Premature babies support group

Hi Lilac,

My princess had Bronchiolitis last Nov. She was hospitalized for 10 days with supportive treatment like O2 and Ventolin. Normally cold, croup or bronchiolitis, no antibiotic will be given as they have not effect on the cold virus.

gracefaith..was abt to post abt pump when u ask about it... get a good pump.. i pump 3hrs last time using mixtuer of avent manual and medela electric (single side) but end up my wrist is so painful (cos of repetitive pumping action). If u r not sure about medela PIS, maybe borrow from someone to try out first or get 2nd hand (if u wan it urgently rather than wait for US shipment) if u dont mind.

Besides milk maid, there is another (western) health supplement (cannot remember the name liao.. ) that alot of forum mommies take for increasing supply... arghh..bad memory!

congrats to xiaowanzi for no 2!!!!

jas, so where are u staying now????

and to the mommies (hahah..excl david from this mesg).. pls be strong (physically and mentally) for urself and the kids...dont be surprised if the pp around u will 'konk out' before u do! my hb fell sick during my confinement (no confinement lady) and i even have to take care of him and pump milk 3 hrly and still delivery ebm to Kkh everyday (and my FIL is still not happy cos i left his precious sick son alone at home!). So tap on that endless 'mommy' energy when u need it ok.. its surprisingly how long we can last even with lack of sleep.

For those who got lack of milk supply at home.. not sure if u can approach the lactation nurse and see if there is anyone there with ample milk and is willig to share some....

take care !

you are amazing. I am half dead after extraction. U are amazing! Taking care of husband n deliver milk while confinement.

We have a friend whose child is 3 months old, she is willing to give us the excess milk. But we are not comfortable to take her milk. Nurses and doctors also advise against it. But if really no choice, then must take.

My milk supply is really low. I am taking fenugreen n domperidone but still no use. My milk supply decreases these few days cos I am v worried about my babies' condition.

how old is your child? how is he/she?

I used Medela PIS, i feel it is good.

Don't get stress over the supply getting low. I'm sure the BM substitutions or FM will also be good for baby.
Most importantly, your priorities is build your body up so that you have all the strength to take care of baby when back home.

Do not feel bothered about not able to provide enough milk anot, give what you have is good enough, stay happy and cheerful as babies will grow up real well in a Happy Environment.
You dont want babies to sense your stress wor...



Hahahaha Good luck will follow u 2011 wor... keke
Yah all the kids are getting really tech-savvy...
Transformers and Barbie Dolls are out of the scence now...


Normal delivery loh
Dear all,

I don't know why suddenly I feel so depressed again. It must be my babies condition and low supply of milk. I really feel so exhausted physically n emotionally.

I have been praying. I have been crying and confiding in friends n relatives. But these 2 days, the feeling of helplessness n depression can suddenly set in. Perhaps it is also due to the fact that I am always alone at home. Hubby is busy working, going to hospital, boiling soups and washing the recycled bottles for me.

How did all of u manage to cope? What coping mechanism?

I am worried that I am going to have depression. But will try to stay positive.

Mummy Gracenfaith, we are small but we are strong. We are all warriors . Nothing is impossible for us. Triumph is our in time to come. Please have faith in us and we shall fight brave and fight hard.
David I am so encourage too after reading ur posts..
I nvr log on 1 week so many posts le, my little Labelle (aka xena) high fever for 1 week n then surgery gonna postpone till feb.. Cny period :| ..
Gracenfaith I'm using medela pis, pump for 8mths le, supply super super low but still expressing.. Hee.. I think all our Bb cannot latch so could tat be the reason y our milk supply so little? U dun be sad k
I Noe not easy but think of ur Bb, they need u

Tat time becos I give birth early my confinement lady cannot come on time so I also every day wash my pump set myself n for 2 nights gotta bring milk to Bb.
Be strong for ur Bb, they r fighting v hard for u too
<font color="aa00aa">Bloom</font>,
hmm....that's mean u did not do any confinement at all? no engage confinement lady that time? wow, u really very strong that time.....

