IUI/SO-IUI: Anyone?

Hi, I am also a silent reader. Been diagnosed with pcos abt 1.5years ago. I was quite chocked because I conceived my first child easily and never thought I will have secondary fertility. I will be turning 33 soon and am still trying for a 2nd child and currently undergoing my 1st soiui treatment at kkh. Just to help clear some misconception, kkh is actually open from 6jan to 24jan for the iui treatment as I went to ask them if they were closing since I have already started treatment.

Would be great if there is a WhatsApp support group or smth so that we may mutually share and support each other.

it's my 6dpiui. based on my previous briefing, I should go back for a round of blood test on 7dpiui. but on the day of my IUI dissemination, nurse only advise me to go back for blood test on 19dpiui. Is there anyone encounter the same issue with me?
it's my 6dpiui. based on my previous briefing, I should go back for a round of blood test on 7dpiui. but on the day of my IUI dissemination, nurse only advise me to go back for blood test on 19dpiui. Is there anyone encounter the same issue with me?
7dpiui is too early for a blood test. Dr/nurse says cannot detect. However, as I am flying back to the US, my blood test is scheduled for 15dpiui at the very last appt - which may or may not detect. I’ll need to follow up with a blood test from the US if they can’t detect anything from the 15dpiui.
it's my 6dpiui. based on my previous briefing, I should go back for a round of blood test on 7dpiui. but on the day of my IUI dissemination, nurse only advise me to go back for blood test on 19dpiui. Is there anyone encounter the same issue with me?
7dpiui is too early for a blood test. Dr/nurse says cannot detect. However, as I am flying back to the US, my blood test is scheduled for 15dpiui at the very last appt - which may or may not detect. I’ll need to follow up with a blood test from the US if they can’t detect anything from the 15dpiui.
Anybody who went through soiui at kkh but their follicles din grow? My follicles are still betw 6 to 8mm in day 12 which doc says it's too small. Just increased the puregon jab to 100.

Not sure what will happen if it still doesn't grow...
Anybody who went through soiui at kkh but their follicles din grow? My follicles are still betw 6 to 8mm in day 12 which doc says it's too small. Just increased the puregon jab to 100.

Not sure what will happen if it still doesn't grow...
I didn’t do it at KKH. However, mine was growing slowly and so I was given Puregon 75IU. It did grow after that but only 1 follicle was dominant and 1 near dominant. The other 3 did not change much. I know my doc says that if the follicles don’t grow, they will need to abort the cycle and probably try Gonal F the next cycle. Gonal F is more expensive.
Anybody who went through soiui at kkh but their follicles din grow? My follicles are still betw 6 to 8mm in day 12 which doc says it's too small. Just increased the puregon jab to 100.

Not sure what will happen if it still doesn't grow...
Eat eggs.. I also take liquid multi vitamin as it absorbs better. Contains the vitamins and minerals required for good quality eggs.
I did SO IUI in KK in Nov 2019, and was only asked to do blood test on 19dpiui (compulsory, even if AF comes before that). I wasn't informed about any earlier blood test during the SO IUI briefing... did you do at KK too?
My situation is same as herekittykitty, also with kkh.
Have been silently reading these past few days and never expected that there are so many of us that are also in the same boat. I was honestly very upset after being diagnosed by the doctor that I have a PCOS problem a couple of years ago (at 27 years old) and do not ovulate all the time. I did further checks and discovered that my body/blood has a lot of environmental toxins. I made many changes to my lifestyle and the largest changes were made last year. During my scan in dec, it appears that I had some improvements to my PCOS condition.

I just did my first SO-IUI (at 31 years old) at Raffles and it’s post 8th day, nevertheless I’m hoping I’ll get lucky although the chances of IUI is pretty low. The total cost as of now is approximately $2.3k, this does not include the cost of HSG. I did the HSG which was totally pain free and super fast. I was super scared as I read about the pain previously. You would only experience pain if there is a blockage.

All of you ladies are really brave. Jiayou and babydust to all!!

