Support group - Miscarriages

Hi Cheezel. It is true that our mense cycle may be disrupted by m/c or child birth. After my m/c in May, my second cycle came 3days late.

Also got a little pre mense symptoms. So dun be worried especially if yours have always been regular.

However, since you went thru d&c, like myself, first m/c also did d&c must be extra careful in your next pregnancy.
My second loss was due to incompetent cervix. I read from many sources that ic can be caused by prior d&c. Just for you to take special care.

don't stress yourself, ok
your body system is still adjusting... menses will usually be within the 30-42 days range. worrying will only add on the stress and caused the delay too.
one will get bloatness, cramps like, mood swings, etc... it's all part of pms. hang in there gal.

also it's good to know what is 'Incompetent Cervix'
Cervical incompetence is basically a cervix that is too weak to stay closed during a pregnancy. Therefore resulting in a preterm birth and possibly the loss of the baby, because of the shortened gestational length. It is believed that cervical incompetence is the cause of 20 - 25 % of all second trimester losses. This incompetence generally shows up in the early part of the second trimester, but possibly as late as the early third trimester.
It is generally categorized as premature opening of the cervix without labor or contractions. Diagnosis can be made either manually or with ultrasonography. The use of ultrasonography has been very helpful with the diagnosis, and is made when the cervical os (opening) is greater than 2.5 cm, or the length has shortened to less than 20 mm.
Sometimes funneling is also seen, this is where the internal portion of the cervix, internal os (portion of the cervix closer to the baby) has begun to efface. The external os will be unaffected if diagnosed in time. Factors that increase the likelihood of suffering from an incompetent cervix are:

DES exposure (DES (diethylstilbestrol) is a man-made (synthetic) form of estrogen, a female hormone)
Cervical Trauma
Hormonal influences
Congenitally short cervix
Forced D & C
Uterine anomalies
If you are diagnosed after a second trimester loss or prior to pregnancy it is suspected that you will have problems with the strength of your cervix, a cerclage (stitching the cervix closed) can be performed prophylactically at approximately 14-16 weeks. It is said that the earlier you have the cerclage performed the more likely the pregnancy is to continue.

For diagnosis made during pregnancy, you must meet certain criteria before a cerclage can be performed. You are not eligible for the cerclage if you have:
Hyperirritability of the cervix
Your baby has already died
You are more than 4 cm dilated
Your water is broken

hope the info is useful now for a better understanding.

in general, it's always rule #1 to let your doc know if you have gone thru' any surgery or operation and here D & C is both. this info will give your doc the better knowledge in taking care of you and watch out for you too.
NOT everyone who has gone thru' D & C will have incompetent cervix, so here, do be rest assured.

by the way, one way to build up those pelvic floor muscles is do Kegel exercises.

take care
by the way, cheezel,
maybe you could do a preg. test [just to be safe & sure lah] by end of the week...? who knows
Hi cheezel..

Dont worry..anyway menses is normal to be late after m/c..But like gd facts say, u can test n see end of the week..hope its good news.
Hi ladies,

Just found out that I had miscarriaged. Was tested positive last week and had been TTC for a few months...super sad now...what should I do?
ah kat, i'm sorry to hear that.

me too did a D&C last year. i was 8 weeks pregnant when doc said my sac is empty. i was so depressed at that time. somemore i am already in the 35 years range.

what u need to do now is to nurse back your health. i did not do or eat anything nutritious after my D&C and i think i am now suffering the repercussions.

take time off from work and rest.

i cried a lot during that time cos it is quite hard for me to get pregnant due to age.

i am TTC for a few months liao but still no news. think will give up by end of this year if still no good news.

talk to your hubby about your feelings. try not to keep to yourself.

i wish u well!
I was a PCOS patient which make conceiving difficult. Had been TTC since June and was overjoyed when we found that I am pregant last week. Supposed to go for my 1st scan today and had tp go to A&E yesterday as there was bleeding.

Blood test was taken and I am supposed to take another round to see if HCG dropping or increasing. However, had been bleeding since yesterday, so I know that I had probably miscarriage...