<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,
preservation and consistant pumping will sure increase yr bm. cheers...u can do it...just try yr best to give whatever u have....
<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
hmm...fierce gar? gd and bad is won't let other bully easily...but bad is got to get her to be more gentle.:p.

wow, favourite must be having fun then.
Hi there,
I just read the discussions about the pump. If any mummy here would like to try the PIS pump, I'll be very glad to lend out mine to you. I just stopped pumping last week, this pump was as if my second baby. And I bf my baby till now 15 months, she is 12+ months corrected age. So I think I'll stop pumping.
Pls send me pm, cos I dont log in this forum regularly.
And for mother whose babies still in hospital, don't worry about ur milk supply, as long as you continue to pump, once ur baby able to latch on milk supply will increase. I pumped only the most 50ml from both side when bb still in hospital. But after she latched on and I still pump, can increase to about 120-180ml.
Dear all-- My older twin has started steriod on Sat n off the ventilator yesterday. She is on CPAP now. Doctor said her condition is stablised. Whereas the younger twin, she was not given steriod as she had some infection and her was deemed too weak to take steroid. But amazing her infection subsized n doctor decided to let her try to be off the ventilator without any steroid this morning. I am so happy.

David-- The photo n phrase was so inspirational. I can't help but cry after reading it
Thanks for the assurance. Yeah, they are all brave warriors and I must be strong for them.

Hubby is outstation today n will only be back tomorrow. As such, I feel so alone

Jacelyn-- Yeah, feeling tired having to extracting milk, wash bottles every hour. I always have difficulty sleeping as such unbale to take nap in between to have proper rest. Thanks for your encouragment.

I will pray for your girl's surgery. You must also stay strong. We jia you together.

afcai-- I tried to relax and told myself to give whatever I can, However, when nurses and doctors shared the importance of breast milk, I feel so worried again. Now my supply is sufficient as the younger twin takes v little of milk. Just concern when her intake increases.

Aixin-- Thanks for volunteering to lend the pump. I have asked my sis in law who is in US to buy for me. I am encouraged by your sharing that once the baby latched, milk supply will increase. But my babies will only be back earliest in March. As such, it is still a long way to go.

DEAR ALL-- Once again for your encouragment. It is really comforting.

When you feel down, come into this forum and rant and grumble all you want, we will lent you a listening ear. We barely sleep too when we were doing our MOO MOO jobs and gotta shuttle to and fro the hospital to just update ourselves with baby's progress...every little weight increase, milk intake increase we update our combate mates here, we shared happiness/despair here and received much encouragements and strength to overcome it together. It was like a Roller Coaster Ride, Ups and Downs in a very fast pace. Remember some of us have been in this group for years, always not giving up on each other, thus if you wish a listening ear, Come in Right here! If you have more time, read some of our archives, you will realised many of us has came through your stage too...

JIAYOU JIAYOU! Have faith in God...
Hi Gracenfaith, I've been reading quietly but decided to give you some encouragement. My little warrior was born 29 wks at 1.45kg. At time of delivery, Dr told my dh that he has only 50/50 chance of survival in the first 7 days. I cried everytime I think of him and was so scared of even visiting him as I'll breakdown n cry... but I snapped out of my misery and sorrow on the third day as I know that bb will sense it. When I finally brought him home after 39 days, I cried again, but tears of joy... Ryan had been doing well (except weak lungs and frequent cough), he caught up with his weight when he was 40wks (gestational age) at 3.7kg. At 4 months he was almost 7kg, but the last 2 months his weight gain is really slow, now is 7.8kg at almost 6 months corrected age. Even then, he's still with 75percentile for his corrected age.

So don't be discouraged, they are stronger than we think. God Bless.

Can anyone teach me how to upload a pic here? Thanks
welcome here!!i hv nt appeared on this board for a long time...m the one who started this thread when i was lost and lonely after hving my prem baby at 24 wks...

u see the two choices below where you type yr says Preview/Post message the other says Upload attachment..

Click on the Upload Attachment choose yr pic and upload but the pic size cant be too big though...

hope it helps...

greetings to all the other mummies here....though i seldom log in now but great that this thread is still active after four and a half yrs...
Hi Gracefaith,
You may try hand express after each pumping sessions. That also work to stimulate more milk flow. Hand express feel more like babies mouth latching on.
If you can let bb latch on after they discharge that will be most ideal, and it is nvr too late to stimulate more milk flow. But in case they can't latch on nvr give up on bf, I've friends Sis gave birth to twin boys at 32wks also exclusive pumping. So it is possible one, just pump every 3hrs. I actually slept for 6-7 hrs at night, but pump diligently in day time. Resting well is also part of bf ;)

Take care!
Berrybaby, i thk can shrink it using Microsoft programs under Picture Manager?haha i talk big nia...very long never do that already..mbe must ask the other forummers....
Dear all-- Thanks for the encouragement. My hubby is out of town n will only b back tomorrow. I feel down and started crying again when my friend called me. When I shared with her about my babies, I could not help and started crying. These days, if anything did not go smoothly, I tend to magnify it. My hot water flask was spoilt and my friend could not deliver meal for me tomorrow, n I can't find my rice cooker to cook myself tomorrow... All these made me feel so sad although I know that they are trivial issues as compared to my babies. Must try to be positive with all the assurance that all of you have given.

