Support Group - Stillbirths

I had recently loss my boy on the week 37th of my pregnancy. Reason found out to be cord accident. The cord tied around his left leg, cutting off blood supply totally and causing feotal distress. Thus, eventually leading to his death.

As this was my second pregnancy, conceived 7 mths after giving birth to my first boy. How long after this birth should I conceive again? I would also like to maintain the best of health for myself. Really afraid to go through such phase again as I'm now suffering from mild depression.

my heart goes to u....are you doing ur confinement now?
I lost my gal at 24weeks last year Dec due to twisted cord accident near her bellybutton

However after rested well for 6 mths for emotional and physical being, gng to ttc again
and also thinknig of seeing TCM to tiao my body/health
gal, if u need someone to tok to can PM me ur MSN or email...
or maybe I can PM u mine contact as well

It's not easy I know cos I been thru cos everything is so sudden
friday still can feel her kick but sat/sun sudden no movements
I went to see my gynae and scan that heartbeat stopped.
To me is like the wholeworld collapse..but thnk God for my faith, family n friends being there for me

I thk God for healing me and able to move on, otherwise I will be in dpression too
and since my miscarriage/stillborn...I finally take up the courage to take care of the babies in my church just nw,and I was not sad anymore
I used to take care of them before I was pregnant last yr.It is indeed a GREAT hurdle/barrier for me to cross over, it is nt easy

Life is full of ups and dwns, we will never know wat is going to happen the next day,so really count n live life fullest for everyday

I will still worry wat if it happen to me again...there bound to hv some worries but if I never try, I will never know

Do PM me if u need someone to talk to
HUGZ for u and God bless your family
Angeline, I am so sorry to hear about your loss. I believe after you are emotionally ready, you can try again. I understand the fear. I lost my boy at Wk 21, the cause is unknown. Throughout my second pregnancy, my mood is determined by how active my gal kicks. It is indeed very stressful but like what my gynae said, lightning will not strike twice. Yes do stay healthy & talk it out. Tell your hubby and close friends how u feel, dun keep it inside you. Take care ok?
Dear Angeline, i m posting to let you know we are here to share your miseries with you. It will be part of grieving to feel distress, angry, loss and self reproach. We have been thru it..why so unfair right? Time. Only time can heal the wound.Now very importantly is you must get a hold on yourself. Cry all you want. Let it out and dun suppress.
Health wise, pls build up your health ( i myself hated this advice when the tragedy struck me..) cos all i wanted was my baby.. Now i realised it is really the key to a good next pregnC. I am doing all i can to nourish mself to prepare for the next one. So i believe you too, will want that day to come soon. 6months later am sure we will hear your good news! Next pregnC gotta be very very mindful. I learn to be kiasu and kiasi in PregnC. During my one month of confinement, i read books to divert my focus, surf the websites for info..
angeline, i'm so so sorry to hear of your loss. i lost my baby at 6 mos pg in 2004... if you need someone to talk with, call or email Child Bereavement Support.

you sound very strong... if you want to try again, give yourself at least 6 months for your body. after all, during pg, your bb went thro a lot and it takes a while to get back to normal. try TCM to help. do yoga, relax. take care of your health and body and mind first...

take care
Hi all,

Thanks for the consolation provided and it sure does make me feel better. Yes indeed, I really felt that the world had collasped on me and I find it really hard to breath when it was the 37th week when my Gynae told me gravely that the heart had stopped beating. He was that close.... so close..... And he departed with a goodbye kick in my tummy.

My first pregnancy was a good one. Baby is bigger than normal and was told that he is absorbing my nutrients well. Head turned down @ week 34 preparing for birth and he was born naturally and healthily even though it was a 23 hours labour. He was so so so strong. But my second turned out to be this way.

Many a times, I would glance wistfully at my boy and wonder how wonderful it would be if my second one is here with him. And those wonderful images that I'd visualised before my second one's death.... how the 2 brothers would play together, fight for my attention, fight each other... squabbling.... It was so lovely. And it's gone.

I will be strong. Guess it won't be so fast that I'll have another afterall. I'm relatively weak as my Gynae adviced. I would got to have an 18mth break before starting for another.

