IVF/ICSI Support Group

@connie_hopeful.. You can cook it one day prior.. The med can keep max up to 3 days..
hi rachelt, i was given 5 pkts of medicine..its e 4th pkt i not in sin. ..28 jul is to cook n drink 3rd pkt, then 2 days later which is 1 aug due to cook n drink 4th pkt on 1st aug n 2aug... but both 1st n 2nd aug not in sin... if cook 1 day prior is 31st aug n drink which is just 1 day rest from 3rd pkt.then 1 aug cannot drink cos not in sin.. dunno can ma or 4th packet like wasted cos only drink 1 time? . think tsb clinic is closed on tues at chinatown.maybi i call tomolo ask ask. my hubby also given 5 pkts, dunno is it for him 1 week drink on packet?.. what abt yrs?.. ytd towards the end tsb like rushing train for the other patients in the q so i also like blur blur.

blessedzn, tsb queue ytd at chinatown for me is ok. i waited 1/2 hr but dunno y after me q like super long, maybi i talk too long to her lol. jiayou to you on tiao e bodi :)

hi rachelt, i was given 5 pkts of medicine..its e 4th pkt i not in sin. ..28 jul is to cook n drink 3rd pkt, then 2 days later which is 1 aug due to cook n drink 4th pkt on 1st aug n 2aug... but both 1st n 2nd aug not in sin... if cook 1 day prior is 31st aug n drink which is just 1 day rest from 3rd pkt.then 1 aug cannot drink cos not in sin.. dunno can ma or 4th packet like wasted cos only drink 1 time? . think tsb clinic is closed on tues at chinatown.maybi i call tomolo ask ask. my hubby also given 5 pkts, dunno is it for him 1 week drink on packet?.. what abt yrs?.. ytd towards the end tsb like rushing train for the other patients in the q so i also like blur blur.

blessedzn, tsb queue ytd at chinatown for me is ok. i waited 1/2 hr but dunno y after me q like super long, maybi i talk too long to her lol. jiayou to you on tiao e bodi :)
@connie_hopeful.. in that case the 4th pack u miss it.. it's ok de.. u come back on 3 Aug den cook and drink for 3rd and 4th Aug lor.. It's ok de.. Sometimes i oso.. den when u go see her again.. if got left over herbs.. just tell her how many packs left over.. no prob de..
as for DH.. my DH is also drink 2 days rest 2 days de..
TSB is at Chinatown on Mon, Wed, Fri.. Clinic is open just not her on duty..
hi, blessedzn, snap. today is my first day visiting too. am also given a mth supply of medicine.
jia laat, i just realised one of e day i supposed to cook e medicine i not in singapore. wonder how..maybi need to call up clinic n ask

hi portia, i stayed in hpigang. can i know which shop u hougang u bought e pot from? many thanks in advance :)

The med shop is along hougang avenue 3. It is along the same stretch as s coffeeshop. I lost the exact address. Will try and find it znd post for u.
I was talking on these with my Dr just now. Can you experienced ladies share your thoughts? Thanks.

Sometime ago I was asking here about my option on blasto x3 transfer for my coming one. That's what Dr thinks it's ideal for my background (whether or not it's possible we have no answer for now).

Today I revisited this with her and my concern on frosties. She highlighted that at times, for subsequent retrieval, number of eggs may not be as many, compared to the first ER; even though the stim dosage may be upped. What was your case? I remember reading some ladies got more eggs on 2nd/3rd retrieval. And of course, everyone is different and Dr says "it may".

Her views is if we want to explore frosties, we may consider doing D2 rather than blasto. Yes, although blasto gives better chance, but with the possibility that my egg numbers are dropped, it would also increase the chance of lesser fertilised eggs.

So nett nett, she suggests I go kkh on D2 when we will discuss based on what's in the lab. By that time, we are more sure what's on the plate for me.

So what do you gals think? I also told her about assisted hatching for me. She said the lab will do that if that's deemed suitable for my embies (example if the shell is too thin, lasering it will do more harm).
I have done blast the first time and d2 on the 3rd fresh, both bfp. I feel that it depends on the quality of the embryo.. If it's good .. No matter d2 Or blast, will stick.. Of course it depends on many other factors at the same

The med shop is along hougang avenue 3. It is along the same stretch as s coffeeshop. I lost the exact address. Will try and find it znd post for u.
hi portia, thanks so much.

just curious, u gals bought the big pot (with another ceramic bowl ontop ) or the small pot?
I have done blast the first time and d2 on the 3rd fresh, both bfp. I feel that it depends on the quality of the embryo.. If it's good .. No matter d2 Or blast, will stick.. Of course it depends on many other factors at the same

hi redvel, thanks for sharing the endo experience. i think for me, i will choose blasto this time, cos if blasto able to survive to d5, means the quality should be ok before transferring in. as compared to D2 , which quality is unknown yet. of cos, think the lab pp knows best
how much u buy? btw how much water to put in that pot n how long does it boil?
I bought a similar one at $80. Bought from a medical hall on ground floor of blk 34 Upp cross street ...
Though I only have the electric pot itself, no smaller pot.

same cooking method as described by fellow sisters here..


