IVF/ICSI Support Group

Monsterina, wow same date as me..glad to have a buddy waiting with me now. Hope we will be blessed this time.

Grace, I am like you, I am really not that diligent come to extra chores like seeing sinseh, always give up half way.

Baby, wow - you are very lucky succeed on 1st attempt.

Bbmaking, I wan to do oscars. Watever the results I wan to be aware early. Dr Loh asked me to start at 12 wks. Yes I m on aspirins though dr Loh said I can stop if I wan to at 8+wks. He said ok To continue. U can buy aspirins at KKH pharmacy over the counter.
hi babymaking,

Long time no hear from you. u 19wks already? wow time really flies
me 15 wks ++..Appetite improving now.

Hi Hazel,

How are you doing?
Dear all,I had an ivf session during April this yr..I managed to get preggy for my 1st round of ivf..sad to say,I lost my baby boy on Wednesday @ week 17..my waterbag leak till I delivered my bb on week 17..

I had ohss after my hypertension n was having fluid withdrawal Many times due to this and I get preggy..happy moment doesn't last for my case..

I got to start my whole pregnancy cycle again after this miscarriage..I had stored 3 frozen embryos @ day 5..blastocyst stage..I hope n pray tat a few months down r road..when I go for my 2nd round of ivf..my embies will stick to me again..

I hope every gals in the forum out here will persevere coz it is reAlli not easy to be a mum
thks, will continue aspirin then, since also taking duphaston.

not 19 weeks, now only 11 weeks and counting. you did yr oscars yet?
so sorry to hear of your loss, my heart goes out to you. when did you notice yr waterbag start to leak and did yr gynae say why the waterbag leak and how to prevent it the next time?
Chris, I m gd. See my post above.

Bbmaking, dr Loh asked me tk stop duphaston n folic Ackd once I start the vitamins at 12wks after plancenta is fully formed. He said no vomit can take at 12wks. If not wasted.
hi babymaking,

Nope, i went for detailed scan and blood test during 12 week and doc says no need to do oscars so i skipped lor...

How are you? nausea stopped?
hi hazel,

yup just saw ur posts
wow u all taking so many types of medicine ..i taking multi vits and 2 calcium pills daily.Duunoe why my gynae asked me to stop taking DHA omega 3 (fish oil) le. I've being taking since 8 wks - 12 wks. Anyway will ask her at my next appointment next sat.
Hi babymaking..in fact,this is my 2nd pregnancy..e 1st round was natural..but I didn't wan to wait since I am 31 this yr..I went for ivf.,
In fact,I notice my vagina wetness since 1week+ back..but I went for e scan when I noticed it,there is still alot of fluid n no signs of leakage..I visited my gynae again on mon and my waterbag was almost empty but bb is still inside with heartbeat..

Gynae mentioned tat it could be due to my weak vagina..there is reAlli no real findings abt this prob..the other thing he can do for me next time will b to stitch up my cervix after week 12..
Haiz..life is such..ESP ivf session..it brings u up n throws u down..

Btw,where did u have yr ivf??
Wendy, I know how painful it Is now for u. I had a mid term mc too last yr from my first ivf n my first daughter. Take time to heal n try again! Your little angel will watch over u.

Chris, I didn't take much vitamins as u. I m only on duphaston, folic acid n aspirins In first tri. Aspirins is coz of previous mc history. When I hit 12 wks I will take prenaforte multi vit, natal care fish oil n aspirins. There is no need for extra calcium or iron tablets unless we r deficient in them since multi vit already has. Too much is no gd for us
Hi to those sisters who still rem me. Have been a silent reader for these past few days as the agony of 2ww esp the 2nd half of 2ww made me rather listless and no interest in doing anything.

ya...1st and foremost, congrats to Kimmy and babyme.

For those sisters who are in mid of 2ww or embarking on the IVF journey, hang it on. You will eventually see ur 'payoff' and will all be worth it.

For sisters who have been thinking what would be the 2WW symptoms towards preggy, dun be like me and read too much into it. Like what some sisters have mentioned before, every womens' bodies react differently. Previously, i was very worried and paranoid. As to be honest, i have no symptoms at all. No bloating, no diarrhea, no nausea etc. really nothing at all. That's y in my earlier posts, i keep asking whether i m normal as i m far too normal as compared to other sisters in the forum and tend to have neg thinking. I was so scared when gg to do my BT this morning and when i finally got the 'ring ring' call from the nurse, i was shivering when answering. And when the nurse said congrats to me, i was in daze ! I was controlling my tears in public.