PS: Will be glad to join a support group if there is.
I also share a similar journey. Diagnosed with PCOS couple of years back. That time we were not actively trying to conceive but also not preventing. Since last 1yr we have been trying actively and also started consulting doctor. I have already tried 5 cycles of Letrozole and ovulated but no pregnancy. This cycle I am doing SO-IUI at kkh. Tomorrow 1st follicular scan on CD6.
May I know how did you discover about the environmental toxins? Can you also share the lifestyle changes you have done?
Good luck!!
I also share a similar journey. Diagnosed with PCOS couple of years back. That time we were not actively trying to conceive but also not preventing. Since last 1yr we have been trying actively and also started consulting doctor. I have already tried 5 cycles of Letrozole and ovulated but no pregnancy. This cycle I am doing SO-IUI at kkh. Tomorrow 1st follicular scan on CD6.
May I know how did you discover about the environmental toxins? Can you also share the lifestyle changes you have done?
Good luck!!
I work in the US and therefore had the chance to do some bloodwork (bloodtests) to test for toxin load in my body (chlorine, mercury, heavy metals etc). During that time, I was really frustrated as doctors just kept telling me I am stressed but couldn’t tell me what to do. However, I was really ok at work and wasn’t like exactly stressed. Honestly, you won’t need bloodwork to tell you that you have toxins in your body. It is a fact that we all have... The air we breathe, the water we drink.. The chemicals that is all floating all around. All of these enter through our pores and body. You cannot get rid of it 100% but you can still reduce it very significantly.

These are the major steps I took:
1. Stopped using plastic as much as I can (if it’s takeaway food usually no choice). However, I rarely eat takeaway food. Never ever heat food in plastic.

2. Majority of my meals are home prepared. My diet also consist of more vegetables (I don’t eat raw and hate salad fyi) and fruits. My diet contains more whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, wild rice, red rice, lentils and beans. All can be found in the organic section. Dishes are very simple like lentil soup, lentil curry soup, black bean patties, lentils and tomatoes.. Wild rice chicken soup.. quinoa sweet potatoes curry patties (turmeric is very good in most food). .. Quinoa with like avocados and squeeze of lime (can add tomatoes and red onions). Chinese coriander is very good for detox of heavy metals.. All my food always contain some of it, you only need a few pieces if you hate the taste. Can find all these in the NTUC organic section or iherb. Sunflower seeds (luteal phase) and pumpkin seeds (follicular phase) used for balancing of hormones in different phases. I love dark choc too which is a good thing too. I eat other nuts too like Brazil nuts.. almond nuts, cashew nuts.. walnuts (snacks).

3. I love fish and seafood and that’s the culprit of the high mercury and heavy metals level. Now, I only take wild caught fish (swim in the sea). Those cheap Norwegian salmon you see in the supermarket are farmed.. which is bad. I cut down on other seafood and buy wild caught whenever I can find. Once in a while I’m guilty but rarely.

4. I still take meat but not pork. If I take chicken.. I buy organic in the US and kampung in Singapore. Basically, you just want to avoid antibiotics chicken. As for beef, I only take grass fed (QB food in sg has grass fed).

5. I was diagnosed with pretty bad PCOS then. As a result of this, I cut down a lot on soy. I still eat tofu, but only organic and sprouted tofu. And.. It’s not everyday.. only when I crave for it. You can still get your protein from eggs, chicken and beef. I eat hard boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. I also eat poached eggs if I can get pasteurized eggs (Egg story in NTUC).

6. I make my own veg fruit juice as the ones outside has a lot of sugar. PCOS gave me insulin problems. My green juice has 1 Apple, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 cup kale, 1/2 cup spinach and a few pieces of arugula (hate them and it’s bitter). I don’t drink it daily although my doc recommends daily. I do it once every 2 days.. I use air tight glass bottles so I can make a few at one go. Sometimes, if there are cheap pomegranates or cranberries.. I drink apple + pomegranates + cranberries + orange + carrot + grapefruit. There are a lot of combos you can do.

7. Don’t use cooking oil, corn oil, soy oil. Olive oil is not for frying too. I use grape seed oil or avocado oil. You can use ghee too.

