very little breast milk

Hi happylittledots

Squeezing won't damage milk ducts. I think you can't fully empty the breast, so as long as you are pumping enough or slightly more than enough for your baby, can stop already. Just don't allow the milk to clog the ducts.

If you find the flow too slow, you might want to try to turn and twist the aerola and nipple area, like baby's mouth playing with it. I find that most effective to stimulate letdown. And I also massage the breast especially the hard areas while pumping. That will help to speed up the pumping.

Hey blueberries,

Thanks for ur suggestions.. Wat I do is I take those breastfeeding mothers milk, plus drink longan red dates tea, plus drink lots of soup. I think my total water intake is about 4-5 liters a day. I also took goats rue but it do not seem to help either.

When baby is looking for milk I will put her to breast but if interval is less than 3 hours, she will usually suckle only for 10 min or so then fall asleep. And nothing can get her to wake up!! So between her falling sleep and suckling it will take more than 1 hour to finish both sides. Only when she is really hungry will she be awake to finish a feed. I try not to give too much FM but if she'd not feel full, she will still be crying =( Recently even both breasts + 90ml of FM is lasting her only 2.5 hours or so. Sigh!

I would try the suggestion of seaweed soup and jin zhen gu to see if it can help me increase too.. Will try anything for gal!
ming, your baby could be going through growth spurt. It is normal when falling asleep when sucking. My boy 11 weeks until now still the same. After latching on, sleep for half an hour to an hour cry for milk again. I just continue to latch on. The milk will increase. You are still in early weeks, having 90ml is very good already. As time goes you will see more.
Help! Me in 4th week liao.. pumping on 2 hourly interval but still btn 40-60ml. Now bb on 100ml 3hourly..

Took fenukgreen, papaya soup, lots of water, massage but still so little.. how???
Hi happylittledot.. i'm almost same as u. my bb is 3wks 2 days old and i'm pumping the same amount every 3 hours. My gal takes 90ml per 3 hours. Also tried all the above things u mentioned.. can totally understand how u feel. What to do.. Just continue to try lor.. My colleague told me she has a friend whose supply only came in during 2nd month. So I guess we still got home. Jia You!! Dun Give Up!!
Hi ming,

You shld not wait until your bb is asleep, then try to wake her up. Once u see that bb is going to fall asleep, try to tickle/rub her hand or stroke her under her chin. U can also compress ur breast so that more milk comes out, which will make her wake up a little 'cos got to quickly swallow
My experience tells me to latch more 'cos pumping is discouraging in the early weeks. For my 1st bb, I die die must latch only 3 hrs interval, supply not able to catch up w demand in the early weeks, so to latch n pump to stimulate more....see amt pumped out so little, so discouraging...cry n cry, I cry...tears more than milk. For my current bb, latch n latch, he cry only I latch, dun care whether he's hungry or not, pump only when engorged. Milk plentiful. Feed 1 side, he's full. No stress
hi mummies,

i had been on SMH for a long while, this is the 1st time i'm reading up this thread. I would like to share my experience on bfeeding.

My baby was born in Dec07. During my 1st month, I was totally latching him on. U know la, newborns are always sleeping off on breasts and it's very difficult to wake him up. Even though I tried changing his diapers, that couldn't wake him up! Ended up putting some wet hanky over his forehead to wake him up to nurse. This is very tortorous to the baby but that's the only choice to wake him up!
Reason why I wake him up 2hrly was because he had mild jaundice and my CL keep sunning him during the day. So during the suntanning days, I would disrupt his naps and nurse him 2hrly to ensure he gets enough fluid. My Cl and my mum thinks i'm nuts but i didn't care and just kept on breastfeeding him. They even tell me to stop for a few days, give him formula so that the jaundice would go away. Instead I didn't, continued bfeeding and his jaundice took 3wks to go away.

