IVF/ICSI Support Group


Have just book my appointment for KKHIVF during November. I was attached to Dr Matthew Lau. Dont't know if he is good? Has anyone attached to him before for IVF? Shd I change to Dr Loh?
Hazel, yes u r rite. Getting bfp is one thing. For all mtb, ONI e mmt u hold ur bbs in ur arms then u can feel a sense of relieve. This is truly wat I believe n agreed upon. Like now bfp, I wori abt e upcoming 6th weeks scan. Still tend to b bit paranoid as n when. Ha.

Sunbelle: all e best to u ya n c u in our grp soon too

Kimmy, ya. I'm e kpo one tat passed u ur name sticker. Haha.... Btw, u seeing dr Loh on 16th? How u feeling nw?
Hi bbliss,
Feeling much better now and like you, I'm worried about 6th week scan. Haha during my 2ww i was Bo chup and now I'm like come on, bloat so I know babies r still in there... Hahaa! Paranoid right???? I also agree w u & hazel that until the day I carry bb in my arms then I can go ahhhhhh..... Haha

Sunbelle, rooting for u! ;) and other 2ww sisters as well!
@apple, I would change. Dr Matthew seems very impatient no smile always in a rush. Had one consultation with him after scan, and did not have a good impression of him.

I'm a silent reader, with Dr. Loh. I would definitely recommend him. Even though he is very busy (he has the most patients) he always has a smile. IVF is so stressful, good attitude doctors are important. Good luck!
appt with him is 11.30am in clinic d too, but I think by time I see him will be 1 plus...
now hope all is good. just took my temperature, so low, 36.6! -_-
Hi kimmy, congrats on ur bfp. May I know for short protocol, wat is the scan for on day 2 of menses? Only if pass the scan then proceed with the puregon/gonal f on the same day? May I know for egg whites, shld take before the start of cycle or only start of injection?how many shld take to improve the follicles quality? Sorry for asking so many questions....
vann - act. i got the same qn as you too. I asked the pharmacist that day at kkh and he said just duphaston & folic for now is okay for 1st tri. He said after 6 weeks scan, doc may prescribe us pregnancy supplements...so im not sure...
Hi sarah, thanks!
the scan on day 2 is just to make sure you don't have cysts before you start on your stimulation jabs. Then if you pass, yes you can collect your puregon/gonal-f on same day. I took egg whites only when I started jabbing and I actually took 3 on the average at the beginning then once grow okay i reduce to 2. I very lazy one.
Its ok, let me know if you've more questions. Will be more than glad to share.

All the best to you!!! :D
Hi hazel,

thanks for sharing the information, you are really knowledgeable like a big sister. So comforting after reading your posts. Cos this is my 1st preggy and also no longer young, alot of stuff i'm still trying to figure out and learn along the way. heehee

My hb is now down with flu so he sleeping in the study room these 3 nites as he's afraid to pass the virus to me especially he know that alot of medicine I can't take.
Hi mumwannabe,
thanks! my accupuncture session for ivf booster package was about 50 - 60 min. I can't really recall but each time i finish my session and make my next appt (will look at the clock) its about an hour. So I'm guessing about there...
Chris, I take lots of vitamin C rich fruits everyday. Hub was sick for 2 wks when he came bk from shanghai. We slept in same aircon room. Now in office, my team members take turn to catch the flu bug. Just last wk someone asked me when will be my turn! *touch wood!!! pregnant ladies' immunity r lower. So we need to replenish vitamin c using natural sources everyday. Those tablets one r not gd.
hallo hazel,
the vit c fruits you take are like what? Cuz I read oranges and kiwis are 'liang' type right? ooo i actually tot preggy ladies immunity are higher (whoops). okay, then I shan't rely on those tablets then!
btw, did you take any supplements apart from duphaston & folic for first 6 weeks?
Kimmy, I take oranges, rock melon, papaya, certain types of banana n longan generally. Some food are also rich in vitamin c. Google online. I will hv 2 types of fruits at least daily usually, not just for vitamin c but also to relieve constipation. First tri no need supplements other than duphaston n folic acid. Duphaston give our progesterone an extra boast in case it is not sufficient. Folic acid is to prevent spinal bifa in bbs. That is why folic acid is taken 3 mths before getting pregnant n shld be continued to end of first tri.