Am totally lost and sad now
hi gd fact....thanks for all ur info....really very helpful.

been feeling quite nausea the whole day....super tired and seems abit giddy like tat. so tired! when i reach home, i test liao. saw nothing initially but after a while, saw very faint line. will test again prob 3 days later to confirm.
[cross fingers & toes] for you.
whatever it is... have an open mind ok...
ah kat,
sorry to hear of your loss...
please do cry and grieve... don't stop yourself.
only this way, you'll slowly (at your own time) will overcome and release the pain...
right now, just try and get well by eating right. it'll do you good to observe 2wks of confinement period... e.g eat food with loads of ginger, wine, sesseme oil dishes. keep yourself warm, avoid cold/cooling drinks & stuffs.
spend your time reading on m/c would help too and be open and share your feelings with your hubby and family and even here, if you wish too. there'll be a few confusion and why questions... it's good to bring them up to your doc too. surfing thru' the net would help too... but most info are often from western moms... as they are more willing to share their stories...
do rest well especially and taking DOM would help to sleep better especially at night.
do take care.
i've had 2 m/c & the latest 1 abortion which i have no choice but to do it.... I was pregnat in early may, everything was ok till my 2nd visit for the ultra sound & the doc found something not right w my baby's development..i had to go for another ultra sound immediately and my baby was anencephaly...shocked & scared & terrified.I have to abort my baby cos he will not survive ....more shocked and scared and terrrified...last month i did was a terrible thing to do and feel and see and .....
oh hottiemama,
so... very sorry
please what ever it is... try not to hold the guilt. you did what you could and within your means...
you didn't let the baby 'suffer' that's what you did. you let the baby go b'cos you know you had to with the given knowledge, there & then...
one will never know how things would take effect, so even though there are alot of "what if" questions... those questions cannot be fully answered. are you able to seek a religious support in your Faith. with Christians, one could always turn to an elder in church for counselling and thru' GOD's words one will have peace.
there's very little infomation here in s'pore, but here's a link that could offer you more support & understanding (i hope) but you need to surf the net. it will be painful b'cos you will be reminded... but it's a way to share and have an understanding if you read up more. be strong.
do take care and i wish you Godspeed in your recovery.
do go ahead and pour out your fears/feelings. one way is by writing too...
take care
Hi gd facts,

Thanks for the advise.

Was not expecting to find myself pregnant so soon as we was supposed to see the gynae for my PCOS condition. Then period was late and decided to test for pregnancy just in case last week.

Was happy to find out that I was pregnant and supposed to see gynae for 1st scan on Monday!! Only to find myself bleeding and a miscarriage.

It had been a roller coaster ride emotionally.

Now, not even sure if my PCOS had gone away (some say after 1st child, PCOS supposed to get better) or would I be able to conceive again soon?

I had always irregular menses cycle...

And I dont even know how many weeks i was pregnant but my hcg level was low at 30.6 when checked on Sunday.

So many questions and frustration.
ah kat,
having PCOS isn't easy, you must try as much not to put yourself thru' further stress by worrying so much...
it is known, women with PCOS are also at higher risk for diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and heart disease so you must eat well and excercise too after your recovery. any excess weight is not good for you. so you must pay attention on your weight.
also with PCOS there are risks of m/c... but there are also successful mums
so be positive.
only with a healthy lifestyle could improve your TTC chance.
are you going thru' any treatment ? often Clomifene citrate (Clomid) is the most commonly used drug to stimulate ovulation... but it is 'hard work'.
do take care.

I was initially a suspected mild pcos case and was referred to this gynae to do further testes before any medication. Then found out I was pregnant. Now also neither here nor there..doc just called and said that hcg had dropped from 30.6 to 9.5 - confirmed m/c.

cry until no more tears already... ...

I supposed I cant do any exercise now right? Had always put on weight easily but was exercising regularly before I found out about this pregnancy last week.

