Premature babies support group

good to hear tat u are in 24week now. be confident, sure can keep 32 weeks.. rest well. if feel anything not right , just rush to kkh. dun scare.

now i busy latching, feeding and pumping.. hope can increase my ss. then gotta play with my 1st princess.. no time to really rest..

Yup, my hb's friend also told us the montessori system is good, Can I know how much is the fees ?
To me anything above more than 24 weeks + 4 is an achievement liao....cos I didn't get a chance to experience 25 weeks and beyond....actually don't know what's the feeling like in 3rd trimester. I'm relying on you to tell me the 3rd trimester experience. Well Done and keep your spirits up!
hi mummies.. i need adv on maids.

pls help.. my mum nds help.. she can't sustain longer w/o help at home while looking aft arvin. i am looking for a maid. any agencies to recommend? wat to look out for? wat's e cost gonna be like?

thanks in adv for any advise..
aiyo.. heartache.. i usually latch yilin then follow by bottle feeding. just now after i latch, i gave her 50ml ebm. she din finish all.. stll left 30ml. ysteray she can fnish even after latch leh...wasted.. argh~~~~i must pump at least 2x then can get tat 30ml leh... sob sob...hmm... think next time if give her ebm, cannot latch on...
how abt feed formula first then latch? got more incentive right? i am at sengkang. later go ntuc check for u.

36wks will be ideal!!! keep going!! u and violet can do it!!
oh.. if she full liao, she will refuse to latch. i need her to be hungry then she can suck better. so usually let he suck then bottle.

just now 4pm gave her another round of 50ml ebm..haa.. 6pm only hungry already. so gave her suckle and bottle. then 8pm... hungry again... think her intake is increasing..
Hi All

I have given birth to my twins daughters at 33 weeks on 2 Nov 2008 via C Sect. Both girls are still at SCN & NICU Step Down Unit in KKH now. Would like to join in here to learn more from the mummies here.

Twin 1 : Baby Joann Quek weighing 2.02kg, born @ 9.17am

Twin 2 : Baby Jolin Quek weighing 1.225kg, born @ 9.18am

But when i visited them yesterday, was being told that their weight has drop. Is this normal? The PD told us that both gers need to stay at least 2 weeks till 35 weeks then they will let us know when they can be discharge. Really breaks my heart to visit them everytime.

Everytime i visit them, i will keep crying and can't bear to go home. So scare that i will fall into post natal blues.
Hi girl80,
Welcome and congrats on the delivery of your twins
I am also the mommy of a pair of twin boys
Think it is norm that preemie's weight will dropped initially, just give them time to increase their weight, while you built up your milk supply, not to worry they will pick up weight veri veri fast, very soon you will have 2 chubby babies to hold and cuddle
I am also like you, I cried when I see them for the 1st time in ICU and everytime when I see them in NICU/ SCN I will still cry so you are not the only preemies mommy that does that. Don't worry, your girls are in good hands, tell you something KKH have the most wonderful and caring nurses and docs, my hb even say that they are the angels and they genuinely love bbs otherwise they won't be so passionate about their work
visit your girls often as you can and you will always have nice things to hear from the nurses
I didn't have a good confinement as I was there at the kkh, twice daily, cause I just miss them too much.... Sorry for being long-winded
congrats girl80. Realised joann is over 2kg, cannot go home still? Anyway, the weight difference between joann and jolin are quite a lot hor? Anyway, weight drop for first one or two weeks are normal. Hope both ur gals can go home soon, u dun have to worry too much, they are of rather good weight, and gestation weeks, no problems, just a matter of time to go home.
For most of us here, 33 weeks are very good liao (sorry for me leh).

Precious one, I also have no idea wat 3rd trimester like leh. I just hope can enter into 3rd trimester this time round.

