IVF/ICSI Support Group

Joy ya week 5 is really too early to detect. Normally week 6 onwards and I understand that V scan is pretty normally for early stage of pregnancy. Becoz my sis in law is in her 2nd trimester now n understand from her she had V scan during 1st trimester to detect bb hb.

yeah Laki, you are right, let's make Aug a BFP month also =) Jia You.

Joyfully: Good that you are feeling better. Must stay smiley and cheerful during this period. Am starting most likely 2nd wk of Aug. Getting a bit nervous abt it, even Dr Zou say my heartbeat has been very fast, ask me to relax. hehe.

Any recommendation of what other juices to mix with immunocal? I haf been using orange juice now only. Is it better to mix with juices only becoz cannot be hot?
Laki_gal, lil_ponyo and sunniehope,

Let's all work hard towards our bfp!


I think it's fine, i also don't really know wat else to do.. I guess most important is to keep healthy and keep our minds positive
I plan to stop my LRD drink when the injections start.. Cos my doc says no medicinal herbs when ivf.. Not sure if the dates and longans are considered herbs but i'll just stop it to be on the safe side..
And also babysmurf....she also our cycle buddies.....=)

MC007 :can I check with u, after taking immunocal in the morning, how long apart do we need to rest b4 taking Dr Zou's medicine?
Joyfully, I'm good! Don't worry too much I think it's too early for you to detect anything. I'm having my scan next sat. Hope everything will be smooth!
my case gone case already.. chemical .. anyway im mentally prepared too on that day of flight..next step- going to see tcm doc..

babysmurf(piglet02) will PM you
Sunniehope, Laki, babysmurf and Min81, happy to have you girls as cycle buddies

Thanks for the assurance, Sunniehope, yes, I'm beginning to feel much better about doing IVF with Dr Foong. As much as I like him, my confidence was wavering because I failed 3 IUI with him.
ChrisL, big hug!! Sorry to hear that. Stay strong and take good care of your body. That is the most important. We are all here to give you moral and emotional support! Take care!
WY Koo, I am seeing Prof Wong at NUH next week, will decide after that. Most likely can't start this month if I decided to switch. Sorry cant be your cycle buddy.
Reikibaby, thank u so much for ur advice. I understand where u are coming from, and to be frank, I completely agree. Just that when weighed against other very pressing considerations, I will take the gamble for now. Oh yes, will let dr Zhao know, bet she'll also tell me not to be ganjiong. For healing, I did read about it in previous threads, otherwise it's something foreign to me. I recall many went to Valencia Tan, is she ur laoshi too? When I first started ivf, I didn't dare to go for accu cos of my fear for needles. But eventually went cos I felt I should do everything to help myself. Maybe it's also time for me to try healing. Has it helped u? I'm definitely not adverse to it and am willing to give it a try. What happens at a healing session, do we need to do anything or just lie there?
Laki gal, hugs! I will try la

12bhappy, abit late but congratssssss!!

Joyfully, though difficult, try not to worry for now, I'm sure things will turn out fine.

ChrisL, hugsss, do take care of urself for now and let's all jiayou tog! When do u intend to start ur cycle?
Sorry Babysmurf for miss u out. Glad to have many of u as my cycle buddies. Let all jiayou

Chrisl sorry to hear tat, pls tk gd care of urself but did doc tell u wat happen?

Min81, think during ivf most of d sisters here oso take lrd so i think it b ok n my mum told me af confinement dis drink is aux of us so I think cn continue
Chrisl: no problem just pm me. I might be slow in return email on wkend.

Reikibaby: r u with laoshi. What is her charges now I long time didn't go to her already.
Was with Care last time

Yah Mdm Tan is my laoshi. Tell her about yourself and when you starting to cycle. Then she will advise you when and how often to go to her. We will just lie down, eyes close and she will 'heal' us. The whole 'healing' is abt an hour.
I felt peace after the session and so far quite shun shun li li. My beta is next week, will reveal more after my results and what laoshi 'see' .

Her price is $180 per session. But maybe you give her a call and check. Are you going to her for you next cycle?
Reikibaby, thanks for the info.

Luv, I didn't request for it. Think Angela bu fang xin to let me travel, so try to do abdominal scan and hopefully can detect sth. She was telling me, your pregnancy is so precious, better not risk it as first tri is usually more fragile. I know she meant well, so I had no choice but to heed her advice.

