menses only came after 6 months I gave birth... and still not that regular I think only come menses every 45 days...
When I had my first kid, menses back at 5th month and I was still EBM. Menses not regular but ok for me cos menses has never been regular for me. Now, EBM for my 5mth old second kid. Menses not back yet but expecting it soon...
I also understand from other nursing mothers (we share nursing room in company) their menses came while BF too.
Hope info is useful for you.
hi i am total EBM & menses came when my boy 7mths & now he is 10mths still EBM. EBM drop slightly when menses come but went back norm when menses finish. So dont ever use BF as a form of prevention as get preg too
Hi, I got my menses right after my daughter turned 2 months but I was still bfg then. My gal is turning one this week and I am still bfg. Menses is pretty regualr but like what joey shared, when period is here, supply drop.
Thank you all for your reply. I thought I'm alone having it. So it's normal cos I heard of some mummies whom don't have menses as long as they BF (one or two years still no menses).
Hi all,
I've been TBF for my ger ger for the past 8mth til now my menses still not back yet. I think is depend on individual, like my sis in law, her menses resume after 6mth she gave birth while still on TBF her ger ger.
mine onli juz came back after tbf my boy for 12months but very irregular, onli had it once then after tt menses mia....
Koala, you are so fortunate!

With #1, menses came on 7th month and I was still nursing (nursed till 3yo). With #2, menses came back on 10th month. However, I'm 1.5wks late now, body is still trying to adjust.
i got my mens after my delivery. but after abt 2 weeks mens stop while breastfeed. but then came back when abt 7 months later and now every month also see red. sob sob
Yes, my doc said after my previous pregnancy. tat bf NOT EQUAL to NO Menses. Lots of ppl thot wont get pregnant even.

this is a Myth.

My menses came only after some time I stop BF but still very irregular as in the past. No idea if it got anything to do with BF though.
Hi, me 1st time mom, bf my son and hv my menses back on the 4th mth. Til then bf him to 2yrs, trying for 2nd one but having been trying for 6mths nothing happen... anyone experience that? Heard that EBF more than a yr, wil actually prevent pregnancy?
TBF my son for one year. and one year menses-free. Strange but true...

But when I attempted to stop the BF, the spottings came back. And when I completely stopped, it all came in a whooshh.....

And yes, it's perfectly normal. Nothing and absolutely nothing to be worried off. It's our hormones doing the trick. And ain't our bodies a miracle!
dear jojo, it's not full- proof. While chances are you dun ovulate when BF (whether EBF or not), sometimes it happens.

My friend shared with me her story. She was TBF, and on the fourth month, her menses suddenly came on strong. Flow was really quite bad. Gynae suspected she was pregnant but lost it. Six months after, when her first child was about 10 months old, she found herself to be pregnant again coz she experienced MS and quickly went to Gynae to confirm. She slowed down her BF, and decided to partial formula just to be safe. Now, she's a happy mom of 2.

So yeah.... we really never know.
ya but stil very disappointed especially when I hv my 1st boy only one try and we striked and now to hv 2nd one for the past 6 mths, nothing happened.....hiazzzz

I totally wean off my son 1.5mths ago and went to gynae and she did say that could be the hormones that doing the trick and last mth she gave me clomid but menses came back last sun. I cried and told my DH why is this happening to us and I really want to hv a 2nd one.....
dear jojo,

one thing about making babies... you've gotta relax and enjoy it. Dun harp on it, let nature progress. Trust your body to know when's the best time and best condition to harbor the second darling.

You know, it takes a lot out of a woman's body after each childbirth and this continues when we're nursing our child. Let the body some time to recuperate and build up its nourishment. Meanwhile, keep to a happy and healthy lifestyle. The stork will call before you know it!

Me, being very pro-chinese med, might advise you to take the bai feng wan from eu yang san. This tonic's very suitable for women planning for motherhood. It's a challenge trying to swallow the little capsules, but it's really not so bad. I took only a quarter of the bottle each week. So, one bottle in a month. Not heaty one, dun worry.

K? Cheerie up!

Wil go n buy the bai feng wan...they sell individual bottle or is it the box that they advertise in TV recently?

So how many kids do you hv? R u working or like me a stay hm mum?
it's in a box. I bought it and shared with my mom and mil.

me am a working mom. hb wanted me to work, coz he feels that son is still very young. mebbe when he's at his crucial years like primary/ secondary, he'll approve my application :p.

so very envious of you... wld hv loved to look after my kids on my own. lucky girl.
just want to share... no menses doesn't mean no ovulation..

I breastfed my boy for 9mths but had to stop cos I got pregnant and supply drop tremendously plus a change in taste of milk.. then my boy also started refusing to latch on

was advised to stop BF at the point where my boy was 8mths old... and because he got skin allergy, i tried to continue to BF but eventually can't carry... cos I was also too tired.
Mine came back when my ger was arnd 1mth. Came for 2x normal menses and 2 times spotting kind within arnd 1mth+. After that never come anymore liowz. My bb is now slightly over 5+mths.
Hi all,
Karen7509, u mean ur boy is on TBF? Or a mixture of formula milk? Juz curious if u breastfed your boy for 9mths, how come u got pregnant? My ger was on TBF, til now already for a year, and my menses still not back yet.
hi hi

BF is not total full proof will still get preg. it doesn't mean u dont menstrate u are not ovaluating. so ladies be careful
Hi hi,

My 6mth old gal also TBF... Me jus had menses last week. Was quite shock when it came... But I am glad that it's not oni me who's like that.