And do I still need to do the "mini" confinement since the forteus was only 1-2 weeks old?
mini confinement is for your well-being. it's to 'bu' your body back... so it's really good to have good balanced meals - lots of steam fish, green leafy veggie & beef all cooked in ginger & wine, etc...

your m/c is a natural expulsion (like heavy menses) right... has the doc c'firm that all tissues & cell growth are out already ? you need to look after yourself from now on.
as your body is in a "confusion" state... past 5wks there are preg hormones that your body system is adjusting to... but now it's changing again... so here you will have some "pms" sort of feelings...
do try and rest well and no excercise for a month at least. take walks if you need to. give yourself a treat by going to a spa and relax. or go to a resort with hubby over the wkend to wind-down. share your feelings with hubby... he is equally affected by the lost in some ways.
slowly, after 2 wks of confinement, try to lose weight by eating less carbo and eat more steam / soupy dishes.
the doc havent confirmed anything...all he said is to wait for all the discharge to complete which he expect within 7-10 days then see him for a follow up.

Was reading somewhere that i might be a chemical pregnancy - very early m/c.

U know anything on that?

By the way, thanks for being so helpful
oh.. in that case. you must take care.
are you working ?
within these days, it (m/c) could expell more heavy bleeding like menses and there'll be painful cramps. (not scaring you, just want to let you know what to expect) what comes out maybe lumpy too. it could be messy in terms of the blood flow & lumps. (those thin pads won't help so prepare some long & wide pads if you are not at home) it'll be good to have a towel & a set of clothes in handy with you at all times if you are working and also best to have your chair covered with an old towel or cushion... in case you are caught off guard and start to bleed.

if at home do rest in bed... but if the bleeding starts, it'll do you good if you could stay in the bathroom... and let the lumps flow out then wash up after that... if the cramps are painful to bear, you can take strong panadol or painkillers used for menses cramp.

do keep your doc inform and must go back for follow up after the m/c, ok.

yes, i have heard of chemical pregnancy... here's more to read.

whatever it is know that it's NOT your fault and you did NO wrong.
take care

no, I was given a week medical leave and supposed to stay at home to rest.

I guess I have passed the heavy cramp days - on sunday and monday and now the flow is less frequent. It basically only happened when i pass urine.

Do you know how can I determine if I am having a threatened miscarriage or chemical pregnancy? The doc was not able to tell how many weeks I was due to my irregular menses.

If I had a chemical pregnacy, does it means that I can start normal life and TTC after 1 cycle?

Thanks, actually if it is a chemical pregancy, i can take it much better...but whatever it is, it is certainly not easy to come to term and accept things
oic... yap do stay home and rest and do eat well. avoid cold (temp) & cooling 'liang' stuffs. try to eat more green leafy veggie rather then white ones (e.g cabbage, cauliflower) as these causes wind.

hmmm... chemical pregnancy means implantation takes place but it seems the embryo doesn't develop... even though the egg is fertilized... so within weeks 5-7wks when the embryo doesn't grow, your body will expell it. our body system is quite smart... anything foreign will be expelled out.
even for miscarriages, when there's no heart beat or fetus doesn't grow or amino fluid isn't right... such could led to m/c. and it's hard to prevent or detect...
bleeding / spotting is often a 'sign' but not totally certain.
that's why people will take xtra care during the 1st 3mths... then again nothing is certain until the whole 9mths is over.
my cousin sis, had a smooth sailing preg thru' out but at 25wks her baby died in her womb, due to blood clot in the cord. *sigh* also nothing could be done and was not at all detectable.

yes you can start trying again after 1 cycle (this bleeding that you are having now is not included, as it's part of the m/c)
here's another good site to read:
hi hi gd fact,
today i itchy hand...go test again. think confirm liao cos i saw the line. never expect so fast too.....just after the 1st cycle. do u think i should go see my gynae now ...kindda of early...cant see anything too...but then also want to play safe ....just in case fertilized egg not at the correct place.......

do rest well....agree with gf fact...avoid cold drink....that time i stop cold/cooling drink/stuff for 3 weeks then i start to drink abit of cold drink...even now i also try not to drink too much cold/cooling drink/stuffs.
hi gd facts,

I guess knowledge is really power. After reading so much, it helped me understand better.

Do you happened to know if being PCOS, after this m/c it will reset the body and my menses would be regulated??

Ok, Cheezel: I always love cold drink. Will kick this habit from now onwards.

