Support Group - Stillbirths

I understand what you have went thru. My jared is together with your baby Nat in heaven. All our angels up in heaven are playing together.
Wish you all the best in your current pregnancy.

Hi Angel, i am so sorry. Be strong now for the tiny little ones in you. They will bring you endless of job. Take care.
Hi Angel

Thanks for the touching story. I can really relate how you feel having gone through infertility, 1 ectopic pregnancy and 1 loss at 22 weeks due to incompetent cervix, both conceived through medical aid.

Dealing with infertility is a painful thing and to lose 2 babies is even worser.

But I am glad that you found courage and that you are carrying twins now. I will pray that your 3rd pregnancy be smooth sailing.

I also hope I can conceive soon.
Hi Angel,
Sorry to hear what you went through. Same as the rest of the mummies here, we all understand your feelings. It's never easy......

Hold strong faith in god that he had allowed certain things to happen cos he had his own reason. And for you to be pregnant with twins again, is his gift to you. Be strong. Dispel all the negative thoughts and live with the positive ones. Our little ones can feel our emotions strongly. All the best to you, and take care.

Do not give up hope. I also pray for you to be able to conceive soon!
Hi Angel,

Congrats on your new twins!

I recently lost my little baby girl at 24 weeks (see my earlier post). Her heart stopped at 23 weeks just before CNY so I had to wait a few days after CNY to induce and deliver her. She came out with her eyes closed and looked peaceful with no pain (I guess). It has been more than a mth since, and I hated looking at babies and pregnant woman. I even fear to concieve again.
I understand your pain. When I lost my boy at 23 weeks, I am also sooo jealous of those who have babies and those with smooth pregnancies. Even though I have my little boy with me now, but the pain is still there, and I am still so jealous of those women who have smooth pregnancies, and can have as many kids as they strong. You little one will be back to you soon.
dear all,

i understand what you have been going through. Like etsbaby, i lost my boy when he was 24 weeks (supposedly the honeymoon trimester) because his heart stopped. That was my first pregnancy and hubby and i were devastated cos we were waiting for this baby. The worst thing was that at that time i has two cousins and one colleague who supposed to have edd near mine..that adds on to the pain.

when i delivered my bb, it turns out to be a cord accident. the cord was twisted, not around neck, but twisted so the blood supply was cut off. Otherwise he would have been a healthy and adorable baby. I wondered for many times is it becos of something i ate, something i did .. when i asked the gynae, he had no explanation. It was just an accident.

My biggest regret, not having taken a look at my son. Thankfully, my hubby had taken some photographs of him. But I still would have loved to take a look at him in person..

I have recently delivered a healthy boy. throughout the entire pregnancy, i never stop worrying, till the day i delivered him. Till now I still think of my first son and missed him and wished he was here with me, my heart still aches when i think of him but I need to believe that God has a reason for bringing my first son to Him. Only then i feel more at ease.

To all who have lost our loved little ones, believe that our little ones are at a happier place and move out of the depression state. Only when we are happier and more at ease then we will be able to conceive again..
Dear all,

I glad my buddy showed me to this thread. I'm still having trouble coming to terms that my second baby is also gone and this time for reasons I do not understand ...

I have juz lost my baby boy at around 22-23 weeks and it was only discovered during my normal checkup on 31/03/07 (24 weeks). There was no pain no symptoms no tell tale signs at all. At that point of time, gynae also cannot tell wat has happened because I juz went for a detailed scan in week 20 which shows that my baby was doing well and quite active.

As the baby was in a very wrong position, gynae advised c-sect to deliver. After delivery, then it was discovered that baby poo hence causing his heartbeat to stop and his skin is already peeling. I was totally shocked to hear this coz I read from books that baby dun poo at this stage.

