IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hello gals, a silent reader here, will be doing my ivf with SGH hopefully in June. 1st fresh cycle.

Dollygal - no words can describe what you are going through now. just wanna say be strong.

Cheeka, cant really answer your question. But I have hyperthyroidism for 10 years le. My prof changed my medi from CARB to PTU when I want to conceive bb. I have slight side effect - eczema at my wrists. What I know thyroid disorder/drugs will affect our womb lining.

I hope you have been following up with your physician, he should be able to advise better. What PTU dosage were you on before you stopped the medicine? What kind of side effects you are suffering from taking PTU?

dollygal, i fully agree with your summary of the worries and pain we go through during each phase of IVF. Very aptly put. The problem with us is we know enough of the 'science' of IVF, but in each of us, there's the 'art' where the heart still goes through all the worries, pain and anxiety from not being able to control or know what lies ahead of us and our eventual fate. Please take care and most important is to get your health back on track.
<font color="blue"> Ecym: </font>
~High five~ Thanks for replying me. So you have been eating CARB/PTU for 10 years? It cant be cured? I have a friend who went for surgery to remove her thyroid glands.

My dosage was:

1. Initially 6 PTU tablets per day. Since I started that, every month I would feel itchy down there. Plus, there were itchy bumps near the crotch area.
2. Reduced to 4 PTU tablets after 3-4 months.

About one month ago, I developed itchy red rashes all over my body and they were unbearable. My endocrinologist advised me to stop PTU immediately. I was feeling okay, until now... my heart beat is very fast and pounding even when I'm sitting in office. I dont know whether to eat CARB or not when my IVF is coming in June.
Hey Cheeka, I need to go google again hehehehe.

I'm waiting for my menses to come (Prof gave me duphaston to bring on my menses) so that I can go for my blood test. Seeing Prof on the 16th again. My IVF is going to be in June.
mei2, good job.

sss, when is your ET?? Lab call u today?

astaris, our cycle buddy, how abt u?? scan ??

I juz did scan, ET on tues..
Pray hard that my snow bb will make me proud.

nel, u can up your protein intake. I took 8ew everyday during my stimulation.

brisk walking is good for blood circulation, which promotes growth too, mei2 and nel weekend go park par tor w dh.
mei2, *clap* clap* good job! Why do you have to go for trigger jab tomorrow and Sun? If ER on Tuesday, trigger jab should be sun right? 36 hours before ER.

lynhope, until now I have not receive the call from the embryologist. Making me very nervous now!
Hi Cheeka, I would have tell my endocrinologist about the heart palpation now and also inform him/her on the upcoming ivf treatment. As CARB is not suitable for preggers. Heard it will cause pigmentation on the foetus. I think you need to stablise your current condition before IVF as the treatment is to hyped up your hormones levels.

My hyperthyroidism is a relapse. Was cleared in my first year of CARB then subsequently come back to hunt me two years later. Yes, some are temporary while some like me is on lifelong medication unless I choose to remove the glands. My Dr has not suggest removal or radioactive treatment maybe my readings are more or less stablised with medication. I have an older friend who has her thyroid glands removed, become hypo instead of hyper after the surgery, still have to take medicine.

Hi Jenn, i will be under Dr Yu. Done the tests amd counselling, going down on next Mon to sign Consent Form
Ecym, did you say you suffer from hyperthyroidism for 10 years and you have been on CARB (the pink pill) for 10 years? Only recently you wanted to embark on ivf cycle that prof wong change your med from CARB to PTU (the white pill)? 10 years was a long time....
Cheeka, what I understand is that when a woman become pregnant, she will need iodine. However, thyroidism patients must cut down iodine.

Could you be having candida fungus down there? If yes, then maybe yakult will help a bit? Also can apply candida cream down there to kill the bacterias.
sss, your ET not firm yet too?? but u hv 20 eggs... this cycle is much much better compare to your last cycle... jy jy.... update us okie... so excited for u.

will thaw 2 on mon, if not good then will thaw again as I hv 7 with them...
before trying to conceive i was on Pink pill. Then at every half yr review, Dr will ask me whether i planning for BB, so I told him one fine day i am, he said ok have to change to another medi...