Meanwhile, take care too, all mummies here.....
Hi Angeline,
I'm Sorry for your loss.. I'm 21, charlene here.
I lost my baby boy during the 36 week.. I was ready to give birth that day, But he's heart had stopped beating. It was really terrible.. I still got to suffer the pain in labour, and give birth naturally. It was my first time, i really dont know what to do..I dont even know the reason why he leaves me. Doctor says unless to operate on the baby. We rather let him go in peace. I dont have a answer at all..sigh.

I want to try for another baby. I just finished doing my confinement. Hope my next pregnancy will be a smooth one and you too.
Take very good care of yourself k.

Much love,
Charlene, you sound so strong... i feel for you. it must be painful right now, being so fresh an experience. i went thro more than a month of mourning on my own, basically in that i didn't want to talk to anyone. but you will make it, i can tell. do talk to someone at CBS if you need to.

angeline and charlene, try TCM to help you regain your strength and nourish your body. i lost my first bb at 6-1/2 mos gestation and after that went back to do TCM and got pg within 4 months. my boy is now 8 mos old! So HAPPY....
I hope you will find peace in your heart and you will always remember your little ones. i hope you at least had a chance to hold your bb... i even gave my little girl a farewell sendoff in a proper cremation....
Hi Charlene,
Do take good care and be strong ... yup a lot of us don't understand why the poor baby choose to leave. but hopefully the next baby will ease my pain and fill it up with joy... I am praying for that too... that i can get over and hopefully when i ttc again year end i can have another baby...
Hey!! Thanks for the encouragement ya!!
I do still cry at times because i Miss my baby.

People says that he look like deep in sleep..

yup, next baby will be a healthy and also be a smooth one.. I pray for all mothers! Must have confidents in yourself! you sure can do it.. Everything's gonna be alright, be positive!
yOu people also take gd care of yourselves!
Charlene, your darling bb is indeed at peace. He has gone to be your angel watching over you. My heart aches when I think of all our angels in heaven. I wish you success in next pg and many blessings from your children! i'm glad you managed to say goodbye to your bb and take a photo too.

happyger, i see Dr Xia Rong at Eu Yan Sang at Paragon.
Hello to everybody

I've just lost my baby boy, Hosea. I was in my 5th mth when i had a miscarriage. My water bag burst. Few days prior to my miscarriage, during a routine gynae check-up, while scanning I saw him playing wih his toes and fingers. The next thing I know, Hosea and I were in hospital fighting for his little life.

2 days after we were hospitalised, there's no sign that my water bag is going to mend up by itself. My gynae said there's nothing anyone can do to mend the broken waterbag, except to hope that it will close up by itself. At the sametime, my gynae wans me to seriously consider removing the Hosea. He was worried infection wld set in. I REFUSED! I told him I will continue to hold on for as long as I can. But of course, he is not agreeable.

He does not want me to risk my womb for infection. But on the other hand, I can't bear to let go. Hosea, during those time are still very very much alive. Without the water around, I can feel him even when he makes the slightest movement. So how can i bear to let go? How can I bear letting the gynae stop his little heart? The gynae said he wld inject some kind of medicine into his heart thru the scanner, and the thought of watching his little heart stop gradually will kill me. So i refuse to do it. Then the gynae again said, the longer I hold on, the higher i am at risk for infection...he's worried that infection can be so bad, in the end i will not only lost Hosea, but also my womb.

Still.....I REFUSE to let anyone touch Hosea's life. But my gynae said, eventually the body will auto-abort the baby.

At that point, it was like I am being slapped hard by reality that IT'S A FACT I WILL LOSE HOSEA. I slipped into depression. I went hysterical in the hosipital and doctor had to be called in to calm me down. I thought I was going to die. Next day, my gyane came and check on me and told me that we realli hv to decide when to pull the plug. And I told him, I will not let ANYONE poke anything into Hosea's heart. I will not let anyonw hurry Hosea into anything. Since he said earlier that my body will auto-abort, I will wait for the labour to kick in then.