Supplements can worsen MS kn first tri n also v wasteful if vomitted out coz of MS. 2nd tri, dr Loh will prescribe a multi vitamin that contain essential vitamins like calcium, iron, folic acid n others. He used to give obimin. Now he gives pronaforte which he told me has more vitamins then obimin. It cost more too. He will also give natal care fish oil for bb's brain development. Unless you hv underlying deficiencies, if not all these shld be sufficient. Not forgetting that we also get vitamins from the food we take daily. Btw, multi vitamins will worsen constipation.
Cool, thanks hazel! For banana do you eat the del Monte type or the small ones used to make goreng pisang?
Thanks for the very useful info!
"jiao" "jeo" (hokkien) cannot take. Ask ur mommy. She will know. I dunno ehich type coz My mum will buy the right kind. Dragon fruits n sugar cane dun take too. V cooling. Oh ya.. Berries r good too.. All types! Apples also good but I dun like apples!

Actually I do take cold drinks at time. At times weather too hot! Other than bananas, most of the fruits I take are from the fridge :p. My theory is our body temp is 37 degrees. By the time goes thro our body will be warm! :p anyway, U know yr body best. If got cramps n lots of watery discharge then cut down on cold stuff. If not in moderation lah.

I drink a glass of fresh milk every day too for calcium. Full cream milk contains higher sugar content m is fattening. Will put on alot of weight.
Hi hazel, can we take those Fruittree berries juice? There one that contain whole lots of diff berries n say no preservatives added

Btw Kimmy, I googled that fruits like avocado,mango, grapefruit, guava, strawberries oso rich in vit c. I din noe oranges n kiwis r liang leh. Tot of buying many many kiwis to eat n I oso like orange juice.

Hazel: kiwis n oranges really liang ah coz these r my fav fruits. Hehe...if liang den I will cut dwn le.

For me, I drink low fat milk, ok oso rite ? Or muz be full cream?

Btw, do u gals experience insomnia? Ha. Mi like sleep den will wake up in middle of e nite den can't sleep le. Gotta toss n turn for sometime den force myself to contd sleeping.
Hi hazel, in ur earlier post u mentioned cramps nt very gd. Y is it so? Now I m confused whether I m having cramps or muscle pulling. Cant really differentiate the two.

I still havin discomfort at lower abodmen. Izit normal?
Fruit juices can take. I take those who lots of pulps to increase fibre in take. I dunno if oranges n kiwis r cooling. Since we r take a variety of fruits shld be fine?

Cramps r always not very good coz is a result of contraction n expansion of womb. Anyway, dun worry so much. Just rest n relax. Early pregnancy is unstable so just be more careful. Normal abdominal discomfort is common. I get that too. Abdominal area is more sensitive now.
Hi all,
Not a newbie here but MIA for mths coz on resting mode. Currently on 2ww and today I went for bhcg. Hoping for good result this afternoon.
Hi peko!
All the best for BT! R u with kkh?

Hi bbliss,
Ya think hazel is right, as long variety of fruits should be okay w oranges and kiwi. We need our vitamin c anyway and everything in moderation. Haha like u I also cannot differentiate between cramps and muscle pulls. Haha!!! I will always wake up middle of night easily to pee then sleep again then another time at about 5am...goodness, easier to wake up now. Wow now my bloat and tummy almost flat... Haha!
Hi hazel, noted that. Will try not to worry too much. Asked e KK nurse, she said as long as e pain is bearable, is ok. (eve tho I still nt very convinced wif her statement. Haha...)

Kimmy, when saw u last sat, even with ur flare black dress, u really look ard 3mths preggy. Scary sia the bloat. But since nw ur tummy looks flatter, I assume ur bloating oso reduced alot alot liao, rite

Peko, all e best n welcome soon !!
Hi Kimmy,

Yes with KKH under Dr Loh. I actually tested positive le. but line is faint
haiz...cannot stop worrying that beta level is not passing range.
Bbliss - yes!!! I'm not exaggerating right? And that is reduced version. During pregnyl jabs stage it was bigger! And today suddenly shrink a lot. Hmmmm is anything wrong? hahahahaha!

Peko - congrats! +ve is a +ve! Mm re. beta level not to worry, wait for the nurse call...were you on jabs on inserts ( just wondering)... because your hcg will keep multiplying one. Welcome!!! You can join us!...though..i need to pass the 6th week scan first.
Bbliss, sunbelle and moo3moo,
I am also from the public sector and I totally can empathise with what you are going through now. I have a very supportive boss and he understands as he has close relative who had gone through similar ivf journey. I guess our priority is to succeed to have a baby first, so career will need to take a backseat now.