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Just saw the electric chinese medicine boiler selling at S$105 (small), S$130 (big) at
210 Hougang Street 21#01-247 S530210 (near Kovan Hawker Centre)
Tel: +65 62888611


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I must say you are very brave, want to transfer 3 blast ?
Just my thoughts on this path many a long years ago. It all depends on what you and your Dr are comfortable with in your case. The number of eggs retrieved may be different each time. For myself I always go for blastocyst, although eggs retrieved are not many due to low dose, but always end up with at least 1 blast to transfer. I always opt for 1 embbie transfer anyway. I'm just thinking, base on stats, what's the point in having frosties if they are not good enough. So I blast all the way. Moreoever, my Dr didn't want to give me false hopes of transferring D2 as they could not determine at that time whether the embbie is really good until D5, where its survival of the fittest. Not saying D2 is not good, there are many ladies bfp with D2 embbies too. So if you are confident that you have embbies to ET, then go for D5. Ultimately, its your decision, Dr is there just to provide consultation and assist you in your quest.
Hi I'm new here. Did first IVF @ KKH, did a D2 transfer and confirmed pregnancy.

I felt a sharp pain on the right low abdomen on the same day after the blood test result confirmed positive. Did a scan at the 24hr O&G Clinic which revealed follicles that continued growing in the ovaries. The sharp pain was likely to be due to the follicle rupture. Anyone has had similar experieces? Why do follicles continue growing after the egg retrieval surgery?
Thanks for all your valuable sharing on my questions.

For me, it's not that I want to transfer 3 blastos. More like doc thinks it's the best chance for me. Due to my age, and statistically, to have an embie to stick well on me is already challenging, let alone 3, blasto or not. I guess she suggested that based on her experience/expertise.

Again, whether or not I will have 3 blastos is another question. She is only citing best scenario catered for my case.

No decision for now surely. I'm going for a holiday then come back then say :p Should be within a day or two after I'm back SG where I will start my stim poking.
Congrats NgYL.

Connie, I believe my 2nd cycle is back to norm. I'm now in my 2nd cycle from failed ivf. This cycle I can't ttc natural so I didn't bother to opk but my body was giving ovulation signs which happened in my usual cycle days. I'm on cd23 today and since luteal phase doesnt differ much every cycle, this cycle should be back to 30-31 days. My first cycle from the negative bt was 38 days.
Thanks redvel!
Just wanted to share my story, I have done 2 fresh and 2 frozen cycles in the past 1 year. And ended up with 2 biochemical pregnancy.

The latest BFN was last Friday. Though a bit upset but still manageable. I guess my plan B, adoption, helped me to control my emotion. I am going through the adoption application, If by end of this year, I still cannot get pregnant, I will start my adoption process as my hubby and I would like to have more children.

We all know that Ivf is a tough process, but I never expected that I would have to go through this many rounds but still could not get pregnant. I will continue to try even after I adopt my first and second kids.
Stay positive pingpingzoe! Jiayou!
Redvel.. Sorry saw the recent post that ur dr wans u to trf 3 blasto...

To wat I know from my dr can only trf 2 blasto or 3 d2/d3 embryos..

Do double check with ur dr again abt this ya so not to waste ur thawed embbies..

Wish u all the best dear..
Hi Redvel,

I guess I'm the only one at the opposite side. Maybe because I don't have a choice. I have many eggs in both cycles but at d3 I only left with 2 so-call desirable grade (7 cells, grade 2) and none to freeze. The last round I BFP, so this round I can't wait to faster transfer them to my safe and warm womb. I feel safer to have them inside me than on the dish. Partly because the doctor said my uterine is good. Mother uterine has natural growing signal. Grow baby grow
P/S: I'm on 2ww, go a bit crazy sometimes
Any idea if guardian HPT is accurate? I did my HPT today(12dp2dt) and ended with a BFN.
IVF journey is such an emotional roller coaster...
Thank you too bubbli and riverone. All the best to your ttc journey