By the way, congrats to you on successfully conceiving!
[still keeping fingers & toes crossed] i hope you have started on folic acid.
this is one mineral/vit every lady must have especially when TTC.
to me personally... i will see my gynae... but always have an open mind
having a peace of mind helps ALOT
so must know.
do take care and keep us update here
one must always read... and i love to read medical books. lol
well... honestly i'm not too sure what to tell you. your m/c is at a very early stage, that your hormones may not have been too strong too do much changes in your body. but hey, i could be so wrong... b'cos it is also proven that it's quite 'easy' for women to get preg. within the next 6mths after having a m/c.
if you could, invest in an ovulation kit and try to test yourself regularly. upon knowing that you are ovulating... do TTC with hubby every other day. it's hard work, but that's the way it is.
but don't let TTC be a chore and stress your relationship with hubby. just do it often but do it with knowing that this closeness is the beginning of having a happy family.

think happy thoughts always
I had twice miscarriage too within 6 mths (sept 05 & feb 06). Both miscarriage due to my baby dont' growth remain at 5 wks size. It really took me sometime to recover be it mental & physical.

I was in mini confinement for 2 wks for both time. It would at least help u recover fast and help to boost up yr health also.

Now i want to try again so went for check up at private hospital before i tried
, doc say i had frioboid and cyst, advise me to remove cause it might disturb my pregancy, e doc also check on my hb but full result not out yet.
But this doc charges so high even after deduct from medisave. I am in a loss whether to go back to my gynae at KK or other government hospital for 2nd opinion. I'm afraid my gynae might not happy that I look for someone for checking as I had a review appt with her next year... anyone can advise me or share with me ..tks
Hi Gd Facts

actually, like all people here, I am worried abt the next pregnancy now. Even though the chances of having another chemical pregnancy is low, but the risk of having another m.c still remains.

Hubby also believe that the hormones and "effect" of this mc is low for me as it is all fully "automatic" QC by my own body, what we are worry now is for the future.

Seeking your opinion, do you have any gynae to recomm? The one that I am visiting now is more specialise in fertility, but I find him too famous or busy to give me enough attention.

Veron: I would suggest you find another govt hospital to continue treatment if cost is an issue. I am sure you dont want another stress to add on when TTC. Like in my case, I am also trying to stick to govt hospital since I am already having so much problem now.
sorry to hear what you have gone thru'
it is indeed very 'tough' to deal with...

honestly, are you able to speak to your doc about the finance issues... maybe pay installment or who knows she may discount her charges, b'cos from now getting treatments & getting preg. it's going to take at least 2yrs of seeing the same doc. (eg removal fibroids / cyst will be quite fast by laser but the recovery is some months) thereafter when you TTC and get preg... in all it's really 2yrs.

let your doc know of your $$ issues and if she can't lower her rates, then ask her to recommend another doctor (some doctors are pretty much helpful and will help) this way, she will release your medical records too, b'cos with 2 m/c you are under high risk pregnancy... and all your data is very important.

who is the doc you are with now... frankly, when treatment is needed, it's more or less the same charges with every doctor... what's important is, is the doctor able and give you the confidence that you'll be 'fine'. gynaes are very personal...
going to a govt. hospital doesn't mean it'll be cheaper. you can go to a pte hospital and save on charges like on the room rates, etc...
well, do take care and hope all will be well for you.
y r u afraid that ur gynae may not be happy if u seek 2nd opinion? alot of pple out there r doing that, prob just to get a confirm ans and a reassurance.anyway, the money spend is ur money so dun be afraid that she may not be happy.
haaa... gynaes are very personal, they really see you 'internally' lol.
my 2 sis-in-law, aunty, cousin sis and i, love our doc. been with her for some years already... especially my cousin sis, since she was 22yrs old... we got to know this gynae thru' her

but her rates are on the high side.
she's dr joan thong pao wen from raffles hospital. quite a few mums in this forum sees her too.
i was under the impression that the charges for govt clinic would be cheaper in case of complication. Hence was looking around for govt. hospital.

The one that I am going to now is recomm by my gp at NUH and I find him always rushing through the visit...
gd facts,
actually this doc which I am seeing now is refer by a chinese physician, initially just plan to let him check on me and my hb to dentify the possiblity that cause my m/c. Cos my gynae did not suggest me to do any check up, she say some mums m/c just no reason and some had few m/c before they success. I don't feel comfort to tried before knowing what might cause me m/c for twice lor... dont' think my this doc will let me pay by instalment, he is more on reproductive side, from this forum heard he like to suggest patient to do IVF.. Is yr gynae charges for surgery is high ? I had heard about this dr joan thong too cause my friend which had 1 m/c is seeing her also.