So sisters, i was sharing this as form of my journey during the 2ww. Rem, symptoms or no symptoms, try not to ponder too much like me initially. Perharps, one thing to share is that, i started to exp some cramps during the last 3rd day of my BT and other than that, nothing else.

Just to also share some of my diet during 2ww but this serve mainly as ref only ya.

1. Egg white
2. Brazil nuts/ walnuts
3. Red bean soup
4. Chicken essence
5. Bird nest (once in a while) (May want to try hasima aka xue har if u dare to eat)

Hope my sharing has been useful.

All the best and well wishes to the rest !
Can any sisters here share what are the med given aft tested bfp and whether any of you seeking pte dr for additional support?

What are some of the things you eat and do aft getting bfp?

Thks for the enlightenment
Detailed scan n blood test is oscars.

I did ivf at Kkh under sf loh. So yr case is incompetent cervix? Who is yr gynae? How cOme he didn't do ph test to test if the wetness is due to amiononic fluid?

Congrats. If u are under sf loh, he wld prescribe duphaston 1tab x 2times, folks acid n aspirin if have previous case of miscarriage. If u are nOt bleeding, no cramps etc, no need additional hormOnes. Too much progesterone will cause headache, worsen nausea.
Hi hazel - nice! Baby is active & healthy. Smooth next few months

Hi kimmy & bbliss - congrats. Take care of yourselves along this next phase.

Hi grace - ya, cannot grow too fast also. Embbie is sprinting at start of marathon, risk not enough energy to finish race. At day2, embryologist says best 3-5 cell, day3 should be 7-8 cell.
All the support we r taking also adds on to bloatedness, lerthagic n tiredness. Those who conceive naturally who have no spotting n bleeding episode do not take these support.
Hi babymaking..I am with dr Roland Chieng @ parkway east.,a gd dr..I tink bcoz I was also having light spotting..that y he didn't wan to stress or do anything to my vagina area..
Furthermore,he did a scan but there is still plentiful of water inside..n there is nothing much they can do if the water bag leak too..coz I am only @ week 17...
i am a SAHM

Su, Miracle baby, Wongval
take care, rest well.

Skyehope, SNoopy69
good luck for the BT! let's hope to get some babydustssss

Kimmy, bbliss

for my first IVF, i got pregnant with singleton when i ET 2 embies, there was no bleeding nor staining, i think sometimes the embies jux get absorbed by the body.

sorry to hear wat u went thru. must be hard. take care.
Hi Wendy,
Really sorry to hear what happened. Agree that Roland chieng is good, I almost had him as my doc but due to cost chose dr Loh at kk. I remember dr Roland even let me consult him when I was feeling upset wen I had hormonal imbalance bleeding just before my ivf. I'm recommending him to my sil for her 2nd ivf as she lives overseas (he's quite fast, day 12 do BT already)
You will be in my prayers and I really hope it will all work out. Hugs.
Congrats kimmy n bbliss

Wongval, hugs.... Dun give up as we will suceed :)

May i knw the earliest we can use hpt? 12 days past ET day? Me kan cheong now though hv yet to pass the one wk mark haha
Thanks Grace and Kimmy for the contacts and your experiences! wow, maybe I should think about TCM first whilst waiting for next IVF.

So nice to hear good news from bbliss and kimmy
All the best to the rest who bfp!

Tzac and those waiting for BT. Good luck! The 2ww will be over in no time. Try not to stress too much!
Hi Hopeful - can try increase (6-8 ew per day). Protein source may help follicles grow. Can split a few meals. Cheaper to pump eggwhites than pumping gonal-f/puregon
Congrats kimmy and bbliss!
it's so nice to see 'graduates' after all the hard work n effort. Take good care and have a healthy 9 months ahead!

Wongval and grace, good luck in ur next try. With determination n positive mindset, I believe u gals will succeed very soon.

Kimmy, I used to see Dr Zou for 2 accupuncture sessions a week and my hubby once a week for about 6 mths before we BFP. Also took her medicine but ended up to be a blighted ovum. After my D & C, we continued to see her for another 4 mths before we entirely stopped in Feb this yr. For my ivf cycle this mth, do u think I shd go back to her for acupuncture? Read that it's good to do it 3 mths before ivf. Am wondering if it's too late.
For those who succeeded, can share whether acupuncture is one of the contributing factors of success?
Hi Snoopy, is the protein shake awful to drink? Whr can I buy it?

