IVF/ICSI Support Group

connie, thx. really heart breaking since this is my 2nd fresh. i hv been taking dhea abt 1 yr, failed my 1st last yr n thot trying 2nd fresh this yr again:( yes i m under dr loh
my problem is that i do nt many eggs only 2 n want to tiao my body to hv more so i dun know how to lor
Do not be discourage.. There might be other factors.. I did not only take dhea.. I also take coq10, vit D, royal jelly, dhea to prepare for my 3rd cycle.. Dr also give me saizen to help in my egg quality and growth.. I also go through edo scratch and intralipid .. Tcm for a quarter..Start exercising...Almost everything.. Guess that has help in my egg quality..

janices, thx what brand u bout conceive well, COQ10? bout fr watson, robinson?
Conceive well is Blackmore but COQ10 I can't remember, just some brand that is the cheapest (hahaha), I bought from guardian. I used to take Blackmore for coq10 too but my cousin who is a pharmacist said it's all the same despite the brand so I get the cheapest. I think it's 300pills for $70+? I'm on 3 months saizen too :)
Conceive well is Blackmore but COQ10 I can't remember, just some brand that is the cheapest (hahaha), I bought from guardian. I used to take Blackmore for coq10 too but my cousin who is a pharmacist said it's all the same despite the brand so I get the cheapest. I think it's 300pills for $70+? I'm on 3 months saizen too :)
thx, saizen need to prescrible by doc? that is for wat huh?
thx, saizen need to prescrible by doc? that is for wat huh?
It's during the ivf cycle, there is an additional injection. My first 2 cycles gotten 11 follicles, but this cycle I got 16 follicles and 12 eggs. So I guess all the effort did pay off a little.. But most important is the quality..which I do not know whether it is good till I successfully pass 9 mths. Do take care of your body...
hi sisters.. juz finished my ET, i only have 3 grade 4 embbies, 2 transferred and 1 to freeze..
quite low but dr tan very comforting.. keep telling me its normal when i know its not from sisters here.. haha

oh well.. hope it'll be a bfp and no need to worry abt snowy.. :)
We need only one good embryo to BFP :) now u have 2 inside u . Cheers !
hi sisters.. juz finished my ET, i only have 3 grade 4 embbies, 2 transferred and 1 to freeze..
quite low but dr tan very comforting.. keep telling me its normal when i know its not from sisters here.. haha

oh well.. hope it'll be a bfp and no need to worry abt snowy.. :)
hi there, dun be discouraged. its e quality that counts and not quantity. at least u have 1 to be frozen. n some transferred. be positive and who knows these may be those that u can strike a bfp :) we just need 1 good egg and 1 good sperm to strike, jiayou :)
Any ladies with low AMH cycling?
Norm what time (morning/evening) we need to do stim jabs?
Hi I'm cycling with low AMH . My protocol is elonva 150mig and followed by menophur . Elonva is one time jab last for 7 days , on stim day 6 need to jab orgalutran to prevent ovulation , on day 8 , jab menophur at night before 9pm .
Hi I'm cycling with low AMH . My protocol is elonva 150mig and followed by menophur . Elonva is one time jab last for 7 days , on stim day 6 need to jab orgalutran to prevent ovulation , on day 8 , jab menophur at night before 9pm .
Hi, yr low AMH is due to? Dr Loh did mention that elonva is not suitable for low AMH... Who is yr doc?
can share the brand u gals having for coq10 n royal jelly? i only know honeyworld. saw that there is royal jelly w coq10? is it btr or buy separate? sorry for my ignorance. thx
Saizen (growth hormone) is prescribe by doctor but not all doctor believe in it though. It will depend on your doctor and the centre you are with.
connie, thx. really heart breaking since this is my 2nd fresh. i hv been taking dhea abt 1 yr, failed my 1st last yr n thot trying 2nd fresh this yr again:( yes i m under dr loh
my problem is that i do nt many eggs only 2 n want to tiao my body to hv more so i dun know how to lor
hugs..i think we are trying ways n means to get pregnant. maybe consider tcm?
Hi, i am new to this thread and am cluessless where to get started. I am keen to exploring ART using the govt co-funding and Medisave. Should i first visit the polyclinic to get a referral?
can share the brand u gals having for coq10 n royal jelly? i only know honeyworld. saw that there is royal jelly w coq10? is it btr or buy separate? sorry for my ignorance. thx

I took the honeyworld royal jelly with cq10 before i bfp this cycle. Think this is their only honey product from japan. If i am not wrong, there is 30mg of cq10 in each cap. I also take concieve well gold that has 60mg of cq10 in each cap. So in total, i take in about 90mg of cq10 in a day.
Janices n ginger28, thks for sharing.

Janices, how do u check ur prolactin level? I still have frozen embbies though so when I'm prepared, i'll try coz I've just given birth 4mths ago only. I tot it will b good to check out experienced mummies here in advance esp when I've heard pple saying that women tend to b more fertile after giving birth so dunch want to miss the golden period if is within a reasonable tine frame fr the 1st bb.