I know alot ppl do that actually, but when come to myself just feel unsure how to discuss my condition with her, I am the type not very good in my talking so .... think should take yr advice just go ahead see her ...
just went to see my gynae.....very early...see nothing yet......but he say the lining has thicken so meanning something is growing...was asked to see him in 2 weeks time again. told not o do anything strenous ...must rest well since i have a history of m/c b4. was also put on hormone pills........
yes please do rest up and for once heee... be treated like a queen and eat well.

1 way to save $ is go to the polyclinic and do tests but there, you will not have a fix doctor and they don't have the time to sit down and explain detail things to you. but if the doctor could give you a referral to a govt hospital, then you will be under subsidy. BUT here again, under subsidy, you cannot choose a gynae. and of course it's a 4 bedded rm stay, when the time comes.
well, all the while, my relatives & family don't have any doctor problems, all of us uses pte doctors... and so far all of them are really good. from our family gp to my son's pd so far we are well treated and have enough service from them.
dr joan thong is 1 of the senior partner in the ob dept. so her fees are high and also ever since she was publicized in the news, she's pretty much known. but she is very committed to her patients. she's in her 40s and still single... she said with her job always on call very tough to have a 'social life'.

kat / veron,
maybe now while you are resting and recovering... spend some time searching for gynae. surf the net, by typing the doc's name and you'll get a brief info on the doc and here if you do a search on the forum, you may even find the doc's info and have a discussion with the mums on that doc's rates & services.

like i mentioned gynaes are very personally, so do be honest with them from the start. ask and clear away any doubts, questions, etc...
there's always a long 'q' for dr thong, but she really makes a point to ask if there's any questions or issue do ask away.

Veron, all doctors have emails too, if can't talk then write... or list down your questions and when you see him/her, ask your questions.

but you must be prepared for getting answers that is not to your understandings. (e.g. alot of gynaes don't totally believe in TCM & confinement dos & don'ts, etc...) some gynaes don't even believe that expecting mums should drink milk... or go on vits, etc...
that's why when talking and comparing gynaes, some mums are confused why they didn't get same advise on certain similar issues.

well, ladies, do rest well and think positive and start a mini research and hope you'll be fruitful soon
Ladies, need some advice...

my wife has gone thru twice D&C, both due to no heartbeat. the latest one is last nov. have been trying for about 9 months but still no result. We are worry that the operation may have something to do with this, e.g. scaring etc. We would like to do a checkup to see if there is anything wrong such as scaring, cysts etc.

We want to visit another gynae rather than the one who operate on her so as to get a fairer feedback.

So the dilemma is how to choose this next gynae? go by brand name, e.g. PC Wong of NUH, etc? Or any other way to choose?

Sorry for the 'nong nong' post...
un discern,

sorry to know of your 'tough' TTC times...
if cost is not a main concern;
like mentioned aboved i see dr joan thong from raffles hospital (so does afew of my female relatives)
here's a little write up on her:
another good doc is:
Dr Tan Yew Ghee is the head of ob dept and again you can read of him in the given link above.
(quite a few local ministers' wives see him too)
he, being senior, his rates are really on the high side.

here, just my humble opinion.
i feel... their experience matters to me. cost savings issues can be done in other ways...

do take care and good luck.
un discern,

I just had a m/c last sun as you can see from the above posting.

Saw that u mentioned PC Wong in NUH who I was actually seeing before the m/c for fertity problem as I was diagnose with PCOS. Not sure who recomm you to him but I was sent by my GP.
Feedback I personnally feel on him is that he is either too busy or too high up to give enough attention.

Will be seeing another gynae next Monday for path forward.

Hope this help to the way, was doing research since I am resting at home now for this whole week. This list might help

(Pls replace * with s as it is not allow to post here.)
hi un discern,
i just went to see my gynae today. As i did D&C b4 too, i was also concern on how it will affect the next incompetent cervix, womb weaken, scar etc. i checked with my gynae n he reassure me that D&C wil not affect future pregnancy. What was done in the procedure is that they only slightly dilate the cervix n use a small thin tube to vacuum the remains in the womb.