Hi Ron, hahaha.. That's a good one!! Makes complete sense!!
Ok, will start wif 6 together n move to 8 Tom.
Thanks tzac, wongval & chocolate for yr wishes ;)

Hi chocolate,
Yes actually I stop seeing dr zou for about 3 months then 2
Months before my ivf I went to see her twice a week again. Hence i dont think for you its too late ;)
I did do acc on day of ET tho, not on womb area but other parts just to help me relax.

Hope this info helps. Let me know if I can help w anything else...

Hello hazel,
Wow nurse told me TpS no appt slot for my scan, only clinic d. Hai.. want to take a look at tps also can't. Hahaha
Kimmy congratz!!!

AF just came. I should be starting my short protocol this cycle after scan on monday. Hopefully I would get a good number of follicles as I am on high dosage of puregon and manophur and eating dhea.
Kimmy, call appointment line n change. Tell them dr Loh said slot u in. U can wait!

Dun listen to the nurse leh. That time I can't bothered with clinic d nurse, make me wait so long n not friendly. I walked over to tps registration n ask the nurse to book for me.

U shld be fierce n insisted! Dr loh always no slot. Just slot u in lah as long as u can wait. Clinic d is madness. Tps better & nurses are nicer also.

I always will get a slot. I m fierce ok. Even if last min. If I m desperate to see dr loh I just walk into tps. if we r willing to wait dr Loh will not turn us away.

U kana poked a few times at 24hrs until all bruised that day right? That wld not happen to me normally. If first nurse can't draw. I wun let her do a 2nd time. She will says my vein is v fine which is true. I will tell her off. If she is gd this is not a problem at all coz good nurses only needs to do once for me. They nv poke me more than once. I will tell her go ask a better one to draw. If before she draws, I see she not steady, trying hard to find my vein. I will warn her first. I will say my threshold of pain is low. So I wun allow her to keep poking! :p

We r pte patients n the rates KKH charges for consultant r comparable to pte clinics. Why shld we go thru the pain n agony?
Hazel, u are so lucky. Succeeded without tcm n acupuncture.

Kimmy, thanks for the info. I m still undecided whether I shd go as I don't feel relaxed after acupuncture sessions. I find it rather painful and as I have to wake up very early for work (5 plus), going for acu sessions will make me more stressful cos of the waiting time n late nights as a result. Having said so, I think I will give acu a miss and do whatever else I can maybe in terms of diet to increase the chance.

Blurlet, what is the dosage of puregon given to u? My first scan is next week. Will I get to collect the puregon then? Or got to go down again when I m ready to start?
Chocolate, I dun hv underlying conditions. Lining thickness mthly is good. No pcos or endo, etc. Ovulation is gd too. Dunno y I can't conceive on my own. Maybe stress or cox m old.

I did tcm n accupuncture b4 starting ivf for at least a yr. Also no luck.
Chocolate, this is my 2nd fresh cycle. My first cycle, I had a mid term m/c n lost my daughter at 20wks. Followed by natural FET which ended with blighted ovum. We hv to perserve. The journey to motherhood is full of ups n downs n is nv easy. This pregnancy I still hv the jitters cox of past experience. But I always remind myself to be forward looking, and be positive. Some of us may need to go thru more To reach the finishing line but we must not lose sight of our goal. Dun lose faith. I m already 38 this yr. I dun hv as much time left as some of the younger sisters here. but if I didn't give up though I went thru the pain of loss last yr. In fact it came as a surprise to all coz my pregnancy was smooth fyom start.

We can grieve, we can be in pain coz of failures but we just hv to hang on. If we give up, we will nv succeed. Jia You!!
Hi hazel,
Thanks for suggestion! Good idea! I shall call the appointment line and change! Ya!! I rather wait in tps then clinic d. I shall insist that dr Loh slot me in. They won't check w dr Loh right?!
Haha ya, I kena poke till both arms bruised badly. And one of it done by dr on duty... I told them Im scared of needles but they just said sorry...my sil also like you, she will warn them only can draw once cuz het threshold is low. I must learn to be more like u ladies. Btw, the appt line is TPs line is it? Or main hotline?
I also applaud u for perserverence & courage! So happy that all is gg well now! ;)

