Perth Holiday - Any Suggestions/Advice/Tips?


I stayed @ the studio...think better for u to get the 1 bedroom...coz the studio is small..and if u want to cook...then smell will move to the bed immediately...

hi sunnygirl,

tks for yr advise, i dun really intend to cook but just in case my son dun get used to the food so will make like soup for him. actually a microwave is sufficient.
U're most welcome

Prams are not allowed onboard the plane, but u can still push it all the way before boarding & they will check-in for u. After touchdown, u can just pick it up at the same time when u're collecting ur luggage.

During summer & spring in Oz, u experience longer days & shorter nights, so the sun actually sets much later. In November, it's usually bet 7-8pm, so u'll hv more time to go ard places.

At Kings Park, u can see lotsa beautiful wildflowers in bloom at the Botanic Gardens, esp. during springtime. Along Fraser Ave, u can also catch a panaromic view of Perth's skyline & The Swan River at the lookout point. The views are great either daytime or night. U can also go for the Federation/Tree Top Walk among the trees & enjoy the beautiful sceneries or go for some short nature walkw in the park. It's a place u shldn't miss..

For more info, u can chout

U can chkout Quest Margaert River. Heard lotsa good reviews from friends & some mummies here who've stayed there b4. It's a bit pricer but the rooms are very clean & spacious & it's also very conveniently located. For farmstay, u can try Sunflower Farm

Here's their website:
Sunflower Farm:
hi clarerwen and gapple,

thanks for recommendation. i guess I will still have to look around cos our budget is not so high
thinking of something like AUS100 per night, do you think that is possible in Oct spring season?
can I ask about car seat? How do we check in car seat at the air port? do we need to remove the car seat cover and put inside our luaggae first? or wrap up the whole seat and past it on to the airport check in person in charge?

thanks for advise

Hi claerwen,

Thanks for your reply.

I just discussed with hubby on the pram and we decide to take the Aprica stroller rather than Maclaren as the latter is much heavier although more spacious for my 2 yr old.

We will explore Kings Park then as we will be touching down Perth in the aftnn and we will pickup car from airport to check-in to hotel, my est. by 4pm latest. Most shopping close at 5pm since it is a Friday and I guess King's Park is the only place we can go. Unless mummies here have any other recommendation ;-p

I stayed in sunflower farm when i went with my big family 2 yrs ago. Gd experience for farm stay, but our civilised kids dont really like the farm stay :p

1st night we stayed in a service apt which i booked thru Its called 'statton on murray', very nice and cheap. At Margaret River, we stayed in a b&b. its very beautiful although the price is not exactly cheap, i strongly recommend. You can check out the website.

We had a very enjoyable trip as i went with my parents and my sis and the kids.....and we get to stay in different types of accomodation
hi harriet

You can rent the car seat from Budget itself when u rent the car or hire for baby.

The rate is reasonable - abt A$6-8 per day and there is a cap for longer period rental. Hire for baby can deliver the booster seat to yr accomodation at i think is A$25 and it cost like Aud25 for my 1 week rental.
hi gapple,

wanted to rent the car seat, but we worry our toddlers may not be comfortable in the rented ones. Caused in s'pore the children are very very attached to their own car seat, even though we bought identical ones for them, somehow when we swap the seats accidentally, they will complain and cry and insist that they get back their own seat. I don't know how they identify their seats, maybe it's the smell or the cushion has been shaped to a certain way by their bums..

therefore I worry that with the rented seats, the children might get fussy and the long drives will certainly get into them...