Janices n Ginger28 did u guys tried for many times b4 the 2nd one came abt?
yveyen, perhaps take your time to enjoy the baby since only 4months.

if you ask me though, much easier to handle baby before they start to walk. so if you don't mind stopping BF, can go ahead in a few months and cheong for #2.
iambabydreamer: actually quite common to hv only 1 or 2 to freeze. many don't hv any to freeze. Just that prob those sisters don't share since so depressing :) good luck for 2ww. As they say, only need one good one to stick ans grow.
janiceS: if you r cycling w Dr Paul, he only does in TFC now? does he do anywhere else, apart Novena CARE? or are you thinking of changing docs ?
Janices n ginger28, thks for sharing.

Janices, how do u check ur prolactin level? I still have frozen embbies though so when I'm prepared, i'll try coz I've just given birth 4mths ago only. I tot it will b good to check out experienced mummies here in advance esp when I've heard pple saying that women tend to b more fertile after giving birth so dunch want to miss the golden period if is within a reasonable tine frame fr the 1st bb.

Janices n Ginger28 did u guys tried for many times b4 the 2nd one came abt?
Yvejen, I breastfeed for 1 year before trying for no. 2. Checked prolactin level is ok since I stopped bf. did fet last year n bfp but MC at week 8. Went SGH for my 3rd fresh earlier this yr but didn't work out (long story)... I'm doing my 4th fresh which will be my last
blessedzn: hang in there
if you have the strength to fight on, the sisters are all here to cheer you on. We all know its frustrating and painful with each cycle. I always say sometimes some of us need more tries.... I know of sisters who succeeded on 5th fresh and another on 7th fresh!
janiceS: if you r cycling w Dr Paul, he only does in TFC now? does he do anywhere else, apart Novena CARE? or are you thinking of changing docs ?
Ron, I'm still following novena CARE monitoring will be by them too but because they still couldn't get the approval from MOH hence I can't do my fresh there that's why I hv to do it in TFC with Dr Paul. The only worry now for me is the lab and if I go other lab, I'll hv to start all over again? I'm already coming 3rd mth of saizen n taking gynera
thx, saizen need to prescrible by doc? that is for wat huh?

Saizen is to help improve quality of follicles. My doc prescribed it for my 2nd cycle.

Some how, i get to retrieved more eggs (21) in this 2nd fresh compared tp my first (13). And my transferable embbies increased from 3 in my first cycle to 6 in this second cycle.

Of course, i can't credit only Saizen for the increase. Cos after i failed my 1st fresh, i took tcm herbs, acupuncture, royal jelly with CQ10 to help improve my health and body too.
Is royal jelly helpful? In what way? Actually exercising helps though I've still not started... Hahaha everyday I'm giving excuses to start tomorrow
@portia3 you aso have one freeze in first cycle? you chose to go fresh than to do FET with 1? think i too free resting.. was thinking with my one freeze mayb next time aso risky to do fet..
Yes, i had one frostie from first fresh. It was a grade 3. (I transfered a grade 5 n grade 4 in my first cycle).

I decided to go for 2nd fresh cos i did not want to risk having nothing to transfer if my grade 3 din survive the thaw. Plus, i want to transfer more than 1 embryo (and hopefully, better grade ones too) for a greater chance of a bfp. Hence the decision to do a fresh cycle instead of doing fet.

Below are the pictures of the Honey World Royal Jelly and Blackmores Concieve Well Gold. You may want to read up on the supplements before you decide to take them.


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Hi, i am new to this thread and am cluessless where to get started. I am keen to exploring ART using the govt co-funding and Medisave. Should i firsnnnnt visit the polyclinic to get a referral?
hi, first need to see doc to access e solution(try natural/iui/ivf/icsi) to adopt to help you. they will do some bloodtest and scans,, test to access for you and yr hubby. referrel letter from poly is eligible for susidised rates before ivf n u cannot choose e doc..(if you have refferal letter, think can enjoy subsidised rates for this but if no letter, then you pay private rate for this investigation works)

once doc decide ivf is the route and u are ok to go ivf, then it will be private rate, but you can use govt funding and medisave.
govt hospital~sgh, nuh,kkh =can use govt co funding+ medisave for the ivf program. but not for bloodtest and councelling cost i think
private = you can use medisave only.
but medisave is also your own money in a way. cofunding i think only for 40yrs and below ladies
hope this helps :)
Hi all,

Any successful stories to share whom have endometritis cysts but didnt go for any surgery & able to conceive either naturally or via IVF? Thanks.
Thanks a lot Connie_hopeful for the valuable info!
no problem,this forum is to offer support. at times, i feel lost n e sisters here offer support n share on their experiences also. u are still young, chances of conception nsuccess rate should be higher according to e doctors. :)best of luck :)
Hi sis do Anyone know total cost of doing IVF under Dr Loh SF in TMC? Really hope I can afford the cost.
I have a failed cycle and I have over 40 years old so no co funding by government.
I am comparing Prof Wong in NuH and Dr Loh. I know the cost in nuh is around $8k to $13k depending on dosage.