Next day (23 July 06) I felt something in between my legs, I asked my hubby to get the nurse in. They checked me and found Hosea's leg dangling outside me. My body had started the labour process without me knowing, I din feel any great pain...just some pain ard the abdomen area..maybe bcos afterall the heartbreak that I had been going thru, I am numb my other pain I din even realise the my body had already kick start the labour process!

When the gynae came and check, cervix already dilated to 3cm. At that point, though Hosea had slided down already, he's still alive! I can feel him moving his tiny feet the whole night while waiting for my cervix to dilate further. The whole night, I just lay in bed, talking to Hosea....telling him how sorry i am to have to put him thru this. I hated myself.

On 24 July, my own gyane came and see me in the mng and after checking, he told me my cervix did not dilate any further since last night, it's still at 3cm. Bcos Hosea already slided down, they can't pull him (his fragile tiny body will break) so they induce me.

After 2.5hrs of labour pain,Hosea was born and called home at 1130am. The nurses asked if i wan to see Hosea, I told them no..which i regretted now. The casket pple came and collect my Hosea in noon, my husband knew I wld regret if I don't see him and so asked the casket pple not to seal his tiny coffin until Mommy sees him.

Next day, I was discharge and went straight to the casket company. As I see the casket guy carry the tiny coffin out, I nearly died. I wish I could be dead at that instant, so that I can go with Hosea. And I thought that's the worse I will feel. I am wrong.

On 25 July, we held a funeral mass for Hosea. Hosea was baptized at the same time. Afterwhich, we went to the "huo hua" place (the place where casket were being burnt)....I thought I am strong to go thru it...I was WRONG..

When they moved Hosea out of the hall, I.....I...on its way to the burner....I was devasted...I felt my mind being torn into pieces. I thought I wld be strong to witness this, I wasn't prepared for this over whelming pain. When we were at the observing room, I almost died when I saw his little casket being pushed into room, ready to go into the burner. I hope so much there and then...God wld come and claim me RIGHT how he had claimed Hosea. I screamed, I yelled,I cried my heart out, nothing can stop my Hosea being pushed into the burner. Nothing..........

The pain of losing him is HUGE. No amount of words can calm me, no amount of support can help support the pain I am feeling, no amount of anything can help me in any way.... I jus wished I wld die. The correct way of saying shld be.....I wan to BE DEAD

2 days later, I was back in the emergency room in the hospital....My womb kena infection.. I had very high fever and I can't breathe. I had less that 70% of oxygen in my body. I cun breathe on my own. For a moment, I was very glad. I thought GOD had heard me and taken pity on me. I remember asking my gf "Am I going to die" before passing out. I thought He had come to claim me to be with Hosea....but he din...

After a few days of stay in the hospital, i was cleared of infection and was diagnosed with Adenomyosis. Had 3 growth, the biggest measuring 10cm. Gynae told me to come back in Oct to do surgery to remove them. The downside of this next preggie, I cannot have natural birth, it wld be a C section.

When I saw my gynae 2 weeks ago, he told me he CANNOT any trace of them being there!! They are all gone! He expect to see 3 smaller balls, but they are not there. My gynae told me it's a miracle that they are gone. PRAISE THE LORD! See, for all that I went through, I din know how to deal with the immense pain and sadness that I am dealing with I went to seek refuge in God's loving arm. I buried myself in God's word and teaching in whatever free time I have. I lifted all my worries,anxiety, sadness, pain to Him.

It's been 4mths since I lost Hosea. But the pain still remains. I still misses Hosea. All the morning walks we wld take together, the songs and story which I will sing and read to him, the food we ate together, the shower we take together, the play times we have with my dog, the chats we have while i am walking to the train station...and many other things which I share wif Hosea. Nobody will ever be as close to me as Hosea. Not even my husband. Once a while, I will slip into the valley of depression when I think about Hosea. The missing part is just so unbearable. ****If you are Christian reading this, pls say a prayer for my son, Hosea. Hosea didn't leave this world with peace in his heart, I don't want him to be in purgatory..pls say a prayer for him****

Now I am worried that I will not be able to conceive again due to Adenomyosis. Thought Adenomyosis is not life threatening, it does affect fertilty.....Does anyone know what can I do to slower the thickening of my uterus wall (caused by Adenomyosis)

