Mummies in Australia?

Hi ladies, hope u dun mind me. Been lurking in this forum. I'm still in the midst of applying PR and hoping to move to Perth.

Did u guys go thru a migration agent and if so, how long it took for yr PR to be approved?

hey Woofwoof, arent u from oct 2010 mtb forum?

yes I am from e oct mtb
U are applying pr now? Where are u heading?
I applied mine thru an agent and took me abt 15-18 months.
Alot of ppl told me tat agent is a waste of money, alot of ppl diy. Provided tat yrs is a straight forward case
We got agent to do so , cos we were so confused by all paperwork. Then at first we tot ACS is a test or watever. Who knows is some written testimonal required by Au Computer society. LOL.
Does anyone know how the kindy is like in Perth? Like the hours and what do they actually do there?

Thks mngo n jackie!

Hi woofwoof! Me too frm e oct mtb forum. Actually we jus got e ball rolling wif dis pr thing, im going thru agent Also. Not so smart like jackie to diy. Ive fulfilled All e requirements except for taking e ielts. I so suay must take e academic one n score min 7 points on all components. Since Im now in 3rd tri, thot
of taking after baby is born. My pregnant brain a bit useless,

Woofwoof, r u in e midst of migrating to perth?
Momresource -> We paid 6k years ago. Not sure rate now.

Zenithy -> Kindy here is like sg K1. But it is 2 days a week. STarts at 845am and ends at 3pm.
It's not academic. It's lots of fun and activities, craft, story telling , games, songs, dance....

We did not need to take IELTS back then
Hi Momresource,

I think we paid abt $3k in all, including medical checkup and IELTS (not academic) for 2 pax. This was more than 1.5 years ago.
Were you the primary applicant? I think then only primary applicant need then. Or maybe the uni thing, you from aus uni.

It really depends on the state you go to. I am in melb. And the kinder program you go to. You have to do minmum of 10 hours of kinder a week. The 10 hours could be split to 3 hours, 3 hours and 4 hours. Or 2 full days.

Kinder is basically play n play most of the time. And depends which kinder you go to. My daughter 3 year kinder (N2) last year, was mostly play. They do have a thematic thing, but lots of art and craft, story time. This year kinder, they do phonics sounds, alphabets, drawing, thematic. General knowledge stuff. In Prep (equiv of K2), they teach the kids how to read. Unlike in sg, the kids here are not expected to know how to read before they start school. If they have issues, extra help is given. Similarly for maths. They don't expect the kids to know how to read before they start school. By the way, for good kinders, and private schools here you need to register early.

I find at primary school level, they teach almost the same things as sg school for maths. The things covered. But my gripe is they dont go in depth, and just skim over the surface. English, they do journals from prep, english grammer, vocab. By year 2, they are expected to write 2 pages of stuff. They seem to have a focus of learning how to spell phonetically in the lower grades, besides their usual spelling words. They have 2 kind of spelling test each week for my son, one via phonics (which u cannot learn) and the normal spelling list. They have integrated studies for lower grades, something like science. But usually there is a field trip or external pple come down to talk to them for each topic. And lastly LOTE (2nd lang), it is more like introduction to another culture very unlike our chinese 2nd language. The 2nd language for each sch is not fix, it could be indo, jap, german, italian or chinese.
Thanks Mngo and Hopeac for the info

I am in Perth and have actually enrolled my child in the kindy for next year but have yet to know whether he is able to get in or not even though is a public school.

Do I have to prepare lunchbox for kindy since it is like a full day thing? And can I say that they don't actually take nap?
Primary applicant is my hb. So ACS thingy is for for him. But during our time, there was no such thing as english test.

Where abt in perth are you now? Which kindy have you enrolled him / her in?
Yes, you have to prepare lunch box for your child.
And as for nap time ... i see kids actually napping. Cos it was abt 30 mins rest time and some of them really fall asleep.
Hi Mngo,

I am in NOR and have enrolled my son in Hocking Primary school which is a fairly new school.

I understand that they will move on to Pre-primary after Kindy, is it when they turn 5 or 6?
Hi Zenithy,
At last, another mummy living in NOR!
I'm moving to perth end this year, and will be staying in NOR too.
My boy is 1.5 yrs old.

