How and when do you break the news?


New Member
Just for fun and reference - how do you break the good news of your pregnancy to family members, friends, or even partner?

And when do you do it?


Actually my hubby is the 1st person who suspect my pregnancy, i didn't even notice about it. :p

I break the news to my family, boss and some of my close friends in my 14 weeks.
I think on the safe end, a lot would choose to break the news after the first trimester, as there is a superstition that some babies are very choosy/picky, so if you break the news too early, they are jealous, and you will suffer a miscarriage. That is my hearsay from friends.
i told hubby.
he could not absorb the news for some time.
and i only told him. my mil manage to guess that i was pregnant.
I actually share it with my husband on whats' app due to his busy schedule and he called immediately with joy haha... it was quite a moment though. I break the news in my office after 3 months due to the tradition with pizza spread celebration and they will very happy for me :)
With #2, i woke hubby up with a pee stick early in the morning. This was not planned so we were in shock for a while.. Just stared at the ceiling wondering how we gonna handle since our bto not finished yet :p but now we are happy as can be.. Those things we can work out.

I just sent the ultrasound photo to my mum. No explanation needed
Exactly. I am still in my 1st trimester with all my girlfriends asking every time I complain of anything at all!
I still do not know the appropriate reply to all these questioning but I do not want to lie.

me: today bad day - stomach not doing so well
she: are you pregnant?

me: this noodles not that nice leh..
she: are you pregnant?

me: wah need to walk so far?
she: are you pregnant?


I think on the safe end, a lot would choose to break the news after the first trimester, as there is a superstition that some babies are very choosy/picky, so if you break the news too early, they are jealous, and you will suffer a miscarriage. That is my hearsay from friends.
I am the first amongst my sibs to be expecting.
I took my mum away from our family dinner for a while and showed her my ultrasound - she teared! :confused:

With #2, i woke hubby up with a pee stick early in the morning. This was not planned so we were in shock for a while.. Just stared at the ceiling wondering how we gonna handle since our bto not finished yet :p but now we are happy as can be.. Those things we can work out.

I just sent the ultrasound photo to my mum. No explanation needed
