Support group - Miscarriages

Yes yes! I hope so too! =D

Btw, anyone here use clearblue fertility monitor before? Just want to know if it is good...
I have one, the older version. I kia su one, so I use this and those cheapo strips to determine. it can detect the surge well. but coz it says test only in the morning, for me I use the cheapo strip test at night if positive, the monitor will definitely turn positive the next morning.

but I feel after using both, don't need to buy the monitor. u can get a clearblur ovulation kit not the advanced one. then use it when u are unsure if the cheapo strip is telling u the correct results. I find it more cost effective, but since I bought it so I used it.
Thanks babe. IVIG is as soon as determined pregnancy is viable right?
It is b4 we can hear the heartbeat. What is the number for ur nk cells? I'm not sure is that the higher the number the faster they will arrange for it. But it will definitely aft u c dr sheila n get the letter for the drip from her. Mine is she called nuh infusion staff nurse to arrange for me on the spot for the next day slot at the same time she prepared the letter for me to sign n she will sign on it as well for me to bring to nuh.
Hi ladies,

Need some support here. I've been a silent reader for this thread for quite some time now, after my 2 miscarriages. And I'm also seeing Prof Mahesh and Dr Sheila at their clinic in Mt E Novena. A little bit about myself, I have 2 early miscarriages, both in first trimester. My first mc was attributed to bad luck. However, when it happened 2nd time, I was broken. It was through reading this forum that I found that there are many brave ladies here who are still persevering on despite having similar conditions as me. You have definitely given me a lot of courage to carry on with my ttc journey. I did a series if test, and was diagnosed with Nk cells, sticky blood and Vit D deficiency and was told I need to do IVIG once pregnant.

I have been trying since March after completed all my tests in Feb and tested positive twice with home pregnancy kit. Feeling jittery and nervous right now, as I wait for the time to call up Prof Mahesh. The clinic is not open today, but I will call the after hours number slightly later in the morning. I guess those with history like ours, we will never stop worrying once tested pregnant. At least for me, I don't think I will ever have the same, innocent happiness as I had felt during my first pregnancy.

Ladies, pls lend me some courage.

Congrats! Though cannot help worrying but still must try to relax. Dun add more stress to yourself. All the best! :)
Meowmi17, it's always fear n paranoid till the day we hold our Bb in our hands after tat it's a different set of worries. So dun tik too much for time being n relax ur mind n body if not u find time pass vy slowly ...
Thanks :)

Btw, are you on TCM? Might be some ingredients in the med that are not suitable for u. I had similar experience during my first mc. The TCM said 虚不甚补, 拉出来就没事... then i was like... er.... i have also heard of friend who had diarrhea during confinement and she attributed it to red dates in her red date longan. She was ok after leaving out. Maybe call ur tcm?
Hmmm I'm not on tcm but I'm doing my own cooking after the 7 days meals from natalessentials ended. So far for the thereafter 6 days I got very runny poo. I'm on 14days HL.

I'm not seeing tcm yet but my hub bought some prepacked herbs for me to boil soup for the past 6 days la. I wonder if its the soup that cause me to laosai leh. But I'm sweating lesser, so which means i never 补到?
Hmmm I'm not on tcm but I'm doing my own cooking after the 7 days meals from natalessentials ended. So far for the thereafter 6 days I got very runny poo. I'm on 14days HL.

I'm not seeing tcm yet but my hub bought some prepacked herbs for me to boil soup for the past 6 days la. I wonder if its the soup that cause me to laosai leh. But I'm sweating lesser, so which means i never 补到?
I also ls first 2 weeks after dnc... not sure is it bcos of the confinement food n soup...
Hmmm I'm not on tcm but I'm doing my own cooking after the 7 days meals from natalessentials ended. So far for the thereafter 6 days I got very runny poo. I'm on 14days HL.

I'm not seeing tcm yet but my hub bought some prepacked herbs for me to boil soup for the past 6 days la. I wonder if its the soup that cause me to laosai leh. But I'm sweating lesser, so which means i never 补到?

It could be yr food. It's good u pay a visit to tcm to understand the root cause.

I have migriane from day 4 after dnc and it was due to the 特补 food that i took which is too heaty for me.

A few tcm i went to, told me that no need to 大补特补, because we are very nourished nowadays, unlike the old days where taking food can be a luxury thing.

They recommend light meal with ginger, some meaty dishes, red date drinks. Actually, for the drink, u can add in different stuff for different healing effect. Tcm sinseh is better person to advise u. If u feel sweating out is good, try taking hot red dates drink. U shd be sweating very soon after the drink. Also, when taking drinks, we shd be at sit-down position.
Just my lil suggestion based on my own experience. I think mbe u can find own rheumatologiest for the required test for antibodies.