My MIL told me that baby probably poo coz he was frightened due to my hb reckless driving. Then, I remember during the fateful week, my hb really kept dragging me to his illegal races on the streets and even placed me in the car beside him. (mil dunno abt this) He promised me that during my pregnancy he will not go for all this but obviously he did not keep his promise as usual.

Like Destitonia, I did not see my baby one last time in person coz I could not find the courage to face him. I felt that I caused his death coz I did not discover earlier. Everyone asked me how come I did not discover that baby was not moving. I felt like a total idiot! Even though he was not a very active baby all this while but I should have at least sense something wrong.

Hb saw our baby boy for the last time and told me he looked like he has fallen asleep peacefully. I felt a little better hearing that but it doesn't stop the heartache. Especially my hb seems unrependent ... when I was lying in hospital, he still could go to the workshop to mod his car n he still wants to go for more races. Now, I dun even dare to try for another child coz seems like he's not gonna change for the better ... I dun tink I can take another blow ... I'm even wondering if I should stay on in this marriage.
Hi mummies

they say lightning does not strike twice but for me it did...if you read my post few threads up, you'll know my heartwrenching story of how I lost my babyson Nathaniel at 21 weeks...and how after 3 years, I plucked up enough courage to try for FET and was blessed with, that happiness was robbed from me as well.

Last Friday, 20 April, I experienced strong contractions and quickly rushed to KKH. After an u/s, my gynae Dr SF Loh found that I'm already 3cm dilated and the waterbag's in the cervical passage. Immediately I was warded and scheduled for an emergency cerclage by the top fetal-maternal specialist Dr Kenneth Kwek.

However, after being administered the spinal epidural and some probing, Dr Kwek had to abandon the operation midway cos I was far too dilated for him to even see the cervix wall - so there's nothing for him to sew and he does not want to risk bursting the bulging waterbag containing my bigger twin. I was wheeled back to the Delivery Suite while the top doctors conveyed an urgent meeting on what to do next.

Throughout the day after the failed op, I started to leak evening, when the doctors tried to listen to the baby's heartbeat using the doppler, they found none. An u/s further confirmed that my boy has died in utero...
my heart was torn to shreds and I wept throughout the night...

The next morning, yet another Sunday (baby Nathaniel too was born on Sun), I was anaesthetised again (same spinal epidural - had it twice in 2 consecutive days). The intention was that Dr Loh will surgically remove the dead baby (and hopefully the placenta) so that they can try to stitch up my cervix to preserve the 2nd twin. Alas, this op too had to be abandoned half-way as midway through the op, my baby's head was severed...
It's not the doc's fault -he explained there was a narrow band in my cervix opening which prevented him from controlling the strength of the instruments. He consulted my husband and I on whether to continue hanging on or to clear all contents of the womb. In tears and hopelessness, I had pleaded with my husband to let me end it all but my husband convinced me to give our surving baby girl a fighting chance. Hence, I was wheeled out of the OT with the head of my baby boy in my uterus together with the surviving twin...

At this point, the doctors were dejected too - they were very fearful that the bloody tissues remaining in my womb will cause infection which will threaten my baby and me. I was administered tons of antibiotics and drugs to prevent further contractions and complications. My spirit was oh so broken - everything that could go wrong had and did go wrong...we felt so devastated that our baby was delivered without a complete body...The sisters of the ward felt so sorry for us and did their best to clean up the baby, dressed him up in tiny-sized diapers and a woven cardigan before presenting him to us. My husband and I cuddled him for an hour that night and wept unconsolably...the spirit of death and darkness shrouded the room as we mourned his tragic passing. It was mummy who failed him again...we named him baby Joash - the little Prince for he was such a darling when he was in my womb. I could feel his movement everyday and he gave me so much joy...

Now, a week has passed and I'm still here in KKH fighting infection, mustering all the courage I have to continue this journey for my surviving twin. I pray somehow the storm cloud may pass and I can see some light at the end of this heartwrenching childbearing journey...Pray for us. I will update whenever I can using this wireless internet device which my husband has set up for me...
Dearest Angel;

My heart goes out to you, i know it pointless to say any encouragement words..i wish u and your hubby all well and your surviving bb that u are still holding.
Dearest Angel,


I feel so sad reading what you had to go through.