8. Cleaning/household stuff - Changed all to plant based cleaners. Most products contain chemicals and the biggest being chlorine (very bad). It doesn’t need to be very expensive and you can diy to save cost. White distilled vinegar works wonders but the smell sucks so I use with essential oils (2-3 drops). I keep simple oils around like lemon or anything citrus.. pine/mint for the toilet. Baking soda (no smell) is a great cleaning agent too and very cheap. You can google recipes. I use baking soda to wash my fruits and vegetables (buy organic if you can).

9. Soaps/Shampoos/Skincare - All changed to plantbased and vegan. For soap I like Dr Bronners. Shampoo I’ve yet to find a totally clean one so I’m just using Burt’s Bees baby mixed with a little dr bronners. Skincare I’m using Osea and Valentia (delivers to sg and affordable). Make up I’m using 100% pure, Naked Poppy and Crunchi. You can’t change all at once, I change them bit by bit.

10. I stopped using non stick pans... all are chemically coated.. including like those diamond ware whatever. I use only stainless steel, corningware, glass, cast iron (le creuset if you can afford it or simply lodge which is cheap in the US). Don’t need a lot, just like a frying pan, small and big pot..

11. I take filtered water. I bought a reverse osmosis filter in the US.. Initial cost is abt 250 usd for a year. Thereafter, cartridges are 100+ usd a year.

12. My vitamins are now from Mary Ruth Organics. I take the daily multivitamin (contains all the vitamins u need including folate) and add the probiotic drops (it’s cheaper than drinking a bottle of yakult daily which contains sugar). I showed a few sg specialists and they all say it’s good. I also have the night one cuz I do not sleep well at times. I also take the turmeric gummy (it tastes super good).

Some changes took time to implement. Basically my entire change took me a year. Thinking back, it’s all worth it. Doctors are now surprised that my PCOS has improved so much.
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I work in the US and therefore had the chance to do some bloodwork (bloodtests) to test for toxin load in my body (chlorine, mercury, heavy metals etc). During that time, I was really frustrated as doctors just kept telling me I am stressed but couldn’t tell me what to do. However, I was really ok at work and wasn’t like exactly stressed. Honestly, you won’t need bloodwork to tell you that you have toxins in your body. It is a fact that we all have... The air we breathe, the water we drink.. The chemicals that is all floating all around. All of these enter through our pores and body. You cannot get rid of it 100% but you can still reduce it very significantly.

These are the major steps I take:
1. Stopped using plastic as much as I can (if it’s takeaway food usually no choice). However, I rarely eat takeaway food. Never ever heat food in plastic.

2. Majority of my meals are home prepared. My diet also consist of more vegetables (I don’t eat raw and hate salad fyi) and fruits. My diet contains more whole grains like quinoa, brown rice, wild rice, red rice, lentils and beans. All can be found in the organic section. Dishes are very simple like lentil soup, lentil curry soup, black bean patties, lentils and tomatoes.. Wild rice chicken soup.. quinoa sweet potatoes curry patties (turmeric is very 8. .. Quinoa with like avocados and squeeze of lime (can add tomatoes and red onions). Chinese coriander is very good for detox of heavy metals.. All my food always contain some of it, you only need a few pieces if you hate the taste. Can find all these in the NTUC organic section or iherb. Sunflower seeds (luteal phase) and pumpkin seeds (follicular phase) used for balancing of hormones in different phases. I love dark choc too which is a good thing too. I eat other nuts too like Brazil nuts.. almond nuts, cashew nuts.. walnuts (snacks).

3. I love fish and seafood and that’s the culprit of the high mercury and heavy metals level. Now, I only take wild caught fish (swim in the sea). Those cheap Norwegian salmon you see in the supermarket are farmed.. which is bad. I cut down on other seafood and buy wild caught whenever I can find. Once in a while I’m guilty but rarely.

4. I still take meat but not pork. If I take chicken.. I buy organic in the US and kampung in Singapore. Basically, you just want to avoid antibiotics chicken. As for beef, I only take grass fed (QB food in sg has grass fed).

5. I was diagnosed with pretty bad PCOS then. As a result of this, I cut down a lot on soy. I still eat tofu, but only organic and sprouted tofu. And.. It’s not everyday.. only when I crave for it. You can still get your protein from eggs, chicken and beef. I eat hard boiled eggs or scrambled eggs. I also eat poached eggs if I can get pasteurized eggs (Egg story in NTUC).