Oh really cannot transfer 3 blastos? Ha maybe I picked up wrong info from the doc. I clarify with her next time.
Redvel.. Yup just double check.. This wat I was told when I wanted to do 3 blasto trf... I was huh cannot ah..hehe

Wish u all the best dear..;-)
Juzkelle so long af doesn't show, you're not out. Could be late implant. So better to poas once again 2 days later. But i would say guardian hpt is ok. I did bfp earlier than you before. But just that guardian one is always very faint which I don't like to use. There are other better brand. However, contrary from other ladies here, I don't believe CB digital can pick up the hcg any earlier than other cheapo ones. I only use digital just to confirm my faint hpt from other brand. Find it ridiculously costly.
Thanks redvel. I'm secretly hoping the BFN is a result of late implantation and not a result of failed fresh cycle.

Hopefully the BT on Friday will bring good news.
i have problems w 2 clearblue hpts (1 digital + 1 non digital). got some errors. the control line doesn't appear correctly. In the end, the guardian pharmacy ones are more reliable and not all clearblue hpts seem to work correctly. . but i use at least 2 brands. check what's min hcg level to detect bfp.
Hi twinklelight. I guess sometimes clear blue might have some defected sticks too? So far the reviews for CB digital HPT is v accurate, albeit the price is really steep!
I used to be CB supporter. But after countless BFN, I decided to go the economical way by getting HTP sticks from china. Then realized cheap goods really aren't good coz the sticks don't even absorb the urine.

Guess I will just have to accept its a failed IVF cycle this time round and continue working on the next cycle with stronger faith.
Mentioned here before....HPT from mustafa so far is the best. either 2ish or 3 ish each.

Think I go get some next week :p
I delivered my baby just a few days ago! Just like to share my IVF journey to give hope to all on this thread..

Tried 2 IUIs with clomid but didn't work. So we moved onto IVF. On the 2nd day of Aunite Flow, went in for scanning, and I had only 2 follicles. Doc said due to my low AMH, best I can get is probably 3-4 follicles even if I wait for other cycles. So we decided to push ahead.

I was put on a short cycle. On the 7th day, I started the 'blocker' jab to prevent ovaluation. And I started going for blood tests and scanning every alternate day. On day 12, follicles were 14mm and doc instructed me to take the trigger jab on day 13 and egg retrieval to be done on day 14.

But on day 12, my doc called me in the afternoon and said that my FSH was unusual. It showed a surge and I might have already ovaluated. For the second time that day, I rushed down to the clinic and took the blood test again and results were the same. For some reason, the blocker jab did not work on me. My body might have ovaluated naturally and we might have already lost the eggs, if any.

After discussion, we still decided to push ahead and I took the trigger jab right on the spot and egg retrieval was scheduled for the next day. On day of retrieval, doc did a quick scan and could only see 1 follicle, saying we might have already lost 1 egg. But I still chose to go ahead.

Thankfully, we managed to retrieve 2 eggs and both went on to become embryos. As I had only 2 precious embroys, the embryos were placed back into me 2 days later. And I got a BFP, 2 weeks later!

During the 2 weeks, I ate Brazil nuts, pineapple core and had red bean soup daily. I also continued with light gym.
I also visited Eu Yang Sang at Paragon for TCM and acupuncture every 2 weeks for about 2 months before the IVF procedure.

Baby dust to all!
I delivered my baby just a few days ago! Just like to share my IVF journey to give hope to all on this thread..

Tried 2 IUIs with clomid but didn't work. So we moved onto IVF. On the 2nd day of Aunite Flow, went in for scanning, and I had only 2 follicles. Doc said due to my low AMH, best I can get is probably 3-4 follicles even if I wait for other cycles. So we decided to push ahead.

I was put on a short cycle. On the 7th day, I started the 'blocker' jab to prevent ovaluation. And I started going for blood tests and scanning every alternate day. On day 12, follicles were 14mm and doc instructed me to take the trigger jab on day 13 and egg retrieval to be done on day 14.

But on day 12, my doc called me in the afternoon and said that my FSH was unusual. It showed a surge and I might have already ovaluated. For the second time that day, I rushed down to the clinic and took the blood test again and results were the same. For some reason, the blocker jab did not work on me. My body might have ovaluated naturally and we might have already lost the eggs, if any.

After discussion, we still decided to push ahead and I took the trigger jab right on the spot and egg retrieval was scheduled for the next day. On day of retrieval, doc did a quick scan and could only see 1 follicle, saying we might have already lost 1 egg. But I still chose to go ahead.