But you must be strong for yourself and the baby you have now. He can feel what mummy's feeling.

Don't blame yourself.

Take care.
Dear Angel

All the best for you and your baby. May everything turns out well for you. May I ask how many weeks are you preggie now?
TO all mummies who have lost their babies

Our babies are up somewhere playing and enjoying. They have gone to a safe place and full of laughter and fun. This is where I hope my angel Jared will be.
momoko *hugz* maybe you can ask the gynae possible reasons why bb poo at 20+weeks..dun think it's like what you mil said.. there should have been a scientific reason.. do take care..dun worry your bb is with my son now, at a happier place
angel : please continue fighting! eat well and rest well and your bb will grow with you
you can do it! we are all behind you..
Dear Angel

I am really sorry to hear that. I visted SF Loh for an alternative opinion on 28 April as I have history of premature baby at 23 weeks. He told me he need to perform a xtray to check that my uterus is not septate. I was reluctant and he related that he has a patient who has an premature labour before & now with a twin, she got into premature labour again, so he insisted that I shld take the test.

Somehow, gut feel tells me that I may have known this person thru the singapore motherhood and today when I checked the website, i realised it was really yourself, Angel. Were you with Dr LC Foong previously as well?

I am really really sorry to hear that... I really hope that I can be of help and I hope that you can pull through this time. Keep praying and keep talking to the baby .. never give up hope...I know its not easy and I really hope I can do more than this... Angel. I know this journey has never been easy for women like us, but u really need to stay strong... please post whenever you feel like it, as I know it keeps you going.... Angel..Be Strong...
Dearest Curl

Yes, I am the patient Dr Loh related to you y'day. Dr. Loh actually recommended me to take hospitalisation leave 2 weeks ago during one of my routine visits but due to my work commitments, I promised him I'll do that on my next visit in the 1st week of May but who knows, before I can do that, I've lost my twin son Joash forever...

Dr. Loh have been such a tremendous support to us in our time of loss...even now that I've been transferred to a normal ward under observation, he still makes a point to visit me everyday after his clinic hours or during his lunch break. This week, he's on leave but I'm still in good care as everyone in the KK fetal maternal team (handling high-risk pregnancies) know abt my case and is taking turns to monitor me...if possible, I suggest you follow Doc's advise, go for the x-ray and have a cerclage done before you go into pre-term labour again...1 loss is a loss too many, what more 2...

In the meantime, thanks to all mummies who have been posting me words to spur me on. My infections seem to be under control with all the strong intravenous antibiotics that they are giving me (though the veins on both my hands are inflammed and they have no more place to poke the needles!). Now, we just live from day to day - here in the ward, under the good care of the docs and nurses and praying hard that my surviving twin girl will hang on inside my womb for another 2 months before being delivered. Btw, she'll turn 20 weeks this Tuesday...pray along with us for this miracle pls...and keep writing.
Hi Angel

Really glad to hear from you. Frankly, my first feeling about SF Loh is that he seems quite 'cartoon' and animated, v different from my current gynae. Dunno if I shld switch to him due to costs, but after hearing so much positive things about him, I think I shld be more open.

I am glad KK has this fetal maternal team to monitor you closely. You just need to hang on another 8 weeks, its very fast, really. Just stay in bed, watch TV, eat & chat with us here to keep you going. It will be all worth it when you see your little gal.

Hang on, Angel...
I know the experience of staying in bed strictly. Two years ago I also went throught the same things. My cervix was already 4cm opened when i reached the hospital because of bleeding.

A cerclage was done and after that is total rest in bed. I know the agony of total bedrest but the thought of my bb make me carry on when i really thought of giving up.