For those who took time to read my misfortune, thanks for taking the time and feeling my pain.
Hi Hoseas' mum,

I feel a lot for you and have said a prayer for your dear Hosea. I am sure that the good Lord is taking good care of him now. You take care.
Hi Hoseas's mum
When I read your posting,I was really touched by the love you hv given to Hosea.I will pray for you and Hosea.God will definitely give the shalom to Hosea.He will never forsake you & Hosea.Hosea will be well taken care of in Heaven now.As for your conceiving,I believe God will give you another beautiful child.

Trust God.Cast all your cares unto Him & He will take care of everything.
Hi Hoseas's mum,

My dear I read your posting and can't help crying as i went through something similar, i lost my poor baby Jen at 5mth plus in may 06. my water bag broke at home and my hubby was not around. i was in great pain till the water bag burst. The next thing i realise that baby's is gonna slip out of him. when i last ask baby jen to give me a kick to tell me he's okay when i had pain... he kicked me. He did... so i put up with the pain.. but when the water bag burst i was just crying on the floor... worst i could not reach my gynae as both his clinics were closed.. my hubby called the ambulance while he rush back home but the ambulance just keep telling him that they could only get us to the nearest hospital and refuse to send us to mt a. when i was in cab.. baby Jen's head was like slipping out of me. when i get to hosiptal.. i had to tell the nurse that i could feel baby's head coming out of me.. I too felt like dieing.. my gynae was not there yet and the nurses were abit worried not knowing if they should just pull the poor baby out. but one staff nurse just tried to take a look and told me that the baby was really slipping out of me. when i tried to stay up so i could get a glipse of the baby.. the nurse told me to lie down and she will definitely show me the baby. I saw how he look ... till now i can still remember how he looks. i regret not holding a small funeral service for the poor baby. I saw him i touched him... i saw his hands trying to grab.. as if he just wouldn't want to slide out of me. i regret not holding baby Jen and kiss him goodbye... Hosea's mum... i know you went through a longer time. i know the pain... i too felt like dieing ... after d/c I was sent to a ward. at the corner. i cried for the whole night calling baby jen's name. my hubby was not allowed to stay there so i had to face everything myself. somehow i felt baby jen came to my ward before he left. Hoseas's mum i believe God's know's our pain. I felt like dieing... it was my mum who hugged me and told me that everything's gonna be okay. If i die than i belive my mum's gonna be even sadder...
I cried my whole confinement. my mum was worried and tried to cheer me up.. she keep telling me that if he's meant to stay.. he's meant to stay. If he has to go ... he'll have to go. Till today my gynae could not tell me what's wrong. I had labour pain and he would not want to put me into cervical incompetant. i am still waiting for God to send a baby... I still cry each time i pass by mt a and i still pray for baby Jen with my hubby every night. We pray for God to take care of baby jen and for God to give us a baby and that i could carry to full term. Hoseas's mum... I pray that God will heal your womb and give you another baby too. if not for this support group.. i would still be in depression too... i spoke to alot of ladies here who have also shared the same lost...

Hoseas's mum stay strong my dear...
Hosea's Mom,

My tears just flowed uncontrollably when I read your story.

No words I say can take the pain away. Take care, Hosea's mommy, and be strong.
Hosea's mom, my tears flowed non stop when i read ur story. my boy went to be with Jesus too when he was 7 wks old. i too was devastated and continually questioned God why He took him away from me. till now, i do not have the answer but God has blessed me with a healthy n happy baby gal, now 2.5 mth old.

we do not know why such thing happen to us. like u, i nearly died when i saw my boy's tiny white casket being wheeled into the burner. i wish i could die with him at that moment. healing takes time. cry all u want, talk abt ur hosea as much as u like. it all helps in the healing process. we will never be totally healed of our pains as a mother who conceived our babies from a tiny seed to a foetus and then to a live being who kick us non stop during his stay in our wombs.