For my case I have select 2 rheumatologiest in nuh for further review on my ANA dr anita n dr sheila but the schedule for dr sheila is too packed so I went to c dr anita according to her she ordered those test done in recurrent loss dept for the patient. (Select them based on one news paper news regards to ANA treatment, did mention w their help. Aft that only realise dr anita not actively involve in running test repeated loss). Aft all the blood test result is out for review I have been scheduled to c her for review she discharged me to her everything is clear. But at the moment my heart told me go look for prof mahesh for further review on the report so went to c him in his clinic. From there he told me I had just done half of the test not complete asked me to do the balance test. When the result is out he confirmed that my nk cells is too high so arranged me to c dr sheila. Dr sheila explained to me that my nk cella for normal person is ok but for pregnancy it is not ok it is above average. I need to on steroids n ivig once bfp to support the pregnancy.

Based on my experience mbe rheumatologiest with experience in helping in pregnancy will be the best person to approach cos to them they will know it is uncommon when it is above average whereas for other rheumatologiest even snr consultation to them it is dischargeable case. Therefore right dr for right treatments is very important. Their experiences n background play very important role n part for ttc or pregnancy.

Hope u don mind I have such sharing. Just my concern. :)
Hi Give a hope,

Oh, does it mean Dr Sheila is a better one for our condition. I visited her at her pvt clinic and did all the tests as advised by her. I manage to get refer to NUH. Went for 1st visit in May, was disappointed to be seen by a senior consultant. Requested to see the high preg care team, they arrange an appointment for me in sept. Hopefully i get to see Dr Sheila. Attention from the Right doctor is critical with our existing condition.
Result will out in 2 hrs. Clinic staff will call to inform u abt the hcg number.
Aiya the clinic staff forgot. Then i waited and call at 5.30, she said she'll check and let me know but didn't get back. I had to call the emergency no. for Prof Mahesh cos my hb need to take leave mah. Aiya that girl.... it's ok, i chill :D
Don worry u r in good hands. U will be fine. As for now prof will order hcg for u n to be done 2days later to determine the pregnancy. Once the number hit 3k n above prof will done vscan from there u can c the yoke sac. Den prof will c u every week till ur pregnancy is stable ard 10 weeks den it will be 2 weeks later for oscar. From there u will be seeing dr sheila to discuss on more details on ivig plus sticky blood. Dr sheila will arrange for u n c u once a mth a week aft ivig. My vitamin D also below average according to dr sheila so I had 2 vitamin D every morning as support during ttc till now. Did my bone, vitamin D n protein S test n the test result for bone n vitamin D passed now waiting for protein S. Pray hard I'm pass my protein S n glucose test. My vitamin D dr sheila said good that it back to the range n will continue consume 2 vitamin D every morning.

Jiayou for ur this pregnancy. I am also fighting fighting n jiayou here :)

How many ivig u had so far? Omg, it's a hefty sum with the regular visits to Prof and Dr Sheila and the ivig treatments.
Aiya the clinic staff forgot. Then i waited and call at 5.30, she said she'll check and let me know but didn't get back. I had to call the emergency no. for Prof Mahesh cos my hb need to take leave mah. Aiya that girl.... it's ok, i chill :D


Congrats on yr pregnancy!!! Arghhh... I hate to wait for hcg result.

It could be yr food. It's good u pay a visit to tcm to understand the root cause.

I have migriane from day 4 after dnc and it was due to the 特补 food that i took which is too heaty for me.

A few tcm i went to, told me that no need to 大补特补, because we are very nourished nowadays, unlike the old days where taking food can be a luxury thing.

They recommend light meal with ginger, some meaty dishes, red date drinks. Actually, for the drink, u can add in different stuff for different healing effect. Tcm sinseh is better person to advise u. If u feel sweating out is good, try taking hot red dates drink. U shd be sweating very soon after the drink. Also, when taking drinks, we shd be at sit-down position.
I thought it's not so good to sweat too much. Cos it's a sign of weakness. Ppl say 流虚汗.
Hi Give a hope,

Oh, does it mean Dr Sheila is a better one for our condition. I visited her at her pvt clinic and did all the tests as advised by her. I manage to get refer to NUH. Went for 1st visit in May, was disappointed to be seen by a senior consultant. Requested to see the high preg care team, they arrange an appointment for me in sept. Hopefully i get to see Dr Sheila. Attention from the Right doctor is critical with our existing condition.
Yup I heard will be seeing her n prof or dr anita from high risk dept. You may check w hopeful_mum she is w nuh high risk dept.
Aiya the clinic staff forgot. Then i waited and call at 5.30, she said she'll check and let me know but didn't get back. I had to call the emergency no. for Prof Mahesh cos my hb need to take leave mah. Aiya that girl.... it's ok, i chill :D
You actually can call back aft 2 hr if they haven get back to u as usually they need to inform prof or dr sheila 1st b4 they can let u know the result.
Hi, I did my DnC in April. My gynea only did pelvis ultrasound scan. And he said it was cleared. But I went on to take hysterosalpingogram (HSG) because my gynea wants to make sure there is no scarring.