During the 3rd wk of birth, my boy was demanding for milk every 1.5-2hrly - growth sprut. And basically everytime he nursed I had to alternate the breasts like 2-3 rounds each time. I was basically nursing him almost 24hrly hehee..So mummies, perservere, your efforts would pay off. There is no such thing as not enough milk. You need to latch on & pump to produce enough milk. Of course during that growth spurts days, no excess available during after-latch pump. probably a few droplets.... but it's to stimulate the breasts. Then i started to pump out excess 10-20ml (after latching on) and this was to me quite pathetic. However I tahan on and still continue to latch him and pump out the excess.

During the 1st 2months I was nursing him 3hrly except during the growth spurts days. It was tiring latching on but it's worth while. I started to take fenugreek coz my supply was just = to the demand. That helped me quite a fairbit to build up some supply before i got back to work. I started the bottle on him when he's about 4wks old. Not every feed but once a day or so.

When i got back to work after 3months, it was quite stressful during the 1st few weeks, trying to adjust the timing and getting back into the momentum of work. The 1st week at work, I pumped 3times at work and the supply goes like 160ml, 120ml then 80ml during the 5pm pump. Everytime i pump i spend about 1/2hr pumping. I was worried that the amount would continue on like this for a long while. Means soon demand would be > than supply soon.... cham liao

Then I decided that I should latch him on when i get back home. Starting wk2, every morning i latch him on and tandem pump on the other side of my breast. Save time, save washing one bottle and efficiently increase the amount to feed your baby. Nowadays, he is full feeding one side. In the evenings, I tandem pump and nurse on the other side also. THe last feed I let my hubby bottle feed the baby - father & child bonding time. Now, I am pumping about 250ml excess in the morning + latching baby, then in office about 180-200ml each time on a steady basis. The evening pumps at home lacth+ pump yield about 160ml excess each time to bag up for supply buildup.

I am proud to say I have weaned off fenugreek after the wk3 starting work. I must say eating fish, mushroom, having soups and fluids are very important. Most importantly - LATCH YOUR BABY ON AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE. So mummies out there who are just starting to nurse your babies, jia you and I am sure you can do it as well!
hi mummies, usually, how long does it take for u to pump 40-100ml ? i could only achieve a miserable 5-10ml in 30 min, i dunno whether this is normal or not.
For mummies who have took goat rue before, how many times and how many capsules do you take each time. When do you find the effects like very fast get engorgment.
Maureen, I am trying it now. I take the tincture (liquid form), 1ml 4 times a day. I dun find that it increases my supply alot le..
hi all

i also would like to share with all of you my experience. Not sure if it'll help, but hope it can encourage some of you in some small little way.

my baby boy was born in aug 07, and i'm very blessed because he can latch on very naturally and well. i'd a emergency c-section, so latching on was quite painful due to the position. i bought a my brest friend and that helped a lot. baby was slightly jaundiced, and had to stay on in hospital while i was discharged earlier. so those few days without baby, i just kept massaging the breast and squeezing out the milk. i remember the KK LC said, no pain no gain. the colustrum, interestingly, is very orange in colour. looks like orange juice.

once baby came home, i started to latch him on for every feed and after that i massage and squeeze out or pump out whatever milk i can so as to increase supply.

however, during 1st month confinement, i caught a bad flu bug, and not wanting to spread to him, i started expressing using my ameda pump and got my mother to feed baby instead.

after 1st month, my mom went home and i handled baby alone with maid. i still continued latching on, but introduced 1 bottle feed in the afternoon (3pm) per day to baby. that turned out to be a wise decision.

when baby just turned 2 months old, one night, baby was especially hungry, kept waking up for feeding. at about 4am, when i finished feeding baby and was seated on the sofa, i suddenly felt a sharp pain at my back. i forcedly walked myself back to baby's room and put him safely down on the mattress. afterwhich i walked back to my own bedroom so that i can lie down to rest. however, before i could reach the bed, the sharp pain at my back was so bad that i can feel myself fainting. i called out to hubby and before i knew it i already blacked out and hit my head against the floor. hubby could not really catch me in time. when i regained consciousness, hubby told me i was in fits. i slowly climbed back to bed and felt a bit better. however, a few hours later, when i tried to go to the toilet, i almost fainted again from the pain. i'd to be taken to tan tock seng in an ambulance.