But seriously, me a bit worry about my weight...i think i will be a big fat giant in 3rd trimester. But right now, i keep thinking must let baby gains case.

xbliss, 36 weeks? wow! good that will be year of ox for my girl, but dun dare think sooo far.

didi, the fees a lot leh, 700 plus for half day program only, want my life.
hi Joann
congrats! hmm thot baby lose weight initially norm for all babies ? anyways they gain it back.
stay strong. 33 wks is gd. baby joann weight is gd esp!

my hubby actin up again
confirm I wont awnt to be pregnant again.hope this time is fine tho. bit worry. .
Yah, that's why I heard they say around thousand plus for full-day
Dash taking half day ? wah, next time if my D&D attending, hmm... will be so expensive too

Dun worry, you will be fine, let us know the gender of your darling, ok

their weight will go up and down for the 1st 2 weeks, even for term baby also like tat.

how much weght have u gain so far? i think a balance and healthy diet will do lah, dun force yourself to over eat.
Yan, i am in week 24 and already gained 17kg leh!!! scary right? so i think i will gain over 30 kg if into 3rd trimester! somemore my weight is ard 65kg to start with, so i will be ard 100kg??? soooo scary!! i am really fearful of the weight gain. but I ate too much in 1st trimester.
I didn't eat a lot, I just try to eat durians. haha. I dunno keep hoping that baby will be 1kg soon.

didi, yah lor, ex hor. I start dash with half day, let him get used to it first. After i return to work and has money, then i change him into full day so that my in laws can taking care of the smaller one.

daec, i also decided not to go thru another pregnancy anymore.

Anyway, finds that health is not as good as before. sianz
costa..u should have approached me..!!!!! we have not met before!!!!!! did u hear my hb swear thruout the whole walk? :p :p :p yes it was really hot that day..not suitable for little kids... but thank goodness in the end the shuttle bus to suntec was efficient....

didi, ahhaha.. observation :p

jacelyn, 8 meals! must be very busy! sometimes i find myself spending so much time preparing the food (only max 2 solids per day on weekends) i just feel like regressing to 100% FM :p hehhe.. u r such a strong mommy!

daec, i think kkh does not do scan every visit... *sayang*... i know preggies should not demand special treatment, but shouting at other pp is a no-no for anyone, incl pregnant women...

mommies, i just went to nada's blog... suspended???

Yan, my gal failed her first hearing test too... but passed the 2nd one which is done just before her discharge...

shelllow..ahaha..paige bullying mommy... :p

kkf..maybe that time too preoccupied..but dont rem the jab as very painful leh..but it was so was only weeks later when i bath during/after confinemen that i realise the plaster was still stick onto my backside :p i got colleagues with kids in montesoori and PCF..seems that there is a diff loh..but the school fees.geeezzz... dont care abt the wgt first lah..if u r free.. u see my pics for big walk..wah.. looking at the pic i really think i age alot in the past few yrs...
my dear.. u r 65kg but u r tall mah....

yeah kk wont scan everytime. but prob if special case- will.

hubby- after that,act like all ok. I now calling him Dr Jekykll/Mr Hyde. U know that story where Dr Jekyll gd guy, then suddenly turn into Mr Hyde the bad guy. haha hope he gets the sarcasm :p Its hard for mr dense to feel guilty.

Nada's blog being transfered to another server. will inform u once its up

just hope this time preggy goes well and baby healthy. just found my cousin also preggy. she not problem last time either.abt gain weight: mixed feelings abt it. coz dun want to get too much weight. but then if gaining weight now means more weight for baby gd also.

thanks! I think I am ok with both genders. used to want boy but now thk girl also gd. hope no comments from others if not boy as hubby not malay, boy will carry surname.
Yah, I know, with all the rising costs for living expenses, education, so you did the rite things buy the bags 1st then next time cannot buy so often ok ?
that day my gf was at my place and we were discussing about home expenses, she only has a boy, she is also a sahm, we all agreed that very expensive too
then I realised that how much my hb is paying each month
I never sit down and really calculate