For soon-to-be mummies, when my sis was pregnant, she took a lot of kiwis and strawberries, we think it has helped my niece to gain higher immunity and also better complexion. So I guess kiwis are fine.

I am just back from the clnic from my daily progestrone jab.
Bbliss & Kimmy, worry coz I had a positive beta during my fresh cycle last yr but super low level so ended in m/c. so very worry history will repeat again.

this round is FET (natural thaw cycle) with insert support, folic and bb aspirin.
hi peko,
ahhh okay I see...yeaps, my positive beta is also quite low...
its okay, let's hope & pray for the best!

hi snoopy69,
good luck for the BT this Fri! Await your good news
Kimmy - hope Bfp for everyone soon including me! Still awaiting for my AF to start on my short protocol. My purgeon amt. also entirely same as yrs...will we get v bloated until like v fat during the injection 2 weeks? My hb says he will be away for a weekend after the 2ww- He asked for permission to go to watch his favorite sport match in kl. Do u think it's ok meaning during the 2 days I shld be ok. Right after the 2ww will there be any risk and shld someone be ard with me? Read that some sis got bleeding, vommitting etc so quite concernEd. If really gon Ohss, does Ohss start from injection stage till I heard can stretch until after 2 ww into 1st trimester?
early onset OHSS starts after the hcg trigger jab and worsens after ER. late onset ohss starts after implantation about 8 days after ER. if preggy, OHSS will last till end of 1st tri.

congrats, a positive is still a positive, get lots of progesterone support and watch out for spotting, rest more. go for hcg bloodtest every 2 days to monitor progess of hcg level, when hcg doubles every 2 days, even though the level is low, it's a viable pregnancy, then just have to wait for scan at 6 weeks. Hang in there, keep the faith.

arghs, anyone else having issues posting in smh? it keeps telling me files is locked, try again.
Peko - keep your spirits high!

mumwannabe - my pureogon amt was also quite high towards the end, i think was 600. In my instance, I did not experience much bloatedness but there was slight overstimulation, but did not feel that bad. Drink lots of water during this period, it helps. I think you will be alrite at home w/o hb over the weekend.
I got my AF on last friday. I called up the nurse to find out if Dr advised me to start FET this month. She checked with Dr Loh and said that he wants to see me on this Sat before confirmg. I think I need to undergo a scan before getg the FET date. Hmm, now waiting, cant wait.......
Hello mumwannabe,

Mm you won' get very bloated during injections. My bloat set in more after being on pregnyl jabs which is after ET. I think its okay for your hb to be out for a weekend but you should get lots of rest at home and avoid crowded places during your 2ww okay? For me, I didn't have any bleeding or vomitting..just some discomfort on the 2nd day after each pregnyl jab which I tahan by rolling around in bed. I thought I had OHSS, but went 24hr to test and they said don't have. Hope you get a bfp too!!!

Thanks hope283 :D
Im feeling quite paranoid now about keeping my hcg levels. Tempted to take another test to see if its doubling. Is this feeling normal? I emailed a pte gynae who suggested that some medical journal says that vaginal inserts provide better support than oral duphaston. Any thoughts on this...
Hi peko
Dun worry abt the level of hcg.. Mine is bfp at 2000.8 level n had oso end up with mc.. We cant do anything now but to pray hard to god that we hv fate with our babies.. Congrat to u for ur bfp n rest well ya.. U rest for how long after ur first mc before do fet? Still on leave at home or work now? I remember ur name..;) pls do rest well n try stay relax ya.. Hv a smooth 8 mth pregnancy.. Positive thots k..
hi hope283,

for my recent natural FET, i scanned on D11 to check lining thickness and folicle size. So this sat shld be checking these 2 things before deciding if a natural FET is possible. Hope you can start the cycle this month.
Snoopy: yes. Priority for me now r e precious ones in mi now. Since I did not tell my boss n anyone else abt my IVF n preggy. If they r unhappy wif mi taking long mc or as n when take off for med chkup, I oso Bo bian.

All e best to ur upcoming beta test ya

Peko, dun sound sad ya. Who noes by nex we'd, ur fig will double. Low is one thing but I believe e doubling part is more significant.
Thanks all. I will stay positive and hope for the best. Just came back from KK with the support medication.

Joanne03, yup agree. cant do anything just stay relax. after failed fresh cycle I cant remember how long i rested. I think is 3mths. but that FET I failed. rested for another 4-5mths, i went for 2nd round and also the last FET. I'm back at work. I only take 2 days of mc for FET.