Could "stress" be one of the long ttc reason? or irregular mens?.......though early pregnancy failure in the 1st trimester is very common, it may be more reassuring to go for checkup if you ur wife dun mind. at least having a clean bill of health will set ur minds at ease....if theres something that needs to be medically seeked, then of cos u guys can seek medical help fast n ttc again.
Cheezel, Congratulations! Rest more & eat well. Btw, how many cycle did you wait before you TTC again?

My menses just came back after my DC last month. Gynae ask me to see him in end oct, which will 3 months after DC. Does it mean I can't TTC now?

Anyone seeing DU DE MEI?
NO TTC... you can transmit a yeast infection to your partner through sexual intercourse.
eat a diet high in vegetables, protein and grains as well as consuming yogurt that has live acidophilus bacteria; avoid processed foods, sugars and alcohol

Here are some things you can do to help prevent yeast infection:

Don't wear tight-fitting or synthetic-fiber clothes.
Wear cotton panties.
Don't wear pantyhose or leotards every day.
Use your blow dryer on a low, cool setting to help dry your genital area after you bathe or shower and before getting dressed.
Wipe from front to back after using the toilet. This may help prevent the bacteria that normally live in your rectum from getting into your vagina.
Change out of wet swimsuits or other damp clothes as soon as you can.

if you're daring, you could try this;
Yogurt Plain, unpasteurized yogurt contains lactobacillus acidophilus, or "good" bacteria. Applying this type of yogurt directly into the vagina, using a small spoon, spatula or an old vagianl cream applicator, at night for three to seven nights should help restore the balance of bacteria in your vagina. Just be sure to wear a pad as it can get a bit messy.
in general, gynae advise to try only after 3mths (or to be certain after 3monthly cycles) after going thru' a D&C. it will take a while for the body to regulate your period.
the 'first cycle' is not 'really' the regular menses... as the body is still adjusting to the changes. the '2nd cycle' allows your hormonal system to start being 'normal' and by the '3rd cycle', more or less by then you are able to know the actual regular cycles again 28/30 days...
each person went thru' m/c differently... and each gynae also have their own sets of advise/reasons. so here, TTC (after 3mths) is a safe guideline. also by then your body is "prepared" and "ready" again...
gd facts, ah_kat, cheezel

Thanks for the comfort and advice!

Was seeing dr lawrence ang, and after reading one of the recent incident, decided to do a checkup and change gynae.

I think part of the problem is with me, quality not so good. have been taking zinc supplements for past 6 mths, but still no good news. sianz...

Anyway, good luck to all u ladies
just call 6311 1222 (appt. hotline) or 6311 1230 (women's clinic #) and ask to for an earliest appt slot which often it's 1 or 2 days or if appt full, it'll be a week... do let them know it's your first time and they'll need your details.
un discern,

don't worry so much - stress is a factor that won't help both parties.

nutritional supplements take a more gradual, gentle, natural approach. the focus with supplements is the optimization of health and wellness, so here, zinc is good but it will take time... to 'proof' its work.
adopt a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and regular exercise.
don't smoke, don't drink alcohol, or keep alcohol consumption within recommended limits.
a combination of herbs, vitamins and minerals improves overall health and helps address many of the deficiencies known to decrease fertility health.
ferulic acid, an antioxidant found in chinese herb "dong quai", has been shown to improve sperm quality.
the antioxidants vitamin C and E, green tea and selenium improve overall reproductive health.
zinc and B vitamins (B6, B12, and folate) are critical nutrients in the male reproductive system for proper hormone metabolism, sperm formation and motility.
good luck
and stay cool (temp) keeping yourself cool is good. no saunas, no real hot showers, no tight undies, no riding motorbikes.
Hi cheezel..

Hey..hehe..congrats! Do take care..n eat well..not too much though. I think u can see gynae in 2 weeks time..too early also cant see anything.

Hi angelbee..

Your yeast infection maybe cos of taking anti-biotics, esp if its a heavy dose..R u still on it?

Keep the vagina area dry..n yoghurt really helps..I have frens who tried..I didnt put it there though..But I ate may have helped.

Take care.