6. I make my own veg fruit juice as the ones outside has a lot of sugar. PCOS gave me insulin problems. My green juice has 1 Apple, 1 orange, 1 lemon, 1 cup kale, 1/2 cup spinach and a few pieces of arugula (hate them and it’s bitter). I don’t drink it daily although my doc recommends daily. I do it once every 2 days.. I use air tight glass bottles so I can make a few at one go. Sometimes, if there are cheap pomegranates or cranberries.. I drink apple + pomegranates + cranberries + orange + carrot + grapefruit. There are a lot of combos you can do.

7. Don’t use cooking oil, corn oil, soy oil. Olive oil is not for frying too. I use grape seed oil or avocado oil. You can use ghee too.

8. Cleaning/household stuff - Changed all to plant based cleaners. Most products contain chemicals and the biggest being chlorine (very bad). It doesn’t need to be very expensive and you can diy to save cost. White distilled vinegar works wonders but the smell sucks so I use with essential oils (2-3 drops). I keep simple oils around like lemon or anything citrus.. pine/mint for the toilet. Baking soda (no smell) is a great cleaning agent too and very cheap. You can google recipes. I use baking soda to wash my fruits and vegetables (buy organic if you can).

9. Soaps/Shampoos/Skincare - All changed to plantbased and vegan. For soap I like Dr Bronners. Shampoo I’ve yet to find a totally clean one so I’m just using Burt’s Bees baby mixed with a little dr bronners. Skincare I’m using Osea and Valentia (delivers to sg and affordable). Make up I’m using 100% pure, Naked Poppy and Crunchi. You can’t change all at once, I change them bit by bit.

10. I stopped using non stick pans... all are chemically coated.. including like those diamond ware whatever. I use only stainless steel, corningware, glass, cast iron (le creuset if you can afford it or simply lodge which is cheap in the US). Don’t need a lot, just like a frying pan, small and big pot..

11. I take filtered water. I bought a reverse osmosis filter in the US.. It cost abt 250 usd yearly.

12. My vitamins are now from Mary Ruth Organics. I take the daily multivitamin (contains all the vitamins u need including folate) and add the probiotic drops (it’s cheaper than drinking a bottle of yakult daily which contains sugar). I showed a few sg specialists and they all say it’s good. I also have the night one cuz I do not sleep well at times. I also take the turmeric gummy (it tastes super good).

Some changes took time to implement. Basically my entire change took me a year. Thinking back, it’s all worth it. Doctors are now surprised that my PCOS has improved so much.
13. I take sea salt bath (90 cents usd for 1 bottle) with a few iodine drops too. It is called “Hygiene Bath” and good for detoxing radiation (I fly a lot). I do this once every 2 weeks or after a very long flight. I also do a detox bath with Aztec clay (1 big bottle 15 usd), only need 2 tbsp each use.. I drop some lavender in to help me relax. There are other ways to detox too.. Sauna.. Steam bath.. Exercise.

14. Drink lots of fluid (water)... Half your body weight daily.

15. I complement with some TCM. I do not have the privilege of sinseh in the US but I take Chinese herbs. For instance, Ba Zhen after menses. I also take ginger longan red dates tea, red bean soup. Other herbs like dang gui and packaged herbs bought from SG which is pregnancy friendly (just in case I get pregnant I won’t want to cause a miscarriage).
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I also share a similar journey. Diagnosed with PCOS couple of years back. That time we were not actively trying to conceive but also not preventing. Since last 1yr we have been trying actively and also started consulting doctor. I have already tried 5 cycles of Letrozole and ovulated but no pregnancy. This cycle I am doing SO-IUI at kkh. Tomorrow 1st follicular scan on CD6.
May I know how did you discover about the environmental toxins? Can you also share the lifestyle changes you have done?
Good luck!!
This is the liquid daily vitamin I take and I chose it cuz it’s sugar free (PCOS usually have insulin problems). All the highlighted helps with egg quality. If hubby is willing to take it, it also contains zinc, vit c, amino acids, folate.. all these helps with sperm morphology and quality (but my husband refuses liquid so he takes tablet zinc and vit c and b complex which contains complex - Sperm count improved and morphology improved to borderline, motility not good). On top of that, it has been proven in medical journals that CoOQ10 helps too and Mary Ruth Organics have the gummies for it. It costs 37.50 usd per month (1 bottle 30-32 servings).