SunnieHope, all the best to your Aug cycle! Jiayou ok? I also mix immunocal with Milo (the packet) type.
Hope, all the best for your scan ok next sat.

Beep, thanks. Will stay happy for the sake of my little one.

Chrisl, hugs! Please take this time to rest and tiao your body. Make yourself happy by enjoying the local food and durians.
I'm with Dr Loh now for this cycle.

Oh cos you intend to travel... That explained why she scanned you early. Angela & dr Paul normally prefers tummy scan to V-scan. Heed her advice. Dun take the risk. Too precious....
sunniehope...u can try mixing immunocal with ribena too..taste ok.. i took immunocal before breakfast...all the supplements after breakfast and at least 2hrs later than i take dr zou med...most of the time in the afternoon liao..

min..i took lrd throughout the whole cycle..its ok de..
Hey ladies

Do you know what it means to have dark-red/brownish-red period instead of bright red? I noticed my bleeding has changed colour ever since I started IVF. Quite disturbed.
Hi eggfactory, it is probably becoa of your chemical pregnancy or the treatment. After my chemical/treatment, it was oso more clotty n crampy than usu. it shld regularise after. Dun worry so much.

Hi bigbear, it is gd to hv a change of clinic. No worries. Wat is nb is u feel ready
Joyfully... Will be fine... Just wait for a little and you can go enjoy in tw

Bb shower yea the reading went up quite high again but I didn't dare ask the reading
Hi ladies, been a silent reader for a while since i had BFP-ed in May ( but sad to say i had m/c on 7+weekplus, no HB). I truly happy that is such forum that i had benefit alot. Congrats to all the BFP ladies n hv smooth pregnancy ahead for u all ladies! Seeing so many had bfp, i cant wait for next fet in Nov as i giving myself 3 months to build up my body..

I just went for my 1st accu with Dr Zou early this month, and as im a non-chinese, i find it hard to really communicate with her even though i know she is very her best to gimme more info. she is very nice n motherly lady. Just wanna know from the ladies here if i can add honey to med that she prescribe to me? Its so bitter and i nearly puke whenever i take the med..
Sasha, yes, possible to transfer but got to incur transfer fees. And u might have to forfeit ur storage fees with original centre maybe? Then incur new storage fees with new centre.

Sorry, I'm not quite sure abt cost @ TMC, but for sure more ex than KK.
Thanks sisters for the support. I am feeling way better today after many many many durians!!!! and also nice local food spread! it's good to have family and friend's support..

JoynFaith Pmed you back

BTW, anyone has the spreadsheet link cos im not with my lappy now, no bookmark on that
Reikibaby, thanks v much for the info. Shd I see her when af reports or after it's cleared, or anytime also can?

Sasha, medicated fet for me at TFC was abt 4k+. Not sure about natural fet, but shld be less since no medication.

Sue-Ann, hope u are feeling much better now and all the best for ur fet, do take good care.
Maggi Mee, think it was about 13k+ for me...but may vary depending on ur dosage of meds.

Reikibaby, oh I meant laoshi. Uncertain when to see her.
Hi, anyone did the IUI and success from it. Hope to hear some opinion abt it. Jus did mine last sat and not sure what to expect now. abdmonial cramp is common right?
Thx luvhope & beep for ur contributions...

Was with dr Loh previously @ Kk..... Was thinking shld I proceed fet with him at TFC by transferring embryos over, incur additional charges, etc or stay with Kk & do necessary..
Sasha, depends on whether u think u'll only feel comfortable with Dr Loh or if another doc at KK will also be fine for u? Or whether u feel the lab at KK or at TFC will be better?
Transfering frm KK to TFC, TFC will charge discounted storage fee @ $300 a year instead of usual $900. KK will charge a fee to release the embryos. Also you have to arrange for KK to transfer to TFC, not sure about the charges. TFC will not arrange the pickup from KK.
Also, you have to make sure the bloodtest of HIV, Rubella etc are still valid (within 6 mths from the last bt) before you transfer to TFC, else TFC will not accept. You can call TFC and check with Samseah.
Oh.... Hee.. You can go anytime you are comfortable. Perhaps go after your af so that its a new cycle. Anyway your af should be reporting soon right?

sasha... with all the add't cost incurred.. i think its better to do FET in kk.. i did mine there and cost few hundreds bucks... i heard in tfc its a few k...

after i failed my fet.. den i was deciding to continue kk or move to tfc cuz my doc went over.. finally decided on tfc