hi hi..does anyone know if whether can I bring 1 packet of 1 kg rice in? Planning to bring 2 yrs old daugther. Do you think I need to bring rice along to cook for her or can easily get food outside?
hi llyn,
I brought my then 18 months daughter to perth last year. We only ate out during lunch. She will take grill fish etc, mostly without salt. If there are no viable alternative, we will give her our food, but we wash the sauce off. For breakfast, we gave her bread, cheerios or cereals. Dinner we cook ourselves. We will cook pasta, noodles or potatoes etc. Almost everything can be gotten from the supermarket, even rice. Australia is very kids friendly, so you should not have any problems.
It's actually quite cumbersome to bring a car seat along cos it's bulky. Moreover, u can easily rent one from the car rental firm at a cheap rate. I understand ur concern abt them getting fussy but kids are also easily adaptable to new environment so I think it's a matter of getting used & getting them to. U can try the soft approach & tell them if u bring their seat over, it'll get dirty there & u'll hv to throw away, can't bring home anymore. U can also give them some of their favorite toys in the car to keep them occupied & as a distraction when they're in the seat, or prob strap/hang them onto the seat itself so they'll hv a sense of closeness & familiarity. So u might wanna work on things which they like.. I'm sure there's a solution

No prob in bringing food items like rice & cereals but make sure u keep them in airtight containers/ziplock & ensure they're clean.. i.e free from any weevils. As long as the items u're bringing is non-fresh (e.g fruits & veges) & unprocessed meat products, there'll be no issue. Just remember to declare them

U can chkout or to see what can or cannot be brought into Oz. U can also email them directly at [email protected].

As for meals over there, I always cooked porridge for my gal for dinner every day. It's the heathiest & also v. easy to prepare. Lucky thing is she doesn't fuss abt food & eats practically anything, except fried & oily food which we only let her eat once in a while cos it's not healthy. But at her age (she's 2.5yr old then), she still needs proper nutrition even though we're on a holiday so no matter wat, I'll still cook at least 1 proper meal for her each day. Afterall, she's still young & it's not healthy for her to depend solely on outside food. And since she's oredi eating out for lunch, which is usually pasta/noodle soup/risotto.. it's best to let her have home cooked food for dinner. And porridge is always the best.

I also brought along organic rolled oats to cook for breakfast for the entire family on some days, depending on our itinerary. It's also highly nutritious yet cost savings. Rest of the days, breakfast is usually milk, cereals, oats, bread & eggs so still healthy for her. So prob u can consider cooking some oats for ur kids too when u're there. It's v. quick & easy to prepare, no hassle at all. When it's almost done, just add in ur choice of ingredients/flavours to taste.. like horlicks, milo, milk, apples, honey, raisins or eggs..etc. It's really nice & nutritious. My gal like it alot
thanks claerwen... you brought the oats over? Don't they sell there or is it much more expensive? I was thinking to travel as light as possible
Yup, they're organic rolled oats. I brought them along cos my gal have been taking this brand for quite some time & it's gd, so dun wanna change it. And partly bcos I still happened to hv 1/2 packet left at that time & it's juz nice to last thru the whole trip, so just brought it over to finish it. And it's very light so no issues with it. No point getting a new pack there & can't finish then still gotta bring back here again, will be v. cumbersome too.

If u do not have any oats at home, can juz get it from the supermarkets there. They're easily available, but slightly more ex. But if u hv, just bring sufficient amt over for the trip.. will be much easier
Hi Claerwen, Need to be a Austrialia in RapidRez...
Btw, anyone rent from bargain wheels car rental? Is so much cheaper (AUD100).

For us, we've always booked with Budget cos we liked their wide range of cars & service & there's no hidden costs which most other rental firm have (e.g excess damage, max distance u can travel..etc). Service has always been gd & most importantly, they're v. reliable. Their cars are also v. new & clean & there's been no complaints each time. Also, compared to other established firms like hertz, avis.. etc, they're actually the cheapest. They also have flexible & attractive rental packages from time to time, so do chkout their websites regularly.

Another good thing abt Budget is their fastbreak programme which allows even more savings & added protection at a very low cost. Membership is totally free too. If u're a fastbreak member, the good thing is excess reduction is already covered within the basic cost of rental (at a minimum sum only), which incl. single vehicle accident & other waivers too, so u need not pay extra for insurance. Basically, everything will be discounted & included for you when u do ur booking. It's hassle free.