i hurriedly asked my mom to pack my manual and electric breast pump as i knew i'll be away from baby for some time. at the hospital, after all the tests and screenings, both breasts were already terribly engorged as it was quite a long time from the last time i can sit up and feed / pump. i was diagnosed as having a slipped disc on my spinal cord. for the next few days, i could not walk, nor sit up properly, totally bed-ridden. i was so tempted to give up breastfeeding at that time. but i told the doctors i want to continue and try to pump out so that i can continue feeding when i return home. i was told that it'll take at least 6 weeks before i can recover if i've to undergo a surgery. it was really very tough and i prayed to God for strength. with the nurses help to prop me up in bed, get the pump for me, and throw away the milk (as i was on super strong painkillers), and wash the pump for me, i was able to pump four times a day. at one point i actually asked the nurse, can u tell doctor i don't want to breastfeed anymore, can you give me some medicine to stop the flow. but the nurse told me, i don't think we have the medicine now, need to wait, why don't you tahan a bit more.

i must thank her for that. miraculously, on the 4th day in hospital, i started to be able to sit up, and stand up without wanting to black out from the pain. by the 5th day, i started walking with a walking aid for very short distances. by the 6th day, i could bathe on my own, imagine how happy i was. i was discharged on the 7th day, although i still needed a lot of help walking. i requested for breastfeeding-save pain medication and discussed at length with the doctors. they finally gave me something of the same family as ponstan and i was able to continue feeding baby through pumping (i still don't have any strength to carry baby).

meanwhile, when i was hospitalised, my mom was feeding baby the extra frozen milk that i managed to keep during the 1st 2 months. good thing baby wasn't fussy, he was able to drink from the bottle. as we all didn't know how long it'll take for me to return home, mom also introduced baby to FM, which he took to it quite well too.

after i was discharged, my milk supply went very low. i'd lost about 4kg and maybe it's the medicine or hospital food, the milk looks very diluted and watery. i could only pump 6oz every 6 hours instead of 10oz every 6 hours.

however, i persevered, and ate a lot of fish, pigs trotters, spare-ribs, eggs etc. i slept a lot (was sleeping on 2hrs on average in hospital as the ward was very noisy, the other patients were moaning through the night). finally, my supply went back to normal and i was able to meet baby's demands, and went back to TBF through pumping.

i went back to work after my mc, when boy is about 3.5 months old. i started a strict schedule of pumping. 5am, 10am, 3pm, 8pm, 12midnight, and slowly reduced to 5am, 11am, 4pm, 11pm, and now 3 times a day at 6am, 3pm, 10pm. i'm kept busy all day with work, physiotherapy sessions at TTSH, daily exercise to strengthen the back muscles and the usual baby care work.

i'm happy to share that my son is now 7.5 months, 9+kg and is a TBF baby who has started on solids. i even managed to have an excess of 70+ packs of EBM frozen in the fridge (some have expired though).

to all those struggling in one way or other, jia you!
pardon me, just wana pour out my woes.
just when my milk supply is so little and im trying hard to increase pumping and latching my bb but recently my boy dont like to drink EBM, and last wk i oredy threw away ard 10oz of milk which i've pump so hard to get this amount over a few days.
whenever i feed him, he cries and uses his tongue to push the bottle out, simply dont wan to drink when obviously its oredy time for his feeding. in the end i gotta supplement him with FM, cant possibly starve him. nw i dont know if i should carry on as its oredy very demoralising in d 1st place and now its worst. if bb doesnt like my milk, i find it hard to push on..
Hi luca,