I also think so boy or girl doesn't matter, your hb not malay huh ?
Hi mummies,
I've been following this thread silently. My pair of twins were born at 34th week, nothing compared to what you gals here had went thru so I thought I'll just read and admire you gals in silence.

our situation are quite similar so thought of sharing with you. My twins were born at 34th week weighing 2.4kg and 1.9kg. They stayed in SCN for a week+ till they were 35 weeks and 2kg. It's normal for their weight to drop for the 1st few days cos of water loss, no worries.
I felt the same way that time too. Try to talk to your hubby or friends more. Think about the happy times that you are going to have when they are home then it'll be easier for you. Hang on there, they'll be back home soon.

nice meeting you today.
Hi bloom yah, me tall and is about 65kg, actually never manage to shed off the 5kg excess from my previous pregnancy, so now gaining more weights!! opps!!! very scary.

But think will just concentrate in giving birth to healthy violet, then think about shedding off weight later.

didi, u r right, buy bags now, and will stop doing so liao. haha.

Hi RR, wow, envy leh, why seems like most of people have twins.
ha...ha, dun forget you have Violet so you have the excuse that you can hand down the bags to her
hi kkf,
im into 17 weeks liao.3 weeks ltr gg to see gynea for blood test.cross my finger n pray hard hope tis time everything goes smooth.i have a very strong feeling tis time u will deliver full term and have a sweet cutie violet.dun worry too much juz enjoy ur pregnancy
take care ya
hello mummies

hmm MIA for a while. siang just went for his airway scope last thursday (as part of a follow up day surgery for his reoccurence of croup). During the scope, a cryst was found and lasik off from his airway. Hence i been quite busy after reporting from work thats why never post here.

Haha, oh yes, siang is the one you saw that day (last wednesday) at KKH admission office :p we were waiting for our number. Too bad i was not the one carrying siang, otherwise think mayeb i can recognise bryan ler hehe... to my lao gong, every baby is baby (no matter his gor gor or didi keke)

girl80 and RR (irin), welcome to read on this thread

girl80, do keep us posted on your twins progress and hope they can be discharged home soon

jia you jia you! oh yes, weight issue can come later. once you are back at work, think automatically will shed some don't worry ah..

:p i have not PM you yet as busy clearing work as siang has to be readmit last week and i got to go on leave. I PM you tomorrow ah. so pai say. both boys really all grown up hor

take care

Re hearing test, have faith that your ger will pass (mummylian also ever shared with me her ger failed the initial test and pass after that). don't worry too much ah.
perhaps it's cos most multiples are born premature so you see alot of twins around in this thread.

tks for the welcome.
hi RR(irin) do post your cute twins pix here if convenient

oh yeah... really. its a test to my mentality of coping with stress :p. As year end approach i got lots to clear at work (with next year budget coming very soon) but i did not want to postponed the scope hence i still proceed with taking leave to be with siang. 2-3 weeks later siang be going back for review at the ENT clinic.

its good to read this thread for the many miracle that we have always belive in
bloom, haha, i paiseh lah...was so sweaty and so crowded..tink my father vy scared, next year dun wanna go liao haha....

no, i only saw yr hb, yr ger and yrself after the walk at the barrage...before that, i din see you all, tink i was walking behind...and very much behind...

shld hv called you but cant really remember yr name lah....but can rem yr gers name though haha..

welcome here..guess you must be mummylian's friends...hp to see you participate more here

welcome here..we do hope to have mummies here to contribute and share queries..just feel free to let us noe anythg you wanna noe..
Morning mummies.

A bit sianz, cause my in laws change their mind, dun seem so keen to come my house to stay, want us to move with them liao. But now its my turn not to want to move with them...

Wow fairylander, 17 weeks liao!

I really hope to be able to carry this baby to at least over 30 over weeks. We have come so far, hope will continue to go further.

Jane, how's siang now? u mean there's a cyst in his airway, and removed liao right?

didi, haha, so funie, next time think violet may not want my coach stuff. haha.