Gingal-- Yeah, coming to this forum n getting all the listening ear helps a lot. Thanks all.

Aixin-- Yeah, I always try hand express in the beginning and towards the end. But found v little milk extracted at the end.

Berrybaby- Your boy is so cute!

David-- Despite your girl's weight, she is still v adorable in the photo that u have uploaded.
gracenfaith - try hand massage and pump alternately? I massage before I pump. after 5 minutes, when I see no active squirts, I stop the pump and massage the boobs again, then continue to pump. Repeat the process countless times until the massaging is no longer effective in producing anymore trickles. I find joy in seeing humongous squirts. :p

My daughter's weight have finally stabilised and starting to put on weight!
She's had put on 100g in 2 days, and is now 1.6kg. Dr says we'll try bottle feeding at 1.7kg.. hopefully she can go home at around 1.8-2kg. Latching would only be allowed when she's around 2kg... Nipple confusion is the last thing on their mind now. To date, I've still yet to carry her. Was so depressed last nite that I just kept tearing. Guess it's just hormonal..
<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,

hmm...not engaging any helper or confinement lady?

As what Aixin mentioned,a long as you continue to pump, once baby able to
latch on milk supply will increase. but for my case, bb too impatient to latch on so I just need to work harder to continue pump and pump. massage (tough that time, I massage till a bit blue black) or place hot towel on it before each pumping session. this will stimulate milk flow.

yes, bm is impt and very beneficial to bb. it is the most priceless golden drops that $$ cannot buy. just try yr best. I was also worried initially that my ebm is not enu. my bb drank very little and each time only can feed him 20-30ml if not he will merlion. so bb had to be fed hrly then.

so try not to worry tough it is hard. cheers. jia you.....come, come,come to this thread and there are more listening ears and more advices.

<font color="119911">berrybaby</font>,
wow, Ryan very chubby wor..
Ryan has been progressing well....4mth already 7kg....keep it up. unlike my boy, weight grow very slow.also big diff... now at 23.5mth not even 10kg leh.

<font color="119911">costa</font>,
nice having u back again....time flies right....our toughest moment has gone....

<font color="119911">pootz</font>,
cheers, stay positive (tough it is hard).....
just dropping by to encourage mummies whose babies are still under care of hospital, don't be depressed. It is going to be roller coaster throughout your babies' stay, stay positive, and talk to your babies. Everything will be fine! Our warriors are all the proven ones here!
just to encourage all the new mummies, I am a premature baby myself born 27 weeks, and here I am growing well now!

My kids are born 27 and 34 weeks, and they are doing fine too! dun worry!

For breastmilk, I can't say much, cause I dun have enough supply myself. haha. But I never worry leh, cause breastmilk and normal milk are about the same one lar.Dun stress yourself lar. I grow up with normal milk leh. My mum never bothered to express out the milk during her days. The nurses just fed me with normal milk. So no difference lar. How do you know if breastmilk really can make one stronger? My hubby on breastmilk also garna flu every now and then...I honestly think dun give yourself too much pressure. If really no choice just let it be.
pootz--Congratulations that your girl is growing well. My 2 princesses are still battling lung problems. Hoep your girl can go home soon.

I massaged the breast but it does not seem to help much.

afcai-- Yeah, I massaged n pressed until my breast is a bit red n slight pain. My babies will only be back in a few months time so may be too late then to let is latch on to stimulate more milk.

My hubby and I thought since babies are not back, he should b able to take care of me. We got someone to cook confinemtn food for me and he collected it every afternoon. Initially he planned to take leave but despite being on leave, his compnay still required him to go back to follow uo with the projects. As such he cancelled his leave.

kkf-- I did console myself that I will just try my best and pump whatevver I can. But doctor and nurses keep saying that the breast milk of mummies of premature babies are esp catered to the needs of the babies. My babies are so small. The younger one is only 510g at birth. I think she is lightest in this forum. As such, I v worried she is not having enough nutrients to grow.
Yeah, this thread is my moral support. I am afraid that I may fall into depression. Every day is a roller roaster ride. At times, esp after reading the thread, I am ok. Then suddently, I will feel depressed and started crying. I have never feel so tired in my entire life before.