U can refer to this link for the excess reduction covered by Budget. They also offer a lot more protection like single vehicle accident, windscreen damage & collision with animals.. etc as compared to other rental companies, which mostly don't or otherwise offer only very limited protection.

And u do not need to be an Australian to be a fastbreak member. U can chkout here for more info:

To apply for fastbreak, simply download the application form, fill it up & send it back them to them. Will take abt 2 working wks to process so do send in earlier b4 ur trip. But if u need it urgently, u can also email Tracey at [email protected] for faster process. She's a v. friendly & helpful lady so will be able to assist u on that.

Hope it helps!
thx a lot claerwen. your information is really very very userful! I hope is still in time. I am departing on 7 oct!
Mayb she's on leave or either that, she's v. busy.. cos usually her response is pretty fast, within the next working day or so. In that case, u might wanna email to [email protected] instead.. shld hv someone else to assist u. They normally take abt 1-2 working days to respond.
Just came back from my perth holidays. Overall was a great experience with my little girl. Thks claerwen for sm of the suggestions also. Only regret was not able to visit the toys r us stores...there is so little time for so many places when travelling with a little one and 2 old folks :p
Actually i find that car seat was nt really compulsory? cos my girl hardly sat on it. Only place her when she was sleeping. No one actually checked or i was lucky that no one checked.
The apartment that i stayed in at Albany, Busselton and Perth city were all great. Stayed at Saville Park Suite at Perth and the Suite was lovely, clean and nice. Only setback was there is only 1 attach toilet.
hi mezzo17,

glad to know you have a great trip. could i ask how was the temperature? do we need to swaddle the toddlers with layers of clothes? cos i believe it's spring.
could i ask if you went to margaret river? how was it and could you share the accomodation that you stayed in? am going there in 4 days times and have yet to sort out the accomodation


hi Harriet,
hmm the temperature was cold. Different from what i expected. We drove down first to Albany and the temp was like 10 degrees at nite. didnt bring enuff clothes for my girl. End up layer her with abt 3 layers and bot extra clothing in AU. Also turned on the heater at nite for her as it was too cold for us. Dunno about the weather now but i think its better to bring more for our toddler cos the adults can still take the weather. It does nt get so cold as we drive up from Albany to Busselton then perth city was the most enjoyable weather at ard 21 degree.
Yes i went down to Margret river and visited 3 wineries as well as the famous chocolate factory. i stayed at Busselton area and drive down to Margret river. We stayed at Abbey Beach resort. this was the 2nd time that we stayed at that resort. Must say that it is a beautiful resort with gd facilities and there is a beach behind the resort where kids can go for sandplay and walks in the evening or mornings. Didnt get to do that this time as it was too cold in the morning and evening.
Basically i book all my accommodation via so u might want to try there.