Hi chocolate Soh,
I agree..if accu stresses you up then don't do it. I don't think it's necessary as long as you rest well, eat properly and maintain relaxed state of mind ;)
Kimmy, check with dr Loh? I doubt the nurse will wan to risk being scolded. Call main line. I will not be complacment. Still got a long road ahead.
Kimmy, care to share more abt the ivf booster package u did @ raffles? Jus acupuncture, no tcm given? Did ur DH did acupunture too? Did u still continue with Dr Zou tcm during 2ww? I juz got 'green light' from Dr Loh to start long protocol next mth which was really fast cos he say some patients got pregnant naturally so got slots available but I feel a bit too soon.. Tis time beside puregon, he added menopur & aspirin.
Hazel, I really admire your perseverance. You hv been thru so much. Sorry abt the remark. Didn't know tt u had a mid term m/c n a blighted ovum previously cos I just started reading this thread recently.

Like you, I ovulate normally and hv good lining. Just that my hb's sperm morphology is no gd n i had an endo cyst removed thru lapro after which I got preg the very nx mth. After the miscarriage, rested for abt 3 mths before we tried again and every mth we hv been seeing gynae for follicle scans n did 2 IUIs before embarking on the ivf journey. Everything seems ok - endo didnt come back, am ovulating normally n lining is ok but nothing is just happening. I thot we hv been thru a lot but as compared to u, it's nothing. Agree tt some ppl will hv to go thru much more than others. Just hope tt with our perseverance, we will get what we want eventually. Our babies will be so precious to us.
Take good care. U r very close to ur goal alrd!
Hi kimmy..dr Roland is patient n compassionate..I believe his charges is among the most reasonable pte dr that I consulted..almost ard the same as kkh pte clinic too..

He never give up on me though my bb survival rate was only 10%..what can we ask for from a superb dr like him..
Can I check with you since you have fet before??what is the procedure like??hw long u go for fet after yr mc of yr gal??
Hello Minako!
How was your visit w Dr Loh? glad to know that he gave you green light. But embark on it when you feel ready k? Email me! I will continue to encourage u

About my ivf booster package at Raffles, I paid about $390+ for 5 session (including a first time consulation). They poke more points (like on top of my head to relax me) but I find not too bad because my physician (Dr Jin) is rather gentle and I will also tell her I scared pain. Before each session she will feel my pulse and tell me to drink soups or chicken essence or drink more water. You will be on your front for about 45 min and then last 10 min turn to do your back. Quite relaxing cuz background music very soothing also. haha. She will also feel the contours of your body (i.e ard tummy before she poke in).
During my 2ww, she will also feel my bloat & my 'qi'. She also ask me to maintain the 'qi' or 'mai' through soups. let me know if you need more info okay?

Hi tzac,
haa I completely no courage to use hpt. dh also told me not to do ahead other if can't detect cuz too early I might get all stressed up. So I waited till BT day loh. besides I had diahorrea for 3 days leading to BT so I more in agony over running to the loo more. Of course there's chance! Remember Bbliss? She mentioned she had no symptoms too and she bfp! So think positive and happy okay?! keep talking to your embbies!
Hi Wendy,
I agree with you that he's patient and compassionate. For consultation just to talk because I felt so dishearten, he dint charge me. I agree his charges are reasonable too, but pity dh met with Dr Loh and not Dr Roland so he said go with Dr Loh since got govt grant also loh. Haha.

Hmm..this is my first fresh so I won't be able to give any advice on fet...
Hi Ron,

1 of my embryo at D2 Transfer is a 7-cell during my first fresh. Dr only mentioned embryo qualities no gd n asked did I take bai fong wan. Told him no n that's all.
Wongval, su: dun give up. Nurse ur body well n try again. Nex bbdust will be from u gals

Tzac: dun worry too much abt e syptoms things. As mentioned in earlier post, I used to be like u worry n paranoid abt no symptoms but perhaps is really different body reaction as every individual is diff. Dun noe whether u find it weird or funny but try toking to ur embbies

Kimmy: any diff bet tps n clinic d? Diff treatment n medication will b given by dr Loh if seeing him in diff places?
Hi hazel..can I check with you on fet??I had waiting to recuperate n go back to my dr for my fet??

How long did you take to go back for yr get after yr 1st mc??hw is e procedure like??

Hi kimmy
Regarding the accu at raffles, they have 5 sessions. So how they spread out the 5 sessions? So when did you go for your 1st consultation/ session? Thanks