So sianz... tot benefit of bf is to NOT have menses... guess not so for me..
hi Guresuwon, my boy was on partial breastfeeding for 5mths and then total... apparently, I got pregnant at 7mth.

I have a friend who also got pregnant while breastfeeding for 5mths. but hers was deliberate cos she got her gynae to prescribe hormone pill to increase her fertility rate...

I have read from somewhere that there are cases of total breastfeeding mums getting pregnant. even the gynae told me, BREASTFEEDING IS NOT A SAFE METHOD of not getting pregnant.

Ovulation is delayed or lowered but not that it won't happen at all.
Wonder if this thread is still active...
I am still bf-ing my 15mths old but only latch on at night. So far only got menses back (3 days & very light) in April 2006, then no more till now. Supposed to have menses resumed since only latch once a day, but nothing. Am feeling the pressure to stop bf-ing so as to get my body back to normal, ovulate and get menses back so I can try for 2nd baby.

Anyone like me too?
hahaha...into 10mth of bf, only start to have the "ovulating" feeling 2weeks ago, today my menses arrived!!!
I am still breastfeeding my 18 months old gal. My menses came back after she turns 6 months. Not regular. Only become regular after my girl is 1 year old but the cycle is very long about 43-45 days. Anyway, it took me 3 months to conceive again (and I thot I never will because my cycle is so long, very hard to know when I am ovulating). Thank God, I got pregnant again when my gal is 15 months. And I am still breastfeeding her... but not much milk. Anyway I think for my gal it is more comfort then the milk.

congrats on your no. 2! wow that means now u are 3 mths pregnant and still bf la? not tiring meh? Do you intend to stop or just let ur girl self-wean? For your 2nd pregnancy, did u use any ovulation kits to monitor when you ovulate etc?
hi mrstan,

thanks for the well wishes. now I am around 16 weeks pregnant. Tiring but I dun have the heart to stop. Anyway, I just breastfeed her at night. I really hope she will self-wean. Now I taste the milk, it is salty... but she doesn't seem to care. I got some ovulation kit but everytime I test it out, there is always some faint line dunno whether accurate or not... so I did not use it... I take note when I come menses and count how long is my cycle, this will take over more than 3 months to record to find out if your cycle is regular or not. Mine is regular but very long cycle 43-45 days... Once you know how long is your cycle then you can find out when you most likely to ovulate... I think you can search on the web for ovulation calculator to find out when you ovulate... keep in touch... :p
hi dryperbaby,

sorry for late reply, lost this thread. hehe.
How did u cope the 1st 3 months when you just preg? cos its the unstable period rite? Well at least for you, you have ur menses back already, so altho its a long cycle, at least you have it back. Mine just went to auto space and refuse to come back to earth lah! But then last few days I did test on OPK cos I had mucus discharge, there was a faint double line, so like you, I wasnt sure if that means positive or not.
Hi mrstan,

For the first 3 months is rather hard for me. Was having heachache and nausea feeling. Plus the nipple is really sore, in fact till now it is still sore. Lucky my gal is just breastfeeding once a day so not so bad. So ur mense not even back yet huh... guess you gotta depend on your mucus discharge and the OPK. Just do it... who knows you are successful. My auntie did not come menses when she breastfeed her daughter then she found out later on she was pregnant... you never know... :)
hi there, I've been BF my girl totally for 11 months now and my menses is also not back. Hoping to start n try for BB no. 2 soon. U think ovulation kit will help?
Possible...when that happens you need to take precautions in preventing an unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. I learned that when I got my last DD. hahaha
Mel, wellsaid. I oso kenna shock when no.4 came when I thought TBF will not get pregnant. Heehehe....must learn from mistakes.
hey guess wat? I just got my menses today! I just hope it will be the normal kind, not those light type that i don even know if its menses or not. I'm actually very happy! Cos this means that I am ovulating and hopefully my body is adjusting back again. I'm still bf-ing my son now though, at nights.

wow u got 4 kids liao ah? amazing...

ya i think OPK will really help to detect if you are ovulating, and also not forgetting to check your mucus discharge.
hi mrstan,

that is great news... now you can start charting when you come menses....and find out when you are ovulating... :p
hi there,
i have stopped BF from week 3 and this is my week 4 and im experiencing discharge that somehow looks like menses. You all know the smell for the so call "after birth discharge" is very yucky (different from menses), thats why i suspect its menses since there is yucky smell and the discharge seem to have increased (like normal menses flow). But is this possible, i just stop BF like 1 week ago, earliest i heard is 2mths, never 1 mth leh.. any advise?
I was BF for 8 mths. Menses came after 3rd mth. So, every body is different. Take care, you can be impregnated easily now ...
I TBF my girl. She's now 14months and I've still not had my menses yet. Only light spotting once for 3 days 2 weeks ago. Gotta test next week to see if I've hit bullseye again.

Hi mummies,

Just wondering if there are mummies who doesnt have menses but is able to conceive? My #1 is 13mths old but my menses is not here yet. Wonder if there is ovulation if there is no menses. Would like to try for #2 sometime down the road..