Thankfully, we managed to retrieve 2 eggs and both went on to become embryos. As I had only 2 precious embroys, the embryos were placed back into me 2 days later. And I got a BFP, 2 weeks later!

During the 2 weeks, I ate Brazil nuts, pineapple core and had red bean soup daily. I also continued with light gym.
I also visited Eu Yang Sang at Paragon for TCM and acupuncture every 2 weeks for about 2 months before the IVF procedure.

Baby dust to all!

Congrats!! I am inspired! Hope all the mommies to be stay positive too!
I delivered my baby just a few days ago! Just like to share my IVF journey to give hope to all on this thread..

Tried 2 IUIs with clomid but didn't work. So we moved onto IVF. On the 2nd day of Aunite Flow, went in for scanning, and I had only 2 follicles. Doc said due to my low AMH, best I can get is probably 3-4 follicles even if I wait for other cycles. So we decided to push ahead.

I was put on a short cycle. On the 7th day, I started the 'blocker' jab to prevent ovaluation. And I started going for blood tests and scanning every alternate day. On day 12, follicles were 14mm and doc instructed me to take the trigger jab on day 13 and egg retrieval to be done on day 14.

But on day 12, my doc called me in the afternoon and said that my FSH was unusual. It showed a surge and I might have already ovaluated. For the second time that day, I rushed down to the clinic and took the blood test again and results were the same. For some reason, the blocker jab did not work on me. My body might have ovaluated naturally and we might have already lost the eggs, if any.

After discussion, we still decided to push ahead and I took the trigger jab right on the spot and egg retrieval was scheduled for the next day. On day of retrieval, doc did a quick scan and could only see 1 follicle, saying we might have already lost 1 egg. But I still chose to go ahead.

Thankfully, we managed to retrieve 2 eggs and both went on to become embryos. As I had only 2 precious embroys, the embryos were placed back into me 2 days later. And I got a BFP, 2 weeks later!

During the 2 weeks, I ate Brazil nuts, pineapple core and had red bean soup daily. I also continued with light gym.
I also visited Eu Yang Sang at Paragon for TCM and acupuncture every 2 weeks for about 2 months before the IVF procedure.

Baby dust to all!
R u bought the whole pineapple n only eat its core? Where did u get the brazil nut?
R u bought the whole pineapple n only eat its core? Where did u get the brazil nut?
Brazil nuts can be bought from Pat's Oven outlets.

U can buy them cheaper from Albert complex food centre 3rd floor. Take the lift up, the first two shops sell all sort of natural nuts. Last bought Brazil nuts at $11 for 500g
Brazil nuts can be bought from Pat's Oven outlets.

U can buy them cheaper from Albert complex food centre 3rd floor. Take the lift up, the first two shops sell all sort of natural nuts. Last bought Brazil nuts at $11 for 500g
Wow so much cheaper here!
Blackmores conceive well gold 21 tablet + 21 capsules to give away, expiring Sept '14.
PM your address to post to you if keen.
Brazil nuts can be bought from Pat's Oven outlets.

U can buy them cheaper from Albert complex food centre 3rd floor. Take the lift up, the first two shops sell all sort of natural nuts. Last bought Brazil nuts at $11 for 500g

I brought at Taka n quite ex over there..
@lilpeanutxx.. I saw some post on web mention pineapple core is good for implantation.. Hv to buy whole pineapple n cut 5 pcs of core n eat on the day of ET for 5 days if yr FET is 5dt..

But i read from here says otherwise wor.. Chinese believe pineapple must avoid wor.. i think i btr ask TSB tmr.. scared leh..
Sorry, haven't figured out how to use the quote function...

I did the whole IVF process, not the natural IVF.
Did it with Dr LC Foong.
He's a really good doctor who does most of the things himself.
He will call me personally to update on the progress.

I was spectikal on pineapple core as well and did some reading. Pineapple core is ok as they contain some enzymes that help with the implantation. But not the flesh. I just took it for 5 days after the embroys replacement, eating only 2-3 pcs daily. Thank goodness my family likes pineapples, so they ate pineapple for the whole week!
Then again, there's probably not enough scientific evidence to prove this. So it's a bit of a gamble here.

For red bean soup, the sinseh told me not to drink too much, she said a small bowl a day is enough and try to set more of the beans rather than drink the soup.

I avoided all Chinese medication once I started the ivf programme and just went for accupuncture.

Dear sisters... Tdy is my d8 of stims and came for a second scan.... Only 1 follicle detected... I'm low AMH... What should I do?? Very depressed....