i pray that God give u the strength n shalom to carry on with ur life. do not worry abt hosea cos he is well taken care in heaven. u have not lost hosea for good, u will reunite with him again in heaven one day. he is waiting for u there now. he is still ur precious son, its just that he is in a far away place. this is the only comfort for me; that i will see my baby Joel again one day.

be strong ok. God will not short change u. He will restore all that u have lost and gone thru with much more.

i hv pm u my contact. feel free to call me if u need someone to talk to ok. take care dear..
hosea's mom, u do not accept pm. shld u need to talk, my email is [email protected]

bellsbells, i hope u r recovering well. take care too. God will surely bless u many folds if u believe in Him. Ur jen too is at peace in heaven.
Dear All

Thanks for sharing wif me your experience. I am sorry you had to go thru the same as well. I feel for you.

Bellsbells... I do not know wat to say to you...except my heart feels for yours. I know it is very difficult and I understand when u said u felt like dying, I reali do. Dearie, let continue to pray hard for Jen and Hosea. May they find each other, like how we found each other and became frens. May Hosea & Jen be frens, watch us from above together, catch butterflies together, nap together and do many many more together. Bellsbells, u might not hv given Jen a funeral mass, but u had GIVEN him your HEART..that's good enuf liao. Do not wori or get upset for mot getting a funeral mass for the kiddo, with or without the mass, our kiddos are in heaven. For all you know, we "met each other" for a reason..for all I know, u were sent by Him to deliver a msg. If u ever needed to talk to someone, here's my MSN & email id [email protected] feel free to drop by

Dear Blessedmommy...Glad that u had been blessed wif a beautiful princess! Congrats! I dun know if I can be as well blessed as you as to hv another child.

For us who are still on the recovery road, may our good Lord continue to lift us from our pains and grant us the peace to live our daily life.

For our Kiddos...may they all find each other and be frens with each other like their mommies do.

God bless.

May peace be with all of u today and many many tomorrows.
Hosea's Mum,

i am so sorry. i feel for you. Hosea will remain in your heart and no one will be able to replace him, just like no one is able to replace my girl, Faith. i lost Faith 2 years ago when she was 36wks old. Tho i've a boy (8 months) now, i still miss Faith alot. Time did not and will not heal the pain for me..But we've to be strong. Take care.

Hopefully Hosea, Jen and Faith will be good friend above. God bless.
Hi Charlene,

Sorry to reply late. i won't mind you asking me any question. After my stillbirth in Oct'2004, everyone tell me to wait one year before trying again. My hands were empty..i longed to have my own baby to carry. My gynae gave me the green light to try again after 6 months and i did. Only managed to conceive after 3 tries. But in the 6 months that i wait to conceive again, i did not just sit there..i make appointment to see 2 other gynaes i heard was good and blood specialist from SGH. One gynae is from KK Hospital and the other (my current gynae) - Dr Ho from Mt Alvernia.

i came to know about someone from this web site and she is being diagoised to have Protein S Deficiency. i did the blood test and find out that i am suffering from Protein S Deficiency too - can result in clotting of the blood. Although the post mortem results of Faith did not show of any blood clots, i am more or less sure that this is the reason that cause me to lose my girl. You can write to me if you need more info. email address: [email protected]

Hope this answer your question.

**Attention to all Mothers who had Stillbirth and do not know the cause.**

Do go for Protein S blood test. One of my colleague had stillbirth too beginning of 2005, and she is diagnosed to have Protein S Deficiency too. You will never know..if you never test..
Hi Charlene,

You are lucky to be able to take a photo of your baby. My biggest regret now is that i did not take any photo of Faith. I did not give her her first bath or did i wear clothes for her. Guess i will carry this regret to my grave.
wah serene,
So long never see you come into this forum liao. BTW I was the one who recommended Serene to get her protein S tested and see my haematologist in SGH. So how's Dillon? Hope his cough is better. really that long lah..except that i've not write anything. Have been a quiet reader and listener all these while. :p
hi hi serene, nice to see you here. i'm the mummy who used to share the mother's room in SG with you. our boys share the same birthday month. remember me? i have since left SG and found a job. and i've stopped BF too.
Hosea's mum,
Tears flow down my cheeks again when i read your story. I'd lost my baby at the 37th week. He was that close. So close. Very close. It all ended with a kick in my tummy very early in the morning. I was supposed to see my Gynae on that day. And that was the day my Gynae supposed to decide when to go for a C-sect. My baby was in breach position. But it all just end there. On 4th July, 2006.