RR, yah, many twins in this thread.
yup, I'm mummylian's friend.

my 20 months old twins are more naughty than cute now. haha.
hi kkf
yup. the KKH Ent surgeon lasik off the cryst for siang on the spot when they do the scope.

haha at 20 months they are definitely naughty keke. my siang at 2 years old very cheeky keke
Jane Jane,
It is a good idea to let Siang Siang do the scope, once and for all
you and Siang can enjoy a good Christmas
hi RR(irin)
just refresh my screen and saw the gals pix. erhmm let me guess, the gal in pink is the elder?

may i know their name? hehe can update in my own data list :p
Hi all,
Just an update. My Baby Isaac is 19 days old today.

Last Thursday, frequent episodes of apnea (O2 saturation down to 70%) and bradycardia (drop in heartrate) led to his being on ventilator again. We were there at night when it happened, and it was really frightening to see your baby so limp and unresponsive while having his episodes. We felt so helpless. Thank God there was a paeds lecturer so late that night (midnight!) who did a good job in intubating him. The doctor said that our baby was weak and very tired from breathing, and that he has lots of mucus plugs at the back of his nostrils. An x-ray showed his right lung is hazy.

Friday - blood tranfusion. He appeared slightly more active, though he had lots of secretion in his mouth.

Saturday - blood tranfusion again. Wriggled around around more! Looks stronger compared to Friday. They reported that his weight is 1120grams, up from 840grams few days back. But to take it with a pinch a salt, coz it includes tubes and all.
Maybe ventilator tubes?

Sunday - the neonatologist reset the baby's scalp line (line from scalp leadin to his heart for TPN!!! Scary!!). Told hubby that Baby has MRSA sepsis which caused his apnea episodes, and hazy lungs. Baby looks stronger at night, however, we took extra precaution by wearing masks while talking to him.

This morning - weight is 1140grams! Maybe he is finally putting on some weight, and not those tubes.

Really hope he recovers from his MRSA sepsis very quickly. Quite worried.
hubby is half arab. so babe will carry his name and surname (alkaff).nada's race will be 'others' hehe. abt money: no need know so much. just be grateful all is fine

hope Siang is recovering well. must have been taxing for u too. take care, have gd rest.

my prayers are with ur baby and you. Gd to hear his weight has gone up. thk they try to weigh with minimal tubes. when they weigh my baby, they take note how much a diaper alone weigh. then minus that off from total weight of her only wearing diapers. they may do same type calculation for urs - not sure. take care
Jia You! May GOD's strength and peace be with you and family and baby Issac will grow stronger and stronger every single minute.

Good that the docs. found out the cause of Siang's getting croup a couple of times. Bye Bye Croup, stay away from Siang forever.

RR(irin)and girl(80)
welcome to the thread!

I am one who totally give up on me personally, getting a able good helper is like striking lottery. Needs loads of good luck! Somehow even when they started good, but end up not as good as before. Sad!

how was last Saturday?

fairylander and kkf
both of you will have full terms babies and smooth pregnancy....stay faithful.
hope siang is fine now.

juz went to pd on fri 4 jab. asked doc abt a mole behind ws' ear, was concerned cos it's like growing. but doc say it's a whart!! ??? n advised us to c a skin doc 4 advise. sigh.. never ending prob..

welcome & ur twins r cute! good hor, 1 time hav 2 kids, boy & girl some more. so nobody will bug u for another kid

booked tix 2 Ave Q tmrw nite. this morning still happily asking hubby wat he wans 4 dinner tmrw. then realized, I HAVEN"T COLLECTED THE TICKETS YET!! n cos i booked using my master card, which i dun usually carry ard, i need to go home & pick up the card then go sistics 2 collect. looks like got to skip yoga again today. sigh.. y m i so forgetful?
daec, precious_one, disneymickey
so much for all the care. honestly, i don't mind sharing siang issue here because i know mothers here have a open mind to listen
. siang is ok after the day surgery; right now they give him one week of anitbiotics (as prevention). then will review him again in another 2-3 weeks time.