sorry for the long posting
hi mezzo,
Did you drive down from perth to albany. It is a 5 hours drive? Was it tough to drive with a toddler? Possible to do albany (overnight) -> pemberton (overnight) -> mudurah/rockingham(overnight)
hi hopeac
we drove using the itinery below:
Day 1 SINGAPORE - PERTH: Perth city tour
Your vacation begins with a pleasant flight to Perth Australias western gateway. Upon arrival, commence on a brief Perth city tour covering the main boulevard of the city, Perth Mint, and Kings Park with its panoramic view of the city and its Lottery Federation Walkway.
(Meal on Board)
Day 2 PERTH-ALBANY: Mount Romance Emu Oil & Sandalwood Factory/Western Power Wind Farm/The Gap & Natural Bridge/Brig Amity Replica
This morning, travel to Albany, the oldest town in Western Australia. Enroute, stopover at Mount Romance Emu Oil & Sandalwood Factory for an opportunity to learn about the many therapeutic properties Australian Sandalwood Oil has to offer. Arrive into the town of Albany, and proceed to the Western Power Wind Farm, with its twelve 1800kW wind turbines supplying 75% of Albanys electricity requirements. Arrive at the Gap & Natural Bridge for awe-inspiring coastal sights before visiting Brig Amity Replica where the first settlers of Albany rest their feet.
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Day 3 ALBANY-DENMARK-PEMBERTON-AUGUSTA: Valley of the Giants/Gloucester Tree/Lavender & Berry Farm
Enjoy a leisurely drive through majestic stand of huge karri trees, aptly named the Valley of the Giants. Visit the Tree-Top walk, a walkway 40m above the forest for a spectacular view of the canopy of the magnificent tingle forest. Arrive at the Gloucester Tree in Pemberton, the highest fire lookout tree in the world! For the strong-hearted, why not climb the 153-rungs spiral dizzily to the view platform 60-metres above for sensational views of surrounding forest. Discover the beautiful and unique Lavender & Berry Farm wih its stream-fed lake, freshly produced berry preserves, lavender products
(Breakfast, Dinner)
Day 4 AUGUSTA-MARGARET RIVER-BUSSELTON: Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse/Jewel Caves/winery/chocolate factory/1-mile jetty
On the most southern westerly tip of Australia stands Cape Leeuwin Lighthouse as a solitary sentinel, and here you can see the meeting of 2 oceans: Indian Ocean and Southern Ocean. Travel towards Margaret River, stopping at the Jewel Caves for a guided tour of its spectacular underground beauty. Stop at one of Margaret Rivers famous winery for some wine-tasting, and a brief stop at the chocolate factory, before a visit to the 1-mile jetty at Busselton, built in several stages over a period of 95 years, and is the longest wooden jetty in the Southern Hemisphere.
(Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner)
Day 5 BUSSELTON-BUNBURY-HARVEY-PERTH: Dolphin-spotting & crabbing cruise/fruit orchard/Harbourtown outlets shopping
Travel to Bunbury, known as the capital of the South West to board the dolphin-spotting & crabbing cruise, for a cruise into the Koombana Bay. Stop at Harvey, famous for its navel oranges for a brief visit to a fruit orchard. Arrive back to Perth and enjoy some bargain-hunting at Harbourtown with over 100 outlets selling direct to you at attractive prices.
(Breakfast, Dinner)
Day 6 PERTH: Free at leisure
Today, you are free at leisure. Why not join an optional tour to Wave Rock, or take a 4-Wheel Drive tour of the Pinnacles Dessert!
After a leisurely stay in Perth, transfer to the airport for your flight home, with fond memories of your holiday with CTC Holidays!
(Breakfast, Meal on Board)

hope it helps...travelling with toddler was a problem...can stop over at most of the places....

in additon, i also went to Pinnacles. I didn't manage to go to wave rock.....
Hi Hopeac,
Yes i drove down from perth to Albany. Ya it took ard 5 hours to drive down. The drive was ok to my surprise as my girl cant really sit still in the car. Surprisingly she slept quite alot during the journey. Maybe it was very cold outside. even had to turn on the heater in the cold. Can feel the coldness on the car window pane. Hmm i doubt possible to do Albany/pemberton (overnite. Below is my itinery for your refernece
9 days self drive
Day 1 - SIN PERTH. Arrive at perth, drive down to Albany and stay at ALbany for 1 nite
Day 2 - Albany
Day 3 - Albany - Busselton.
Drove down from Albany to Busselton. Along the way drop by for the Tree top walk at Pemberton.
Arrive at Busselton. Stayed at Busselton for 3 nites.
Day 4 to 5 - Drive around margaret river, visited the cape naturaliste light house, busselton jetty, nigli cave, went to dunsborough to try their famous pies.

Day 5 - Drive up from Busselton to perth city. Stayed 3 nites at perth city. Went to frementle for the famous fish & chips

Day 6 to 7 - Shopping at Perth city and went to Caversham Wildlife park. My girl enjoyed herself most at the zoo as she get to touch and feed the kangeroos, lamb and ride on a camel.