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This is the liquid daily vitamin I take and I chose it cuz it’s sugar free (PCOS usually have insulin problems). All the highlighted helps with egg quality. If hubby is willing to take it, it also contains zinc, vit c, amino acids, folate.. all these helps with sperm morphology and quality (but my husband refuses liquid so he takes tablet zinc and vit c and b complex which contains complex - Sperm count improved and morphology improved to borderline, motility not good). On top of that, it has been proven in medical journals that CoOQ10 helps too and Mary Ruth Organics have the gummies for it. It costs 37.50 usd per month (1 bottle 30-32 servings).
Hi ladies sorry this is totally out of topic but wanted to just share it to seek some opinion. I did my first iui cycle last month and had a chemical pregnancy. I did my blood tests to find out I am pregnant and son after 4 days my hcg dropped and I got my periods a week late. So is it ok to do another iui this cycle? Anyone had any experience. I am going to see the Dr next week she says she will leave it upto me if I want to do iui or try naturally this cycle. But she does suggest to try and not skip this cycle.
Hi ladies sorry this is totally out of topic but wanted to just share it to seek some opinion. I did my first iui cycle last month and had a chemical pregnancy. I did my blood tests to find out I am pregnant and son after 4 days my hcg dropped and I got my periods a week late. So is it ok to do another iui this cycle? Anyone had any experience. I am going to see the Dr next week she says she will leave it upto me if I want to do iui or try naturally this cycle. But she does suggest to try and not skip this cycle.
Well that’s technically considered a miscarriage and might be over straining for the body. After my SO-IUI, I intend to complement English supplements and TCM supplements before attempting my next IVF or IUI (likely IVF as I am now mentally prepared). However, I wouldn’t try to stop any pregnancy either so I’ll just leave it as natural. That being said, it differs from body to body and only you will know your body best.
I also share a similar journey. Diagnosed with PCOS couple of years back. That time we were not actively trying to conceive but also not preventing. Since last 1yr we have been trying actively and also started consulting doctor. I have already tried 5 cycles of Letrozole and ovulated but no pregnancy. This cycle I am doing SO-IUI at kkh. Tomorrow 1st follicular scan on CD6.
May I know how did you discover about the environmental toxins? Can you also share the lifestyle changes you have done?
Good luck!!
This is another PCOS success story. She’s more hardcore than me though in terms of cleaning out toxins. I still can’t survive without WiFi for sure

I started complete and massive changes from Oct 2018. I had my follow up early Dec 2019. My gynae was confused with the pelvic scan and was like “don’t look like a PCOS patient”. When I heard that, I was secretly happy and grinned.

Approximate Timeline of Change
Oct 2018 - Started using water filter, changed all pots and pans and lunchboxes were all glass. Diet changes over the months. I started supplements and medication for insulin (prescribed by Doc - Metformin) too. I tried many supplements (with insitol, zinc, vit c etc for egg quality) and only started Mary Ruth much later (Nov 2019). TCM has been all along complementing but it’s some specially prescribed formula, I just took anything that was pregnancy safe and can help me to bu.

Jan 2019 - Cosmetics and facial care completely replaced. I was slowly replacing as I finished my remaining. Some I totally dumped out after checking the ingredients.

May 2019 - Took Letrozole as I wanted to try for pregnancy. Took a total of 4 cycles and ovulated. But out of the 2 cycles, hubby was travelling.

Aug 2019 - Moved house and managed to completely eliminate all bad house cleaning products. I had my new apartment completely cleaned multiple times with plant based products (include walls and ceiling).

Hubby never did a semen analysis until Dec 2019 but doc says it’s reasonable for his age but can be improved. Sperm Count 21 mil. Morphology 3. Motility 57%. Both morphology and motility need to improve. After sperm wash, Morphology was 4 and with 98% motility.. But only 5.7 mil post wash. Gonna change his supplements after we get back. He’s stubborn and only listens to the doc more. Gonna have him take the male supplement from Blue Stork which doc gave the go ahead.