Thk u for taking time to reply my post. The bleeding was likely due to infection according to Dr Tan HH.
No need for D&C. Thk god.
I was a given a course of antibiotics to take.
The bleeding has completely stopped.
Thk u for taking time to reply my post. The bleeding was likely due to infection according to Dr Tan HH.
No need for D&C. Thk god.
I was a given a course of antibiotics to take.
The bleeding has completely stopped.

No problem. Take care and have a good rest. Rest well. Hope you are getting better.
I thought it's not so good to sweat too much. Cos it's a sign of weakness. Ppl say 流虚汗.
Hmmm really meh. But i really sweat so much that I need to use towel to wipe my sweat. Like the sweaty feeling after an intense work out...

It could be yr food. It's good u pay a visit to tcm to understand the root cause.
......They recommend light meal with ginger, some meaty dishes, red date drinks. Actually, for the drink, u can add in different stuff for different healing effect. Tcm sinseh is better person to advise u. If u feel sweating out is good, try taking hot red dates drink. U shd be sweating very soon after the drink. Also, when taking drinks, we shd be at sit-down position.
I'm on the extreme side la. I think my confinement meal was abit heaty. Eat 1 meal I started sweating alot. Drink 1 tea I also! I usually got to change tees after every meal. Will take about 20mins then stop sweating ma. Haiz.

But after I stop taking the confinement meals I don't sweat that much la. But the red dates tea still make me sweaaaaat.
Hi ladies here...
Recently I BFP but only short one... Today found out my bb not growing on last 2 weeks... So now consider to do D&C...
Can I check any ladies doing D&C in KKH? If yes, how much is it?
Hi ladies here...
Recently I BFP but only short one... Today found out my bb not growing on last 2 weeks... So now consider to do D&C...
Can I check any ladies doing D&C in KKH? If yes, how much is it?
you must jiayou n think of ur loved ones ur hub. And do mini confinement for abt 2 weeks aft that to me it help to strengthen the body den aft that go c tcm to tio ur body.

It is depends on the position of the dr. That time mine is either 4 beded or 1 bed but since I will definitely discharged aft I can go down to pass the urine I had chosen 4 beded. I rem mine is cpf ard 1k den cash 3k plus aft that we got refund of ard 1k in cheque as there is subsidy from gov.
Hi ladies here...
Recently I BFP but only short one... Today found out my bb not growing on last 2 weeks... So now consider to do D&C...
Can I check any ladies doing D&C in KKH? If yes, how much is it?


I did mine at Gleneagles, the fee is abt 3k plus. Check if you have insurance coverage for yr operation.

I'm able to claim for both my D&C from my insurance plans.
Pupnui sorry to hear that. Hope you're planning to do a mini confinement. Take care gal.

Give a hope, is there a bedder thing? I remember I awaken and rested for an hr or so at the observation area and then I went home already. Was feeling fine except just a little groggy.

Can't remember how much in exact. I believe partial medisave and cash was about 1k.
you must jiayou n think of ur loved ones ur hub. And do mini confinement for abt 2 weeks aft that to me it help to strengthen the body den aft that go c tcm to tio ur body.

It is depends on the position of the dr. That time mine is either 4 beded or 1 bed but since I will definitely discharged aft I can go down to pass the urine I had chosen 4 beded. I rem mine is cpf ard 1k den cash 3k plus aft that we got refund of ard 1k in cheque as there is subsidy from gov.

Tks give a hope..

I did mine at Gleneagles, the fee is abt 3k plus. Check if you have insurance coverage for yr operation.

I'm able to claim for both my D&C from my insurance plans.

Tks samnnana.. I only hv life insurance so don't think is cover this..
Pupnui sorry to hear that. Hope you're planning to do a mini confinement. Take care gal.

Give a hope, is there a bedder thing? I remember I awaken and rested for an hr or so at the observation area and then I went home already. Was feeling fine except just a little groggy.

Can't remember how much in exact. I believe partial medisave and cash was about 1k.

Tks redvel.. Think I go private one better
Hi ladies here...
Recently I BFP but only short one... Today found out my bb not growing on last 2 weeks... So now consider to do D&C...
Can I check any ladies doing D&C in KKH? If yes, how much is it?

Pupnui I did my D&C in doctor clinic @ TMC
it cost ard 1k+ can partially use medisave and pay few hundred cash.
It will be a day surgery once you wake and feeling ok u can go home.

Do a mini confinement and rest well take care.

I did mine at Gleneagles, the fee is abt 3k plus. Check if you have insurance coverage for yr operation.