Thank you!
Hi sis do Anyone know total cost of doing IVF under Dr Loh SF in TMC? Really hope I can afford the cost.
I have a failed cycle and I have over 40 years old so no co funding by government.
I am comparing Prof Wong in NuH and Dr Loh. I know the cost in nuh is around $8k to $13k depending on dosage.

Thank you!
my 2nd fresh recent by dr loh, short portocol abt $13k. i think u can use ur medisave even u r over 40yrs. max cap usage $15k over 3 times (i think so)
Hi sis do Anyone know total cost of doing IVF under Dr Loh SF in TMC? Really hope I can afford the cost.
I have a failed cycle and I have over 40 years old so no co funding by government.
I am comparing Prof Wong in NuH and Dr Loh. I know the cost in nuh is around $8k to $13k depending on dosage.

Thank you!
I have ask dr Loh before.. He said max $15k.
Hi @iamababydreamer.. Not too good but still remaining positive of the outcome..

Mon @ 11DP2DT - Spotted some brown discharge with little pinkish red in the morning.. Brown discharge can be seen the whole day but little qty.. Did HPT and had a very very very faint line.. Cant capture on cam but can see if look clearly at the HPT.. DH saw it too.. He initially had difficulties spotting the line but still managed to..
Tue @ 12DP2DT - Woke up for morn inserts and spotted reddish brown instead.. Did my inserts (finger was stained with reddish brown), went back to bed and decided to call KKIVFC at 10am for advise.. Woke up 9ish and went toilet.. Reddish brown not spotted but little liquid light brown discharge.. Called KKIVFC was told to go down and get Duphaston for added support.. Went down took prescription and waited for BT (actual BT date is 4 Jul).. Managed to get BT done at around 1:15pm.. Snr Staff Nurse told me she'll get me result out in the same afternoon and will call me.. I asked if to come back for BT on Fri, she said wait for BT results than will let me know.. Received call from KKIVF 1.5 hours later at around 2:45pm.. SSN told me my readings (I think it's something3.1, I didnt hear properly and too nervous)... I asked her is the results considered good or bad, she says it's on the low side but too early to tell.. Was told to continue with both my oral med and inserts and do not stop no matter what.. Going back for BT on 4 Jul..
Wed @ 13DP2DT - Spotted more reddish brown/dull red.. But little in qty.. Not like AF, no full flow.. Just on and off for the whole day.. Had a little cramp on my abdominal too.. Continued with inserts.. Did a few hours of woke at laptop and went back to bed rest for 5 hours.. Just got out of bed for dinner and back at laptop for a little while..

Am staying positive now.. Told myself to bed rest as much as possible.. But still got up, sit at the table to do some work.. Lying down too long makes me very lethargic and restless..

Collected snowies' report, all 8 embies managed to go into freezing:
3 * Grade 5
4 * Grade 4
1 * Grade 3
Rachelt, if u test again n positive n u r still spotting, u may need prolution jabs. Dupaston may not be sufficient.
Rachelt, if u test again n positive n u r still spotting, u may need prolution jabs. Dupaston may not be sufficient.
I'm thinking of straight go BT on Friday liao.. Maybe I'll POAS tmr morn and see.. If distinct positive and still spotting I'll call KKIVFC and ask them..
I'm thinking of straight go BT on Friday liao.. Maybe I'll POAS tmr morn and see.. If distinct positive and still spotting I'll call KKIVFC and ask them..

Your story sound similar to mine.... if you see a stronger positive on yr hpt and want to be kiasu, just go to pte gynae. Some times, it is easier this way cos kk has a lot of operational protocols and red tape to adhere to.... but of cos, pte gynae may ask you to re do bt to see if it has gone beyond 5 just to ensure that you are above the equivocal mark.

@rachelt yes pls stay positive.. at least your chance is high and like wat jklim4642 said, u need additional support and it'll turn out fine.

will be praying for u!
Thanks dear..

Your story sound similar to mine.... if you see a stronger positive on yr hpt and want to be kiasu, just go to pte gynae. Some times, it is easier this way cos kk has a lot of operational protocols and red tape to adhere to.... but of cos, pte gynae may ask you to re do bt to see if it has gone beyond 5 just to ensure that you are above the equivocal mark.
But tmr oredi thu.. Dr Loh clinic open tmr afternoon ma?.. Cos my BT with KK is on Friday.. Or should wait till Fri BT?.. I remember yours oso similar case but cant remember the exact details.. Told DH ur case briefly and it encouraged him greatly.. He was kinda upset when he saw the spotting on Monday..
