SMH Scrapbooking Club !!!!

hahaha, yaaa... thks thks!

thks thks... d paper is scrappy chic from Grant (aust brand), i tink spotlite have also cos their brand mostly from aust!
something i did last night =)
Hi Karen

Me juz come back from HKG. The module 3 n 4 which we have sign up is on 17 and 24 Nov. You very onz, i also want to scrap for my trip when it is still fresh

So what is your catch in Australia for SB products ?
nice LO... i like!

how was ur trip? Did u burn a big hole in your pocket? hehehe if its me i tink i will cos already burn a super big hole in my hb's pocket during the perth trip! hahaha!

ya still got alot to scrap for my trip lei... must work harder...!

aiyo... nothing much lor... the papers there are so ex! But to my surprise, the fancy pants biggest chipboards are cheaper there & i got a few back but different design with d one i bot from u... I was able to grab some good deals on the Zig-Brushables pens!

Do u know how much a bottle the Making Memories paints in singapore? Cos i bot some there too but not sure whether they are cheaper...
Hi Karen

My trip was hectic and tiring. No shopping for me so not big hole.

Realli ah the biggest chipboard is cheap? Ha ha must ask my sis to bring back. pm me let me know how much leh. The bottle about 4.95 I think. By the way I have 25% with MWL this month so let me know if you have anything to buy there.

Anymore pple want to join the Laines SDU-Basic. Need 2-3 more people to sign up for 2 full day course leh. Now we only have 3 not enuff woh
Hi mummies
We managed to get a private class for Laines SDU basic 4 modules to complete within 2 full days on 21 and 26 Nov. Price is $280. Anyone interested to sign up? We just need another 1 person to make up the minimum of 6.
hello mummies,

i have some scrapbooking supplies to clear... please view http//

My friends all cannot ah... they said working lei den some said so ex ah... aiyo how how???

btw, here are the latest LOs i did for my trip but still in spore... hehehe...

Very nice. Now me dying to have time for scrapbooking. Ha ha maybe keep all my pics for the class then at least will have something created
Hi! I'm new to this thread. Thanks Anissa & CL for bringing me to this link. Saw the wonderful pix & couldn't wait to embark...
I've just completed the SDU Basic. Looking at $280 for 4 lessons = $70/lesson = $20/hr is kind of expensive. The cost of material for hands-on during class is more than enough to cover the course fee.

Most importantly, it's a good course to attend for scrapper, also a certificate will be issued upon completion.
Something to share

K&Co - crafting kits
its a calander kit set.
The stock will be coming in to my site within the next week or so =)
check it out =)
Karen.. aiyo aiyo aiyo....... i like the suitcase one!!!

just in case u dont kw who i am - i am the one who LOVES u most hahaha.. isaac's mom :p
wanted to know if they are trustable and is their shipping cheap.. lookin for dies and some old love elsie's stuffs...
dorcas, chipboard buttons... :D

if anyone of you have ordered stuffs from overseas before, can share with me the web? thanks...

K & Company Paper Crafting Flipbook Calendar

price : sgd $ 59.90
inclusive of local postage charge
exclusive of registered mail charge

K&Co Paper Crafting Flipbook Calendar includes 1 easel back calendar, 12 die cut pocket pages, 12 lined & numbered tab cards, die cuts, stickers, grand adhesions, clearly yours stickers, rub ons, lace, buttons, ribbons, bow, colored floss and string

Class at sgd $65.00
Long time never scrap. Finally have to pay $$ to sit down in a class to scrap my gal and daddy's grand prix photos at Ocean Park. Ha ha still so normal.


Really nice to attend the class with Gincher, Karen, Cheng, my sil and 2 other classmates
CL, not normal... nice lei...!!!
Yeah... nice to know all of you... the 3 ladies behind us are so hardworking with their layouts! So pai seh lei...! Ok, nvm... here is mine anyway...

Hi Ladies
LTNC!!! I've been busy with tests and assignments from night classes. Tonight having test!!! *stress*

Wah!!! YOu both have been very fruitful!! *ENVY* I also wanna scrap!!! No time man! My new jobscope leaves me no room to think and be creative.

HOpe to see more lovely LOs!!
Karen, Dorcas

All very nice woh. Tonight let me finish up all my finishing touch for my layouts done during the course and I will start sharing too

So sad only can have output during class
couldn catch u on msn, anyway, the items that you want have arrived at my door step... how u want me to get those stuffs to you? by post or ?
Hi Dorcas,
How did you do the mini self made album? can share? Can see inside?

Dear All,
wish to check with all which is the easiest way to downsize pictures for it to be uploaded into here?


the mini album is actually using unwanted cardboard and cardstocks as the inner pages. am actually conducting class on that too..hehe...
you just use pattern paper to wrap the cardboard up, and using cardstocks as inner pages =)
can say i am full time in scrapbooking

currently i am conducting classes at orchard tower (for a grp session) or at the interest party place ( for a indiviual session or as a grp )


using the K & Co calender flipbook kit
Hi mummies,
I am looking for those DIY calendar for 2008. Something like Dorcas had posted but I prefer Monthly Table Calendar. Any ideas where to get?
for the kit that i am using, is actually monthly ones.
the left side is the dates, while the right where the photos are is the month, and there is a monthly tab that are slot inside every month.
the left side, is for u to change the dates.

actually if i am not wrong, i think have the sei 2008 calender kit

nice leh. At least you complete your pieces each time after class.

Aiyo i very jia lat, never complete. Always want to do then have to look after kids. Then got time always doze off. Very bad.

Nice woh, where you find that pics ? You know what brand ?

Nice to see you here. Hey got scrap piece to share.

Me so pai seh, created this thread to share share ideas on scrapbooking but now always view only. Ha ha. Must realli find time to contribute
Hello CL,
It's just that lately I very "siao on". So completing them comes at a price of sleeping at 3am....must be because I have to justify all the money spent..hahaha...

Btw, what pix you refering to?

If you are referring to the layout, all papers & cut-out from DCWV Xmas kit, "Xmas" comes FOC from the class, "Shopping?" from those fonts behind Laines cashier, right-hand side letters self-print onto vellum, normal gold string tie between the "X" and the cut out xmas tree's ornament, backing of the key photo on top-right is a white card stock, snowflake punches, green distress ink & chalk. All pix of Ting in Metro Paragon.

If you are referring to the dog album I am looking for, pix. copied from ebay.


I very long never scrap liao. Only that time super on for Jamie's 1st yr scrapbk. Then stop already. Suddenly feel like doing a table calendar lor. Memoiracts have ah?

My scrap piece very simple only's 4 of the better looking one.. so paiseh to show out also..the mummies here are all so advanced unlike me. hehe.. I only went to MWL basic workshop before then stop already.


