IVF/ICSI Support Group

Hi finesse9702, yea my FET will be In May/Jun. You may see above for my reply on the embryos result where I replied to Dreamscometrue.
Woo! Really amazing result and a good leg up! What are u doing to prep for yr FET? Let's jiayou together! I think I'll be only doing in Jul though. :)

Muff, thanks for your encouragement too!

BTW ladies I'm having like severe cramp-like feeling in my lower abdomen after ER. What do u ladies do to make it better? Feel quite terrible, toss and turn still pain..
What's your last cycle protocol like? Oh wait, it's the one with pergo...
Yup and it was also my first time using Gonal F. Dr Loh did mention that sometimes it is good to change the stim med instead of repeatedly using same med or even brand in case body gets immune to the med so response may Nor be as good even if repeat stimulation.
Just calculated.. Not true for me lei.. If true I will have 4-50 eggs collected!! I wished it's true!
Did you have high baseline FSH as I think you asked about this before? As I understand, high FSH than average could indicate that you may not respond as well to stim and will need high dose of FSH to stimulate follicles.
Did you have high baseline FSH as I think you asked about this before? As I understand, high FSH than average could indicate that you may not respond as well to stim and will need high dose of FSH to stimulate follicles.
Nuh did not test my FSH.. My first FSH tested by dr Loh was high, however that time my AMH also lower.. Like 8pmol? But second AMH at Nuh shows 17.7, same unit.. Hence I don't know which is real also

How's your FSH level?
Nuh did not test my FSH.. My first FSH tested by dr Loh was high, however that time my AMH also lower.. Like 8pmol? But second AMH at Nuh shows 17.7, same unit.. Hence I don't know which is real also

How's your FSH level?
My blood hormone test based on cycle day 2, FSH was 5.7iu/L and AMH was 36.7 pmol/L.
I see alot of ladies here tested their FSH.. is it useful to test? My dr at kkh did not test, and when i ask him if i should, he said this test is outdated le and not useful. And AMH test is more accurate and will tell u same thing...
I see alot of ladies here tested their FSH.. is it useful to test? My dr at kkh did not test, and when i ask him if i should, he said this test is outdated le and not useful. And AMH test is more accurate and will tell u same thing...
I guess Pte just test everything.. Govt hosp being 'cost effective' won't test so much
Did your doc explained why Cd10-11 changed to puregon and what purpose it serves in this way?

If we use the amh level and multiply by 7, is this number of eggs you all get from egg retrieval so far?
We did u/s scan on CD2, CD5 (about 10 follicles only) and CD9 then saw the high number of follicles. I never asked Dr Loh as in why he changed to Puregon but I guess was because of the high number. I do believe he has his professional and medical reasons. As for the AMH level, I have no idea :) After retrieved this number of eggs, I do afraid my eggs reserve is depleting much now :( Oh no...
I guess Pte just test everything.. Govt hosp being 'cost effective' won't test so much
I am with Dr SF Loh and he didn't order any test for me since 2014 and we did failed SO-IUI last Dec. Actually I am also curious if all the tests are needed or on case by case basis?!
We did u/s scan on CD2, CD5 (about 10 follicles only) and CD9 then saw the high number of follicles. I never asked Dr Loh as in why he changed to Puregon but I guess was because of the high number. I do believe he has his professional and medical reasons. As for the AMH level, I have no idea :) After retrieved this number of eggs, I do afraid my eggs reserve is depleting much now :( Oh no...
Wah that's a good number leh, the rest actually catch and grew to maturation from CD6 onwards. For me, I have the same number from CD5 onwards till ER. All the best for your upcoming FET :)
Actually I spoke directly with the senior embryologist at TFC twice at length to understand their process and I was convinced of the lab's expertise to go ahead with culturing my frozen thawed day2 embryos to day 5. I was glad to have done so as I finally got my bfp with my first attempt at blastocysts FET. They are well versed in using both the single culture (requires no change in medium from day 3 to day 5) as well as the multi-cultures and the reason they maintain both types or rather key brands of cultures is to sustain the supplier for either brand. This is to ensure there is no reliance on either brand.

Unfortunately I didn't note down or remember the names of the various culture medium. As I understand, there isn't much complex technique in culturing the embryos once they have been able to fertilize the eggs via ICSI. The skill is more critical in ICSI which they do for all retrieved eggs as default anyway unless there is a very high number of eggs where they will then do partial ivf and partial ICSI provided the patient agrees.