Day 8 - Half day at perth city then drove to perth airport for return flight back to SG

Hope the itinery above helps.
Hi Rejoice

Driving will make your holiday more fun and likely more cost effective. Of course, you can sign up for tours which will likely include transportation.

The choice is up to you. The public transport is not too bad, but not very convieninet if you want to visit the tourist sights outside the city.
rejoice glad
couldn't agree more with sunnygirl....if ur not driving n intend to take tourist guide...i guess it cost more if u were 2 take tour packages....but if ur talking abt perth city it's ok 2 take public transport.
Hey Mngo

Yah....really enjoyed myself lor...dun feel like coming back...think we made the right decision to go over ;-)

check out my blog for pics of the trip!
Hey Mngo

Yah....really enjoyed myself lor...dun feel like coming back...think we made the right decision to go over ;-)

check out my blog for pics of the trip!
Hi claerwen

Referring to your posting abv, you mention that fastbreak member excess reduction is already covered within the basic cost of rental. Do you mean we dun hv to pay for excess reduction Fee?

As for those who are looking at rental of cars, I agree with Claerwen Budget offer the best coverage. I have very good rates from Europcar and Herzt, but the excess reduction coverage is not as comprehensive as Budger. I will rather pay a bit more for the assurance.

I read thur the terms of other car rental, the liabilty for lost of car due to theft, fire etc is total car cost less depreciation whereas budget is upto AUD330 and Some of such things are beyond our control.

Do chk out the coverage carefully b4 you book the car.
Hi Gapple,

Yes, if u opt for excess reduction in ur application form, it will automatically be included into the basic/daily cost of rental & displayed online during booking. So do make sure to quote the fastbreak no, otherwise the system will take it as a normal booking.
i rented from this website when i travelled to melb/tas/perth.

they team up with avis, budget, hertz, europcar. prices are good. they can also include baby carseat - they charge per day. you MUST have a carseat in australia for babies. ILLEGAL for babies/kids without car/booster seat in Australia.
We have decided not to drive down to albany. We will most likely go up to swan valley, york, gingin and new norcia. We will also visit the pengium islands and peel region which we din't cover the last time. We will most likely base in perth city as we managed to rent an apartment at subicco at a good rate. For those interested, we got our apartment from through this site.

Where did you rent the car from?
Hi mummies

we are back from our Perth Trip. The trip would hv been better if we had not fall sick. Weather is very extreme.... the sun was very hot in the day time and the nite turn cold.

Food was a bit of problem for my kids and myself.

For those who are gg to Perth, please remember to bring medication for yrself and the kids (touchwood but is better to stand by cos the shops closes quite early and u may not be able to get it)

For accomodation wise, I highly recommend Vintage Accomodation in MR. It is very clean and the room smell very good with the essential oil. They do house keeping everyday and the host are very very helpful and friendly.

In Albany - we stayed in All Season. Nice place too and there is a resturant there with reasonable price. Order a main course (fr AUD 13.95 to 19.95), you get to eat the salad buffet. Kids below 12 get to eat for free (maincourse, salad buffet and 2 BIG scope of ice cream) from Mon to Thursday. YOu can give the buffet breakfast a miss. nothing fantastic.

In Perth, we stayed in Mont Clare. Room is spacious and clean when we chk in. Unfortunately, they dun do house keeping everyday! When we request for new towels, we are told tt we hv to pay AUD 10 for it! You suppose to wash it by yrself and clear the rubbish by yourselves. Maybe I am too pampered but having paid for the the apartment, I do expect some level of service provided. Never had I once need to wash my own towel or clear the rubbish in the hotel / apt during holiday !

It happened that the washing machine was not working properly, it keep causing short circuit and the dryer dun seem to work at all. Despite a good 90 minute drying, the clothes are not any drier than my noraml house spin dry!