Being a weak person, who has a number of fainting episodes (doctor said due to thalassamia), i feel really so drained. I told myself to b strong for my babies and hubby. But can't help feelin sad esp when milk supply is low.

I appreciate the support that all of u have given me. It is soemthing that I look forward to whne I wake up in th emorning. Thank you.
I had recently chanced upon this thread and been a silent reader since then. My baby was delivered at 28 weeks, birth weight 1.2kg. He is a pair of twin but the twin sis couldn't make it at birth. In fact, it was the twin sis who gave the signal to be delivered for him to be saved, else, he will be gone too! He had to go through 2 surgeries, we aost lose him but he fight on! He is now a healthy boy, CA 8 months, has 6 teeth, last weight 1 month ago was 8.5kg.

My boy was warded for abt 3.5 mths, it was really a roller coaster for him and for me during these few months. I had the milk supply but he couldn't take my milk as it causes diarrhoea so I had stopped EBM 2 mths after he was born. While he has his ups n down in Nicu, I had mine too. I didn't do a proper confinement due to the travelling to n fro to Nicu, being stressed by the beeping monitors in the Nicu, it took a toil on my health and I had to go through 2 surgeries during the same period when my boy was in Kkh. Fortunately, I am ready for him upon his discharge. He was discharged with a stoma and we have to learn stoma care. I have never heard of stoma not to say having it on my boy and we have to care for it! Fortunately, we can do it and my boy is fine now. Now, the next milestone is to meet all his CA milestones!

My husband has been a great support to me and my boy! I realised that our husbands are more tired and stressed than us and they are equally depressed but they can't show it to us because they know that if they break down, we will break down too! So, I am very thankful to my husband for his efforts and support during those tough period of mine and our boy's life!

Gracenfaith, you are not alone in this journey! We are still on the journey, your husband and babies are all travelling together with you. All of you will be each others support! Our babies will fight strong and be well in time to come! Its normal and ok to feel tired physically, mentally and depressed, I do too! You are already doing very well, continue to pump your milk, continue to look forward to see your babies and all shall be over before you realised it! In fact, when the doctors told us that our boy is ready for discharge, I was the one who is not ready as I am used to him being in the hospital and with all the monitoring devices!! Haha!!!
Gracenfaith, thank you. Remember to stay positive.

David, thanks. Btw, your Danya doesn't look like 7.4kg at all, may I ask what is her daily diet like? Actually, Ryan's weight gain has started to slow down. The last two months only gained about 500g.
Have you started to feed ur boy solid food? His weight gain is so good. My gal has good appetite but still hard to put on weight, she only gain less than 0.2kg a month.

Any of you give multivitamins and cod liver oil to ur baby?My PDs stop prescribing multivit and iron after my gal turn CA6 months. Wonder can we continue to give them those bought from pharmacy ?
Aixin, Ryan's PD said we could stop the multivit and iron around 2 months ago, so i did as they stain his clothes whenever he has reflux. Now he's only on Nordic baby DHA.

I started giving him rice cereal when he's 4mths CA since his milk intake is low only 150ml every 4 hourly. Now he's taking about 180ml every 4hrly, except his late night feed which he drinks only 150ml (too sleepy and lazy to suck for long time) and 1.5 tablespoon cereal or pureed pumpkin/potato 2x a day. I'm starting brown rice cereal today.
Your Ryan got very good appetite! My gal at 4 months can only finish 80-90ml. Now she is CA 13 months but only taking the most 150-180ml. Still feeding her every 3-4 hrly, except for the night time she sleep 6-7 hrs straight.
The DHA is prescribe by ur PDs?
Hi Berrybaby,

Danya's Diet

8.30am 50ml water to clear throat
9.00am 140ml Pediasure Complete + Multivit
1.00pm 180ml Pediasure
2.30pm Egg tart, steam egg or steam rice cake (Less than 3 tea spoon), apple juice 100 to 150ml
5.00pm 180ml Pediasure
7.30pm Fish porridge or cheese pasta (Less than 3 tea spoon)
9.30pm 180ml Pediasure

Danya don't like solid. Fussy eater.
Aixin and David, looks like I maybe overfeeding Ryan. I'm so afraid that he'll be small so I feed him when i can. Actually he doesn't really like milk, always take about 1 hour to complete his milk, so we'll wait till he naps to feed him.
I'm exploring new pureed receipe to help him enjoy eating. DHA bought from drugstore, but oked by his PD.