Branch Basics is a EWG rated 1 product (extremely clean) but unfortunately it doesn’t deliver to SG. My friend says can use EZ Buy though.
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This is another PCOS success story. She’s more hardcore than me though in terms of cleaning out toxins. I still can’t survive without WiFi for sure

I started complete and massive changes from Oct 2018. I had my follow up early Dec 2019. My gynae was confused with the pelvic scan and was like “don’t look like a PCOS patient”. When I heard that, I was secretly happy and grinned.

Approximate Timeline of Change
Oct 2018 - Started using water filter, changed all pots and pans and lunchboxes were all glass. Diet changes over the months. I started supplements and medication for insulin (prescribed by Doc - Metformin) too. I tried many supplements (with insitol, zinc, vit c etc for egg quality) and only started Mary Ruth much later (Nov 2019). TCM has been all along complementing but it’s some specially prescribed formula, I just took anything that was pregnancy safe and can help me to bu.

Jan 2019 - Cosmetics and facial care completely replaced. I was slowly replacing as I finished my remaining. Some I totally dumped out after checking the ingredients.

May 2019 - Took Letrozole as I wanted to try for pregnancy. Took a total of 4 cycles and ovulated. But out of the 2 cycles, hubby was travelling.

Aug 2019 - Moved house and managed to completely eliminate all bad house cleaning products. I had my new apartment completely cleaned multiple times with plant based products (include walls and ceiling).

Hubby never did a semen analysis until Dec 2019 but doc says it’s reasonable for his age but can be improved. Sperm Count 21 mil. Morphology 3. Motility 57%. Both morphology and motility need to improve. After sperm wash, Morphology was 4 and with 98% motility.. But only 5.7 mil post wash. Gonna change his supplements after we get back. He’s stubborn and only listens to the doc more. Gonna have him take the male supplement from Blue Stork which doc gave the go ahead.

Branch Basics is a EWG rated 1 product (extremely clean) but unfortunately it doesn’t deliver to SG. My friend says can use EZ Buy though.
I actually did some of this.

Changed to glassware, no more plastic wares at home unless take away food.

Changed most make up items to organic ones and also kind of stopped using most of them unless needed. Kind of helped with my sensitive skin condition and also frequent eye sty.

Tough to distance phone, but stopped keeping it next to me while sleeping and no laptops on the body.

Quite picky with handwash, detergents as well due to sensitive skin issue.
I actually did some of this.

Changed to glassware, no more plastic wares at home unless take away food.

Changed most make up items to organic ones and also kind of stopped using most of them unless needed. Kind of helped with my sensitive skin condition and also frequent eye sty.

Tough to distance phone, but stopped keeping it next to me while sleeping and no laptops on the body.