For those wanting to buy MR Chocolate, Please make sure you store it in a cooler bag with ice pack. I only had a cooler bag but forget my ice pack, Our chocolate melted cos the sun was simply too HOT!

Then place where they recommended (McMut?) only opened from Wed to Sun so if you wan to buy, pls plan carefully.
Hi mummies,

for those who have stayed at the River Retreat before, can I ask what can you do over there?

I'm bringing a 2 yr old & a 4 mth old. just wondering if it's child/baby friendly.

or any recommendation of a good farmstay?
Hi Viola,

Swan Valley itself is a v. serene & tranquil place, coz it's a countryside area & also a wine producing region, so almost all accomodations there are similar in nature.

For River Retreat, they have 2, 3 & 4 bedroom cottages to suit individual needs, so ideal for couples to families. The cottages are simple but nice & equipped with all amenities & neccessities. It has a fully equipped kitchen too so u can cook if u do not like dining out. There's also a children's playground, swimming pool, a swing under a tree & a few farm animals like horse, pigs, sheeps & chickens where ur kid will have a chance to feed them on request, which is a great experience. There's also night time entertainment & performance shows like Didge After Dark, Ripping Yarns & the new Outback show, which are all v. interesting & great entertainment for the whole family.

We stayed there for 2 nights during our trip last year & visited the nearby attractions like Caversham Wildlife Park, Margaret River Chocolate Factory, Oggies Ice Cream Cafe, Swan Valley Wagon Trail & a few more others. Overall, was a great experience =)

My only advise is to do during autumn/spring times though, cos summertime is not only hot but there'll also be a lot of flies ard which will be v. irritating, esp. since u hv a 4 mth old with u.

U might wanna visit their website at to find out more. Hope this helps!

i wil be going to perth in March. Will be bringing my 20mth old gal along. So i m planning to stay at major towns.

Day 1 - Perth
Day 2 - Perth
Day 3 - Drive to Albany
Day 4 - Overnite albany
Day 5 - Drive to Margaret river
Day 6 - Overnite at Margaret river
Day 7 - Perth

for peth accommodation, anyone has comments on Goodearth hotel in perth city?

For albany, we have booked Pelican Village apartment.

For Margaret river, still sourcing as not easy as both nites are on weekends. So i was thinking whether to stay at MR or towns nearby MR. Wanted to stay at MR cos i heard there are alot of unique shops and things at MR, true? pls. help. thanks.

Also, i will be cooking for my gal, so pls. advise whether there are big supermarkets where i can buy food in perth city, margaret river (not confirm accomodation) and albany (confirm).
oh ya, actually i m looking at MR farmstay. But is it worth to stay at farmstay? cos if we were be staying there, its more for my gal, wanted her expose to animals but read that some said not worth as smelly and the chalets are usually run down. pls. advise. if we were to stay, it wil be 2 nites.
i went 2 perth 2 yrs ago bought a selfdrive package with 7 days accomo, flight and a car..paid abt 900 without tax....5 adults and 1 doter was abt 20 mths tat time...all the apartment given was big n is better u go for the NATAS fair 2 book is much chepaer if u book the package with them rather tan u book the hotels ur self....itenary r set myself althou they give the sample example i chose to stay perth later nnn drove to south west oz first then had out perth stay later...since ur already's wise u take package....
Hi Kite

For MR - I highly recommend Vintage Accomodation. The owners are very nice and helpful and will recommend the place for you to visit and the supermkt is within walking distance. Very convenient.

claerwen, we are going back to Perth this June AGAIN (our third time!) haha.. my hubby seems to like this place a lot..

We will be staying at the Karri Valley Chalet in Pemberton. Does anyone know which is the shortest route from Perth to Pemberton, South Western Highway then turn in to Vasse Highway?

Also I need to find a place to break up the journey.. I'm thinking of Donnybrook.. any comments or recommendations?