David, did you try introducing different solids? My older boy is a very fussy eater too (not adventurous, but he'll eat about 2 bowls of porridge each meal from 6 months till 3yrs). In the last one year, I keep introducing new food to him, now he's eating rice, noodles and kway tiao, though he still doesn't like veg and meat (unless he can't see them) I also buy all types of fruits to let him try. Maybe you could also make your food more interesting like hello kitty sandwich or whichever character she likes. You could also involve her in the preparation to make it interesting for her. Dun give up trying.
Dear May, Thanks for the sharing and encouragement. You are amazing. Having gone through 2 surgeries during the period must be v draining.

My mood is still up and down. I know I must be positive but always suddenly feel v down. Will have to jia you with all the support given by daddies adn mummies in this forum.

I agreed that our hubbies are equally stressed as us. My hubby always looks v down after talking to the doctor. But he will tell me that he is ok. His job is v demanding. Having to work 7 days a week. And now with this additional stress, I pray that he is coping.

I hope babies can be discharge soon. When I look at them at NICU, at times, they look so much in pain. My heart ache. I think if I can hold the babies, it will be good for me. Until now, my husband does not allow me to touch the babies as he is afraid of infection. I respect his decision. But deep down I long to touch them.
gracenfaith - how big are your babies now? Mine is 1.6kg, still in the incubator, the nurse have yet to allow me to carry her too
I thought kangaroo care would speed up her growth, but all I'm allowed is to touch her in her box..
Hi Berrybaby,

Feed on demand. If Ryan can take, just give to him. Once Ryan reach 1 year old, his monthly weight gain will be between 120 to 200 gram.

We are seeing feeding clinic for Danya eating issue. To the therapist, any new food must try at least 10 times. I am simply running out of ideas. Prior to this, I use to cook other stuff for Danya, she don't even take. As least those which I have mention, she take.

Hi Pootz,

Soon. If your warrior's body temperature can maintain, she can throw the box away. Normally, at 1.5kg, our warrior will be out of the box and into the open pan. By then, another set of worry. Will they move too much and fall out from the open pan?
<font color="119911">berrybaby</font>,

yr bb is like my boy last time cos his milk intake is also very low and took very long time to finish. every 4hr at 120ml when he is 5-6mth onwards.but now, he is fine liao but still have to depend on his mood....till now, my boy won't eat rice one...still prefer porridge.

<font color="119911">Aixin</font>,
think gar appetite is smaller gar also like that last time. 150-180ml too. now, my gar at 4yr+, still taking 180-240ml(only morning feed).

<font color="aa00aa">David</font>,
hmm...Danya lunch and dinner is so late? do u let her try any mee/bee hoon/kway tiao in the morning?

my boy also fussy eater but he will try any new food. dunno why he still dun like fruits and will shun away.

<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,
cheers,,just try yr very best for moo moo. everything is tough now but will soon be over....
pootz-- My babies are still growing. The younger is only 600g now while olde girl is 900. Their growth is slow due to the infection. You are v lucky that your baby is growing so fast. I hope mine will b like yours.

afcai-- I just cried after extracting milk this morning. I am so frustrated over the low supply. I pump until I am so tired, sore breast but supply is still low.

Usually, I will wait for my hubby to be out then I will cry. Cos I do not want to add on to his stress. But this morning, after pumping n noticing that my hair loss is so acute, I could not stand it adn cried. Hubby was at a loss though he consoled me. At times, I really feel like giving up. I am still feeling lousy. I think I am having signs of depression. Hubby asked if I want to see a psychiatrist but i don't think it will help. Basically, I just need listening ear.

I appreciate all your support n feel bad that despite the support, I am still feeling so lousy.
gracenfaith - my gal had some lung infection earlier on too, and took around a week for the weight to stop dropping before she started putting on weight. And once she does, she put on almost 100g in 2 days! Hang in there, we're all rooting for them!

It's ok to feel depressed and sad. You have all the right to be! But know that part of it is hormonal and part of it is coz we're human! You're in a difficult time, just let the tears flow if it makes you feel better! Having someone to confide in is crucial... *HUGZ*
Hi Gracefaith,
Listening to you is as if seeing myself a year ago. I was also crying when I express milk and when I'm alone. I believe most of us here have the same experience. You're absolutely normal.