I've been looking to make contacts with other mummies in NOR.
Feel free to PM me
Mngo, thanks

hi athlete, I hv 2 boys, one is 3 and the other is turning 5 months. which surburb are u going to stay at?
athlete, ballajura is quite far away from me. It is nearer to the city. I used to work near there too at Malaga

I will PM you my email address.
Thanks mngo and jackie,

I just checked, the skilled list was revised to be more stringent and selective now... prob will go thru agent then diy as our age are our greatest disadvantage! Got to apply before turning 45.
Hi all,

I have post in the Sydney but no reply. Any mummies at Sydney?? My hubby is been offer a job in Sydney (the boss suggest we stay at cronulla - look like a beach resort to me) and he is seriously consider going over there for long term but I prefer Singapore. If we go over I have to be SAHM or work part-time (The boss also offer me a part time job which only require me to work 2-3 times a week only. Depend on me). I am looking for information and most important to me is the school for my 2 boys who is 5 and 1. Can I check did all your kid go public or private school? I will prefer private school but the school fee is sky high which will cost around 20K per annum for 1 kids so we will need to pay around 40K for 2 kids. My hb is suggesting public school but not sure how is the standard over there.

Hope can meet some sydney mummies and get some replies.
private school/public schools = standard wise...
cant compare to sg.
some public schools are as good as private ones.
If your kids are at primary, it seems the standard does not really vary that much. And alot of sydney schools both public and private do very well on naplan. You can roughly see the school standardize scores here But it is not fool proof. Some of the better ones at cronulla are

Burraneer Bay Public School, Cronulla, NSW
St Aloysius' Primary School, Cronulla, NSW
Woolooware Public School, Cronulla, NSW

There seem to be pretty decent public schools in cronulla.

My kids
1) My son is in a low end private christian school with
2) My daughter is going to a public school next year, whose academic standard seems to be better than some private schools.

The better public schools have alot of resources. You really have to go to the public school and see. What they have, what kind of programs they have. Some public primary even provide IB program. I know of 3 such public primary school in melb that does that. And I will also go for how they handle discipline.

Your son is 5 this year? He starts prep next year, which is proper school.
Thanks Mngo and Hopeac for the reply.

I know that Mngo is at Perth now, how about you hopeac you are you in Perth or Sydney?

How is the racist in Sydney? I am afraid that my boys will be the only Chinese there and cant mix up with them.

Seem like alot of things to worry before we committed ourself.

Yes he need to start prep for proper school next year even in Singapore but we have no problem for him to go to a good school in Singapore as my Hb use to be an old boy in a good primary school here.

How you gals find life over at Australia? better than singapore?
Life in Au vs life in sg - pros and cons.
I really have a whole list of it, but i do not wish to put it here in the forum.
I have been reading thru the web and seem like it is not easy and must be strong that if wanting to migrate to another country.

My hubby is looking forward as he is now on a very stressful job in SG and the Sydney job is offering him higher and he like the idea of staying near beach and not so much stress in work.

For me I am a FTWM in SG and I really enoy my work and sometime after work I will go dinner or even MJ with my friends as my MIL is help me to take care of my both boys. That why I am not sure can I be a SAHM as I have not been one before.

By the way I am now at Brisbane for holiday as hubby is here for work for 3 months. Any mummies in Brisbane want to meet? Going back SG this coming Monday.
hi sunnyling,
I am in Melb.

Nowdays there are lots of chinese in Sydney. I am sure sydney like melbourne, there are areas saturated with chinese. There are schools here that have 50 percent chinese. But do you want your kid to be in such a school is another question. Even areas with not that many chinese, there should be around 10 percent chinese, unless it is out in the rural region.

I am not really sure if it is not that much stress in work. It really depends on industry also. And sydney is as competitive as singapore. So what you see in brisbane may not be the same as in sydney. Each city has its own working culture.

For you, you have the option of part time. I do not see a real risk. Your son is only 5 this year. I presume he is six next year. So he is only K2 next year, and what they cover in prep is quite similar to what they cover in K2. Grade 1 and P1 work is also quite similar. I do see difference in G2 and P2. Though they teach the same things, P2 they cover in detail.

Yes but not too sure can I be working part time if I was there as nobody help to take care of my boys and will need to put them in childcare. My elder have a problem of super choosy in his food as such I am not sure how are they going to feed him Ang Mo food as he dont eat at all now totally.

Right now we will see how the counter-offer go if satisfy we will really need to make the big decision.
They will learn. My daughter is in childcare, they give a variety of food. But if you are not PRs, I am not sure what kind of rebate you will have. Without childcare benefit and rebate, childcare cost is around 300-350 dollars a week.
helo, my hubby told me that the boss give him the option of staying in Brisbane now as there are opening here. Wau Piang I have been surfing this few days on the information for Sydney now tell me Brisbane and I need to re-start my homework again urghhhh. Hubby prefer Brisbane because cost of living is low and not as stressful and fast compare to Sydney.
Any mummies gave birth in Perth? How much do you have to pay as a PR for your medical hospitalization fees? How may days was your stay? Is this a government or private hospital?