Similar to you, my baby came out leg first. My Gynae wanted me to go through natural birth so as to minimise the after labour pain. Everything passed by within a few hours. Cause of his death confirmed the min his leg is out. Umbilical cord is entangled around his left leg. After he was out, he was placed on me. I so wanted to see him, to hold him, to cuddle him. But was denied the chance to as my hubby told them to take the baby away immediately. The room was dead silent. No crying. My baby gone. The best I can do is to sneak a peek at him. They'd placed him facing me about a metre away from me. A sleeping angel.

I'm pregnant again now. Everything normal. But the pain in me is still so intense. Every part of me wanted to think that my baby had returned, but it's almost impossible. Cos, all my babies are unique. And the most amazing thing is, the EDD of this baby I'm carrying now, is the anniversary of my departed little angel. It's cruel in a sense, and yet comforting in another sense.

Do stay strong. Not only for ourselves.... also for our dear hubby. Their pain is no lesser than ours. I could see the pain in my hubby's eyes whenever a baby pass by us. Take care yeah?
Dear Angeline

I am sorry to hear abt your lost. I am lost for words but my heart feel for yours. I still miss Hosea a great deal and sometime wld wonder how life wld be with him. His EDD was 12/12/06, he wld hv been 8 days old today. And if he's here, he wld be my best birthday gift for my birthday on 12 Jan. How nice to have a son sharing the same birth date!

Sometime it just come to a time when you know you have to let go. Well, especially for you dearie, let go of the past pain and keep him in your heart. Don't hold on the past hurt liao, u don't want your unhappiness to affect the little one in you now right?

What's past we can't change, what will the future be like, lies in what we are doing presently. So, concentrate on being a happy preggie woman ok, dearie?

Wishing u all the very very best.
dear ladies,
it's encouraging to see you mothers here got pregnant again after the lost and nw most of you are holding ur darling babies

well, after resting 6 months after my stillborn,I hv been ttc for 5 months but still no news so far,
I think the desire to hold another baby is very strong, so care to share how you ladies overcome and get pregnant again?
I notice some very fast..and i do envy..
also I am taking TCM nw , so do share any experience as well,
can PM me

my hubby said I am too stress..but indeed stillborn hv impacted me alot , was very painful indeed till come to terms n moving on now

but I will never forget this chapter in my life, cos I belive God is teaching me something valuable thru this incident
Hosea's mum,
Thanks alot for your encouragement. Well, it's hard to let him go..... cos he'll always be a part of me. And he'd existed. But I'll learn to have him only in my memory.

You are right when you said that God is teaching us something valuable through this incident. I'd learnt a great deal. Couldn't really share with you how I overcame it and got pregnant again as it's quite bizarre how I got pregnant again. I'd input IUD. And still, it happened. Further, my baby was conceived during the days where me and my hubby never did anything for one whole month! Due to some infection I'd suffered. And I still got it.

What's most important is, relax yourself bah. I really did relax myself and went for lots of holidays. Think that is the main reason why I hit jackpot very fast. And I also never thought of baby throughout that period.

I wish you all the best!
Hi sereneoh,
Is the test cost expensive?
Sorry for late reply.

hi Angeline,
sorry about yr loss..
I also got a same feeling as you, Just think that baby had returned.. I got a still birth at 36wks(24.06.2006).
I'm also expecting now..
I do cry every night because i miss my bb, Just cant help it. Think we all feel the same.. Asking why this bad things happen to us??
Hopefully this time round would be a smooth 9tmhs. Take care ladies!
My triple blood test returned and now, I was told I'm in the high risk group. I'm breaking down inside now. I start to lose grip of myself and am very devastated now. 3 weeks later, I gotta go for Amonia test. And it takes 3 weeks for the result to return. I wanna cry already.
Hi Angeline