A lot of needles and antibodies too. Hang on there and u will be able to hold your bb soon.

Dr kwek is also the one who follow my case too. He is a very nice and caring doctor. My gynae dr Han also vist me in the ward too. I am glade that we both have very good gynae.

My son is now already two years old and is born at 25 weeks gestation. My daughter is now 7mths old born at 34wks gestation after a early cerclage done at 12wks gestation by dr Han.

Pls try to keep yourself happy as the bb can feel it. Thats what my gynae told me when he came to visit me. The bb will feel the mother strength and will try her best too.

Pls continue to fight together.... will see the light very soon

How are you today ? I have not heard from you since. Today is a public holiday, I am sure your loved ones are there to support you.

Let us know how you are. I was at KKH yesterday and really feel like visiting you, if only I know your name & etc. But on 2nd thoughts, I should not. I remember I really didnt want to have visitors except my hubby when I was hospitalised last year.

Glad to see your post. I remember you were also v encouraging to me last yr when I lost my baby due to incompetent cervix. You were a true case that you managed to carry baby to full term with an early cerclage.

Angel, keep us posted.
Dear Curl, Chloegal and fellow mummies

thanks for your post. Today's Labor day and yes, we're expecting some family members to come visit me. We weren't ready to receive anyone for the past week when the incident happened and took time to just be alone to gather our thoughts and sort through our feelings. But family members and close friends are so concerned and we reckon there's no reason to keep them at bay so we've started letting them come.

On a positive side, my baby girl Ashley turns 20 weeks gestation today and I've been taken off painful IV drips last night - now switched to oral antibiotics instead - so am feeling less strained. The road is still very long ahead of us and our prayers is that we can keep Ashley till 28 weeks gestation at least (2 more months) and every minute is soooo agonising esp when my hubby is at work. I dun know how long I'll be confined here in KKH (no TV here) but I'll do what I can to just keep baby Ashley alive...Each day that Ashley is with me is a victory and each week that passes uneventfully is a super victory.
Continue to uphold us in your prayers...with thanks from our hearts, Angie.

By the way, we've also arranged to cremate our beloved baby Joash this Saturday 5 May 07 at 1pm at Mandai Crematorium Hall 1. For those mummies who's loved and lost and did not have a chance to bid your angels a proper farewell, we invite you to attend this as a vicarious form of closure to your personal loss...
Hi Angel

Glad that you are taken off the drips and on oral medication. It is def a lot easier. I have been thru that & I can totally understand how you feel.

Its a victory for every day and every week you can pull through. Believe me, time flies. But be good and stay in the hospital cos you will have all the attentive care you need. If you pass thru the 24 weeks hurdle, it one big achievement, then 26 weeks and etc. Set short targets & milestones.. you will be there.. really.

DO get your hubby to have a good rest... cos he needs to be strong for you. I am sure you can pull thru it even when you are alone and your hubby at rest.. with the little miracle in our tummy, we will do all we can to protect her. Baby Ashley has been doing well so far and I am sure she wants to meet her mummy when the time is right... Just sleep, eat & read... cos reading makes you drowsy and easier to pass time.

I also read from your other postings that you were with Dr LC Foong.. Small world, I was also with Dr LC Foong when I had my pregnancy and lost it at 23 weeks due to incompetent cervix last year in Sep. I went thru all I can but as I was dilated to 8 cm, it was a little beyond him. All sorts of drips and anti-biotics... I can totally understand what you are going thru.