It is true that Dr Loh prefers day 2 or 3 embryo transfers instead of day 5 blastocysts especially if there is fewer embryos but as in my case, when there is a good quantity of embryos after my 3rd fresh, he did support day5 blastocysts transfer too.
It may be worthwhile to initiate a request to speak to the embryologist to understand their expertise opinion about your eggs, sperms and embryo conditions as well as the lab process. At least I found it very insightful to hear their perspectives beyond the doctor.
Hi Dawn, what number is considered a gd number to try day 5 blast?
Hi Dawn, what number is considered a gd number to try day 5 blast?
Embryologist recommends min. 5 though Dr Loh is ok with 4. The reason being based on average stats that 80% of embryos survive thawing and 50% make it to good day 5 blastocysts. So if you have 5 to start with, it has higher chance of getting at least 1 or 2 blastocysts for transfer. That said, the stats are really average so you may have more blastocysts and can be considered for freezing or on the other extreme case, none to transfer.
One point about blastocyst from my experience....if by day 5 your embryo didn't turn blasto or is lacking behind or degenerated it's a big blow mentally. So must be prepared. I remembered I was so disappointed transferring embryo that didn't even compact on day 5 n it makes my confidence crash not to mention feeling negative the entire 2ww.
Anyway just to share that even that cycle the blasto didn't make it doesn't mean next cycle won't. Every cycle is different.
Hi Sisters here who hv visited the famous TCM Dr Zhou at AMK, could u gers advise the following:

1. What is her clinic's opening hours? Which day is the clinic closed?
2. When will her clinic have lesser patients?
3. Are her charges expensive?
4. Does she allow us to take 3 months supply of medicine?

Thanks in advance. :D
Hi Sisters here who hv visited the famous TCM Dr Zhou at AMK, could u gers advise the following:

1. What is her clinic's opening hours? Which day is the clinic closed?
2. When will her clinic have lesser patients?
3. Are her charges expensive?
4. Does she allow us to take 3 months supply of medicine?

Thanks in advance. :D
Mon-Fri 3.30pm to 8.30pm (closed on every wed), Sat-Sun 10am to 2pm.
You can call her clinic to reserve your slot, usually waiting time less than 1/2 hour.
$30 for acupuncture, $8 per day med, I think her price is quite reasonable.
You can make your other request from her.
Hope the above info helps :)
Mon-Fri 3.30pm to 8.30pm (closed on every wed), Sat-Sun 10am to 2pm.
You can call her clinic to reserve your slot, usually waiting time less than 1/2 hour.
$30 for acupuncture, $8 per day med, I think her price is quite reasonable.
You can make your other request from her.
Hope the above info helps :)
Waiting time less than 1/2 hour? Sometimes I wait like 1-1.5 hr :p
U mean can call to get number? I tot call still must come to the shop to get the number. I usually also wait for at least an hr.
can make your seservation on date and time first, then when you reach, take a queue number and wait for your turn. Normally I go after work and reach by 6.30pm, not much crowd leh
Got, always make few appt way ahead.. But if u noticed 1 time slot got 3-4 patients.. Sometimes need to wait for bed for accupunture.. The consultation very fast though.. Lol
Haha I oso kiasu and if I go on weekends, I wil reach around 9.30am so that can get q no 1&2 then eat bf at coffeeshop next door. Otherwise, after 1pm the crowd is lesser as well.
Mon-Fri 3.30pm to 8.30pm (closed on every wed), Sat-Sun 10am to 2pm.
You can call her clinic to reserve your slot, usually waiting time less than 1/2 hour.
$30 for acupuncture, $8 per day med, I think her price is quite reasonable.
You can make your other request from her.
Hope the above info helps :)
By the way whats the last slot timing for week ends?
Ang moh also, then her doter will do the translation. The ang moh legs super long so have to wait for the bigger bed located outside her room one :) :) all races coming for one dream, to have our little ones :)
Wah. Even angmoh come see her. But i read that many angmohs doing ivf also do acupuncture in their home countries.

The young lady is her daughter. The uncle at the counter is her husband. She doesnt look that old leh.
There are 2 young ladies, fairer one is her doter, the other one with round face is her niece.

I heard once she mentioned to a patient she's 60s.... Don't know I hear wrongly or not
Ya I also heard and got a shock that she has hit 60, she don't look her age, maybe she acu herself to look young hehe many times I wanted her to add a few needles on me to look youthful :p :p :p