Just to let you know high risk group doesnt mean that its confirmed. Please stay strong. Are you in the high risk age group as well? If not, you read in the thread that many turn out to be healthy babies. Please hang on.
hi Angeline, How's everything ? okay my dear?
yeah i do agree with "curl" that high risk group doesn't mean anything.
You know i have lots of korean clients who gave birth after age of 38 ! And they have very intelligent boys and gals who are in the primary school now ! I just wonder why in singapore they make such a big fuss once we hit 35. When i told them i am 34 and really worried that if by 35 i still don't conceive than i will have to go through lots of blood test. and she just laughed and shared with me that she just take it easy after 3 miscarriages and finally conceived at 38. the 2nd child at 40 ! by the way i heard sim wong hoo was conceived when his mum was 46 ! isn't God awesome ! She was from my church and it's really encouraging to see such awesome works of God ! God gave her a wonderful and filiar son too!!! I am still praying that God will give me one soon ... as i hate that waiting process... really difficult not to think of my poor baby.. but i guess life have to go on. i am really glad to find really wonderful mummies that i met here who have emailed me and chat with me from this group and that helpped me through my thoughest time !
Hi Charlene,

The test is not ex. Shouldn't cost you more than a $100 from SGH. You can always get refer from the polyclinic to SGH if you want to save money..just that time is wasted.
Hi! After reading all the post in this thread, I know I am not alone.

I am now at the cross-road to terminate the life of my baby or to wait till she dies on her own. she is diagnosed with cystic hygroma (a big cyst on her back) which will result in her not survivin this pregnancy at all. I had a little hope, cos the CVS results turn out normal despite this. but my last hopes were dashed, when the details scan turns out that she has multiple complications like fluid in the lungs, gynae says that her whole body will gradually be filled with fluid and will not live.

I am seeking a 2nd opinion though the results will still turn out to be the same. I dun want to be a murderer to my own baby but yet dun want her to suffer anymore.
etsbaby, so sorry to hear this... it must be a terrible feeling wondering what to do. i have no advice, only to follow your heart and instinct. only you can make this difficult decision. how far into pg are you?

seek a second opinion with a gynae with a good scanning machine. may i recommend Dr TC Chang who's a maternal foetal specialist at WC Cheng & Associates Clinic at TMC. he's a lovely doctor with wonderful bedside manners. he can advise you further...
Thanks! Snort,

I am now at 20 weeks of my pg. Dr TC Chang is the doctor who did my cvs as well as my detailed scan. My own gynae has recommend Dr TC Chang to see my case as it is a very rare case.

I have seek 2nd opinion last week by Prof Yeo at KK hospital. There is very slim hope and I have to be prepared for the worst to come. I can't bear to terminate her life as the detailed scan shows that she is still active and I can even feel her fetal movement. For now, I think I will leave her as it is till fate decree as I think I can accept it better this way and at least I can do is let her live her life till she wants to.
Hi etsbaby,
I'm so sorry to hear about your baby's condition. You are very brave for your baby. My hubby's cousin had the exact same condition late last year. The baby survived till 19 weeks and decided to join the baby angels. She related the story to me. Please know that we are all here for you in case you need a listening ear. Dr TC Chang is a specialist in fetal assessment, he did all my detailed scans. Dr WK Tan was my gynae.
You are very brave etsbaby. I hope your baby will be as brave as you, and will come to this beautiful world to be with you. All the best.
Sorry to hear about wat you are going through now. The least we can do as the mother of our child is to seek opinion and decide what to do next. I pray for you.

Wow, I didn't know that Mr Sim Wong Hoo is conceived by his mum at such old age. Hee..... He's my boss. My test result is back. Actually, my test result was out 12 days after I went through the Amnio test. And everything is fine! I have every reasons to celebrate New Year now! Ha ha ha.... And I am beginning to spree again. I'm so excited to have this baby with me.

By the way, I'm only 25... coming 26. That's why when I was told I'm in the high risk group, I was so so so devastated. I had also read a report somewhere, most DS babies are born to parents below the age of 35. Thus, I also learnt not to take my age for granted.