I changed to PTU in early 2009, conceived naturally in Nov 09. Since then I m still on PTU cuz i am TTC for second BB which I have tried for a year.

i was not with Prof Wong. My endocrinologist is Prof lee from NUH.
lynhope, I got the result. Dr only freeze grade 1 and 2. So, for my case, 13 are frozen. The rest of the 7 are grade 2-3 or 3 so embryologist will continue to culture them.
A lot of ladies have posted their successful IVF stories with other doctors.

I wonder if Dr Jerry Chan is good. He will be my doctor and I am a patient with Clinic D with govt subsidy.

Will anyone care to share your experience with Dr Jerry Chan?
lisa, sorry I am not with him. Maybe there are other ladies can share with you. Now the thread is quite quiet... maybe everyone is busy now... wait a while, there will be others posting. You may get your reply from one of them.

Will you be on on long or short protocol? Fully on ICSI or partial? When will you be starting your suppression or stimulation stage?
dreambear, I must say it is a pleasant surprise this cycle that all the 20 fertilized still surviving at D2 - none disintergrated. It could be the drug. Or it could be the nice environment in this hospital?? My last cycle I had 61 follicles but only 24 fertilized and 12 frozen were grade 1 to 3. Balanced were either disintergrated or stop growing...
I guess it's Friday &amp; everyone wants to finish their work fast and chiong out of the office ...

I will be on long protocol, icsi. Starting in July. It will be my first hopefully 1 &amp; only...

Still not familiar with the terms so I have been reading up this website...
fantasydm, like we discussed earlier on, we will never know the final result though I have 13 frosties... This is only the qualification round (like football league). Hope they will survive the thaw when I do my FET. Next wed, I will be seeing dr to discuss when will be the best time to do FET.
lisa, do stick around this thread because I have learnt a lot from the sistas here. But sadly, still waiting patiently for my graduation from this thread after so many years.....
Lisa, welcome to this thread!

Be positive! Maybe you will be one of the many who get bfp (Big Fat Positive) in your july cycle. I think you should be able to find some cycle buddies!
<font color="blue"> Ecym: </font> I told my endocrinologist about my intention for IVF already. He asked me to tell my gynae to repeat my thyroid hormone tests when I go there. He also wrote a letter to my gynae saying that I might need to be on carb. Im only seeing my gynae in 1-2 weeks time.

Actually, in March, my thyroid hormones are all normal already. Just that I stopped P.T.U for a few weeks, the heart palpitations came back few days ago.

<font color="blue"> SSS: </font> My endocrinologist told me that once we are preggie, the hyperthyroid is easier to manage. You are right, Im not allowed to eat iodine (no seaweed for now).

<font color="blue"> Maomi: </font> Thanks a lot for the article. It's kinda scary to read the risks of C.A.R.B. on pregnancy. But my endocrinologist says that the risk of not eating C.A.R.B while pregnant is higher than the risk of having uncontrolled hyper-thyroidism while pregnant.
welcome Lisa, sorry can't advise u on dr Jerry. I'm w Dr Loh from tfc... dun worry... like wat sss said, u maybe the wan bfp
Good luck...

Ladies, jy jy... TGIF
Lisa, this is my 2nd fresh cycle. I am with Dr Sheila Loh. How did you choose Dr Jerry?

Lynhope, dr will not allow ET as E2 bt already show that I am hyper stimulated. She told me wait for another one more month can do FET.

This morning I went to see Dr Zhao for accu and she told me some patients got swelling eyes and legs were bloated too... then she said I look good. Probably because of the med that dr prescribe for me.
Finally i can make a final closure next monday morning..

I m glad my dh has let go n start singing songs in the car. He said lets take a break...

