support group- special needs

Hi mummies, recently im feeling lost and down after my girl diagnosis is out
Mild intellectural disability
i google and feels that there isnt much infos about it
therefore decided 2start a thread on it n see if theres mummies who can share more about it

Hi lollipop_baby, may I know how old is your child? I have 2 girls who are weak. I have sent them to Mindchamps and another Montessori schools and they have not learnt anything. They were grasping with all subjects. I found out through a brainwave report that they have attention deficit which is affecting their ability to absorb and retain the information. So, now they are doing brainwave training and is starting to absorb information faster. Spelling and their tingxie is no longer a struggle.

You must first get your child tested and see how you can help her.
Hi lollipop_baby, may I know how old is your child? I have 2 girls who are weak. I have sent them to Mindchamps and another Montessori schools and they have not learnt anything. They were grasping with all subjects. I found out through a brainwave report that they have attention deficit which is affecting their ability to absorb and retain the information. So, now they are doing brainwave training and is starting to absorb information faster. Spelling and their tingxie is no longer a struggle.

You must first get your child tested and see how you can help her.
Don mind 2share where do u send yr girls to for the brainwave training?