yes; i wish that siang stay happy and healthy all the time and so does all the babies

hmm you meant a wart? honestly, i have a mole at my left tighs. maybe i should have it check out too because the mole seem to grow back by itself (there was a period it kind of come off). think i better go see my company doctor.

don't worry; skin doc should be able to resolved it. well, there is a solution to most problem; stay faithful (like precious_one mention)

if you don't mind, i do have a link about employing domestic helper. i can PM u?

stay strong. issac will be a brave fighter
Hi Mummies

Thanks for the encouragement. I will be strong for my gers. Did not have chance to go visit them everyday as my mother in law says i am still having my confinement. Haiz. Went to visit my gers yesterday afternoon, was glad that both gers are starting to put on weight. Baby Joann is still poor at sucking milk so she is still on tube feeding but the nurses are starting to train her everyday now. Baby Joann still in NICU Step down Unit. She is taking 5ml of FM now. Really hope that they can increase her feed and hopefully she can be home fast. Her weight is 1280g now. She still got a long way to hit the 2kg mark. Really hope that she can jia you!!!

Was quite worried for my younger twin - Joann as she is still having jaundice. Can see that she dun like to be covered and shine on the light. My heart feel so pain that i started to cry when i am there. Really feel so heart pain to see many tubes on her as well. I really wish and hope that i am the one suffering instead.

The nurses there had been asking me to pump more milk for my younger ger but my milk supply is really low. Really not able to pump much milk out. Tried pumping every 3 hours but only manage to pump at most 30ml from 2 breasts after 1 & a half hour.

Anyone knows how to improve my milk flow? Tried massaging and drinking more soup but it does not seem to helps.
Stress will affect the flow/bm quantity, so stay relax, remain positive, plenty of rest and lots of fluids. Do not take pig liver or use cold cabbage on your breasts as they will drain off the milk supply. Inititally, the milk supply is low but gradually, with diligent and regular expressing, milk supply will increase. 加油!
ya, doc (pd) & internet say will go away within few years. but >2.5yrs alrdy, still there. pd oso say it's q big now, so dunno if will b swollen if removed.. sigh..
wah cool
so is he related to Moe Alkaff ?

both my boys have jaundice too, not to worry, after a while it will go away
stay strong. our bbs r v resilient n will pull thru tis. i hav many a times cried when i saw him so small n vulnerable. but we've gotta stay strong. they can feel our vibes n will feed off our strength. rgding breatfeeding.. u'v gotta perservere. constant pumping.. eventually the supply will kick in. i took fenugreek pills. kinda helped. depending on individual. but best is for bb to latch direct. u'll cm to tt soon. bbs r e best suckers. will really promote lactation.

sure PM me. need all the advise i can get.
thanks in adv.
hi girl80,

Be strong, they are fighter.

Regarding express milk, use a warm towel to wipe yr breast b4 pumping, it simulate too. It's work on me. Drink more soup, and also drink more b4 and after yr expressing.
thks all mummies out there. I will perserve till the end for my gers.

Tonight my hubby going to visit them alone. Haiz. So sad that i cannot go along as its a raining day today. Really hope that hubby will bring home more good news of the girls with their weight increase.
Jiayou on pumping
oh ya another thing, we need to be patient when our darlings are still in hospital, for my younger boy he was in hospital 1 mth longer than his gor gor, we were so impatient, wanting him to be discharged, after a while when we are not so 'kan cheong' he gets better, lesser episodes of apnea, then we realised that when we are not impatient, he will be better .... for my case, this seems to be like that

oh no, it's not 2 gals. The one on the left is my boy and he's the older one.
His name is Reyden Ng and mei mei's Reyes Ng.
Read about your boy, no worries, he'll stay happy and healthy all the time.

don't worry, my boy had jaundice too and he went thru 2 rounds of phototherapy but eventually it went off. Are you able to latch them on when you visit them?

hehe, I hope to have more but probably not so soon.