Quite picky with handwash, detergents as well due to sensitive skin issue.
Yea hand phones are the most difficult. I put it for away and on airplane mode. However, I still left WiFi switched on.. cuz on and off damn troublesome. I change bit by bit. Don’t get too stressed up with changing everything all at one go
Yea hand phones are the most difficult. I put it for away and on airplane mode. However, I still left WiFi switched on.. cuz on and off damn troublesome. I change bit by bit. Don’t get too stressed up with changing everything all at one go
That’s a major lifestyle change. Changing bit by bit is the key. Your post is very informative.
My SOIUI cycle got cancelled. 1st scan on CD6 (today) revealed that there is a fluid filled cyst in right ovary. So doctor ordered for blood work and concluded that I have already ovulated. But as CD6 is too early, so It could be a really really late ovulation from last cycle. But Doctor says that’s difficult to know. In his words “ it’s a messed up cycle” so let’s not continue and wait for next cycle. :(
That’s a major lifestyle change. Changing bit by bit is the key. Your post is very informative.
It is major when you do it all at once. Remember never to stress yourself up over lifestyle change and do it bit by bit. It adds up along the way.
My SOIUI cycle got cancelled. 1st scan on CD6 (today) revealed that there is a fluid filled cyst in right ovary. So doctor ordered for blood work and concluded that I have already ovulated. But as CD6 is too early, so It could be a really really late ovulation from last cycle. But Doctor says that’s difficult to know. In his words “ it’s a messed up cycle” so let’s not continue and wait for next cycle. :(
In that case, it might be better to tiao yang the body first and prepare for future cycles. I allowed my menses to regulate first before deciding on IUI. I have to admit I was a little impatient due to hubby age and decided on IUI right away before trying to do it naturally. In my opinion, no point to force the body if it’s not ready yet (which I felt mine was and hubby was still ok with the sperm results although not the best for him). Not saying I will be successful since there are too many other factors but I prefer to tackle the problems I have at hand first before proceeding to the next step. Otherwise the chance of failure is even higher.
The 2ww is seriously damn long. I’m on my 11th day post IUI and nearly all through the time, I’m bloated, feeling fatigue, body feels hot, tender breasts (sometimes painful) and pee quite often. I also had soft stool once every few days. Anyone experiencing such symptoms? When do you get signs of your menses if it fails?
The 2ww is seriously damn long. I’m on my 11th day post IUI and nearly all through the time, I’m bloated, feeling fatigue, body feels hot, tender breasts (sometimes painful) and pee quite often. I also had soft stool once every few days. Anyone experiencing such symptoms? When do you get signs of your menses if it fails?
I had all the symptoms u mentioned but iui failed. As of now day 14 post iui has yet to get menses n no symptoms yet.
Wondering you guys went for acupuncture during iui or ivf? Does it helps ?
I didn’t go for acupuncture but acupuncture is known to help with blood flow which is very important. I only took Chinese herbs to complement (tiao yang the body) and keep the womb warm.
Oh.. because gynae n nurse told me not to take any Chinese herbs. In case of conflict. I took clomid for 1st cycle but my body doesn't react at all. Den 2nd cycle he add on metformin and my eggs are growing. But no luck and plus lining abit thin. On 3rd cycle he add on another medication but still no luck. And this round he gave me puregon 75iu daily injection. I'm thinking if I should go for acupuncture
Oh.. because gynae n nurse told me not to take any Chinese herbs. In case of conflict. I took clomid for 1st cycle but my body doesn't react at all. Den 2nd cycle he add on metformin and my eggs are growing. But no luck and plus lining abit thin. On 3rd cycle he add on another medication but still no luck. And this round he gave me puregon 75iu daily injection. I'm thinking if I should go for acupuncture
Raffles complements with Chinese medicine. They have a Chinese medicine clinic.
Hi Ladies! I recalled there was a discussion on moving on from iui to ivf with kkh and once we trf to ivf we will not be considered subsidised patient (sorry I can't find the page from the thread). Can anyone advise on this?

Our first iui cycle failed and because my period will fall on cny and the next one in Feb I will be traveling I can't start my 2nd iui till March. Doctor also advised for us to see him first on 27 Feb before confirming on next steps but I'm concern there's alot of waiting time and it the event if we do decide to switch to ivf, I understand the waiting time at kkh ivf center is also months.

Was thinking to switch to nuh if the rates will be the same.

I believe once you are referred to KKIVF centre by a doctor, you are considered a private patient, and the doctor that referred you is supposed to see you through for retrieval and transfer (unless doctor is on leave). This is what I gather from the forum, cos for myself I am a private patient at KK from the start.

Maybe you can request for an earlier appointment date first, in order to get the referral? Also before doing IVF at KK, you need to attend a compulsory briefing session as well, which are on fixed dates.
Thank you!

I'm referred to kk from polyclinic and did my first cycle so iui with kkivf, is this considered private already?

I'm thinking if there's no difference since already private then thinking to switch to nuh instead so it's not such a long waiting time.
Thank you!

I'm referred to kk from polyclinic and did my first cycle so iui with kkivf, is this considered private already?

I'm thinking if there's no difference since already private then thinking to switch to nuh instead so it's not such a long waiting time.
Mine was the same. Refer to KK from polyclinic, then to KKIVF for IUI. It is considered private already according to the nurse. Cos that time they sent me an ultrasound invoice (i went for a scan to check if i can do next round IUI, but doc say cannot cos of cyst), then the invoice didnt have govt subsidy!! So i called them and ask why dont have - and they said as long as you step into KKIVF, then you are considered private patient alr.