Take care Angel, I will be with you and ur postings closely.
Hi! Angel,

Maybe you can keep yourself busy by constantly talking to Baby Ashley. She can hear and feel you. I know it's hard to be happy at this point of time. But keeping a positive mind sometimes do help. I fully understand the loss of Joash as I have lost my baby girl at 24 weeks just more than 2 months ago. Keep going strong for your little girl and fight till the end, all is not lost until you know you have reach the end of the path and who knows there is a shining light at the end. keep us posted here and we will keep our fingers crossed for you.
hi curl

thanks for often logging in to cheer me on...I'm regaining my strength each day, though still on a cocktail of pills to stave off contractions/infections. Just had a growth scan done this afternoon and it was such a great relief to see bb Ashley moving about...Dr Loh will be back from his leave tomorrow, will see what he recommends next for me since it's still a long road ahead for my baby...

Etsbaby, it's so heartbreaking to lose our babies to stillborn and I always feel angry when people term it as a 'miscarriage' - they are so ignorant. Yes, I'm trying each day to speak to Ashley though initially after losing Joash, I was so sad that I kept a distance from bb Ashley for fear of being hurt again if I become too attached to her...
Hi Angel

You shouldnt be fearful. Whatever the outcome is, we must try our best. I still blame myself at times for not being able to carry thru my baby. But I know he knows I want the best for him.

Is Dr Foong aware of your situation? What are his recommendations? I believe after my case a a couple that he has seen, he may have some good opinion too.

Its alright for the pills, just eat whatever to get the contractions and infection out of the way. I think baby ashley is strong and she will be. Just hang on for just a couple of weeks more, Angel... keep me posted.. I think of you everyday.

I had induced labour followed by D&C, my 1st AF came at day 31 after that. My 2nd AF came at day 23. Now, my 3rd AF at day 19 I have light brown spotting. Is this normal? have anyone of you come across such? what's your AF cycle like after birth?
Hi Angel

Didnt hear from you for a while. How are things for you? Trust that you & baby Ashley are resting well.

Hope to hear from you soon.
hi curl

thanks for asking after me...I could only use the laptop when my hubby's back from work so quite limited opportunities...I'm physically alright - still on antibiotics and many other drugs to prevent contractions. Bb girl ashley's turning 21 weeks tomorrow - quite an achievement considering what we've gone through these past 2.5 getting quite bored and lonely here at the hospital - sigh...but must hang on for the sake of the baby cos doc intends to keep me here for another 8 weeks bedrest at least! The road is so long ahead...

Its really such a miracle for baby Ashely. I am very sure she is strong little baby.

Time flies... its been another week. I understand what you mean, its really really great achievement! Yes, it can really ger bored but keep it going, you just need a couple of weeks more and you will have your bundle of joy.

No worries about limited opportunities to post. Dr SF Loh called me on Sat on my normal HSG test results and cos I didnt hear you, I was so worried that I cant help it but to ask him how you are. He told me you are fine and was shocked that I 'knew' you. I told him not really but was giving you 'virtual' support.

Whatever it is, you just need to hang on as long as you can. Once you pass the 26 weeks hurdle, you can start to feel more relax.

Take care Angel, post whenever you feel like it. It keeps you going and make you less bored. I am looking forward to see beautiful Ashley's photo in 8 weeks time!
Hi! Angel,

I am also glad to hear that you are alright and still hanging on. I'm sure things will run smoothly for you now.

I dunno if it is a selfish thought but I have no where else to voice out. I actually felt sad and even jealous that colleague, friends and people around me are all getting pregnant and here I am getting over the grieve of losing one.

Nevertheless, I do hope the best for you as I dun want anyone to go thru the sorrow and pain of losing a baby. Like wat you said it is not a m/c but a birth, nothing or no one else can replace the lost one.

I am keeping tab of your happenings here so do post when you can.
Hi Angel

Didnt hear from you for a day. Hope you are still doing well.

When you have time, please post and let us know you are still doing great!
i just came across this tread and angel, i want to tell u how strong and couragous u are. i feel your emotions and m very touch by ur postings and i truely hope everything will turn out well for u. please continue to be stay strong.
Hi Angel

How have you been? Time flies, isnt it? Baby Ashley is turning 22 weeks very soon.

Havent hear from you for a while and hope to see your posting very soon.

