IVF/ICSI Support Group

Bub, u r a angel to me. You came to me in such time when I required some assurance. I liked the way u told me to have confidence and u went thru same thing. You are a strong gal. Hugzzz. I haven't received ur pm. Plz re send it.

Kyt and mc, thanks. This is indeed a great forum.

Congrats 12bhappy and Bbshower! Abit late but nevertheless have a smooth 9 months ahead!

JNing and Beep, hugs and jia you ok? Have faith and stay positive!

Joyfully, how have you been? When is your first scan?
Hi babysmurf (piglet02)

Im back in tampines now..touched down yesterday.

I tested a very very very faint double line on the morning on a cheapo hpt test i was scheduled to fly and tested again this morning NEG then just hours ago today i had this bad cramps and spotings..but thankfully im in good care from my mum so im taking it slow and try to minimize walking..

im very very afraid that it'll be a chemical pregnancy..anyway no night gyane clinic near me..i'll probably go tomorrow morning

BTW, congrats to all BFPed sisters..so many i lost track who's who liao! *happy clap clap* for you gals

Take good care! Are you still spotting and cramping? Maybe you wanna go kkh like what luvnhope suggested..
yes LuvNhope to both my hb and mine surprise!

Apparently spottings and bad cramps stop for now, will be dropping by kkh or cgh later if it gets worse..monitoring for now .. crossing fingers
Chrisl, it's a wonderful gift!
Good to hear that spotting and cramps have stopped. Seek extra support as soon as u can! Take care!!
Beep, sorry to hear of your bfn. Never heard of it. I read that a lady succeeded on her 13 try in the uk. Max of 3 fresh in a year and some drs will not do more than 5 fresh for you. Overseas, p/p do ivf back to back.
Dear Beep, sorry to hear that. Hugs!
It is really a challenging roller coaster ride. Please hang in there and take care of your mind and body and trust that we will have success soon one day

Hi Chris, fingers crossed. Hope you get it checked out soon! Take care!
Laki gal and Hope, thanks for your encouraging words. ***hugs back!!!***

Siddhi, I was silent reader for a while and so was following your journey. So sorry to hear what happened. We shall not lose hope and forge on together!

ChrisL, crossing fingers for u too, do take care.
Hi blueswimmercrab, welcome to the forum! If you suspect that you may have a problem conceiving, pl go see a fertility specialist who will advise if ivf or iui is for you. There is no min age, you start when you are ready but of course the earlier the better
Chrisl: gd to hear that u r back. Rest well in bed. I am sure your mum take gd care of u. Waiting to go for our durian feast. Just go to Kkh cos is women n child hospital. Ask for blood test to confirm and take medication.

I just submitted my no paid leave to my boss. Hahaha
WY Koo and Lil Ponyo, thank u so much.

WY Koo, u mean we can only do a max of 3 fresh per year in SG? Woah, then I wandan already.....
Chrisl, glad u r back n miracle happen. congrats

Babysmurf, thou u having ur IVF in Aug? So now u bring fwd?

Min81 n lil, so wat preparation r u all starting nw?
Thanks leor and abple for the immunocal info.
Babysmurf: yr co is nice to let u go for NPL. I dun think they will allow me to do so, I will maybe take one wk leave plus the 2wks HL. Did u tell them it's for ivf? I will be starting my cycle in aug and will b on puregon and growth hormone. Saw yr qn on this earlier, r u on these injections too?
Lakigal: no still in aug. apply in advance for aug. cos my company under going ISO audit in aug. don't want to stress myself up. Taking from 2nd wk of aug onwards when AF will be ard that corner.

Probably thinking of slotting in accupture by end of the month.
Anyone on hormone growth jab?
Beep, you can do the sums yourself. normally, yr cycle is abit haywire after a failure. so by the time it regulates and you do your preps, it's oredi 3-4months down the road, so how to squeeze in more? white people don't care, they dun normally go for tcm or accup so they do back to back with 1-2 months rest in bet.
Beep, theoretically, there's no limit to the no of ivf tries u make, so dun give up. Just take care of yourself abit more after a failure to bring your health upto speed for the next treatment. how many fresh have you done in the last 12months?
Beep, hugss! We are here to support each other. Do u have any snow babies? Which doc ur with? Take some rest for a while and indulge ur self in all the sins we are denied for this ;)
Sunniehope, we r cycle buddies too

Babysmurf, me too will b hvin audit in aug n will go for my ivf after d audit which shld b in 3rd wk of aug. hehe guess ur cycle quite close to mine

Beep, u wanna take a mth or 2 break first coz need to take care of ur body as well
Wy Khoo: I also don't know. Cos Dr Tan HH only said he put in on puregon + growth hormone. N on my paper only still as GH. Bur hear from the nurse is a power form then have to mix with a water then can jab. So trouble. Have to jab 2. Zzzzz
Laki Gal, not doing much at the moment because I'm now on 2 weeks business trip. I'm just taking prenatal vitamins and ginseng pills to 'bu' my body now. I'm only taking ginseng pills because I have them at home and brought them on the trip with me. I will stop taking them as soon as IVF start.

In terms of food, I'm trying my best to avoid cooling food stuff but all things in moderation because I don't want to end up too heaty either. Overall, I try to eat healthily and exercise regularly.