U ladies continue jiayou!!!
Lynhope &amp; sss, i waz quite shocked when the in house doc says next tues er haha! Still cant digest it.. total stim for 14days as of tmr!! And saw some light.. left side is trying its best too.. biggest at 12mm now

Lynhope, ur snowbbies will survive the thaw for sure!

Sss, paiseh i meant trigger jab on sunday nite and tmr last puregon jab
and 13 is a good number.. we really just need 1 best one that will works and sticks to us for the next 10mths

Astaris, any updates from u?
SSS, hope u have more good news soon. My fren was with Dr Sheila and she made it!

I went thru polyclinic then kkh, saw Dr Jerry Chan before the tests and now I am under his care for ivf. Din ask if I can or shld see other doctors.

So those ladies who succeeded, is it due to the skills of the famous doctors or luck plays a part too? Hmm...
mei2, like you, I was also shocked when dr said time to trigger. Good! Your eggs will be uniting with their daddy-to-be's soldiers! hahaha...

Did the dr advise your dh when to clear his soldiers?
Lisa, wah... that is an encouragement. Hope I will be the one too!

Lisa, my conclusion is, all depend on God. We will do our best but there are many things that is beyond our control. Therefore, do your best!
Mei2, I hope to get sticky ones from the 13 frosties. Can't imagine all the frosties will be wearing winter jackets for more than a mth. Hope they will enjoy the sun after the thaw.
lisa, the doctor's experience has a part to play in the egg retrieval (OR) and ET. OR is a day surgery so good skill needed to ensure no eggs are wasted. During ET, on the other hand, an experienced doc will know how to navigate (if passage into best spot in uterus is not straight) through, and also find the most optimal spot to plant the precious embies. So all in all, best not to get a rookie to do it.

You can google to find if anyone has references on your doc. Else, ask to change if you don't feel comfortable.

Other than that, it's alot to do with luck too.

No need to be shy or apologetic about it. It's your body and you have to right to decide.
Jiayou Dollygal!

Cheeka, I guess as much, in the article there is another medication I think, not sure whether available in Singapore.

Only have time to go through some older posts now.

Jenn, I'm also with Dr Yong at SGH. Nice lady, always busy like a bee but will listen to you patiently and I think she hits the right spot with me. I've already gone through 2 rounds of fresh ICSI with her, and in plans for FET.

As for other qns I read about Brazil Nuts, cold storage ones are expensive, so DH went to Mustafa and found cheaper supplies. He also bought a 1kg bag of almonds from Mustafa as well. Eating faithfully everyday. Never saw him being so 'guai' before.
SSS: Wow! 13 frozen! Well done!

Dollygal: Good to have a closure. Yeah, take a break... actually, when husband and wife face problems together, I realised that we tend to love each other more :D Hope the problem that you are facing now will bring your relation ship with your DH into the next level. Have a good weekend everyone!
Hi Jedai, so nice of ur hubby to be involved in ur diets.
I guess we have to always remind ourselves to be disciplined in our diet.

What u hav mentioned earlier abt the doc make me think twice. Afterall, each of us spend so much $, time and effort for ivf, only hoping to get a BFP result. But I can only afford subsidised ivf, I wonder which other doc does that?
Lyn, thanks for u concern. I did ER on Thur and have been feeling very unwell since. Vomit, cannot walk straight and no appetite. Doc say I'm high risk of OHSS. Luckily I'm not putting on weight and can urine properly.

Tmr's BT but I told DH that most likely estrogen level still very high and I'm not ready to proceed with ET. Womb too uncomfortable and slightly painful. Think we will request to freeze and do FET later when I'm feeling better.

Anyone feels the same after ER? I can barely sit upight
At first I tot the prob lies with my Hubby's soldiers bcos his SA taken a few years back was not promising.

This year both of us took tests. I was saddened to find out I even have a blocked tube.

Nervous babe, when u get the answer from ur doc, pls lemme know too...

Lisa I will update u, but if we are doing ivf, this may not b a major concern I guess since the embryo is put directly into the uterus. When doc did the ultrasound for me, he don't say anything