Take care and I will always be thinking of you & baby ashley.
Hi Curl, Jusmom, Estbaby and all who posted,

first, so sorry I couldn't post more often...the WIFI access here at KKH is quite weak so on some days I couldn't log in at all.

Thanks to all your prayers and by the Grace of God, baby Ashley turns 22 weeks today (Curl, you actually remembered! Thanks pal). The nurses come in to check her heartbeat twice a day (morning and night) and that's what keeps my hope going cos I can't feel much of her fetal movement yet...she's quite a gentle baby I think.

Physically, I'm also recovering well - off the nasty IV drips and totally on oral meds. The nurses here at KKH are gems. Last Friday was my birthday and the whole team trooped into my room at around 1.30pm (during their change of shift) and surprised me with a birthday cake and song! I was so touched...that in the midst of my sorrow, God sent angels in differnt forms - through my family members, close friends, even friends from forums like these and the nurses - to encourage me and my husband to press on.

Curl, Dr Loh must be surprised that you 'know' me...hehe...anyway, now that I'm transferred to the normal ward, I only get to see him once a week. Otherwise, it's the housemen and medical officers who do the daily morning rounds. They'll then report to him should there be any anomaly (e.g. few days ago, I passed out a little piece of flesh with stitches attached. They did a histology and found out it was the remains of the umbilical cord from my first baby Joash) continue to pray for us - it's still a long road ahead to 28 weeks and beyond. Being warded on bedrest for such an extended period is no joke but I thank God so far, I'm coping well...So grateful for you ladies' support...{{Hugs}}
Hi Angel

I am so so happy to hear from you! Of course I remember little Ashley 'age'. I am so glad that you are so strong and doing good!

Dont worry so much abt the movements. When I was hospitalised, dr foong said cos the medications & etc we took, we will feel less of their movements. And the occassional contractions will also make us feel the movement lesser.

Big Big achievement for you, Angel. Definitely, I will be with you and praying for you. Wow, the KKH nurses are so nice. I am sure you are touched to tears!

Yes, complete bedrest is really not easy, but you must try your best ok? Whatever you are doing is worth it. Keep going Angel. If you are ok, you can pm me your ward no, I can visit you. But no obligation, if you feel like being alone, thats perfectly fine, I totally understand.

Keep going Angel!
hi angel

Replied to ur posting at the prematured babies thread.
The mommies over that thread are so concerned about u! Yes, the tunnel is long and the road is rough, but i am sure u will see the light soon!

curl, how are u? Have not been in touch with u for a long long time.
Still remember me from Dr L C Foong's thread?
Hi Chloe and Curl,

Good morning. I also used to be under Doc Foong. Infact, all my pregnancies (include this one) were thru IVF/FET under him. But ever since I knew I had twins, I shuttled btw Gleneagles and KKH. It was a wise decision after all, if not, I dun think Ashley can be saved...

Doc Kwek came to check on me this morning. It's quite amusing actually - each time these 'big shot' doctors (e.g. SF Loh, Kenneth Kwek) comes to see me, they're followed by a whole host of junior doctors, quite a sight.

Anyway, now that I'm in the open ward, they dun come that often so it's a surprise to see them once in a while. Doc Kwek told me to watch out for contractions or waterbag leakage, otherwise, he's rather pleased (and surprised I think) that Ashley and I have made it thus far! Just praying very hard that I won't let all those who love us down...

By the way, since I'm into my 4th week here, I've asked for my meals to be changed to the halal menu since beginning of this week but I've a dilemma now. Every single meal is so SPICY!! After eating, my tummy will feel so warm and y'day, I can feel my baby esp. active - can't stay still. Maybe she's trying to tell mummy she does not like spicy food? Hehe. I usually can take spicy food but the ones they serve here are really HOT! Hmm, should I revert back to the Chinese menu that I've grown sick of (since they recycle the menu everyweek without changing) cos I'm worried eating too much spicy food will induce contractions? Are my concerns justified? Hmm...