As soon as I get back to SG, I'm planning to buy immunocal, logan red dates (to make LRD tea) and start acupuncture. Thinking of trying out Dr Zhao at Raffles.

I'm not really sure what I'm doing is right, too much or too little or whether they are effective for me. I'm doing my best and I can only hope that it is good enough.

What about you?
WY Koo, I see. I've done 2 iuis, 2 fresh and 1 frozen since last nov. Only had a month's rest between the 2 fresh, else, it's all back to back.

Siddhi, thank u! For my first fresh, I had none to freeze. For my second fresh, I had 5 to freeze but 2 didnt ma
ke it and I only have one snow baby left. I have a decent no of eggs but few get fertilised. Somehow I think the resultant embryo quality isn't good even tho they are good grades on transfer, but eventually dun make it. I am with Dr Loh since my second fresh. Wish I cld indulge, but intend to start on fresh again this cycle. Arrr..... I'm really frightened of needles still....

Laki gal, I agree also...hais.....wish I hv the luxury of time to take breaks, cos I understand that rushing like this may compromise the outcome of the attempts. But time's running out for me. My FIL has last stage cancer, and he hopes to hold his first grandchild before its too late. My dh is understandably anxious.. And I share his anxiety. We wld be continuing with back to back cycles so long as the doc agrees. We hv been TCCing for a few yrs with no rush but now, it has become urgent... Only regret is we didn't seek treatment earlier.
Beep, you sound like in a big hurry! Jiayou! It 's still ok lah, probably you ' ll do oni 3 fresh by nov this year. Most nb, is dr clears u to proceed.
Luv, thanks so much for the info!

Hope, I am ok, just very sian today. As I plan to go Taipei next week. But today went for abdomen scan and doctor can't see anything. So I was advised to stay in singapore instead. Super disappointed.
I was so craving for the food in Taiwan. How have you been for the past few days?

I'm not really doing anything special.. Have just been relaxing since i stopped work 2 weeks ago.. Went for yoga classes.. Taking LRD drink on alternate days, raspberry leaf tea on alternate days as well.. Taking essence of chicken which i had been doing for the past year.. Like lil_ponyo, just try to make sure that i eat healthier and everything in moderation.. I've switched to taking brown rice and wholemeal bread for the past few months..

How about you?
Joy how cm ur adominal scan can't c anythg yet? Isit suppose to do viginal scan if adominal scan can't c? Then when is ur nx scan? U must be very worried n anxious abt it ba. Take care gal maybe ur bb is just being playful playing hide-and-seek, I m sure u wil c ur bb on ur nx scan.
BabySmurf: its my 1st ICSI cycle (short cycle). I think we are in the same shoes, I am with Dr Sadnana, my paper also state as GH (Day 2 and Day 5).Not sure what is it too. I will start also probably 2wk of Aug. We are very close cycle buddies.Hoping to also take a week leave b4 I start my HL.

Waves to my cycle buddies, Laki, Lil..is there any more?

Lil : I remember you are with Dr Foong right? I like him, am sure you are in good hands with him.

Joyfully: Dun worry, God will be protecting your babies well. Hows your dizzy spells?
Joyfully, which week were u in when u did the scan? Maybe it's too early! Yeah, a v-scan will actually be clearer at this early stage.
Understand your anxiety to start asap. However continue to expose your body to all the hormones jab w/o resting the body can be very harmful to yourself.
Also, a viable pregnancy depends alot on the uterus environment, the quality of the lining and of cos the quality of the eggs and sperms.
A bfp may not means a healthy pregnancy. This explains why some of the ladies here have early miscarriaged at week 7-8, even after heartbeat detected at ealy week 7.
Also, the last cycle you experienced early spotting... Mayb you want to ask Dr Zhao if this is due to uterus or lining? Dr Loh will probably say can proceed next cycle, not an issue. But we really don't want you to put your health to risk.

I'm not sure what religion you are...since all means tried, will you consider going to my laoshi for healing &cleansing while preparing for your next cycle once af reports? Many mummies-to-be benefited under her. She helped them in the preparation for ivf, helped them to stop spotting. Since scientific ways are not in our favour, perhaps we could seek other form of help. My laoshi does Angelic healing, similar to reiki healing.
Just my 2cents.
Joyfully - Angela did e scan for u or u went to Dr P clinic? Don b sian nor worry yeah. Now kinda early n sometimes its e bbs playing hide n seek. Look forward for e nxt scan alright. God is watching over all of us here. Cheers :D
Bbshower, i m in wk 5 now. Think too early to see anything at the moment.

Luv, I agree with u that week 5 is too early to do abdominal scan. Angela says try not to do v scan for me since I m preggie now.

SunnieHope, thanks. I no longer feel dizzy, at least feeling well for the past few days.
So, u will be starting your cycle next month?

12bhappy, I went to CARE, not Dr Paul. Enjoy your celebration with DH today ya.
Lil n min81, now I didn't do much hehe only take conceive well, LRD on alternate day n ensure milk on alternate day. Not sure whether is it too little for me.

Sunniehope, min81 will b our cycle buddy as well.

Lil, min81 n sunniehope, let all jiayou tog n BFP tog

Beep, sorry to hear bout ur fil however u need to take care of ur body k coz tat d most impt.

Angela normally scan at week 7onwards. Surprised that she will do a scan for you at week 5. And week 5 indeed is too early. Also the scan machine at Care is not that clear and good. Heee....