How old is your bb?
Are u trying to feed him frozen EBM? If so, try to feed him freshly expressed EBM for the time being.
Are u the one trying to feed him? Get someone to feed him on your behalf 'cos he has associated u with latching.
Hi blueberries,
my boy is ard 3mths now.
my supply is very low, so the EBM is usually the day before.
He reacts the same even if its someone else. Actually i was told by mum that he doesnt like drinking, so i tried during wkends, and i found out that its true.
I dont know is it because he's been fed FM most of the time as i dont have enough EBM for him, thats why he prefers FM more.
U might find me silly. Anyway I've tried the EBM, because i really want to know why he doesnt drink. Truth is, it really doesnt taste good. sigh.
yes he does, in fact he drinks almost immediately without any fuss. nw im trying to mix some FM per feed instead of giving him 1 full feed of EBM, at least my precious milk wun go to waste.
hi hazel,
i rili adimre u ley.. ur v determined..

hi luca,
izit ok to actualli mix ebm wif formula? read tt some mummies are actuali doing tt.. coz my bm is very pathetic.. can oni manage to pump 5ml aft 1hr+!! jialat rite... *sigh*
Regarding mixing, I'm not sure if it is recommended. I recall reading something suggesting that we should not mix different brands of formula milk together for 1 single feed cos the nutritional balance may be thrown off balance.. if that's the case, I'm not sure if we can mix breast milk and FM... but I'm not an experienced mom and neither am I a lactation consultant...
try feeding him on EBM when he's really hungry.. may be he won't reject it.

mom to be,
keep on pumping. pump between feeds (even if it's just for 10min). drink soya bean milk and milk. it'll help. apparently strawberries (berries in all) help to increase amt too. you might want to try. jia you
hey moms...izit true tat now my bb gng 4 mth, my supply is more or less fixed at my current amount? No supplements or longer hrs of expressing will help to increase?
hi maureen, hazel,
so u tried mixing bm wif fm? how is it? as in bb still feeds normally n poos normalli oso?

hi jeelomeelo,
aiyah, tried everything oredi.. pump oso milk ss still pathethic.. n to make matters worst, bb refuse to latch on totalli..
hi mom to be

yes i tried mixing FM and BM, and also mixing BM and cereal coz my boy is on solids already.

Feeds normally and poo normally, but need to feed a bit of water.
are you a totally expressing since day1? or baby has latched on b4 but now rejects the breast?may be you can offer him when baby is really really hungry...
hi maureen, hazel,
ok will try mixing today..

hi jeelomeelo,
since 1st day i latched on.. the mistake was giving him fm coz family pressured like crazy to feed bb coz hes crying like crazy.. aft tat latching on a few times but bb still hungry. pumping oso but bm very little.. just when ss increasing, bb rejected latching on totalli.. so now bopian.. oni can pump.. tried to latch him on but he pushed his face away each time..
Hi mummies..

Just wanted to check if BM supply will drop if I'm sick? These few days I seem to be coming down with a cold, and my MS seems even more pathetic than usual, 20-30ml every 3 hours =(

I sure hope its related to my being sick.. not a permanent drop in my MS.. boohoo..
hih mtb,
try squeezing some milk onto the nipple first then coax ur baby. feed when bb is screaming for milk, i.e when bb is really hungry... really dunno boy, no experience on this
hi mtb

my baby also reject latching on after some time. first 2 months okay, after that because of my back problem didn't latch on for 2-3 weeks. After that when I try to latch on, baby totally rejects. He'll rather starve than to latch on and struggle very hard with me. But I find that pumping every 3 hr interval help to continue the supply of milk.

hi ming
yes, being sick will cause a temporary drop in milk supply. i experienced that before. you just continue to eat well, try and rest more (hmm dunno how that is possible with a young baby), and relax. slowly, the supply will increase back to normal.

Thanks! Phew.. Hopefully I will get well and get my MS up again soon. Fortunately the weekend is coming and I can "throw" baby to hubby to take care, haha, so I can rest more.
My collegue ever mention to me she took this pills to produce and increase her milk intake.Seem very good and effective.Keen to know PM me,I try ask her for you
I'd a blocked duct just few days ago and then milk supply also dropped badly.