I'm able to claim for both my D&C from my insurance plans.
Which insurance did u buy? I bought prudential hospital plan it doesn't cover pregnancy. Gleneagles still consider cheap. Better don go MA. Mine for 1st dnc aft paying 3k plus n cpf deduction still come bill ask to pay 1k plus saying that is detailed bill when called to ask.
Pupnui sorry to hear that. Hope you're planning to do a mini confinement. Take care gal.

Give a hope, is there a bedder thing? I remember I awaken and rested for an hr or so at the observation area and then I went home already. Was feeling fine except just a little groggy.

Can't remember how much in exact. I believe partial medisave and cash was about 1k.
Got leh. In kkh they said if want to claim cpf must admitted at least 5 hrs plus morning early early 8am ask to admit den dnc at 12pm need to stay in ward b4 procedure n aft procedure till the nurses ensure can go down pass urine myself only can go home by the time I went home ard 7pm liao already like whole day there. Siao is nurses said so late might as well stay one night to monitor which I don't c the needs plus I can't zzz in hospital bed n my own bed more comfy lor.
Pupnui I did my D&C in doctor clinic @ TMC
it cost ard 1k+ can partially use medisave and pay few hundred cash.
It will be a day surgery once you wake and feeling ok u can go home.

Do a mini confinement and rest well take care.

My private gynae one also doing at his clinic ard 1k+ too n also can partially use medisave n others pay few hundreds cash...
Just want to check KKH price to compare
Tks redvel.. Think I go private one better
Better go pte ones. That was nightmare for me in kkh as I don't get to c own dr even pte patient as he is busy running own clinic. I only saw him at op room for the procedure but couldn't ask anything as will zzz during the procedure so when I saw his face time I abt to doze off liao. Even in room also his team dr come help him to explain things to me. Super hungry cos fasting den he busy cannot come early for the procedure super angry lor.
Got leh. In kkh they said if want to claim cpf must admitted at least 5 hrs plus morning early early 8am ask to admit den dnc at 12pm need to stay in ward b4 procedure n aft procedure till the nurses ensure can go down pass urine myself only can go home by the time I went home ard 7pm liao already like whole day there. Siao is nurses said so late might as well stay one night to monitor which I don't c the needs plus I can't zzz in hospital bed n my own bed more comfy lor.
Oh so different from mine. Mine chop chop. Arrived there like no later than 730am. I was out of there by noon. The nurses there were kinda surprised I recovered very fast.
I did mine at parkway east hospital ard 1.3k if I dun rem wrongly. Thru medisave claim. I rem I did dnc ard 11am theN discharge before 3pm so it doesn't matter to me 2 or 4 bedder.
Hi ladies here...
Recently I BFP but only short one... Today found out my bb not growing on last 2 weeks... So now consider to do D&C...
Can I check any ladies doing D&C in KKH? If yes, how much is it?

Sorry to hear that. Hugs..

I did mine at TMC, its 1k+, no more than 1.5k. My insurance does not cover me, as still within 1st trimester. So, I paid the rest in cash after medisave. Its day surgery, so after woke up, nurse will give biscuits and milo, after finish up then can go home. All in all about 3-4 hours.

Must do mini confinement, if no one cooks for you, then can consider catering. Must tiao your body back as mc and d&c are very hurtful to the womb.

Take care!
hello dears,

it's my second period since D&C at my 10th week. I have not regained my normal flow. This period is still very very light. :(

If you have been through the operation, may I know how long it takes to regulate your flow?
Better go pte ones. That was nightmare for me in kkh as I don't get to c own dr even pte patient as he is busy running own clinic. I only saw him at op room for the procedure but couldn't ask anything as will zzz during the procedure so when I saw his face time I abt to doze off liao. Even in room also his team dr come help him to explain things to me. Super hungry cos fasting den he busy cannot come early for the procedure super angry lor.

So mean all the charges can claim again medisave?
Me too want to know as I plan to do FET In oct..

If you have been through the operation, may I know how long it takes to regulate your flow?

Also for mini confinement how long do u all take?
Which insurance did u buy? I bought prudential hospital plan it doesn't cover pregnancy. Gleneagles still consider cheap. Better don go MA. Mine for 1st dnc aft paying 3k plus n cpf deduction still come bill ask to pay 1k plus saying that is detailed bill when called to ask.

I bought income shield with rider. The coverage is from rider.


I remember seeing ur name on the ivf thread that u bfp

Sorry for ur loss n to see u here.
I did my d&c at kk I think total cost also 1k+. Admitted at 830 am, insert cervagem at 9am then doc came in at 1+ for the procedure. Saw him for a second then I zzzz.... Next thing was I was resting on the recovery ward n got out by afternoon.

Used hub medisave n rest in cash