Don't get too stress by the milk supply cos ur mood will also affect the supply. If you feel tired just sleep for a whole night, it takes 48 hrs for breast to response to the demand. So once a while sleep more is ok and if you pump more frequent don't expect ur milk supply will increase immediately it takes two days to see result. Once you rest well ur mood will be better.
Seems like Danya like milk more than solid food. What's the problem to let her drink more milk and less solid food?
The egg tart you gave her is homemade one? If yes share with me the recipe pls. My gal like steam egg a lot also, so i think she will like egg tart. Last time she ate her 1st steam egg when we brought her to a buffet, and she clapped her hands so happily when she first try it.
<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,

pls dun be depair. do think of yr 2 little darlings. hold on it and the tough moment will be gone thru. all of us gone thru the toughest moment. the most impt thing is to take good care of yrself. whatever u eat will be what bb consume thru yr ebm. just try yr very best to give the precious drop of ebm. as long as one continue to pump, the supply and demand will come took me 2mth to establish my milk flow (tough low suppy) but I would not give up cos I knew that with continue pumping, I will definely stimulate milk flow. cheers...hope everything is fine and try not to think so much. if got time, pls try to rest. resting via less stress will also contribute to the factor of producing more milk.

I'm sure hubby will willing to lend u a listening ears. alternatively, just 'vent out the sadness/anger etc' here....I'm sure all of us here are willing to listen to u...

as what Aixin has mentioned, most of us here gone thru the moment and have the same experience. so try not to think so much and maybe listening to some classic song for relaxation. hope it might help.

<font color="119911">Aixin</font>,
how old is yr gar now?
gracefaith, my gal is now 4 years old (yeah one of the older ones here..) btw, for pumping, u can press to use warm compress/towel on ur breasts before pumping (cannot rem if can do so after pumping). And if u feel block all the time even after pumping and maybe reddish rash on ur breasts, check with the nurse. sometimes the milk ducts can be blocked.

afcai. the CL come later cos my mom said c sec cannot take bu stuff such as chicken.. no good to skip confinement... now i got so much back problems ...

berrybaby, 75% percentile is a good wgt!
David - it's so funny that you mentioned that
after the baby is moved out of the box, the worry would be whether they would fall out from the open pan. Coz that's EXACTLY what my hubby said!

Our daughter is super active when she's awake. Can yawn and stretch and arch so vigorously that she moves from one end of the bed to the other! Luckily blocked by the glass wall of the incubator. Wahahahah!
dear all,

Thank you for your encouragement. Sometimes I am afraid that I have 'toxicfy' this thread with all my negativity.

I always have problems falling asleep. I can take up to few hours before sleeping. I am feelin so exhausted now. Try to sleep in between pumping but was able to do.

My younger girl is more stablised. Elder has been on steroid for almost a week. Last dosage is on Sat. Doctor said the next 48 hours after that are v crucial. Hoep her lung problems will b solved.

My milk supply went down quite a lot this morning. Think I am just too tired. Accompany hubby to deliver milk last nite. He could only go at night cos of work commitment. Only reached home after midnight.

I appreciate all your encouragement. This thread is indeed my life saver. Thanks once again fro listening.
<font color="aa00aa">Bloom</font>,
oic. I remember ppls said that the first 2 wks cannot eat chicken bec of the wound. oh...back it the side effect of epidural? hmm...tot u natural birth cos I had the thinking that premature bb will tend to have easier delivery.

<font color="119911">pootz</font>,
it happened to by boy that time too. nurse has to use roll towel to block him fr rolling ard...

<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,
u are welcome.

relax and try not to think so much, let natural take it place so that yr mind will be at ease. u got so much thoughts in yr mind that bother u, that's why u can't slp easily. that time, I am so tired that I pumped till doze off.

hence, pls take good care of yrself. eat, slp well so that u will have more energy to take care of yr 2 darlings.

Anyone babies given steroid for more than 5 days here? I am worried for my elder girl.

afcai-- How I wish I can doze off like u

Yeah, I am tryin not to think to much. Just take each day at a time. But once heard the girls are not doin well, every thing became so negative again.
<font color="119911">gracenfaith</font>,

sometimes, nurse or doctor just too 夸张(kuā zhāng) will tell u things that make one panic. think all mummies here has experience this before. anyway, your toughest moment will be over soon.

Hi Afcai,
My gal is 13 months CA now.
Same like what you said I was so tired last time, I always wanna sleep. I used to have problem to fall asleep before I gave birth, but after that I just fell asleep anywhere anytime.

Stay strong ya. Next year the same day we will be here chit chatting about how naughty our gals are. And how can we wasted our time worrying and not sleeping. After the babies come back you won't have anytime to sleep as you like.