Finally tried the green papaya soup, and it works for me. Also started taking longan and red dates tea on daily basis again (even though it's nearly 7 months since my confinement).

u mean red bean soup? where to get sesame powder?

jus wondering, does the pump we used matters? heard some find manual is betta, like to hear some comments from all of u pls, tks.
hi mtb

i cooked my own longan red dates tea. just buy dried longan and red dates at hock hua / any other chinese medicine shop and boil in water. add a bit of rock sugar if you like.
hi luca

i've tried the Medela manual pump, Medela mini electric and Ameda Lactaline. I like the manual pump for 1st month or so when I was latching and just pumping in between feeds. It's able to extract more than the electric pumps, but it's tiring if you need to pump v often. You can try Medela Harmony / Avent manual pumps, I heard it's better.

As for electric pumps, i prefer to pump 1 side at a time because that means i've one free hand to massage while pumping. The medela mini e is very noisy, so i just use it at home. The ameda is more bulky but very quiet, so i leave it at the workplace. that helps to save time packing up at work, just need to bring home the expressed milk in a cooler bag.
Hazel, you are very encouraging.
I only breastfed my son for a month cos my milk supply was low. I did not mix BM with FM but I fed BM first then FM, which my son threw out both BM and FM couple of times.... I was so sad..and decide to stop BM since my supply was low then.

Now I am going to deliver soon in end June. I wish to BM my new baby this time. Is it advisable to take feenugreek right after birth so that I want to make sure I have milk supply? I am scared I will be in the same situation again 4 years ago, whereby my first son refuse to latch on and keep crying for FM only.

Hi Hazel,

If ss is very low, would using Ameda Lactaline be fruitful in pumping more milk rather than using a manual pump ?
Hi Hazel, tks for the useful info.
but is ameda betta than medela? coz i using medela too, find it ok only, but duno hw gd is ameda. wonder sld i get it, in the hope that it can help 2 increase the amount i can express out.
hi sonia

i find there's not much difference in supply between manual and electric once your supply is established. in the early 1-2 months manual can yield more milk.

hi luca
i prefer the medela for its small handy size. i like ameda for its suction power and quietness. in terms of amount expressed, not much difference between my mini e and ameda. perhaps you may want to try medela PIS, i heard some friends mention that it is really very very good.

hi gloria

congrats and all the best for your delivery.
hi hazel,

thank you so much for your reply. i was also wondering - i read that it takes 3-6 weeks to have good flow of BM. My baby is going to be a mth old. I try to latch him on as much as possible. But he still keeps crying (< 30 min) after each feed. I am wondering : Is that normal ? I have not really tried pumping much because I was told that it would take nearly 2-3 mths to use it effectively. Even when I tried, it yielded only < 10ml.

So is there a possibility to have good milk flow after even 4-6 weeks ?
For my first four weeks my supply only 80ml. Then I start to take fenugreek and drinks a lot of water. Of cos have to pump 2/3hrly. Before 12weeks my supply increase to 140-160ml.

Starting I used manual. Then now I used ameda dual occassionaly.
Does anyone experience of this before? I had been taking fenugreek for about 2 months and the supply goes up to 7OZ only. Just before i start work at 3 months, I decided to stop taking Fengreek and my supply within 2 weeks, its drop to zero during pump. I re-started the fengreek again. Will need to know the outcome.......? Will my supply comes back to 7OZ or can have more than that???My son coming to 4 months. Please advises.
hi sonia

oh yes, crying very often is very normal in early months. sometimes baby just wants to suckle for comfort and is not really hungry. you just monitor the output, if baby has enough wet diapers and poo poo, then it's not really hunger.

initially my baby would sometimes suckle me for more than 1 hour at a time. it got just too tiring, so i introduced the pacifer after some time once he already has a more fixed pattern for eating and sleeping.

how long does it takes to see the increase when u take fenugreek? i took for 2 weeks, but see no increase so i stopped.

danjuan, dis ma yu shan brand, can get frm any supermarket or wat?