Thanks. Haha but I think the first priority is still sydney.

My hubby had just counter offer and if they accept we will start all the move but reject we will stay put in our comfort zone (Singapore) keke
Hi Jackie,

I gave birth to my 2 child in a public hospital in Perth. I don''t have to pay for any charges with my medicare card and the stay for me is 4 days for natural birth.
Hi Zenithy, Thanx for the reply. So does it mean that as long as you have a medicare card you don't have to pay? Length of stay in Australia before delivery is not an issue in this case?
Hi Jackie,

I shld think so that if u hv a medicare card, u don't hv to pay for the hospital stay in public hospital regardless of the length of stay.

Things might be abit different if u hv private healthcare. Maybe other mums here can advise?
Mngo, could I have e list as well. Nw doing homework for e move. Target to go melb

sorry for e late response. Busy at work. I have pr already and am heading to melb, Perth would be 2nd choice. But would go to wherever the jobs are. Why should u take ielts academic? U not on skilled migration? I tot only students gg there to study take academic ielts.

the childcare b4 any govt rebate is 300-350 per week, like wat hopeac said. For pr, u get 50% rebate, not income tested and another kind of rebate, which is income tested. So e cost is abt 175-100per week? (e range can be big as I understood, as family income varies) so it is abt 500 per month on average.
I have been checking on aus motherhood forum, most complained abt e expensive childcare. But the cost is almost comparable to sgp. I am now sourcing childcare for no 1, e average ones are ard 500-600 per month, top range abt 700-1000 per month (all after govt subsidies). Most mothers in sgp work, but aus mother cite high childcare costs and stop working. Can someone enlighten me? Am I doing all e wrong maths?
Hi Woof
With regds to CC rates, yes. it's abt 350 per week.
Then based on family income test (part of family tax benefit), you may get a discount of 30%.
So if childcare per day is $70, then the discount is $21. So giro (direct payments) will deduct (49*5) = 245 dollars per week.

Then at the end of a quarter / a year (depending on yr preference) , the govt will give u back 50% of the 245 dollars a week. So it's 122.5 a week rebate.

All in all, your total childcare fees is
$122.5 a week. Abt $490 a month.
Well if you do not have child care benefit, only rebate. The childcare cost per month is around 600 for the lower end. And the childcare rebate is not purely 50 %. It is up to 7500 a year only. So if you choose a 350 a week childcare, and without childcare benefit. You will only get back 7500 out of the 16,800 you pay in a year.

Though average australian earning is around 65000. And if both couple work, take home is around 130 K a year. You already hit the childcare benefit ceiling, which means you need to pay full childcare rate. So your take home per month is 3700, and childcare upfront is 1.3 K. If 1 person work, you get centrelink up to 1 K for 2 kids, and no childcare cost. So it may make more sense not work.

Alot of people here work part time until the kids are in school.
Hopeac is right.
The discount i mentioned, means tested is Child Care benefit. Rebate is in cash payout where the max is 7500 per year paid to you.
Another reason why most mothers in SGP work is becos, the relative cheap cost of having a helper. Here you have to rush in the morning to drop the kids, you have to pick the kids up before 6. And rush home and cook. You do not really have a real option of ta bao, or tingkat. I hope you don't have a maid in singapore, becos you will find it hard to cope
Mngo, this list mentioned?? Am I understanding things correctly?
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Wednesday, July 28, 2010 - 1:11 pm:       
Life in Au vs life in sg - pros and cons.
I really have a whole list of it, but i do not wish to put it here
in the forum.

now it makes more financial sense to me. Looks like my understanding on e centelink rebate is still quite poor, need to go back to e web and read again

I dun have a maid in sgp. But I have parent ard to help out. Nw, picking up cooking tips from my mum. Learn as much as I can to get ready for e move. Hope tat it is not a big cultural shock to me when moving over.
Woof, that one .
I actually end up not emailing Sunnyling. She prefered msn.
If you want, i'll pm u.

hi Woof,
I know u are intending to move next year to Melb, It may be better for one of u to move over and get a job before the whole family move over. Becos, sometimes it is not that easy to get that job. And I have seen some families move over without a job for about 6 months, 1 now around 9 months. It is really stressful. If not, at least have some fall back plan if u all move all together. You may be qualified etc, but sometimes it takes luck/blessings to get that job.