Ok, am finally due for my fornightly scan later this afternoon (wish they can do the scan weekly instead). will let you know how it goes. Thanks for being my online supporters! Love XOXO
hi angel

hmmm... not sure whether spicy food will cause contractions. i avoided them previously cos i have severe heartburns, and the spices make me feel really uncomfortable. Well, just eat watever u feel comfortable, i think the food they serve in hospital should be safe to take.

Good luck for ur scan this afternoon!
Be positive yar?

Yes, I remember you, of course! You had triplets and you did the cerclage just right after me, in time. If mine have been earlier, my baby would have been saved. But in any case, in life, some things are fate la.. sign.. was just asking abt you in Foong's thread.

I havent been as 'lucky' this time, the last round, I strike with 1st round of IUI. This time, I have done 4 but no results yet. TCM say I fit, also dunno why. Tube also clear leh. Getting impatient & feel like trying IVF.

I am still very envy of you to be able to carry your twins to term.. how I wish I am as lucky as you.


Good to hear from you, as usual. Yes, I know you are Dr Foong's patient. Sorry if I may asked, you mentioned luckily you move to KKH. Is it becos Gleaneagles didnt act in time? I know you have a cervix opening issue as well, didnt they detect?

Actually, I had exactly the same thoughts as you. If I get pregnant again, I will shuffle between Gleaneagles & KKH, so that I can have a 'back up
' doctor who knows my history. Also, if I have premature birth, KKH NICU is much more affordable.

I think you shld avoid spicy food, cos can cause tummy to be unwell, then you may need to go loo more often and becos of the current situation, you shld just move less. I am not sure if it was related, my cerclage stitch actually tore abt 3 days after I discharge & went home to rest, not sure if the move causes it.

Yes, let me know how your scan goes. I am sure you can pull through. Baby Ashley and her mummy are such miracles!
Dear Chloe and Curl

News are not so good. Had my 22nd week growth scan done y'day at about 5.30pm. BB Ashley seems to be growing fine, somewhere near the 50th percentile (before I lost Joash, she was only at the 25th percentile). But what's worrying now is that Ashley's placenta is quite low (even Joash's placenta is located above her waterbag). And this morning, when the young doctor (registrar or Medical officer I think) came to make their rounds, I asked her about it and she said, by the next scan (which I presume is in 2 week's time), if the placenta's still low, then I've to undergo an op to take the baby out (whatever that means - C section or what op?)

When I heard that, my heart sank. We've gone thru so so much just to reach this crucial stage and I certainly dun wish anything untoward to happen to Ashley just because my womb fails her again so you can imagine my mood today...apprehensive and scared with fears of losing yet another baby overwhelming me again...

I know many other mummies experienced low-lying placentas before but my risk is higher , with dilated cervix, 2 placentas and a very premature baby still needing many more weeks before she's ready to meet the keep praying along with us...I can't take another blow, honestly...

Dont be too disheartened yet. Low placentas are common and of course in your case, it can be more tricky. As you mentioned she is a younger doctor, so she may be giving you textbook answers. However, as long as you do not bleed with no infection and strict bedrest, shld still be fine to keep in ur tummy while more.

Think you shld ask to see Dr Kwek & SF Loh quicky for opinion. Just minimise your movement, I know its really tough.

Angel, every day counts at this critical period. There is evena big difference between 23 & 26 weeks different. So as long as you can hold it in there, no infection, no major bleeding, dont take the baby out first.

In 2 weeks time, Ashley turns 24 weeks which is already a major achievement. If they can hold you till 25-26 weeks, prognosis will be better. Of course, it also depends on the baby's health then. My suggestion now is for you to drink more 'bu' to try to strengthen the baby's health as much as you can. We all know chances of premature if high, but just wanna make sure that you prepare the baby's health at peak during delivery, so that helps in the nicu. Do get your mum to make chicken soup + black chicken soup for you. You may not need to eat a lot if you dont feel like but the soup helps.