I'm fine now! Yeah!!! Thanks for the encouragement you both gave to me! Happy Shopping for CNY!

hi Hosea's mum and Angeline

reading your recounts made me remember my own loss...I read somewhere that we never get over the death of a child, we just learn to live with's my story.

In June 2004, I went for my 1st IVF after TTC for 5 years and managed to conceive twins, which we nicknamed 'Coca' and 'Cola'. Things didn't go well for 'Cola' and he stopped developing at 8weeks and was reabsorbed into the body. 'Coca' or rather Nathaniel continued to grow and we were thankful to have at least 1 baby to end our fertility chase.

However, like you, Hosea's mum, at 21 weeks, my waterbag abruptly burst in the morning as I was getting ready for work. I panicked and took a cab to the nearest A&E in a cab at the advice of my gynae. When I reached NUH A&E, the stupid housemen there (trainee docs) put her hands into my cervix to examine the baby (despite me telling her NOT TO TOUCH ME). That aggravated the rupture and blood soon gushed out non-stop. I was admitted to the maternity ward (after 2 hours) to await doc's arrival.

The nurse on duty was informed of my situation and placed me and my hubby in a solitary enclosed room for privacy. During our 2 nights there, baby's heartbeat was still strong though I was running high fever. The doc and my own gynae told me the chance of survival for baby Nat is close to zero cos my water level is quickly depleting. We were devastated and pleaded with God day and night to close my cervix and sustain the lift of baby Nathaniel. We thought, if God can close an entire Red Sea, what's a tiny cervix compared to that? My hubby hugged me and wept so bitterly as he knelt by my bedside...My heart broke and I was put on drip, drifting in and out of consciousness during my 48-hours stay there.

Then, the inevitable happened. On a bright Sunday morning, 10th October 2004, at about 9am, I sensed something dangling between my legs and the nurse who was notified told me that my body has gone into labour. She chased my hubby out of the room and helped me to deliver. The labour pain was so painful but eventually, I delivered baby Nat within the hour...I was crying throughout. When the nurse asked if I would like to see my baby, I said 'YES' without hesitation cos I know I'll never forgive myself if I don't (despite my MIL warning me not to do so). I then asked if my hubby wants to take a look at baby and he too said 'Yes'. Baby Nat looked so small and fragile but he had well-formed toes, fingers and facial features. But his mouth was opened widely, as if gasping for air, because mummy had let him down by denying him of a chance to live...I never stopped blaming myself nor had I the courage to hold his stillborn body...I wept after the nurse put him away as they had to deliver my placenta next...

By now, the doctor and my gynae had both arrived and they tried ways and means to help me dispel my placenta. They pressed on my raw tummy, trying to massage it into position but it was just lodged too high. After 45mins, I was wheeled into the delivery suite for an op. On the way to the OT, many nurses followed protocol and asked for my IC and particulars for verification and congratulated me on delivering my baby to which I replied, "MY BABY DIED". Many were dumbfounded. I too felt like dying. I prayed to God to let me die in the op cos there's no more purpose in living. I had let everyone down...As they were wheeling me into the OT, I had a vision of a little boy holding on to the hands of Jesus waving goodbye to me...I knew 100% that it was our baby Nathaniel and he's with God now...that gave me peace.

After a long 4-hours, my op was over. My hubby thought he was losing me too since the doc took longer than usual. I lost so much blood that I was warded for observation for another 5 days. Each night, I can hear babies crying as we were in the maternity ward after all and I'll ache for my stillborn's been 2 years since our tragic loss but it's never been a day easier for us. People dismiss it as a miscarriage but heck, I delivered the baby and held him in my arms!! That's not a miscarriage!!

We turned to books to find our solace and heal our grief. Only a parent who's lost a child would understand the depths of pain we've gone through. We've also participated in Child Bereavement Support's Support group which was really helpful. So if any of you out there feels you need someone to talk to, my hubby and I are available.

To end on a brighter note, this year, I went for my IVF#3 and am now carrying 11weeks twins...I live each day intripidly, fearing history might repeat itself but just got to hang on to that little glimmer of hope deposited inside us.

Thanks for reading my LONG sharing. It's from the heart.
