What's wrong with having Daughter/s?

Given that my hubby is the only son, AND eldest grandson, from day 1, his grandma has been urging us to provide her with their first great grand son.

Now that im preggy, the expectations is stil there. Althou we still do not know the gender of bb yet (personally my hb realle wan a girl, while i juz wan a healthy and safe bb), his mother has been telling his relatives that its going to be a boy.

Gyne's visit will be tmr, of which maybe we will find out the gender (provided bb is coorperative and open the legs). Kinda feel like D-day tmr.
Don't let social pressures get to you pigpigmummy! Relax and enjoy pregnancy. Take good care of yourself
having girls is great! girls make up for it in a million other ways.

as long as it is happy and healthy who cares the gender.

people should really get their priorities straight.
actually its the pp ard us who like to "remind" us. for my case, i never once said i was trying for a boy but pp assumed so once u hv a ger. i never once said i was upset with no boy but others assume so and start to "console" u, making u a loser like that. like d other day, my relative said these days, pp dun zong nan qing nu. dam, i dun noe y pp juz like to remind u that u dun have a child of a different gender? haiz...so many tackless pp ard...
Well put, Xuan! Yes, dreamer, it's often the kaypohs who assume parents are 'upset' and keen to 'try'.

Some people just don't know when to stop poking their noses and imposing their warped mindsets. Strangers in public sometimes say to my mom and us (my sis and I): Wah why don't ask ur mom to try for didi (boy)? Anyway I had a relative who continued nagging at my mom every CNY because she gave birth to her 2nd son when she was 60 = all women shouldn't give up!!!!! Thanks to these I've learnt from young never to let noises get to me personally because our WOMBS are OURS. We're not cows/dogs for breeding/milking!

No end to these people who just need to be heard or 'consulted'...

Stay strong everyone!
those strangers are quite mean...u n yr sis are oredi grown up and pp(relative somemore!) still made such comments to your mum...really bad... maybe some people are psychotic...juz enjoy making others unhappy
Hi jkids,

That's not all, there are malicious ppl who make comments like my ancestors did bad things that's why my mom is 'punished' with daughters!!!! If so, why are so many criminals men???? Their ancestors did too much 'good'??? Nonsensical theories that are imposed on us females are plenty and ludicrous. All the blame falls on maternal side, women's genes and womb. Yet, they expect us to stake our wombs for 9 months to see if male descendants can be added to the family name.

Anyway, some people have wicked minds nad tongues. Taking issues with such ppl will only waste time.

So long as your family unit is built on love and trust, NEVER let outsiders cause misery cos some people truly like stirring evil.
I am facing the problem, my PIL, Husband prefer my son and have been unfair to my daughter ever since I expecting. It is very obvious that they pratice favortism between my 2 kids and the treatment and behavour towards them are totally different. In fact, because of this, I ended up having dispute and sour relationship with my in-laws and have been quarrelling with my husband over this.

Now my daughter already 18 months, things slight change but you can still see the differences.

What's wrong with having daughter? I am really having no clue about how to resolve this. My daughter will sooner or later understand what is going on and I am worry about how this will affect her development when she gradually grow.
very evil pp! i always curse them to make myself feel better haha.

very bad and shallow of them...n they are your own family members...
yes i always ask myself the same Q...whats wrong having daughters? its their mindset deeply rooted....
Hi heeheesan,

Sad to hear that even your hb disciminates against your daughter. Stay strong and talk things through with your husband before the behaviour damages the morale of the child. Also get your son to interact more with his sister and encourage him to help out at home?