Hang in there, dont despair. To me, both of you are already miracles, so I am confident more miracles will happen. Keep us posted.
hi angel

Been waiting for ur updates.

Agree with curl, it is better to seek the senior dr's opinion. When my children were in NICU, i happened to speak to one MO who was on duty, and she gave me the impression that my son's condition is so critical that he's still not out of danger. i was very sad after hearing that, cried throughout the night, and my hubby was so scared that i might be suffering from post natal blues... i checked with the senior dr to find out that it is not true, both my children are doing fine.

Now, the least u can do is to rest well and dun move too much. Keep talking to ashley and tell her that u are there for her. Keep us updated. jiayou!
hi curl

Nice to hear from u again.
i've not been writing a lot lately cos work is really busy. i din manage to carry my twins to full term, had to deliver them at week 31, cos my daughter was in distress and my son's waterbag was leaking... Nevertheless, i am grateful that all is fine now, it was a difficult period for us...

All the best to u, do take good care of urself, and hope to hear good news from u real soon.
Dear angel

I have been following your posts too.
Don't worry, I know a friend with low placental and carry her baby without any problem. Low placental is quite common, sometimes, just have to go thru Ceasarean, thats all.

Of course, your case is different, but I do believe you will be fine. I have this feeling that soon you will be telling us ashley is borned with how many kgs, and healthy and strong.

Like what Curl has mentioned, do rest more and eat well now. Drink lots of tonic soup, and eat healthy food like fish, meat etc more. Also, talk to ashley more. She will understand, ask her to stay with mummy, and be with mummy.

Things will turn out fine, not to worry.

If really the case that ashley got to be borned prematurely, do remind the doctor to give you the injection to mature baby's lungs ( I forgot how many hours before, think 36 hours?)

All the best, stay positive, baby will be affected.
Hi Chloe

Nice to hear from you too. In fact we were the 2 patients who conceive abt same time last yr in Dr Foong's thread. Too bad I didnt make it.

Yes, of course I remember what you went through, lost one of the triplets and had to deliver the 2 at abt 1 kg plus & in NICU. I believed your pediatrician was Dr YY Yip. He was a great doctor. Though I didnt keep my baby in the end, he was extremely supportive.

I am also glad all is over for you. I believe it was a tough journey for you as well. I also remember you go to NICU to see your babies everday and hardly rest well for confinement. You must really 'bu' back, must stay healthy so can take care of the 2 darlings.

DOnt worry abt not writing as much, with work and the 2 'bao bei's, I am sure you are v v busy. Also, u shld be writing more in the threads that talked abt how to raise children!

Actually, I have been really wanting to talk to you or ask you abt your IVF experience with Dr Foong. Can you PM me your contact email or if possible, you contact no.? I dun really feel like trying IUI and wanting something more. But heard so much abt OHSS and chickening out.
hi everyone... been kinda avoiding this thread but I think it may help me to post and read here.

i lost my little darling Sabie April 19th, she was 17 months old and died after heart op. I think some of you may have folowed her thread a few weeks back.

It's going to be one month since she died on Satuday, really miss her a lot, miss her laughter, her calling me mama, asking for milk, clapping her hand when i come home from work... so many good memories, i guess i should be happy that at least i have all those memories...

Angel: i will pray for you, whre are you in KKH? I can visit you if you want company... let me know, ok?

hi curl

u can pm me at [email protected]. Let me know when u have emailed me, cos i seldom check emails.

patsy, it is really wonderful to hear from u! i followed the thread on sabie, and saw her orbituary on the ST. Really very heart breaking... must be very tough for u and family. u have been very brave, so continue to stay this way yar? *hugz*

angel, how are u today? Hang on there!! jiayou!