Honestly i felt abit cheated leh. Cos if i am alr paying private costs, i could go private clinic! and KK was ex - i didnt manage to do the IUI process, so just for the injections before IUI, scans and blood tests, these alr added up to 1.8k. I recently went to thomson medical to enquire...it is 1k to 1.5k for the whole IUI treatment. like whatttttttt :(
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Yes I agree. I did the blood test cost me few hundreds. Hyfosy $500+. I went pte to ask for more advise. Each scan cost me $85 consultation $80. I think only consultation is cheaper compared kkh?

But if we do IVF at KKIVF there will be co funding $7700 right? Plus we can use cpf $6000 for first time.
Yes I agree. I did the blood test cost me few hundreds. Hyfosy $500+. I went pte to ask for more advise. Each scan cost me $85 consultation $80. I think only consultation is cheaper compared kkh?

But if we do IVF at KKIVF there will be co funding $7700 right? Plus we can use cpf $6000 for first time.
Yeah for IVF there is co funding. From 1 Jan 2020 onwards, IUI also have co-funding ($1,000). KK says that the IUI co-funding is only for 3 times usage. I am not familiar for IVF.
Thanks all. Another question.. If its considered private once I transfer to kkivf does it mean the cost is no difference with tmc and other private hospitals?
Thanks all. Another question.. If its considered private once I transfer to kkivf does it mean the cost is no difference with tmc and other private hospitals?
I changed to tmc from Kkh cuz really not much difference. I was a private patient since 5 years ago. It saved much more time also. But parking can be troublesome at tmc
Thanks all. Another question.. If its considered private once I transfer to kkivf does it mean the cost is no difference with tmc and other private hospitals?

Kkh can use govt cofunding in private/subsidies route together with medisave. Private hospital only can use medisave and the cost is much higher. This is the difference.
Oh.. because gynae n nurse told me not to take any Chinese herbs. In case of conflict. I took clomid for 1st cycle but my body doesn't react at all. Den 2nd cycle he add on metformin and my eggs are growing. But no luck and plus lining abit thin. On 3rd cycle he add on another medication but still no luck. And this round he gave me puregon 75iu daily injection. I'm thinking if I should go for acupuncture
Is the Puregon 75IU helping your lining and eggs grow? I think you need to first pinpoint your exact problem first. Clomid will thin your lining fyi. Also... your hubby has no issues (sperm count, motility and morphology).
Kkh can use govt cofunding in private/subsidies route together with medisave. Private hospital only can use medisave and the cost is much higher. This is the difference.
Does this mean if I go with private I won't be entitled to the new govt subsidy for iui/ivf and can only use medisave?
Is the Puregon 75IU helping your lining and eggs grow? I think you need to first pinpoint your exact problem first. Clomid will thin your lining fyi. Also... your hubby has no issues (sperm count, motility and morphology).

Gynae say lining is better with puregon compare taking clomid. Eggs are ready and will proceed my first iui on Thursday.
Hi guys, I am looking at IUI too. Went for first appointment ytd at KKH with Dr Khong. Thought we could quickly do all the tests and scans and start the process soon. But looks like with all the tests and consultation, can only start 2 months later. Just to check, how co-funding for IUI is done in KKH?
Hi, may I check for the blood test at DPO19, do you get results instantly if you are pregnant? Or need to still wait a few days? Thanks!

Hi gals

Appreciate if someone can advise me. First time doing IUI and not sure about the procedures. Kinda confused and lost.

I saw Dr Stephen Chew on Tuesday for a scan thereafter he arranged an IUI on Sat. He didn't say much and just sent me for HIV test and to the clinic of human reproduction (CHR) for counselling. CHR passed me a jab and informed that i have to self jab today before the IUI proceudre.

Further to this, Dr Chew didn't prescribe any medicine/supplements but asked me to purchase Coq10 and Nicotinamide Riboside (not cheap $69.90 for 10 days dosage) from watson and to take 600mg dosage each per day. The sale lady said no one will take 600mg and it's way over dose.. did the doctor prescribe correctly or not? Beside the Coq10 and Nicotinaminde, im taking Selenium, Vit D, Folic Acid and thyroid and it seem like so many pills to swallow now :(

Is it normal? Anyone has been through the same as me?
